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One on one fight turns into a huge brawl at the trailer park.
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12,112 views May 26, 2022

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Serial Killer Omega 23,747 points
Garbage boring video
+6 votes
May 26, 2022
sayaksark Advanced 2,762 points
u dumb idiot...nothing else to comment bitch?
Sum Dum Phuc Famous 3,486 points
A bunch of fucking illiterate, low IQ pikeys.
+7 votes
May 26, 2022
LoonyBinJimmy Intermediate 1,181 points
Fuck off, you dog eater
Sum Dum Phuc Famous 3,486 points
It tastes and smells better than your mom's pussy.
These inbred american hill billy morons can buy guns legally without any problems. What a great country.
+8 votes
May 26, 2022
Because our Constitution guarantees us that right. Study your history, you ignorant uneducated buffoon.
SeXthDiMeNsIoN Overlord 5,401 points
What shithole city is this? America's 3rd world favela shit going on right there I tell ya.
+7 votes
May 26, 2022
LoonyBinJimmy Intermediate 1,181 points
Shut your dirty mouth, you child molester! Stop acting smart, you lonely loser
Definitely not San Fransicko because this video is obviously somewhere not being affected by the worst droughts and fires on earth being caused by Adolf Newsom's incompetence. This must be somewhere in Appalachia, the region that both sides of the American political divide love to hate. Of course nowhere on earth is nearly as viciously hated and despised as Adolf Newsom's much worse hellhole state!
diedinjuly Veteran 11,683 points
the worst example of my race. pretty disgusting tbh
+7 votes
May 26, 2022
I'm not white but i still feel bad for white people in our viciously anti-white society nowadays. No one deserves to be hated and bullied 24/7 by leftist vermin for their skin colour. I have white friends and they're not pure evil at all. I love people of all backgrounds. I don't judge people by their ethnicity; only for the content of their character.
TURMPFCUKEDGAOTS Natural Addict 7,806 points
"White people aren't poor"
+6 votes
May 26, 2022
I'm not white but I see poor white people everywhere within Adolf Newsom's hellhole state. Thanks to Adolf, only an elite few are allowed to have money. The democrap party hates white people, which is why they take away all their money to give to BLM rioters.
chancho The Boss 28,952 points
and walmarts are full of these people
+6 votes
May 26, 2022
Yeah and I love it!
mindemon Advanced 2,446 points
I hate what the nigger culture has done to some white people.  These people should take pride in themselves for being while,  and stop acting like monkeys.  How embarrassing
+5 votes
May 26, 2022
FightForWhatsWhite Advanced 2,399 points
fuck off u nasty faggonian
spacewind Addicted 1,552 points
honestly, niggers aren't half as bad as mudslimes
FightForWhatsWhite Advanced 2,399 points
your women look like men XDXD have fun nigger
rejectedMonkey Well-Known 799 points
honestly i think you should finally embrace yourself and fight for what's right
Nigger Slayer Natural Addict 8,879 points
Nigget town
+5 votes
May 26, 2022
Lonetrader420 Intermediate 1,414 points
Why is this inbred shit on here
+5 votes
May 26, 2022
LoonyBinJimmy Intermediate 1,181 points
Those girls fighting better than those two pedofaggs: @LukaMagnotta and @SeXthDiMeNsIoN
+4 votes
May 26, 2022
LostSoulsSuxx Experienced 455 points
Proof that nigger is a state of mind, not a color of skin.
+6 votes
May 26, 2022
BrainDegeneracy Famous 3,012 points
Based comment.
BrainDegeneracy Famous 3,012 points
People just upload for the sake of uploading. Whack content.
+5 votes
May 26, 2022
FightForWhatsWhite Advanced 2,399 points
light skinned niggers
+5 votes
May 26, 2022
JackHammer Addicted 1,625 points
did we exspect something else from TrailerTrash.. ??
+5 votes
May 26, 2022
Killer on the road Natural Addict 8,570 points
most white trash have black fucks in the family, thats why they act like they do.
+5 votes
May 26, 2022
rejectedMonkey Well-Known 799 points
didn't know niggers are worth imitating
+5 votes
May 26, 2022
spacewind Addicted 1,552 points
they may be trash, but most of those girls are more than bangable
+5 votes
May 26, 2022
Swagger21 Experienced 312 points
stupid white cunts
+5 votes
May 26, 2022
GOREMONGER Advanced 2,665 points
I think this is actually a camp site or something. Someone even mentions something about camping.
+5 votes
May 29, 2022
CountChance Veteran 10,016 points