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Palestinian Terrorist "Udai Tamimi" Dead At Shootout

Udai Tamimi, the Palestinian who killed Israeli soldier Noa Lazar at the Shoafat checkpoint, carried out a shooting attack near the West Bank settlement of Ma’aleh Adumim on Wednesday and was shot dead.

Footage from the attack shows Tamimi, who has been the subject of a manhunt for more than ten days, firing at a security guard and security guards returning fire, killing him.

Tamimi continued to shoot at them for about 30 seconds while lying on the ground, until he was hit and lost consciousness. He was pronounced dead at the scene.

A grenade was found on his body, and security officials believe that the gun he used was the same one used in the attack at Shoafat ten days earlier.

An injured security guard was taken to the Hadassah Medical Center in Jerusalem fully conscious and with an injury to his hand from shrapnel.

Palestinian groups throughout the West Bank, including the ruling Fatah party, announced a general strike on Wednesday night to mourn Tamimi's death. Armed men led marches in Shoafat, Qalandiya, Nablus and Jenin to mourn Tamimi.

Following the searches, clashes broke out in East Jerusalem and the West Bank. Residents in Shoafat, in the Rosh Hamis neighborhood in East Jerusalem and in the town of Anata reported several minor injuries from tear gas inhalation.


The shooting earlier this month occurred when Tamimi exited a vehicle at the checkpoint, approached security forces with a pistol and shot Lazar and another security guard at point-blank range before fleeing on foot to the Shoafat refugee camp.

Following the conclusion of the manhunt after Tmimi, Prime Minister Yair Lapid congratulated all the security personnel involved. "We will not rest until we reach every terrorist who hurts citizens and soldiers. We will continue to fight terror without any hesitation," he said, adding he wishes the security guard who was wounded a speedy recovery.

Defense Minister Benny Gantz praised the security guards who shot the terrorist: "Their professionalism and dedication helped avoid further loss of life."

16,001 views Oct 20, 2022

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Toxic_Ogrish 3 points
he's a hero if you have a single brain cell in your head
+1 vote
Oct 20, 2022
Troglodyte The Boss 25,465 points
So what . . .
Bobby The Blade Overlord 5,937 points
He died like a pussy with his fag dance at the beginning.
KMDisciples67 The Boss 36,413 points
That fool was fuckin eatin em
+2 votes
Oct 20, 2022
Iampolite777 Omega 24,509 points
Andrew tate being Andrew tate
0 votes
Oct 20, 2022
Bipa de supersoldier Beginner 191 points
Good, now his family
0 votes
Oct 20, 2022
_NiggerPox_ Overlord 6,656 points
#Israel #propaganda.

#Israelis are mostly #European colonizing invaders, not indigenous to #Palestine, outright stealing land & committing #genocide.

thus, any form of resistance by #Palestinians is justified.
0 votes
Oct 20, 2022
BrainDegeneracy Famous 3,012 points
Imagine that, an educated racist.
_NiggerPox_ Overlord 6,656 points
niggers in America are not oppressed. they are the oppressors.
@_NiggerPox_.That is the dumbiest shit of all times numb nut bitch.
PhantomErotica 2 points
Fuck yeah..
dickinson Extreme Poster 505 points
Palestinians fighting the zionist terror regime are heroes
+2 votes
Oct 20, 2022
Muslim_and_Im_proud Beginner 231 points
Don't say that anymore
Cause you and the israelians are the real tero..
And Who fight for the freedom
Is the real champion❤️
Just imagine your self at the place of the palatinians?!
Can you imagine ?
All the time the people in palastine die for their country
Every time and every day the criminals of israel kill the palastinians
They want to remove and delete them..
That's relly discosting..
Let me be have the the right to posting video in this site and i will show you a lot of the israelians shit..
Just wait..
+2 votes
Oct 20, 2022
_NiggerPox_ Overlord 6,656 points
if you stand for freedom, i stand with you. regardless of race, religion, sex, or nationality.

Muslim_and_Im_proud Beginner 231 points
All the love and the respect for you habibi❤️
Me too i stand with freedom everywhere and every time
Whatever was the relegion and whatever was the Sex..
What you don't accept to yourself
Dont accept it for the people❤️

if you go one day to Palestine, you will see how Muslims palastinians and Christians palastinians coexist with each other, and you will notice that there is a church for Christians and near it on the other side there is a mosque for Muslims.
they really teach the people Love❤️
In Palestine all people are united by all their religions
They all have one goal, which is the demise of Israeli colonialism
Last year, Israel demolished a church to build houses in its place
Mosques were also demolished
And also demolishing Palestinian homes and displacing them in the street..
Something heartbreaking, my friend.

and also by the way
even there is a group of ancient Jews
Existing before the establishment of the Israeli occupation.
These Jews reject the Israeli occupation
And they admit that before the existence of Israel, they lived in peace and love with the Palestinians.
they created a group called (neturei karta)
and they fighting
you can looking for it in google
They always do peaceful demonstrations
_NiggerPox_ Overlord 6,656 points
i visit & read PressTV a lot. they're the only site to publish updates on Palestine.
i grew up in the 90s when the 'left' cared about Palestine.
today, the 'left' only care about BigBlackCock.

i was raised correctly: to always side with the oppressed.
Palestinians are an inspiration to the world.
keep the struggle.

FYI: here in America.. the people are oppressed for voicing support for Palestine.
Nigger Slayer Natural Addict 8,879 points
Allah fuckbar
Orion-14 Natural Addict 9,840 points
Now defending yourself from invaders is called terrorism...interesting times
+1 vote
Oct 20, 2022
The Whale Beginner 119 points
He is a hero killed some bitchs called jews
+1 vote
Oct 20, 2022
TheDevilsAngel Master 103,928 points
What kinda dance that dude doing? Lol. shoulda put music in the background (thumbs up)
+1 vote
Oct 21, 2022
ShitStick Experienced 291 points
Funny thing about Israel...they never forget.
+2 votes
Oct 21, 2022
Al Gore 60 points
Let the kikes and sand niggers kill each other off.
0 votes
Oct 23, 2022
neinspamss Addicted 2,128 points
+2 votes
Oct 25, 2022
Wait a f$÷$g minute .... Did he loose all his coins like sonic or its just the Blunt I just smoked.....
Anubis_So Intermediate 1,066 points
Is that our Top G Andrew Tate?
0 votes
Mar 7, 2023
thesocietyvoid Famous 3,126 points
0 votes
Mar 19, 2023
thesocietyvoid Famous 3,126 points
i love tate
0 votes
Mar 19, 2023
Each bullet well deserved.
+3 votes
May 26, 2023
That first shot broke homies leg! Ha ah!
+3 votes
May 26, 2023
Mr. Magoo Famous 4,372 points
@Nigger slave owner.The reason that mandingo lusting homos like yourself do not own niggers is that slavery was abolished and reconized as evi and gayl.Next!!!!
+2 votes
Jun 9, 2023
Tiamat Extreme Poster 593 points
Udai Getting Udied
0 votes
Jun 11, 2023
are17 Landed Knights 183,218 points