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Burnt Alive

A Man Gets Burnt Alive While Rapped In A Mattress

39,874 views Jul 18, 2022

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are17 Landed Knights 183,096 points
What a creative execution.. He is going to lie comfortably and then burn comfortably.
+17 votes
Jul 18, 2022
Lana1999 Natural Addict 9,284 points
Snooze Time
NIGGER DETECTED Natural Addict 7,619 points
he sleeps well
Bobby The Blade Overlord 5,871 points
That's a terrible death, and I know what that must have felt like.
Just today I mowed the lawn midday, and it was so hot! I had to stop and come inside for water.
StelioStelioKantos Advanced 2,657 points
They could’ve at least given him a pillow on fire.
Uhlohdvkfski Experienced 465 points
How do you feel watching this ??
KMDisciples67 The Boss 36,160 points
They always cut these videos too short
+11 votes
Jul 18, 2022
Lana1999 Natural Addict 9,284 points
Yeah they do
JGMOJO67 The Boss 31,802 points
What a bunch of nice guys. He said he was cold and tired, they made him a special bed and kept him warm!
+11 votes
Jul 18, 2022
Lana1999 Natural Addict 9,284 points
How sweet of them!
Bring hitler back Addicted 1,959 points
dude... they're able to do this to him in broad daylight inside the prison yard. That's scary
+8 votes
Jul 18, 2022
Lana1999 Natural Addict 9,284 points
That’s the world for ya
RETEP Intermediate 1,106 points
That's Brazil for ya
ShyTransCat Overlord 6,564 points
Must have done something pretty bad to warrant this, then again this is the Middle East so who knows!
+6 votes
Jul 18, 2022
Lana1999 Natural Addict 9,284 points
I’ve read that this was in Brazil apparently but I’m thinking it might be the Middle East (guessing Iraq, Iran, Syria or Yemen)
SmallTestine Overlord 4,820 points
Always, just after a few seconds, they give up and stop moving, can any1 explain why?
+5 votes
Jul 18, 2022
FD Advanced 2,795 points
When the skin is burned, you can no longer feel the pain.
SmallTestine Overlord 4,820 points
Does it have to do something with the synapse?
NaziMolester__antifa Addicted 1,660 points
No, your nerve endings have been destroyed  in combination with adrenaline and shock  you will not its clear that this effect is only temporary because ive seen people getting burned "slower" get second wind and start screaming
brix Advanced 2,870 points
what a huge audience
+5 votes
Jul 18, 2022
NaziMolester__antifa Addicted 1,660 points
I honestly don't know why they keep animals like these locked up. Beasts like this who hold another human down while burning alive are the scum of the planet

South america will remain a shithole until one of you takes a machine gun turret and starts spraying every moving thing in that prison
+5 votes
Jul 18, 2022
232Bas Veteran 11,015 points
+2 votes
Jul 18, 2022
BadgerFromTheYNC CEO 50,448 points
nice burn
+3 votes
Jul 19, 2022
Shit_Cock137 Natural Addict 8,401 points
Lol these fuckin' South American Prisons always out of control. What a bunch of shitholes. I think even the African Prisons are superior and that says a lot.
0 votes
Sep 9, 2022
mordax Well-Known 865 points
+1 vote
Jan 25, 2023
Bobby The Blade Overlord 5,871 points
So, this is what prisoners do to one of their own? YIKES!
+1 vote
Jan 30, 2023
Uhlohdvkfski Experienced 465 points
I am passionate about angry crowds willing to burn. My always favorite genre of gore.
0 votes
Oct 24, 2024
Lana1999 Natural Addict 9,284 points