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Dog can't control his poop
17,349 views Nov 7, 2022

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JGMOJO67 The Boss 31,819 points
Dogs are the nigger of the animal kingdom.
0 votes
Nov 7, 2022
Themask Famous 3,502 points
Dogs are loyal you scumbag
TheAvoidedOne Natural Addict 7,264 points
you are the nigger of live gore
i make fun of nogga Well-Known 776 points
@georgefloyd you were sympathic till this comment... really disappointing what you said
NebuJlN Veteran 14,405 points
No matter how loyal they are, they are stupid, obedient creatures, and stink.
TheAvoidedOne Natural Addict 7,264 points
not more stinky than you are
white_metalhead Experienced 384 points
i agree. Kill all dogs
Kalew The Boss 31,659 points
Ha ha ha ha ha ha
+5 votes
Nov 7, 2022
ExplodingKnees Veteran 14,781 points
funny video as always
+2 votes
Nov 7, 2022
OyVeyRabbi The Boss 28,062 points
Breathe through your mouth and you can taste it
+8 votes
Nov 7, 2022
TheAvoidedOne Natural Addict 7,264 points
lmao , that makes sense
fuckthelife Hacker 80,771 points
lol nigger food nice and warm
–1 vote
Nov 7, 2022
TheAvoidedOne Natural Addict 7,264 points
eat it twice a day with your family
fuckthelife Hacker 80,771 points
shut the fuck up nigger and eat your shit lol
TheAvoidedOne Natural Addict 7,264 points
make your own point , don't copy my comment
fuckthelife Hacker 80,771 points
like I said nigger eat your own shit like you normally do lol
TheAvoidedOne Natural Addict 7,264 points
so you are a nigger , coz you eat poop twice a day with your family
fuckthelife Hacker 80,771 points
I am white and proud unlike you nigger and i would never dream of taking your shit from you and see you starve
TheAvoidedOne Natural Addict 7,264 points
cause you can't take it from me nerd.
TheAvoidedOne Natural Addict 7,264 points
keyboard warrior sits on computer all day
fuckthelife Hacker 80,771 points
go and fuck your tribe nigger they are waiting for you lol
TheAvoidedOne Natural Addict 7,264 points
in which century are you living in mf come out of your fucking room , "tribe" lmao
TheAvoidedOne Natural Addict 7,264 points
those black football players can buy your whole family
TheAvoidedOne Natural Addict 7,264 points
i am taller than you stronger than you & have big dick than yours
fuckthelife Hacker 80,771 points
soon be your dinner time and now you can get your food from the trash dumpster as you do every day lol
fuckthelife Hacker 80,771 points
hahha have you been looking at the men in the porn mags again
TheAvoidedOne Natural Addict 7,264 points
i am talking about myself asshole , i am 6.3 goes to gym and have 6.5 inch dick
TheAvoidedOne Natural Addict 7,264 points
even your mom crave for my dick
fuckthelife Hacker 80,771 points
hahha you are still a dwarf
TheAvoidedOne Natural Addict 7,264 points
look who is saying stinky fat ass shorty
fuckthelife Hacker 80,771 points
hahah what's the matter no woman wants to go near you why don't you by a blow-up doll
TheAvoidedOne Natural Addict 7,264 points
simps need women
gjmojo67 The Boss 35,914 points
Loser boyo.
Chicken_Lover The Boss 26,519 points
Damn faggot, have you already forgotten that you've posted multiple times how you're loser virgin that can't get a girl?
You need to get your gym membership refunded because you're clearly wasting your time.
TheAvoidedOne Natural Addict 7,264 points
i don't want any suggestion with anime pfp , lmao
Chicken_Lover The Boss 26,519 points
You're an Indian, you've already failed at life.
The best thing you can do is to film an interesting video of yourself committing suicide.
TheAvoidedOne Natural Addict 7,264 points
who is the PM of UK ? , who is CEO of google ? you are living under a rock nerd
Chicken_Lover The Boss 26,519 points
The UK is a shithole that has been brought down due to shitskins being allowed to immigrate and Google is a pathetic excuse for a company.

Imagine being such a faggot that you try to boast about positions held by members of your shit country.

That said, they must be pretty smart if they realized enough to get out of that 3rd world shithole in the first place.
TheAvoidedOne Natural Addict 7,264 points
according to your logic every single country and every race is niger and shithole
Chicken_Lover The Boss 26,519 points
Where have I posted that?
fuckthelife Hacker 80,771 points
chicken_lover I do totally agree with you what you say and also so called chickmagnet   is a complete looser  in life and hangs around basements to get his kicks while all his friends have girlfriends and a nice life,
TheAvoidedOne Natural Addict 7,264 points
two dumbs agreeing to dumbshit lmao
fuckthelife Hacker 80,771 points
haha 17 years old and still a fucking virgin, find yourself a goat to fuck lol
TheAvoidedOne Natural Addict 7,264 points
18 is legal age pervert simp
TheAvoidedOne Natural Addict 7,264 points
what will you even achieve by fucking a bitch anyway
fuckthelife Hacker 80,771 points
lo,l it has never stopped your family having incest raping and underage sex your country has been doing it for thousands of years
TheAvoidedOne Natural Addict 7,264 points
your limited knowledge
Chicken_Lover The Boss 26,519 points
fuckthelife, kids like ChickMagnet ruin sites like this, the fucking loser seems to think this is a reddit self help group.
By reading his comments its obvious why he can't get any pussy, girls don't like losers.
TheAvoidedOne Natural Addict 7,264 points
"girls don't like loosers " ok , but do i want girl , No , not a simp .
Chicken_Lover The Boss 26,519 points
If that's the case then why have you posted multiple times about being upset about not being able to get a girl?
No insults here, you do understand that people can read all the comments that you post, right?
TheAvoidedOne Natural Addict 7,264 points
i was never upsed douchbag
TheAvoidedOne Natural Addict 7,264 points
even if i can't get girl , this doesn't make anybody looser retard
TheAvoidedOne Natural Addict 7,264 points
girls are not any prize that winners get
TheAvoidedOne Natural Addict 7,264 points
your cheap mentality
Chicken_Lover The Boss 26,519 points
You've posted that often about it that you're clearly "upsed" over it, if it didn't "upsed" you a normal person wouldn't have mentioned it multiple times.

Stay "upsed", everybody is laughing at you.
fuckthelife Hacker 80,771 points
Hi chicken_lover yes, I do totally agree with every single word you say about the so-called chick magnet  he is just a spoilt child who has never grown up just like peter pan and he keeps bragging about his size and his so called one inch cock he has and yet cannot get a girl friend his so called friends are laughing at him he has had a very shallow life and I think he has severe mental issues I now think it is caused by the inbreeding that goes with their culture and this is why he is just like what he is and as he gets older his issues will get a lot worse. and over the last 2 days he has given out 150 down votes.
Chicken_Lover The Boss 26,519 points
Hes the type of guy who ends up being a rapist, I just hope he kills himself before he hurts anyone.
Hopefully he films it.
fuckthelife Hacker 80,771 points
yes I was thinking the same and hopefully he does film himself getting hurt and ends up on here what a party we all would have lol
TheAvoidedOne Natural Addict 7,264 points
do cunts agreeing , lmao
gjmojo67 The Boss 35,914 points
Don't have left buddy boy.
Chicken_Lover The Boss 26,519 points
Read what the loser was posting on this video How fucking desperate do you have to be to try and meet girls on a gore site?
niggerdickjunky Overlord 5,489 points
@fuckthelife. You are a one trick pony. The same ignorant shit to everyone.
we wuz kangz n sheit Advanced 2,976 points
dog gives birth to niglets
+5 votes
Nov 7, 2022
Billthebutcher Grandmaster 157,609 points
Much more appropriate title
Turd Ferguson Veteran 13,591 points
Is this their larval stage?
wolfred10 Overlord 5,183 points
Hahaha so disgusting
+4 votes
Nov 7, 2022
Troglodyte The Boss 25,455 points
The dog does know why he's sticking his head out the window---thinking:
"It's your own fault for that disgusting cheap food you always give me!"
+5 votes
Nov 7, 2022
TheAvoidedOne Natural Addict 7,264 points
why not stop the car
0 votes
Nov 7, 2022
TheDevilsAngel Master 103,853 points
Dirty dog!
+3 votes
Nov 7, 2022
Looks like they need to make a bathroom break for fido, or not!
+1 vote
Nov 7, 2022
mrcrispy Natural Addict 8,576 points
Dumbasses didnt walk their dog.
+1 vote
Nov 8, 2022
Killer on the road Natural Addict 8,564 points
LOL well woman pee themselves all the time so who cares
0 votes
Nov 8, 2022
Turd Ferguson Veteran 13,591 points
I didn't see the poop fall out. Is it dog shit or Indian food?
+1 vote
Nov 8, 2022
Fucked till death 0 points
Awwwww;  I know u only like black birches diarrhea poop;
Lucifah Famous 3,736 points
When dogs ruled the world . hahaha
+1 vote
Nov 13, 2022
FatAmerican Beginner 224 points
Stupid Dog lover! Hahaha
+2 votes
Dec 8, 2022
usedgore 22 points
What a pair of shitty pants
0 votes
May 7, 2023
white_metalhead Experienced 384 points
Should had killed him
0 votes
Jun 5, 2023
@JGMOJO67. When are you posting your next klan video? I eagerly await.
+4 votes
Jul 1, 2023
Goddammit! Addicted 1,523 points
Dammit! I said white power!
+1 vote
Aug 4, 2023