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Man Accused Of Touching Her Bottom While Rescuing 5-year old

CHINA — A man who rescued a girl about to fall off the edge of an escalator after she became trapped is being accused of ‘touching the girl’s bottom’.

The man, surnamed Ding, was at a Shanghai shopping centre last Sunday when he saw a girl, about five years old, holding onto the outside edge of a moving escalator.

The girl became stuck in a gap between the handrail and a pane of glass and was left dangling at a considerable height above the floor below unable to get off.

Seeing the girl on the verge of falling, Ding helped pull her to safety. While lifting the girl over the edge of the escalator he placed one hand on the back of her upper legs and lower buttocks to support her weight and held her arm with his other hand as he lifted her to safety.

After CCTV footage of the incident circulated on social media, some people questioned his actions and accused him of “touching the girl’s bottom”.

If repost send link on description, i was planning to post

this when this was uplaoded, thank you.

Original uploaded October 12 2022

50,632 views Oct 19, 2022

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слава Україні Intermediate 1,295 points
he saved this girl life and now they hate on him. he didn't raped her or anything, he just hold her to get her out of here. I admit, it's not a good place to touch a child on, but HE SAVED HER LIFE
+11 votes
Oct 19, 2022
are17 Landed Knights 183,214 points
its do or die
lku Omega 18,359 points
ye 100 percent agree
TheDevilsAngel Master 103,916 points
I don't think it was sexual tbh
+6 votes
Oct 19, 2022
are17 Landed Knights 183,214 points
yea the people are the internet are too sensitive even in china
TheDevilsAngel Master 103,916 points
I agree with that statement 100 percent dude!
Chicken_Lover The Boss 26,541 points
Idiots, its retarded shit like this which will make men ignore women/children that need help.
+5 votes
Oct 19, 2022
Troglodyte The Boss 25,461 points
+1 vote
Oct 19, 2022
LoonyBinJimmy Intermediate 1,181 points
It's funny how you: a pedophile, say this thing, you pedo
ThirdWave 54 points
Only pedo would think that human contact with children with lives on the line is sexual
Couldn't even come up with it myself
Kill fueko Advanced 2,494 points
Sus sus sus lol
+3 votes
Oct 19, 2022
OyVeyRabbi The Boss 28,077 points
Should have just let her die, this is what happens if you aren't a pedo so you may as well actually be one
+4 votes
Oct 19, 2022
fuckthelife Hacker 80,793 points
when you help some one, its dammed if you do and dammed if you don't,
+2 votes
Oct 19, 2022
@fuckthelife. Best just to keep your grubby old hands off kids' asses and you don't have anything to worry about pops. Not so hard for most to do.
theredwatercomesout Overlord 5,608 points
To be fair, the way his hand is positioned is the same way you put your hand when you wanna reach from behind with a finger, but yeah, he did save the child so shame on them
+4 votes
Oct 19, 2022
LoonyBinJimmy Intermediate 1,181 points
Ding Junjui?
LoonyBinJimmy Intermediate 1,181 points
There is nothing sexual about it! Just a ching saving a little girl's life! Humans nowadays are such snowflakes and full of hypocrisy. Pedos and faggs are disgusting, faggs being the top 1 at the most disgusting things on earth..but in this case, there is no pedophilia, for fuck sake
OyVeyRabbi The Boss 28,077 points
You love pedophilia really ;)
LoonyBinJimmy Intermediate 1,181 points
No, faggot, i love young girls above 16 years old, not under! You love pedophilia, you like to rape little boys under 12 years old, you disgusting queer
OyVeyRabbi The Boss 28,077 points
Even in a country where the age of consent is 18? You tubro pedo
LoonyBinJimmy Intermediate 1,181 points
Even there. 16 is the age of consent in 90% of the countries! Anyway, 40+ gorgeous women make me much more horny, you disgusting transexual fagg! My gaaaawd(i am an atheist, but yeah) there is nothing more disgusting than a male who thinks is a female prisoner into a man's body and he start acting like a female. There are those disgusting femboys..i hope for a cure for homosexuality or a virus to eradicate all the faggs, queers and pedofaggs
OyVeyRabbi The Boss 28,077 points
Would you like me more if I was a straight pedofag?
LoonyBinJimmy Intermediate 1,181 points
Oiiii, faggot, something much more disgusting than a fagg is a pedofagg! But not the one who fuck little girls, at least they fuck a pussy, but the ones who fucks little boys. Maaaaannnn, there is nothing more disgusting than a shit male who is sexually attracted by another shit male..two men fucking in their assholes, really...even the anal sex between heterosexuals is kinda disgusting, ass is for shitting, not for fucking! Yeah, something it's cristal clear: HOMOSEXUALS, transexuals are THE most disgusting human trashes ever existed on earth. Like..really! Be a man, for fuck sake, not a pussyman who want dicks in your ass, you disgusting genetically error
OyVeyRabbi The Boss 28,077 points
I shall change the error of my ways, from now on I will only be attracted to girls. That is how much I love you

LoonyBinJimmy Intermediate 1,181 points
There is nothing you can do, fagg! You are a skinny ugly male who think is a female prisoner into a man's body! You are disgusting! I declare you the most disgusting queer! You disgusting fagg! You are disgusting! Nothing is more disgusting than a disgusting faggot, you disgusting fagg! Bye, you disgusting faggot!
OyVeyRabbi The Boss 28,077 points
You can't play hard to get forever you wiley shrew
LoonyBinJimmy Intermediate 1,181 points
Oiiii, you are doomed to live as a faggot! Nothing is worse than that! So...dig it, or leave it
OyVeyRabbi The Boss 28,077 points
I'm diggin it, sucka!
LoonyBinJimmy Intermediate 1,181 points
Well, pretty disturbing! You fagg!
OyVeyRabbi The Boss 28,077 points
Loves yew <3
Too bad he didn't fuck her in the little ass afterwards.
+3 votes
Oct 19, 2022
Killer on the road Natural Addict 8,570 points
I am sure if a woman did this it would not be a problem. Which brings the question, where was their fucking mother?
+3 votes
Oct 19, 2022
232Bas Veteran 11,019 points
mental note, never help anyone. if I'm ever in a situation like this, I'll just be the guy recording it.
+3 votes
Oct 20, 2022
mindemon Advanced 2,446 points
Yeah.  He definitely took advantage of that situation, but he did save her life,  so at the very least he deserves to cop a feel.  It isn't like he is taking her home.  The feel he took is probably worth a few days of masturbation at best.  No biggie.
+1 vote
Oct 20, 2022
Prometheus Beginner 120 points
I agree with you. Today so hard to get this kind of content, even in daily life, we have to be careful
B4CKEND Overlord 6,376 points
Just let dead. ok?
+2 votes
Oct 20, 2022
humanbutcher Well-Known 847 points
sensitive ass people he saved a little girls life it wasn't sexual
+2 votes
Jan 6, 2023
Dindu Bitch Extreme Poster 578 points
Ching cha chu
+2 votes
Feb 22, 2023
FarmerFred2023 Natural Addict 7,697 points
The rescuer thinks:" well, heck, I'm 5 years old too." Fixed tie and combover, then casually walks over to cop that feel. Lol. Jk
+2 votes
Feb 22, 2023
VikiSan Omega 18,706 points
He's not pedo and chinese people are mistaken
+1 vote
Apr 12, 2023
aDArthVINvad3r Veteran 11,796 points
I don't sense foul intent here... He pro'lly could've just lifted her grabbing onto her arm... I don't really know, but that doesn't seem 'perverse' to me.
+3 votes
May 17, 2023
Bfotv Advanced 2,751 points
But what would they have said if they hadn't saved him?
+2 votes
May 18, 2023
carlostoledo80 Overlord 6,000 points
el vato la manoseo
+1 vote
May 30, 2023