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Woman Rescued From The Worst Flood Has Become Worse Looking

One-third of the country is submerged and more than 1,200 people have already
died in the 'worst' flood disaster in Pakistan's history,
nesting in the face of a woman rescued from a flooded area Too many bugs...
The woman died on the second day after admission.
13,938 views Sep 4, 2022

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I miss the “as always“-guy and his “as always“-comments
+3 votes
Sep 4, 2022
are17 Landed Knights 183,214 points
well we never cared about him
Ya all I know is the “as always“ I don’t even remember the name maybe it was something with “knee“
are17 Landed Knights 183,214 points
It's Destroyedkneeeeee (6 e's) and this main account Destroyedknee20
They are banned for being bots
are17 Landed Knights 183,214 points
he talk normal person sometimes and post normal video sometimes but his bot comments are more than that
Ah right i remember that’s him
School Shooter Addicted 1,614 points
very dirty. Why dont she take a bath regularly and why she dont know that she has many larvae on her face?
+3 votes
Sep 4, 2022
School Shooter Addicted 1,614 points
stupid woman
+2 votes
Sep 4, 2022
ExodusK Beginner 169 points
let me told you something important

The Jews promote degeneracy to harm the European Race from the inside because it causes societal breakdown. When a society breaks down, freedom is lost because the foundations of freedom are destroyed. For instance, the law is a foundation of freedom because it is meant to protect freedom by stopping others from curtailing one's own freedom. When degeneracy sets into society, laws made to stop degeneracy are abandoned, the effect of this is to harm freedom.The Jews attempt to steer the European Race into degeneracy for this very effect, to breakdown the European Race by breaking down the Law to cause a condition of societal chaos, just as the Jews did to Russia to set up Russia for the Communist Revolution in 1917 which the Jews ran, and in Germany in 1930. The Jews plan is to incrementally assassinate the European Race so the Jews can take over the world and kill billions of people and enslave everyone else. Thus, exactly like the Jews did to Russia in 1917, but on a larger scale. In 1917, Jews from the Manhattan banking district went over to Russia to murder the Czar and his family and start the Communist Revolution where the Jews killed 100 million of the European Race, and then to hide it, the Jews fabricated the story of "6 million Jews being killed". The Jews fabricated the "6 million Jews being killed" lie way before WW2 even started, this is a documented fact with many old newspaper articles indisputably proving it.

The term "racism" is an extremely deceptive and evil term on which the Jews contrived. The reason why the term "racism" is extremely evil is because people will always naturally prefer thier own race, this is a law of nature and is a good thing. However, the Jews created the term "racism" to equate this God given law of nature with hate. Thus, the Jews are brainwashing the European Race into the idea that it is hateful and evil to prefer one's own race. In reality, all races should prefer their own race. The innate, God given drive to preserve ones own blood is what keeps a race strong because it stops invading races from competing for resources in the same geographical area and killing off the invaded race.The Jews are trying to incrementally assassinate the European Race by using non-white invasion as a weapon against the European Race, among other methods. From this the term "racism" which the Jews contrives, the Jews have built a platform of lies that includes the following ideas being used by the Jews to incrementally assassinate the European Race: Diversity. Multiculturalism. Equality of outcome. Social justice. Affirmative action. Immigration from the third-world into European Race countries. Open boarders. The Jews are able to brainwash awareness of the masses into accepting these insidious ideas because the Jews completely own every single media outlet there is including all school textbooks.The Jews are creating the same situation in America the Jews created in South Africa where the nonwhites are openly killing off the European Race.

The Jews are the enemy. If the Jews cause Communism in America they will take your guns and order the nonwhites attack the European Race. Therefore, keep the guns. Thus, the European Race, absolutely and without question, must split America into many separate nations, or will certainly pay the price of hundreds of millions of the European Race in America being killed off by the Jews, just as the Jews killed 100 million of the European Race when the Jews ran the Communist Revolution in Russia in 1917. The European Race must create a political party/parties to achieve this.
+5 votes
Sep 4, 2022
Well now we have this instead of a simple but beautiful “as always“
Troglodyte The Boss 25,461 points
@ ExodusK
And what the heck shall that "European Race" be, my very stable genius? Do you wanna lump Alamanni with Anglo-Saxons, or Rhaetians?!
Troglodyte The Boss 25,461 points
@ anonymous

Seem's so, seem's so! And it ain't any better . . .
OyVeyRabbi The Boss 28,077 points
Kalew The Boss 31,667 points
Just pass a vacuum cleaner that removes all these worms on time.
+5 votes
Sep 4, 2022
are17 Landed Knights 183,214 points
great method
MasterMike2021 Famous 4,403 points
Videoed her in secret. Pretty messed up. Even for Indians.
+4 votes
Sep 4, 2022
angelstar Advanced 2,669 points
i feel lik im guna vomit nu srsly zomg ewewewewew
+1 vote
Sep 4, 2022
ilovebigharddicks Well-Known 875 points
eww set it on fire
+3 votes
Sep 4, 2022
ZiaQueen505WSL03 Extreme Poster 657 points
Well damn they didnt even try to save her they just left the bugs all over eating her face. Wtf??
+2 votes
Sep 4, 2022
OyVeyRabbi The Boss 28,077 points
I would fucking throw up on her face, which could perhaps distract the maggots with a new temporary food source
+3 votes
Sep 4, 2022
Turd Ferguson Veteran 13,603 points
The guy filming was retching. Too bad he didn't think of that.
slvt4mojyo Well-Known 883 points
nice vid
0 votes
Jan 20, 2023
Turd Ferguson Veteran 13,603 points
I don't know what's worse...the maggot infestation, or that giant flabby belly lying there like bread dough.
0 votes
Aug 7, 2023
udontknowme Famous 3,305 points
0 votes
Aug 10, 2023
RottenPancake Intermediate 1,065 points
Cute little babies!!
0 votes
Dec 24, 2023
Launchpad McQuack Extreme Poster 720 points
The family was feeding off those , oh just great abu now ya killed them too .
0 votes
Dec 30, 2023
BaconKing_104 Veteran 12,695 points
Just kill that poor thing already
0 votes
Oct 28, 2024
Tex011 Experienced 487 points
How the hell did she end up like that???
0 votes
Dec 26, 2024