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British men fighting.
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12,949 views Sep 2, 2022

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Demi-fiend Experienced 395 points
Good old fashioned duel
+7 votes
Sep 2, 2022
Hanza#6161 Experienced 392 points
Nota: essa mina tem que melhorar MUITO o inglês. eu faço cursos gratis

Meu nome é Yoshikage Kira. Tenho 33 anos. Minha casa fica na parte nordeste de Morioh, onde todas as casas estão, e eu não sou casado. Eu trabalho como funcionário das lojas de departamentos Kame Yu e chego em casa todos os dias às oito da noite, no máximo. Eu não fumo, mas ocasionalmente bebo. Estou na cama às 23 horas e me certifico de ter oito horas de sono, não importa o que aconteça. Depois de tomar um copo de leite morno e fazer cerca de vinte minutos de alongamentos antes de ir para a cama, geralmente não tenho problemas para dormir até de manhã. Assim como um bebê, eu acordo sem nenhum cansaço ou estresse pela manhã. Foi-me dito que não houve problemas no meu último check-up. Estou tentando explicar que sou uma pessoa que deseja viver uma vida muito tranquila. Eu cuido para não me incomodar com inimigos, como ganhar e perder, isso me faria perder o sono à noite. É assim que eu lido com a sociedade e sei que é isso que me traz felicidade. Embora, se eu fosse lutar, não perderia para ninguém.
chancho The Boss 28,896 points
that's weird, they're not fighting over soccer
+4 votes
Sep 2, 2022
Kellwig Omega 17,413 points
Football *
oniiibak Advanced 2,722 points
and there was kungfu fightinnnnn~~~~haha
That guy in red thought he was the shiznick...only for him to get wtfpwned hahaha
+5 votes
Sep 2, 2022
DelbertGrady The Boss 39,092 points
Red cunt folded like a cheap suit.  Other dude's wife sounds like she's ten years old.  The bloody queen needs to get off her fat ass and fix that country.
+1 vote
Sep 2, 2022
VikiSan Omega 18,691 points
Two bald head having fun that's it but no Killing and no stabbing
+1 vote
Sep 2, 2022
angelstar Advanced 2,667 points
britz r subhuman
+3 votes
Sep 2, 2022
zoran Veteran 14,230 points
Troglodyte The Boss 25,449 points
theredwatercomesout Overlord 5,602 points
Clocked him good, great video hahah
+3 votes
Sep 2, 2022
JEWS R SEWAGE Addicted 2,108 points
Now see how civil that was, the one dude whooped the other guys ass and came back to dust him off and help him up . Now if this were two niggers, or a nigger and a white guy, someone woukd of ended up dead because the dark races cannot control themselves and will kick you in the head when you’re knocked out cold. Let this video be evidence to proof of the difference between the white and the nigger races !
+1 vote
Sep 2, 2022
Suck a nigga dick.
Faggot165 Beginner 139 points
Fucked till death 0 points
U 55yr old dick sucking grandpa
cacao Famous 3,933 points
caffeine vs pure
3:20 dog try to understand
15:20 woman still explain the situation
0 votes
Sep 2, 2022
Troglodyte The Boss 25,449 points
But tomorrow, pal, we'll beat up that damn Jock across the street again, 'kay?
+1 vote
Sep 2, 2022
Adelf Hitlor Omega 22,562 points
I'll fuck you up - proceeds to get fucked up.
0 votes
Sep 2, 2022
O-Dogg 53 points
shit talking aint get him no where folded like a bitch
+2 votes
Sep 2, 2022
BorderlineAngi Intermediate 1,328 points
+2 votes
Sep 2, 2022
Gas_TheJews Experienced 261 points
i like it
0 votes
Sep 2, 2022
OyVeyRabbi The Boss 28,055 points
–1 vote
Sep 2, 2022
Tosho kukata Well-Known 972 points
That was the funniest fight I've ever seen :d
+1 vote
Sep 2, 2022
Colored1 66 points
No wonder white people have to jump people and need weapons weakest cave beast fight I ever seen
+1 vote
Sep 2, 2022
JEWS R SEWAGE Addicted 2,108 points
@colored1 Oh yeah ? Is that why niggers roam the streets with guns ? Niggers don’t know the old school way of fighting with fists to settle issues , it’s obviously got something to do with low self esteem and the inability to accept defeat ! I wish you were here with this white boy right now so I could crack your glass jaw and make you beg for mercy …. Tsk Tsk shit talking coons are all the same.
Colored1 66 points
Naw only pasty parasites run the streets with  guns u synagogue of Satan
Colored1 66 points
Y'all shoot up churches and elementary schools grocery stores the white house
JEWS R SEWAGE Addicted 2,108 points
@colored1 It’s evident you are dumber than a box of niggers. #1 the synagogue of Satan is the modern day SO CALLED “JEWS” ! #2 the blacks are historically known as the “Beasts of the field” , you can find this in the Bible, the Quran and many of the ancient secular texts. Even the Roman’s referenced the blacks as this very well known title. #3 the White Anglo race is Jacob , the ancient Hebrew root word for Issacs sons is Anglo Saxons, we are the true Hebrew Israelite people and Jesus mentioned it in the Bible IE he came only for the lost sheep of the house of Israel! FACT- CHECKMATE!
Colored1 66 points
No the cream puff barbarians are the beast of the field the edomites who will be destroyed in the end are u most Satanist look like u and are far from God y'all destroyed the whole world so yes u r the synagogue of Satan and the so call Jews ya Russian cousin you no education having vanilla gorilla looking like a shaved monkey
JEWS R SEWAGE Addicted 2,108 points
<a href='../user/Colored1'>@Colored1
Sorry little Nigg I suggest you give facts and references instead of your black Israelite BS HA HA HA HA HA … It’s funny because even a 1 year old nigger child can be shown a white doll and a black doll and when asked which one is the bad doll the child picks the black doll EVERY TIME ! There has been study after study  and everything I said is proven fact . You are so ignorant you don’t even know what Edomite means or is LMAO, those so called Jews are Esau , the are the parasites who Esau mixed with IE the Cananite bloodline. PERIOD ! The beasts of the field are the cursed black race and all records of history show this fact. Sorry little fella but you don’t know your history very well do you , except what uncle Ruckus told you….. you know, the uncle that sleeps with your sister…… Bottom line is you still haven’t disproven the ancient Hebrew root word for Issacs sons being the “ANGLO SAXON” Peoples ! The Bible says the sceptre shall never depart the possession of the true Hebrew Israelites people ! Guess who still has possession ? FUN FACT, THE WHITE ANGLO PEOPLES ! Dude I could crush you with so many facts I’d make an embarrassment of you hands down. Now go pray to your god voodoo, yeah- the fallen one named voodoo who chose you as his hundreds of thousands of years ago… look it up kid . Checkmate
KillooLovesViolence 51 points
And why tf do you like to type fucking paragraphs..
Visiongzusionix Natural Addict 7,719 points
Brazilian bitch, travelled all the way from Brazil to suck a white British cock to get documents.
0 votes
Sep 3, 2022
Faggot165 Beginner 139 points
MY mistake original gangsta! that is what I thought now empty the compartments of your pockets! for what purpose? or I wall stab you!1!
–1 vote
Sep 3, 2022
Faggot165 Beginner 139 points
Its a good old chewsday init bruv
0 votes
Sep 3, 2022