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TURMPFCUKEDGAOTS the gay nigger pedo gets PWNED by a little nigger

Everyone knows that @TURMPFCUKEDGAOTS is a faggity pedophile that can't live within a mile of male children as he likes licking little boys taints.

6,744 views Jul 23, 2022

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JGMOJO67 The Boss 31,827 points
I bet @TURMPFCUKEDGAOTS and @gjmojo67 get together and fuck each other in the keester like a couple of homo fags.
+5 votes
Jul 23, 2022
NIGGER DETECTED Natural Addict 7,635 points
@TURMPFCUKEDGAOTS @gjmojo67 and @NaziMolester__antifa having a threesome (STDs included)
NaziMolester__antifa Addicted 1,660 points
we would only have a threesome if paytons saggy white ass was included. White yetis are good for nothing but being a black mans sex doll
NIGGER DETECTED Natural Addict 7,635 points
I bet you rape your siblings @TURMPFCUKEDGAOTS and @gjmojo67 everyday, right?
NaziMolester__antifa Addicted 1,660 points
No, only the white man is of need of a good raping... it will humble him.
JGMOJO67 The Boss 31,827 points
100% true
JGMOJO67 The Boss 31,827 points
@NaziMolester__antifa you're obviously a BLM lesbian rug muncher supporting fake ass woke nigger shit pedo faggit.
JGMOJO67 The Boss 31,827 points
You know they do. Most niggers are homosexual, that's why they wear their pants low like faggots waiting to take a cock.
NIGGER DETECTED Natural Addict 7,635 points
Niggers are oficially white men bitches @NaziMolester__Antifa
NaziMolester__antifa Addicted 1,660 points
"blm lesbian rug muncher" -- just because you slap words together doesn't make it funny or a diss. You really got the IQ of a doornail but that is on par with you people.
NaziMolester__antifa Addicted 1,660 points
kurt and george are two inbred fucks born out in the middle off the sticks.... they watch fox news everyday and call libreals crazy while they scream about a different rage topic every week... lets go through a couple, Election fraud? Next! transgender swimmer? Next! BLM? Next! Abortion? Next!

I have a real question for you two fuckheads i want you to answer... does it ever get boring giving a fuck about other people so much?
Mario's BrotherLuigi Overlord 4,593 points
Niggers get killed merely for being black, I mean, they are literally mutants, their skin is so fucking ugly, every time I spot a ferocious nigger, or a nigger at all, I am disgusted
NIGGER DETECTED Natural Addict 7,635 points
@NaziMolester__antifa Lmao at least we're not feminists or those special snowflakes that also scream/cry about every ridicule shit
NIGGER DETECTED Natural Addict 7,635 points
Braindead libtard duh
Mario's BrotherLuigi Overlord 4,593 points
I hate libtards
gjmojo67 The Boss 35,914 points
Boring. White folks come from lepers fool.You think you look good because of your skin?Come on now. I wish you repeat what you said word for word to your boss at work fool. You probably smile in the black's faces and run home to your computer.
gjmojo67 The Boss 35,914 points
Come on Georgy, you know better than that. After all the black dick you suck you gonna call them gay because they let you swallow the gravy?
gjmojo67 The Boss 35,914 points
What nigger do you have as a bitch or are you just running your dick sucker?
NIGGER DETECTED Natural Addict 7,635 points
Well, i have many black bitches... @gjmojo67 for example
gjmojo67 The Boss 35,914 points
Why are you so mad about folks being pedophiles; There still is plenty left for you to get too just wait your turn.
NaziMolester__antifa Addicted 1,660 points
"atleast we are not snowflakes" but you are the biggest snowflakes around... always complaining and raging lol
Turd Ferguson Veteran 13,605 points
I hate those snowflake cunts. Always whining about how bad they have it and how oppressed they are. Yeah, you're 600 elbeez and on oxygen because you ate yourself that way, faggot, not because you're oppressed, and no, the airlines shouldn't have to widen their seats for your quarter-ton ass. Stop fucking eating and whining about it. The ones that fake mental disorders are just as bad. Okay Becky, we know you don't have DID even if you were molested on the set of a mustard commercial when you were nine. Stop pretending to be crazy.
NaziMolester__antifa Addicted 1,660 points
and you cry about a facemask.

the one thing i cant stand are hypocrites
Turd Ferguson Veteran 13,605 points
Bro, I've got no dog in this fight. I just wanted to bitch about whiny cunts. That wasn't directed towards you. And, whiny snowflake cunts come from both sides of the aisle. Crazy doesn't care what your race or political affiliations are, it's just fucking crazy.
JGMOJO67 The Boss 31,827 points
You are a piece of shit black what we call subhuman shitskin.  Your big flappy lips have probably serviced thousands of men. Your the most hated group on earth. Shithole countries -- they're always filled with black garbage.
Turd Ferguson Veteran 13,605 points
I don't have a problem with you either, I literally just wanted to bitch about whiny cunts. They're everywhere, you know.
NIGGER DETECTED Natural Addict 7,635 points
lmao he was talking to @NaziMolester__antifa
Mario's BrotherLuigi Overlord 4,593 points
Facts lmao
Turd Ferguson Veteran 13,605 points
Ugh, I am too high for this right now. Night dudes.
You wonder why is someone so mad about folks being pedophiles? Because he is one of them. It's so obvious. No one who is not very interested in this topic would mention it.  

He is even write this in his video description about "licking little boys taints".
Mind Goblin Advanced 2,954 points
Anonymous shut the fuck up bitch. You tried accusing me of being a pedo also for calling Luka out on it. Maybe you are a pedo also.
Fuckniggerss88 Addicted 1,907 points
brain tramaaa, yeah I like dead niggas
+5 votes
Jul 23, 2022
gjmojo67 The Boss 35,914 points
Sure you do faggot boy.
Fuckniggerss88 Addicted 1,907 points
i fuck more women ho you can see in your live so die black childnigger in you bed
TURMPFCUKEDGAOTS Natural Addict 7,808 points
Fuck White Trash
+5 votes
Jul 23, 2022
Fuckniggerss88 Addicted 1,907 points
fucking niggas die
gjmojo67 The Boss 35,914 points
You first please. Thanks.
Fuckniggerss88 Addicted 1,907 points
shut up black shit
NaziMolester__antifa Addicted 1,660 points
Im just going to say it from what i've observed... only pedo's call others pedos out of nowhere.
+3 votes
Jul 23, 2022
JGMOJO67 The Boss 31,827 points
Considering you have the brain of a squirrel, that doesn't mean much.
NaziMolester__antifa Addicted 1,660 points
lol projecting twice in a row... not a good look
Mind Goblin Advanced 2,954 points
You mean like the way you're doing right now?
NaziMolester__antifa Addicted 1,660 points
im not the one who called a person a pedo you fucking idiot senile fuck
Kalew The Boss 31,681 points
The cops watching a fight live ha ha ha
+4 votes
Jul 23, 2022
Natural Addict 8,474 points
Men fighting isn't as satisfying as women fighting
–3 votes
Jul 23, 2022
Turd Ferguson Veteran 13,605 points
Especially when it's more than hair-pulling and pathetic kicking.
MasterMike2021 Famous 4,405 points
Dang Los Angels is getting crazy.
+1 vote
Jul 24, 2022
executethepolice Beginner 128 points
"gay nigger pedo" Hey that's chancho
0 votes
Mar 20, 2023
UsernameAintShit 35 points
0 votes
Jun 27, 2023
mudbutt Overlord 5,052 points
0 votes
Jun 30, 2023
swagpoop Beginner 198 points
damn that was a slick takedown
0 votes
Jul 13, 2024
JGMOJO67 The Boss 31,827 points