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Elderly man rapes woman with mental disorders sleeping on sidewalk in Brazil
74,516 views Sep 6, 2022

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HitlerisInnocent Advanced 2,652 points
This is normal animal behavior, Brazil, Africa, India, China, all these Niggers should be eradicated from the planet.

They are far worse than cockroaches, a real plague in the world.
+4 votes
Sep 6, 2022
No, no white person (true niggers) in the world has every done that shit.
Asfgg Beginner 100 points
You missing the niggers with blue eyes brown eyes greens eyes and whatever color too including the one Hitler has too
O Say Can U C?
Orion-14 Natural Addict 9,840 points
As i see you are holding the American flag there, true patriot!
JackTrxt28506 Advanced 2,418 points
Hahahaha orion You just killed him
Orion-14 Natural Addict 9,840 points
Some might say i shit on him, luckily the flag didn't get hit
If niggers are defined by evil behavior, historically and presently there are many whites that fit the bill. Not say that all whites are niggers but, there are many of you who are. You included, you niggers, are far worse than cockroaches, a real plague in the world and should be eradicated from the planet.
HitlerisInnocent Advanced 2,652 points
@O Say Can U C That must be you in the picture, a real piece of shit.
HitlerisInnocent Advanced 2,652 points
Who says I'm White?

You do, nigger.
Or maybe, you think you are. Nigger.
stop talking bad about Brazil, do you want these shit skins to come to Europe and the United States? LONG LIVE BRAZIL!
HitlerisInnocent Advanced 2,652 points
@anonymous You do niggers. Keep sucking that cock.
zloan 20 points
didn't white people used to rape their slaves all day every day in the US?
Suck a nigga dick. Sing it with me hitler, suck a nigga dick.
African atheist Intermediate 1,215 points
Boring! Come up with an actual logical argument supported by evidence or stfu. You sound like a clueless child
Orion-14 Natural Addict 9,840 points
@zloan nah not really, they had pride and even if there were single cases where this may have been happened, how does it justify a rape today? Not even our grandparents had a chance to meet and talk these 'slave owners'
zloan 20 points
no ofc it doesn't justify it but it did happen, don't act like white people are flawless, remember that white people are the only ones to have ever used nukes in wars. No your grandparents didn't have a chance to talk to slave owners but there are people alive today that were there during segregation / jim crow, black people who built the country who defied these laws often faced arrest, fines, jail sentences, violence and death. Don't act like people weren't lynched in the street and you seem to have forgotten KKK pretty quickly too
Orion-14 Natural Addict 9,840 points
I will stop acting like white people are flawless if you stop acting that segregation is all bad
'black people who built the country' xD
VladCepes015 Well-Known 816 points
Dobra slika vredi hiljadu reci...
chancho The Boss 28,954 points
she didn't even feel his 4 incher
+4 votes
Sep 6, 2022
BadgerFromTheYNC CEO 50,493 points
he got some honey on his stinger
+2 votes
Sep 6, 2022
McKFC Extreme Poster 701 points
Always brazil, LOL!
+2 votes
Sep 6, 2022
ChickenSalvador Well-Known 957 points
I bet he was a fucking virgin as well. Absolute animal behaviour.
+5 votes
Sep 6, 2022
Asfgg Beginner 100 points
More like sex addict, quite opposite to what you "think"
ChickenSalvador Well-Known 957 points
@DwarfyStyle I appreciate that buddy.
oniiibak Advanced 2,734 points
we can all agree that this dude was crazy; but where the fuck is that female's family members. They obviously didn't care enough for the female. If they did...she would not have been outside with her legs open. And this is another reason why you need to be careful when you go having sex with old females or females that are druggies. They create mentally disabled children like that female that got raped
+4 votes
Sep 6, 2022
Please don't be so naive, this shit happens in the very best of first world Countries, yes, including the United States. Unwanted, mentally disabled, physically disabled and yes, even the elderly will be disposed of (on the streets). If the unwanted are lucky enough to belong to a wealthy family, they will be disposed of in a facility. Yes, I do mean, "disposed of." Lets not kid ourselves, if you have enough cash, you no longer have to deal with the burden yourself. Financial freedom makes that decision a lot easier. Put them in a facility and you longer have to feel as guilty. If however, the cash is not available the unwanted will likely end up in the streets with their legs wide open. I can't imagine the guilt that some most feel if they feel their only option was to leave them in the street.

And guess what, mentally disabled children do not always come from mentally disabled people. Use your head.
chancho The Boss 28,954 points
veterans, too. the family doesn't want you around with your old face and hundred mile stare telling little bobby about the terrorists you killed and shit
oniiibak Advanced 2,734 points
veterans...I can understand to some degree that it's not their fault. They were betrayed by the government that they put their lives on the line for. As regards children born mentally I said earlier...don't fuck mentally disabled females, druggie females(These includes the ones on birth control, using tampons and on antidepressants), alcoholic females, females who took the covid jab or females over the age of 28. These 5...if you make the mistake of knocking up any one of these 5 kinds of prepared to be blessed with a child riddled with genetic defects.
chancho The Boss 28,954 points
so which one is your excuse? or you think being a gore fiend like us is normal?
Visiongzusionix Natural Addict 7,729 points
I would have slid my stinger too, that pussy is way too tasty for my dick.
+2 votes
Sep 7, 2022
diedinjuly Veteran 11,683 points
i get that he didn't want to waste his Viagra, but why under a street light fuckin idiot drag her to an alley or something
+1 vote
Sep 7, 2022
BadgerFromTheYNC CEO 50,493 points
Maybe he was worried about a kidnapping beef.
It's me Mario Overlord 5,875 points
She was too heavy to drag
Man, this shit would never happen in America. Thank God!!
+1 vote
Sep 7, 2022
KMDisciples67 The Boss 36,365 points
Lol this shit happens every day in America fool your just sheltered
That's what's up
0 votes
Sep 7, 2022
KMDisciples67 The Boss 36,365 points
He better have finished
0 votes
Sep 7, 2022
ShyTransCat Overlord 6,578 points
Hopefully the authorities catch this sicko, or a local gang and they serve up some street justice.
–1 vote
Sep 7, 2022
cacao Famous 3,955 points
i cant get no, lallala satisfaction
0 votes
Sep 7, 2022
TheAvoidedOne Natural Addict 7,274 points
Guyz stop being racist .
0 votes
Sep 7, 2022
Why didn’t he shit on her after?
0 votes
Sep 8, 2022
ZeekHuncho Extreme Poster 568 points
muh dik
0 votes
Sep 8, 2022
ded Well-Known 986 points
damn reminds me on this girl named mia from canada
0 votes
Sep 25, 2022
aqualung Veteran 10,881 points
in nine months she'll give birth to a useless beaner
0 votes
Sep 29, 2023
Ryan2883 Addicted 2,064 points
She didn't say no
0 votes
Feb 24, 2024
VladCepes015 Well-Known 816 points
Nije mi jasno zasto stalno kopiraju amerikance...
0 votes
Dec 20, 2024