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+14 votes


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Feral Nigger Gets Locked In Store

ooga booga muh dik

5,146 views Sep 27, 2022

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Knight Templar Overlord 6,059 points
why are niggers so dumb
+2 votes
Sep 27, 2022
gjmojo67 The Boss 35,914 points
I presume you think you are smart then? Bloody hell.
SwagMaster934 82 points
Not all whites are smart but we have a higher percentage of whites smarter then these fucking ferals
the great white hope Overlord 6,077 points
@SwagMaster934. Still obsessed on the nigs? Who is we? Are you smarter or just trying to take credit from others?
FlyingGhoul Addicted 1,821 points
Once he realized his folly the nigger activated his chimp mode, where his physical strength is highly raised as he sacrifices his already low intelligence.
+3 votes
Sep 28, 2022
gjmojo67 The Boss 35,914 points
Only dumb fucks compare intelligence.
Chadimir_Putin 26 points
@gjmo that’s something a dumb fuck would say
SLEDGE Experienced 311 points
GIMMI DA FUCKING MONE, FOKIN HOE. Wait. Im stuck. Oh shit. Shiiit BRAH.
Help me please! I have been locked in the store I tried to rob. World is so unfair!
Blacks like me are oppressed! Black lives matter! Please! Don't shoot mister evil white officer.
+4 votes
Sep 28, 2022
VikiSan Omega 18,706 points
Lol nigger acting like gay
+2 votes
Sep 28, 2022
KMDisciples67 The Boss 36,413 points
Fuckin jeffie
+4 votes
Sep 28, 2022
Selfpityshypie 2 points
My bf is black and the fact that everyone in this site think that all black people are thieves or bad people makes me sick. Like in every corner of this world there is bad people with any skin colour
–3 votes
Sep 28, 2022
vezians 33 points
that nigger boyfriend of yours can fucking hang himself thank you
Fuck all niggers!
That's true that people of any color can be and are bad.  But the fact is that in America, black niggers commit violent crimes at a rate eight and two-tenths more than all the other races combined.  They murder at a rate six and three tenths more than all the other races combined.  Even with petty crimes, they commit crimes at a rate of two and eight-tenths more than all the other races combined.  They make up thirteen percent of The United States of America and put up numbers like that.  So that means when the eighty-seven percent commit one violent crime, the thirteen percent committed eight and two-tenths.  When the eighty-seven percent commit one murder, the thirteen percent already murdered six and three tenths.  The bitterness is one hundred percent earned.  Good luck if you're a white slut.  Niggers always prove in the end that white whores mean nothing to them.  You'll be found in a garbage bin or alley one day.  Or at the very least, in hospital for a severe beating.  If he gets you pregnant, I wouldn't tell him.  That's basically a death sentence for you unless you agree to get an abortion.  You stupid ass whore.  So to recap, if there are ten white people in front of you.  You can be assured that three of them are garbage criminals.  If you have ten niggers in front of you.  You can be sure there are eight garbage criminals in front of you.  These are all compiled by the FBI and other crime statistic studies that aren't biased like some might claim the FBI to be.  Meaning these numbers come from multiple studies from private and government analysts and they all come to same approximate numbers.  Please try to defend that.  There are many great black people.  I hope your boyfriend is one in all honesty.  But the odds are not in favor of that.  Some people prefer to be cautious.  I'm not jumping into the lion's den at the zoo.  I don't hate lions but I can see the odds aren't in favor of my well-being if I jump into their den or blindly trust them.  So I avoid them and don't jump into their den for a legitimate reason.  Not just because I'm stupid and blindly hate them.  Whore, it's the opposite.
Billthebutcher Grandmaster 161,374 points
Let us get a hold of your nigger play toy plz??? Well treat him good we promise
Selfpityshypie 2 points
That's an American problem, you have that inequality and you must help to reduce it, not to increase it. I'm british I can't talk a lot about what happens in America because I don't live there. And yes my bf is a good person he's kind and very good with me.
Knight Templar Overlord 6,059 points
commit suicide you obese pig, no one wants you on earth and youre a disgrace to everyone
Billthebutcher Grandmaster 161,374 points
I'd like to skin the black off your BFF. Just sayin
Orion-14 Natural Addict 9,840 points
If you get offended, leave this fucking site! People embracing race mixing like you make ME sick! Fuck all niggers perfectly showed the facts. In all of Europe, crimes like murder, rape and robbery are on an all-time high, and the statistics totally speak the language we talk, even if we exaggerate. For one 'good black' there are numerous bad ones.

Billthebutcher Grandmaster 161,374 points
Well said
Selfpityshypie 2 points
Like my bf is a good person so many other black people are, I'm pro migration but it must be regulated and controlled, I don't want everyone to get into my country but if we should leave 100 outside and let 10 get inside I agree with it but not everyone with a certain skin colour are bad, Russians are white and they are monsters, in my country's history there have been a lot of white serial killers and murders, skin colour is not the problem
Billthebutcher Grandmaster 161,374 points
You just need to swallow a bullet. I'm sure one of those niggers that you suck off will show there true color's one day and do it for you.
Knight Templar Overlord 6,059 points
dont give her attention, just dislike all of her comments
Selfpityshypie 2 points
You're rude
gjmojo67 The Boss 35,914 points
You have to understand gore sites are where the racists go to rant their impotent,bitter hatred. It cannot be stopped.
gjmojo67 The Boss 35,914 points
I don't know why you would bother to write such a boring,stupid as speech. Your name speeks for itself; it basically means dumb fucker.
Orion-14 Natural Addict 9,840 points gjmojo67 your little nigger friend? That dude is constantly getting on everybodies nerves with his gay shit, talking about how we are hiding on gore sites whilst hiding himself. I will be happy to talk to you en persona, you rat.
Orion-14 Natural Addict 9,840 points
why do i start to have the feeling that 'anonymous' just is gjmojo, but logged out?
Да, ты ещё скажи, что мы, русские, хуже негров. У нас есть отморозки, не спорю, так они у всех есть. Именно от негров пошел феминизм. Потому что негр заделал ребенка негритянке и съебал. А негритянке быть матерью одиночкой. Вот и развивается независимость женщин. Из-за 13% негро-матерей одиночек Америки. У нас, русских, феминизм и прочие произврлные(ЛГБТ) находятся под строжайшем контролем. А это уже делает нас, русских, на порядок выше вас, граждан грязных стран. Пусть даже у вас и достаток выше. У нас, в Российской федерации, нет такого расизма как у вас. Расисты есть, но не такого масштаба. Потому что мы не брали никого в рабство. Это ваша гркбейшая ошибка. Нужно было всех негров депортировать в Африку. Тогда у евреев не было бы этого оружия против белых людей.
MasterMike2021 Famous 4,405 points
He was later placed in a better cage. He was surrounded by his race and found that being anally raped and islam; were both good for passing the time.
+7 votes
Sep 28, 2022
fuckthelife Hacker 80,817 points
lo ha ha  no IQ nigger is of to prison where he will have his baboon ass fucked
–2 votes
Sep 28, 2022
gjmojo67 The Boss 35,914 points
Doubt your IQ is any higher and for sure he will not get fucked; that is your fantasy projected.
Orion-14 Natural Addict 9,840 points
You really like to talk about IQ, don't you? Any insecurities? The average SJW like you HAS to be of higher intellect, right? Fact is that people on here often completely disagree with you. I can't understand your point of view just as you don't understand mine.
gjmojo67 The Boss 35,914 points
Slow down a minute. This has nothing to do with my IQand it's funny how everytime I confront someone about their IQ after they sit tere and ridicule someone else's it somehow gets turned back on me. I am constantly seeing comments like "low IQ monkey" -"IQ like a chimp". So when ask someone do theuy know what thier's is it is a yes or no question. Most people do not know, so I would say if you are fonna talk about something, have something to back it up with. I have never claimed to be smarter than anybody else. But here is the deal; why in the world would I think someone who chants " kill all niggers", die nigger die" to ever agree with me? Not gonna happen. I am not here for friends or to be part of some raggedy community. I am here on my own and stand on my own. Many of these racists garnish their strength and resolve from knowing there are others like them and it makes them feel like they are part of something. Not me.
fuckthelife Hacker 80,817 points
yeah you ape it is about you low and no IQ
Kalew The Boss 31,681 points
Ein Dieb ist nur ein Dieb, weil sie sehr dumme Menschen sind.
+1 vote
Sep 28, 2022
Killer on the road Natural Addict 8,576 points
He will just cry racisms and be right back on the street again
0 votes
Sep 29, 2022
Orion-14 Natural Addict 9,840 points
Once again evidence that speaks for itself. Our first class enrichment actually does the opposite
–1 vote
Sep 29, 2022
Lucifah Famous 3,745 points
A combined IQ of zero.
+1 vote
Oct 10, 2022
Serralis Overlord 6,836 points
The poorer niggot than Tom Porello
+2 votes
Dec 20, 2022
WhereDaWhiteHoesAt? Overlord 5,525 points
@Knight Templar. The same reason white trash are dumb.
+3 votes
Apr 25, 2023
He will get it right next time
+3 votes
Jun 29, 2023
the great white hope Overlord 6,077 points
@SwagMaster934. You really got a thing for nigs huh! Closet homo? You can tell me.
+1 vote
Jun 29, 2023
DelbertGrady The Boss 39,130 points