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+19 votes


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Aggressive man does the pepperspray dance

Well deserved

6,919 views Sep 17, 2022

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Paint_it_black_1234 Hacker 76,232 points
what a idiot
+2 votes
Sep 17, 2022
_NiggerPox_ Overlord 6,643 points
+12 votes
Sep 17, 2022
gjmojo67 The Boss 35,912 points
That would be a delicious meal!
BadgerFromTheYNC CEO 50,470 points
faggot nigger dope
+4 votes
Sep 17, 2022
OyVeyRabbi The Boss 28,039 points
I'm 99% certain this is fake, it seems like some sort of skit from a shitty comedy like Eric Andre Show
+5 votes
Sep 17, 2022
Orion-14 Natural Addict 9,832 points
Or maybe he is just a pussy
OyVeyRabbi The Boss 28,039 points
Possibly, but nobody would go from acting gangster to flailing around in a nanosecond
Billthebutcher Grandmaster 156,053 points
I hate that damn show
OyVeyRabbi The Boss 28,039 points
Same, its just a poor version of what Tom Green was doing in the early 2000s
Fuck all niggers!

     Oh God, your weird ass picture and name graced my dreams, nightmares actually, last night.  I need another two months off LIVEGORE to get back to normal.  I've only been back a week or so.  My dream that you were in is funny, it was erroneously associated with the movie I watched last night named Kill Bill, and is exactly shown right now.  Dude, how anyone can watch this dumb fake shit video and think it's real is sad as fuck.  This is about as real as the Harry Potter fucker stabbed on a Los Angeles bus for rapping.  In my dream, I said to you it sucks that two things about you stand out so prominently and they oppose each other as well as likability.  You're one of the exceedingly rare gore viewers who are intelligent and seemingly educated.  I see so many idiots eating the fake shit up but it never or rarely gets by you.  That's why I like half of you.  There will be twenty idiots saying the same thing and you gladly point out they're wrong.  They never believe you.  Stupid people are seduced by the power in numbers aspect of existence.  Surely if it's twenty against one.  The twenty have to be right.  In their minds anyway.  They're followers who don't think for themselves.  But you're a pedophile.  And to make that slightly more disgusting.  You're openly proud of it.  Such a waste in my opinion.  I thought your name was OyVeyRen like the bitch O-Ren IshIi in Kill Bill who hunted pedophiles.  That's where you came into the dream.  I asked you if you realized the irony of your name.  As I see now, that isn't your name.  Back to the main point.  Yes, this video is fake as hell.

     One other thing, you've never mentioned your age which I've noticed.  I think we're the same age from some of the cultural references you make.  A lot of people joke that you must be ancient from them.  Apparently, thirty is old.  Which it kind of is in my mind.  I'm now thirty and know most of your references.  Tom Green was funny and strange but he was also juvenile and stupid.  He only made a splash because he was willing to go so far and it was new to people to view such clownery on television.  I did watch his show all the time though.  I barely remember anything about it.  And the anal rose thing from the other post.  I almost feel you might have used the website I learned about that on.  I was a small kid and used to visit when it was a forum and had only pictures.  The weight lifter who shit out his rectum was popular on that website.  Along with the dicks in mouse traps, cut-off dicks in Muslim mouths, and the brain from a guy who got his head too close to the helicopter!
OyVeyRabbi The Boss 28,039 points
I'm honestly not at all proud of having a pedophilic mindset, if I could take a tablet and have it removed from my existence without hurting me then I'd take it today. I've thought about castrating myself but there is evidence of it having little effect in some people, even if I cut my cock off I would still have fingers and a tongue. I would have to become a cockless, limbless mute for the rest of my life. It would be pointless anyway, the idea of castration is to reduce the likelihood of harm in order to please and protect the wider community. Its done under the belief that we can't control our own actions; we certainly can and do control our own actions but just not our own minds. But also I see shit like Cuties and Staceys Mom which makes me wonder if its actually ok and everyone telling me otherwise are actually the wrong ones. Its an unbelievably difficult situation, I could kill myself but then my family will unknowingly grieve over a pedophile. It honestly is torture. Knowing I'd never actually hurt anyone is my main saviour, its just a fetish to me and nothing more.

We probably are about the same age with knowledge of online entertainment and 'shock' websites, I've used too many to remember any particular one, the forum style sites tend to get mixed around in my mind since they all used the same default forum structure. Apparently somebody on Discord is impersonating so its best to only really take notice (if you want to) of comments I post on this site, I only use this username here so if you find it elsewhere then its just someone trying to mess with me for unknown reasons
Billthebutcher Grandmaster 156,053 points
I think we're all obvously a little fucked in the head and people tend to over analyze shit when there new on here or just have way to much time on there hands and need to go get a job. Nothing will change no one will change anyone on here no matter how hard they try or want to.
OyVeyRabbi The Boss 28,039 points
Yes I agree Billbard, wouldn't it be nice to be reborn as a happy little kittily kat with no knowledge or fear or ego. I think it would anyway
Orion-14 Natural Addict 9,832 points
I am one day away and the comment section turns into a book

Why did i feel the need to read all of it? GODDAMN
Billthebutcher Grandmaster 156,053 points
You fell into the livegore train wreck soap opera again as well huh lmfao
Orion-14 Natural Addict 9,832 points
Billthebutcher Grandmaster 156,053 points
Happens to all the best of us and our sick  fuck minds
cancermemes Well-Known 828 points
Autism in a can & he got it lol
+4 votes
Sep 18, 2022
C.HellenWaite Extreme Poster 616 points
These are First Amendment Auditors.  With cameras they go out in public and film anything can see while doing so on public property.  Photography is a Constitutionally protected activity, which a majority of cops, and the public are ignorant of; and these guys go out and educate them.  Sometimes they are arrested (falsely), and/or rough up by people - like this moronic ape.
+4 votes
Sep 18, 2022
Billthebutcher Grandmaster 156,053 points
Awesome post
Turd Ferguson Veteran 13,579 points
Well said!
ME262 Advanced 2,497 points
I can’t make up my mind as to whether or not this is fake.
+2 votes
Sep 18, 2022
C.HellenWaite Extreme Poster 616 points
Even though the people that go out and do this type of thing is legitimate; it lends itself open for setup footage.  Because they upload their videos for monetization on YouTube, it is a competitive process for views.
This moron in the red hat is a bad actor.
KMDisciples67 The Boss 36,199 points
I’ve done that dance lol it sucks
+2 votes
Sep 18, 2022
we wuz kangz n sheit Advanced 2,976 points
So that's how you get those nigger lips to stop flapping
+2 votes
Sep 18, 2022
gjmojo67 The Boss 35,912 points
...boring dude.
Killer on the road Natural Addict 8,558 points
I suppose that was racist
+1 vote
Sep 18, 2022
ExplodingKnees Veteran 14,777 points
Fuck all the niggers
+1 vote
Sep 18, 2022
gjmojo67 The Boss 35,912 points
...not enough time to fuck 'em all. Just enough time to fuck you. Where you at?
ExplodingKnees Veteran 14,777 points
I'm at your mama's room
Fuck all niggers!

      Well that's convenient, now gjmojo67 just has to open his bedroom door, walk up the stairs, and walk twenty feet to come fight you.  Or whatever it is he wants from you. Probably romantic passionate butt sex.
fuckthelife Hacker 80,739 points
nigger doing his stupid Banana dance with a twist
0 votes
Sep 18, 2022
MasterMike2021 Famous 4,401 points
These people are kind to bring such wonderful entertainment to me. Thank you
+3 votes
Sep 19, 2022
NiggerHaterDeluxe Beginner 175 points
fuck around and find out
+1 vote
May 22, 2023
ilovetranny Intermediate 1,207 points
This video is not for sensitive viewers.
0 votes
Jun 16, 2023
Ryan2883 Addicted 2,052 points
Spray that nigger again
+1 vote
Nov 25, 2023
Orion-14 Natural Addict 9,832 points