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Child Warning! Little Girl Gets Shocked While Playing [Full Video]

Incident happend at Vietnam.

Her friends got shocked with reaction.

42,360 views Aug 18, 2022

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Sum Dum Phuc Famous 3,482 points
I don't usually laugh, but when that second gook got zapped, I burst out laughing.
+10 votes
Aug 18, 2022
are17 Landed Knights 183,187 points
lol, i didn't really expect that cause i didn't watch the full video. now that you mentioned it, that was stupidly funny and sad at the same time.
Sum Dum Phuc Famous 3,482 points
With the number of gooks about, I thought at least one more gook must pay the consequences, even though the kids did seem aware that she was being electrocuted, which was interesting. Gooks and Pajeets need to start investing in some shoes with rubber soles.
Kill Joe Biden
Visiongzusionix Natural Addict 7,717 points
Are you not a Gook ?
Hey,it'sCaleb! Extreme Poster 510 points
You got a funny way of spelling "people," my man. Just saying
Crimnt Famous 4,084 points
You must be the owner if that shit hole cause your last is Phuc and that's what's on the sign. Now you're really phucked you Vietnamese retard.
Gonzaga Famous 4,034 points
They die like insects.
DelbertGrady The Boss 39,087 points
Looks like east L.A.
+3 votes
Aug 18, 2022
Kyzuke Addicted 1,804 points
Not only one, but two dumb childs HAHAHa
+3 votes
Aug 18, 2022
sayaksark Advanced 2,754 points
go to school...learn English...not childs, its children
Hey,it'sCaleb! Extreme Poster 510 points
@Kyzuke Well yeah their brains are still developing, astute-Stanley lol. That's like making fun of a baby for being short
mordax Well-Known 950 points
@Hey umm no! i was a kid once and i had plenty of oppertunities to electricute myself, never did. i was maybe like 4-5 when some idiots didnt pay for power, i pulled out the socket and used needles to stick them into neighbour's wires. then stripped end of the wire and wrapped it around the needles and connected it to socket splitter.
that's right, i did that at age of 4-5 without electricuting myself.

those kids were retarded and got what they deserved
glock19 Beginner 117 points
@mordax Sounds pretty plausible. I just have a few questions. How exactly did you get to your neighbour's wires? How did you identify which is live, ground and neutral? How did you push the needles through without getting shocked? How did you strip a wire with the grip strength of a 4yo kid? How did you attach the stripped wires to the needles? Surely you couldn't just "wrap them around" without the needles slipping out, especially being a 4yo kid who can't make a tight knot with a nylon thread, much less with copper wire. How did you attach the other end of the wire to a socket splitter? How did the extremely tiny contact area between your neighbors wires and the needles carry enough current for your entire house without burning down? How did you accomplish all this without anyone noticing...?
kramcjier 45 points
american education in a nutshell
FuckinGr8 Addicted 1,788 points
"Hot Toc Phuc" sounds right
+2 votes
Aug 18, 2022
OyVeyRabbi The Boss 28,053 points
Fuck, I thought we were going to see them combust like Nigerian copper thieves
+4 votes
Aug 18, 2022
Dead man 69 Beginner 180 points
Those people don't know cpr soo bad
+2 votes
Aug 18, 2022
VikiSan Omega 18,691 points
Dumb peoples don't know what to do when child get shocked. I think child is dead already
+2 votes
Aug 18, 2022
wolfred10 Overlord 5,181 points
3 minutes being electrocuted, really adults must be real idiots
+2 votes
Aug 19, 2022
cacao Famous 3,933 points
hot doc phuc attested
+1 vote
Aug 19, 2022
theredwatercomesout Overlord 5,602 points
Poor mother.. the desperation.. luckily the second kid survived
0 votes
Aug 20, 2022
The gachatuberかわいい Beginner 186 points
I think she faked her death or something lol
Kill fueko Advanced 2,494 points
Dumb bitches serves em right
+3 votes
Oct 18, 2022
Hey,it'sCaleb! Extreme Poster 510 points
Terrible, isn't it? Hopefully they're ok
poor children. I hope they're ok
+1 vote
Oct 25, 2022
Serralis Overlord 6,828 points
I motherfucking killed her motherfucking childran
+1 vote
Dec 3, 2022
Hey,it'sCaleb! Extreme Poster 510 points
Shit, I got so emotionally invested in that. Thank God the one girl recovered, I just wish I knew what happened to the first one. Then her mom running up? Fuck.
0 votes
Dec 4, 2022
Yoyomart Well-Known 875 points
Lunch is ready
0 votes
Mar 16, 2023
FatFuckFrank The Boss 29,667 points
She can be on the baseball team as home plate.
0 votes
May 22, 2023
sakura2333owo 38 points
That's stupid, especially the second girl, who saw the first girl get injured and wanted to get injured too. Parents should watch children when they play
0 votes
Jun 5, 2023
udontknowme Famous 3,301 points
I'm a lil hungry right now
0 votes
Aug 9, 2023
udontknowme Famous 3,301 points
good news i just ate
RottenPancake Intermediate 1,065 points
I'm hungry for your cock.
udontknowme Famous 3,301 points
0 votes
Aug 14, 2023
WhiteAintRight69 38 points
Nothing but neckbeards making comments on this site.....
0 votes
Sep 7, 2023