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LiveGore is a reality news website which reports on real life events which are of the interest to the public. Includes videos relating to true crime that have been taken from across the world. Due to the graphic nature of materials found on Live Gore, access is restricted to adults only(18+). !!Please leave this website if you under that age!!

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"FuckAllNiggers" aka Urdaughterdoesnal
You must be one creepy miserable motherfucker. Especially when you're taking the time out of your day to stalk people, going to videos that were posted three and four days back, just to post these long ass essays that no one's even reading. Stay in your own lane and quit worrying about what I'm doing. Weird fucking incel. Go get some pussy or play fetch with your dog or something. You live in Nevada, pussy is legal in Nevada. Maybe you don't get pussy because you spend all your time stalking people and talking shit. I can't believe you actually took the time out of your day to go to a video from 3 days ago just to send a comment talking shit. You're on some weird stalker shit. Weren't you talking about killing yourself too motherfucker? Stop worrying about what the hell I'm doing stay in your own lane.

"Says the guy who is constantly talking shit and who tells everyone how dumb they are. Says the guy who also writes long ass comments, so you're an idiot. Says the guy who stalks luka and many others. Says the guy who holds a grudge permanently against people over nothing. Says the guy who won't shut up about killing himself. Says the guy who lives on this website 24/7. Yeah, I'm wasting time on here. I haven't been on this site for almost 2 months until last night. Yet, I can scroll through all the posts and there you are. Commenting away, talking shit, defending niggers, crying about killing yourself, stalking Luka, and so much more. Yeah, I'm the miserable pathetic pussy with no life wasting my time. Hahahaha You're a clown man, a clown. I never said I was mad either. Just that you're a hypocritical dumb human who is always seeking attention and is allegedly spending the last months of his life on here! Although we both know that's not true because you're a bluffer and a pussy. I'm sure you're getting loads of snatch chilling in mommy's basement looking at gore videos 24/7 and crying about how shitty your life is and how you're going to end it. You need a mirror you stupid fuck." -Urdaughterdoesanal
I think you're the one that needs a mirror because the words that you were speaking says more about yourself than it does anyone else. Why don't you look in the mirror you miserable prick. You're absolutely full of shit and you're absolutely lying you've been on the website because I've been seeing your comments. That's funny in that comment you said you weren't on there until "last night" but you were just on there four days before that because I was responding to a comment you made that you just responded to when you said "I've been gone until last night" You're one delusional son of a bitch. I'll tell you that. I'll tell you what you really have a problem why don't you take a trip out here to New Orleans and we'll settle this face to face. Until then keep being a miserable prick. ;) Stop trying to project your misery onto other people. Go pay for some pussy and take your dog to a dog park.

If you want to handle this face-to-face take a trip out to New Orleans and let me know when you're out here. Until then stop dick riding you fucking weird-o.
4,841 views Sep 12, 2022

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Mind Goblin Advanced 2,948 points
I mean I could tell how he is losing his mind and becoming slightly delusional. He's been talking to himself in the comment sections for months now.
–1 vote
Sep 12, 2022
Mind Goblin Advanced 2,948 points
No I'm not giving any more of my attention or my time to you. I'm not feeding into you because all you want is the attention. You live off that shit because obviously you aren't getting it anywhere else. I tried to be cool and respectful to you but all youI tried to be cool and respectful to you but all you do is talk shit and cry about everything.
Mind Goblin Advanced 2,948 points
By the way, enjoy those verifications incel.
STFU! Asshole pussy I'm smashing your mom , next your sis! What you ganna do about that Haa! Coward!
Mind Goblin Advanced 2,948 points
0 votes
Sep 12, 2022
Egg Baka
If yourdaughterdoesanal reads this, I never gave a fuck about the racist shit you said lol. I said racist shit all the time (maybe toned down on it a bit lately) but I never thought anything of it lol.

Also, to Sushi. Shit’s been rough between us. I know you see me as a snake, and that’s fair. I understand why. Still hope you’re doing well. Sorry to see the drama between you guys in the description.
Mind Goblin Advanced 2,948 points
He's 100% gonna see this.

Egg, No worries Man.
Just take care of yourself and live a good life.
Mind Goblin Advanced 2,948 points
Yeah man I can go weeks without commenting or being on here, but as soon as I do here he comes with these long paragraphs hating. I just don't understand why he doesn't go play fetch with his dog or go get laid. Prostitution is legal where he lives.
Werty Well-Known 833 points
The description is for details about the videos you post not for mental breakdowns you fucking retard
+3 votes
Sep 12, 2022
Mind Goblin Advanced 2,948 points
I post whatever the fuck I want to little bitch.
yvngsuicide666 Intermediate 1,092 points
well then
+2 votes
Sep 12, 2022
Fuck all niggers!
I like how all these are all you, you need help sushi hahaha heres some average nigger pussy for you buddy, I know how much you love niggers. How many fake accounts are you gonna make to make it seem like you're not talking to yourself fag? How do you justify all your nigger loving and accusing people of doing what only you yourself are doing? After you convinced everyone that luka was the nut job it quickly became evident it was you but whatever loser, your 100+ accounts with names mocking the people of your lastest war mission are pretty cute. And you have the nerve to accuse people of doing what only you do and making fake accounts while you have 100+ like these ones you just made! You're a psycho, get to killing yourself already and record it so you can make yourself somewhat useful nigger. And I don't even have an account because I'm not a faggot loser like you, willing to waste my life on this 24/7 while living in mommy's basement and saving up money to buy a tent so my nigger family doesn't have to find me in their nigger house, like seriously, a fucking tent is a major purchase to you? You said for months your waiting to have enough money saved to buy a tent so you don't have to kill yourself in your families house. Hahahaha a tent costs like fucking $30
–1 vote
Sep 13, 2022
Mind Goblin Advanced 2,948 points
1. Enjoy the verification.
2. New Orleans doesn't have basements.
3. Go purchase some pussy Incel. Stop being so miserable.
4. Stop worrying about what I'm doing you weird fucking stalker.
Fuck all niggers!
You're exactly like the niggers your SJW ass loves defending. Niggers are always getting arrested and fighting the cops while the cops tell them to quit resisting and the niggers always say I'm not resisting while actively resisting arrest. That's you, you're the one changing your account names and creating others, you're the fag who is making posts about me. You're like the niggers, crying that I'm stalking you when you're the only one who initiates any communication and doing all that weird shit and making posts about me. I've never done anything like you, only you so keep on accusing me of doing what you're doing   Hahahahaha You're fucking retarded, I hope you saved up that 30 dollars you needed to buy a tent you poor piece of shit, have fun killing yourself in a tent like the stupid fag you are! $30 Hahahahaha dude, $30, I'm laughing at you while surrounded by a fuck ton of expensive guitars that cost more than you've ever made in your entire life! $30 tent, you're saving up for a $30 tent. I can't stop laughing, and you live with your parents still according to you. Don't reply, I barely skimmed one of your comments only and didn't read the others and I'm not going to say anything else to you because at the end of the day, you know how right I am and all the bullshit you accuse others of is what you're doing. You know how pathetic you are, even if you can't acknowledge it! You're the one who has to live with yourself. And I'm sure that's not very easy. Delusions, they're fucking your life up buddy, they're fucking it up major! Fuck off now though!
Mind Goblin Advanced 2,948 points
This guy is obsessed. He's still typing paragraphs that I'm not even reading.
Mind Goblin Advanced 2,948 points
This guy really thinks that he's hurting my feelings or bringing me down but at the end of the day he's not and I don't even know why I fed into him or gave him my attention anyway. He's just a little bitch with no friends and doing whatever he can to get attention and try to pray on vulnerable innocent people. href='../user/gjmojo67'>@gjmojo67 pay him no mind. He's delusional and projecting his actions and behaviors on others. Stay blessed man. Take care of yourself. Do you have to pay attention to where you are. This is a Gore site full of a bunch of sick and twisted individuals who would never speak or act this way in real life so they come on here to act it out behind their keyboards. Most of them are bitch made incels. You can tell by the fact that this guy doesn't have an account that he obviously has a tadpole up or he continues to go back to the website to scroll all the way down to find this video just to read the comments. It really is some weird stalkerish shit. Although I understand because a lot of these guys have no lives or no friends and so any sort of attention makes them feel better. Best thing to do is to just take care of yourself and stay away from things that bring you down. That being the comment section of these websites.. you're not going to get anywhere and you're not going to change any of these people. You're wasting your time. You notice how this guy keeps saying that I'm accusing him of doing the things that I'm doing? Although you notice he's the one accusing me of doing it correct?. That's a form of manipulation and gaslighting my dude. Always stay away from people like that. They will try to manipulate you and accuse you of doing something that you're not doing that they themselves are actually doing. Although I'd really like to see him take a ride out to New Orleans and run his mouth to my face. That's the thing man you're going to meet a lot of Internet gangsters who run their mouth but when it comes to them meeting up with you and doing it to your face it's not going to happen. They'll just keep running their mouth over the internet.
ZeekHuncho Extreme Poster 568 points
You quarreling faggots should get a cheap pajeet motel room with gay tv porn in nigger town and hug it out with drugs, aids and monkeypox.  Faggots.
0 votes
Sep 13, 2022
Fuck all niggers!
That shit is all him! He's making fake accounts to war with people at random. Look at what he changed his name to! Hahahahaha I never contact him, it's always him. He's the one who's makes posts and leaving comments to communicate with me. Fuck, if you notice the date, I haven't talked to that nigger in two months and he's still going on and on while I merely responded to the few comments of his that I actually read, which was very few, over the last few days. He's on the website 24/7 while I didn't get on one time for about two months, I seriously didn't start anything with that nut case, I definitely don't care about a thing he keeps going In about. It's annoying so I've responded to a few the last few days but never again. Don't put me in a category with that fucker! He probably is a fag though, I agree with you on that!
Mind Goblin Advanced 2,948 points
You're full of shit you dumb mother fucker.  You're the one that contacted me fuck. boy I'll screenshot it and show you. I just screenshot it and posted a picture down below if you coming into my inbox. Piss off you delusional fuck. Go give your dog a bone.
Mind Goblin Advanced 2,948 points
You're full of shit you dumb mother fucker.  You're the one that contacted me fuck. boy I'll screenshot it and show you. I just screenshoted it and posted a picture down below of you coming into my inbox the first time. You claim the other day that you had just got on the website the night before you made that comment yet there was a comment from a couple of days before then that you were responding to. You're a lying delusional piece of shit stalker. Piss off you delusional fuck. Go give your dog a bone. How would I have initiated contact with you first if you don't even have an account you dumb son of a bitch. You got to be one you got to be one delusional motherfucker. Now get off my dick and go make yourself useful creep.
I stand corrected. You are not still around.
+1 vote
Jun 23, 2023