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M1 Abrams vs sand niggers
Lol made in China
12,131 views Jun 4, 2022

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+2 votes
Jun 4, 2022
SeXthDiMeNsIoN Overlord 5,401 points
YOU: ^^^

Serial Killer Omega 23,745 points
Haha 4K
SeXthDiMeNsIoN Overlord 5,401 points
How many cocks can RedStir suck in 1 day? I'd say 1000 or more. You?
Serial Killer Omega 23,745 points
Bro he’s been sucking cock his whole life probably 3000
Paint_it_black_1234 Hacker 76,247 points
Fuck you no
SeXthDiMeNsIoN Overlord 5,401 points
Champion cocksucker award.

Serial Killer Omega 23,745 points
Serial Killer Omega 23,745 points
The cringe omg
im not redstir. honestly im convinced that Luka might be. He's always creeping on the Redstir youtube. He also uploaded edits and then deleted them. I'm Sushi Baka or Gerbilwhiffer88

also redstir is a fag and likes pedopehlia like both of you, so i dont see why you're hating on your own kind.
Serial Killer Omega 23,745 points
I like how he responds when someone calls him RedStir instantly lol
Serial Killer Omega 23,745 points
He called himself a faggot hahahaha
Exactly what I'm saying. How the fuck would you have one of RedStirs pictures. you ARE redstir. Damn.. fuck i never even thought of that. Good fucking Job redstir you had me fooled as fuck lol
Paint_it_black_1234 Hacker 76,247 points
I support Luka! Slava Luka
Lmao. I'm Sushi Baka but I like how you're trying to turn the attention away from you because you are being exposed and because you have this cock sucker sixthdimension on your side you feel cool and empowered for once. I see why you have no friends. You are really as lame as they come.
Serial Killer Omega 23,745 points
If you do reverse image search that picture will not show on any other website.
Serial Killer Omega 23,745 points
You literally linked ur on YouTube channel that’s how I found it lol retard
it's not my youtube you stupid fuck i don't know how to edit videos and also that is not a screenshot becasuse the screenshot wouldnt have come out that clear
Serial Killer Omega 23,745 points
I have an iPhone 12 dumbass ur trying so hard to lie it’s hilarious lol
i just went through all of those videos and not of them have that image.
SeXthDiMeNsIoN Overlord 5,401 points
So who the fuck is Nebelwerfer or whatever that fuck that name is? Why is it so fucking hard to find the truth? It's all lies and deception here. Each alt has its own prose and syntax making it difficult to discern. I'm starting to think I don't really care anymore.
You're trying to hard to keep up with your lies. Lmao. Clearly you are full of shit and the proof is that, that image is not in any of those videos and i dont give a fuck what phone you have the image wouldn't be that clear. Fag. Lol You are a terrible liar dude. Just stop.
Serial Killer Omega 23,745 points
You uploaded the video u retard omg ur actually retarded it’s hilarious
Nebelwerfer is the german guy i think that was rolling balls and raving and we made edits of him to fuck with him. I haven't seen him recently
Serial Killer Omega 23,745 points
Man the person u just mentioned is that RedStir clown don’t even listen he’s retarded hahahaha
Serial Killer Omega 23,745 points
RedStir RedStir and RedStir clown
you still haven't provided any proof of where you got that image from, fag. You're just babbling and lying
Serial Killer Omega 23,745 points
Ur YouTube account u linked dumbass ur boring as fuck
Still a bunch of spewing bullshit. Where did you get that picture from Luka?
Serial Killer Omega 23,745 points
Ur YouTube account u fucking moron
show me where on that youtube channel you found that image Luka
Serial Killer Omega 23,745 points
U deleted the video and u now act like omg how did he get that image he’s RedStir dumbass
Serial Killer Omega 23,745 points
And now he will respond with no I didn’t delete the video what a complete tool lol
Serial Killer Omega 23,745 points
The video u just deleted to make it seem like I’m RedStir retard lol
Serial Killer Omega 23,745 points
100% proof that ur a lying clown
Serial Killer Omega 23,745 points
That video he just deleted with that image in it btw to make it seem like I’m RedStir lol what a complete retard he’s dumb asf
Serial Killer Omega 23,745 points
And exact proof he’s him he won’t reply now because I just exposed him for being RedStir hahahaha retard lol lol
SeXthDiMeNsIoN Overlord 5,401 points
There was only 4 videos on that account the entire time. I've been watching it. Yes I am the bobby boushay account. You can't even keep up with your lies. That youtube channel has only had 4 videos the entire time not 5 AGAIN THE PICTURE WOULDN'T COME OUT THAT CLEAR SCREEN SHOTTED FROM A VIDEO ON A PHONE. You are fucking TERRIBLE ay lying and trying to keep up with them. Go take your pills dude. I'm convinced now that YOU are actually RedStir because it's starting to make clear fucking sense.
Serial Killer Omega 23,745 points
There’s his essay long excuse look hahahaha
Serial Killer Omega 23,745 points
You just deleted the video u fucking moron
Serial Killer Omega 23,745 points
Look how cringe u are hahahaha
Serial Killer Omega 23,745 points
Look guys it’s not a “screenshot” I’m a retardddd yes it is dumbass from ur own video u linked
Dude, you really have problems. I'm done giving you the attention you so badly crave. You are one weird son of a bitch and still have no proof to show where you got that picture from.
Serial Killer Omega 23,745 points
“I have problems” u have been replying to my comments for hours u abused dog
Serial Killer Omega 23,745 points
“I have no proof” a literal screenshot from ur own video u linked dumbassssss
What you just posted is a screenshot of the original picture you posted.. you really are retarded.. i am amazed by how dumb you actually are. Wow
SeXthDiMeNsIoN Overlord 5,401 points
Is this RedStir's real account?  If so, going through some older posts it really doesn't seem like Luka, like there's no comments that Luka would write. I'm more confused now.
Serial Killer Omega 23,745 points
U are one dumb bitch lmfao a clear screenshot from ur own video u deleted u dumb son of a bitch lol
Serial Killer Omega 23,745 points
Yep that’s the clowns account he got banned tho lol
Serial Killer Omega 23,745 points
Told u lol of course I’m not that clown
Also it's funny I commented on that redstir youtube account and... who comes along and comments RIGHT after? Bradlay aka Luka... You aren't fooling anyone anymore. Lmao. Dude just shut the fuck up already you are terrible at lying. Again that is not my youtube and again the channel has only had 4 vidieos the entire time ive been watching it. You have no other excuse as to why you have a clear ass fucking day picture with redstir written on it other than trying to say it came from a video that was deleted. Dude, i'd really like to beat you ass for being a fake fuck boy
Serial Killer Omega 23,745 points
I explained it all you know and I know now shut the fuck up u got exposed lol dumbass
Yeah no Idea anymore SeXthdimension someone has multiple personalities though. All i know is im Sushi Baka and i miss the old days. I'm leaving this website. idk who redstir actually is but i hope whoever emailed livegore gets this luka account banned. if not then i'll just have to take a week out to make a bunch of alt accounts and flag his shit myself. that's how he keeps getting peoples accounts banned by flagging them from differrent accounts. there is no other way he could get accounts banned. i know how this website works
SeXthDiMeNsIoN Overlord 5,401 points
What I don't get is WHY RedStir was banned. Why the account shows that he only registered only 4 months ago? I seen that account uploaded something only a few months ago. The real RedStir account has a lot more points than 323. Then there's another clone account here:
Nobody is being exposed here but you. You have even uploaded RedStir edits from your account and then deleted them. There are tons of witnesses. You're weird dude. I'm out. Still no proof of where you got a clear fucking redstir picture edit other than your excuse "iTs fRoM a ViDeO YoU dElEtEd" you are one strange son of a bitch my nigga
Serial Killer Omega 23,745 points
Yeah I don’t know lol he’s cringe as fuck
Serial Killer Omega 23,745 points
Ur a fucking clown I’m done with this conversation I’m. Being reported to fucking Miami detectives hahahaha hahahaha hahahaha I’m crying
it's one of the one's luka made, here if you copy and paste this you will see that there is some kind of space behind the name that's how i was able to Replicate the LukaMagnotta account "RedStir ㅤ " copy a few cm behind the name and you will see a space that you can copy

also sexthdimension urdaughterdoesanal has caught luka slipping up also message him in private chat he can explain to you
Serial Killer Omega 23,745 points
U said u are “out” then leave retard clown lol I’m not reading  ur 105 word essays lol
Serial Killer Omega 23,745 points
Ur so fucking hilarious hahahahahah I’m being reported to the Miami detectives lmfaooooo
Serial Killer Omega 23,745 points
Jeez he’s retarded hahahaha what a dumbass hopefully he kills himself
reported to the miami detectives? what the fuck are you talking about? you're weird my nigga. You are boring as fuck.
Serial Killer Omega 23,745 points
You said that urself dumbass I’m scared hahahahahah leave now u obsessed dog
Serial Killer Omega 23,745 points
U won’t do shit lol
SeXthDiMeNsIoN Overlord 5,401 points
Fuck man, you both make convincing arguments. IF Luka is RedStir, what would that mean? RedStir is still another user. I want to know who really runs this shit here! Who are the Admin(s) and moderator(s) (if any)? Does he/she/they post here? Do they post among us? I would think there are about 25 similar gore sites out there, each with their unique flavor and user base. I remember Ogrish/LiveLeak, towards the end they were posting NewsFlare YT stuff. Isis and beheading videos were banned which LG recently adopted as well. The founders/co-founders said they decided to shut it down and that it was enough.

I don't know much about LiveGore other than it was created in 2016. I seen a snapshot page in August 2016 which looks virtually  unchanged. There's about 500 daily visitors. Sometimes I wonder if it's the same 10 users posting with alt accounts or posting anonymously.  There's ads on these pages so there is some revenue generated, possibly $50 to $100 a day. This site may have been called ShockGore at some point and seeing they were hacked years back with the message 'Hello ShockGore, your database is ours. From a Twitter user named anthraxxsec and could possibly explain why they are now using Cloudflare.
Serial Killer Omega 23,745 points
I’m not man Jesus lol he’s just trying to fool u he is lmao don’t believe a word of that clown out of my 130+ videos I’ve uploaded never anime faggot videos I don’t care and don’t have time for that
Serial Killer Omega 23,745 points
I have no clue about who are the admins
Serial Killer Omega 23,745 points
LiveGore is retarded lol just go to Deathaddict it has a paywall and u don’t have clowns like this on the website I’m going there in the future
Message Urdaughterdoes anal Sexthdimenion he can give you his side of it also. I'm not sure if Luka is Redstir but i know they are a fag
nah bro shockgore was just up recently
Serial Killer Omega 23,745 points
Literally no one gives a fuck u said u we’re gonna go now bye dumbass hopefully u kill Yourself please god lol
Serial Killer Omega 23,745 points
Thank fuck other sites have pay walls to keep morons out like yourself please please lol yourself tonight please god lol
You're lame as fuck. Lmao
Serial Killer Omega 23,745 points
Report me already please hahahaha I’m crying
Serial Killer Omega 23,745 points
Do it now
Serial Killer Omega 23,745 points
I hate everyone youll know how much soon
What the hell is this sissy shit I'm sitting here watching a documentary about my main man Ted bundy and reading this shit thinking what the fuck do you think Ted bundy would get such a high body count if he fucked around all day crying hell no he went out and made bitches cry now take a hint fucks go outside abduct a bitch or 2 dam
Knee Grr Beginner 230 points
lol sorry redstir
Natural Addict 8,472 points
Wow.. That is.. Cool.. Very destructive, I like it
0 votes
Jun 4, 2022
Nigger Slayer Natural Addict 8,879 points
Yes indeed not even m1 Abrams is strong enough to stand up with a missile guided missile thingy probably funded by the Russian aka ISIS
Natural Addict 8,472 points
Guided missles are OP
Nigger Slayer Natural Addict 8,879 points
Yes, indeed im very sadden when the United States Marine Corps are disbanding its 3 tank division cuz probably tanks are just sitting ducks if not moving forward and maneuver through out the beaches if the war in the pacific is yet to occurred
are17 Landed Knights 183,214 points
made in china inventions are literal papers.
+3 votes
Jun 4, 2022
RadioActivv 75 points
+3 votes
Jun 4, 2022
ShutTheFuckUpAnomaly 66 points
Yo the fuck going on in the comments.
+3 votes
Jun 17, 2022