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Vibes on the battlefield
Soldiers are shown dancing and somehow enjoying.
7,556 views Dec 28, 2022

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Time4Jew&Nigger2Die Experienced 346 points
Yup, killing is fun and to get paid
–1 vote
Dec 28, 2022
Orion-14 Natural Addict 9,828 points
sure thing
Morfient Omega 16,239 points
Summer and crossbows, Wagner flies in the bag
–1 vote
Dec 28, 2022
Orion-14 Natural Addict 9,828 points
Finally enlist, you cowards
+1 vote
Dec 28, 2022
Time4Jew&Nigger2Die Experienced 346 points
I can't enlist, i have PTSD from my abusive childhood
Visiongzusionix Natural Addict 7,711 points
Your Stepdad now owns your ass.
Billthebutcher Grandmaster 154,446 points
Sorry ass excuse. Fucking pussy
Orion-14 Natural Addict 9,828 points
@GR average LGBTQ supporter
Time4Jew&Nigger2Die Experienced 346 points
Why's everybody always pick'in on me
Orion-14 Natural Addict 9,828 points
Get some real PTSD bro, not some femboy desease
Billthebutcher Grandmaster 154,446 points
@Orion-14 preaching the truth lmao. He's definitely a in the closet Fem
SandNiggerHunter Famous 3,560 points
Interesting how the one on the right doesn't have a clip in his AK
+1 vote
Dec 29, 2022
Macaquito Intermediate 1,344 points
Fuck ukraine
+2 votes
Dec 29, 2022
ME262 Advanced 2,497 points
Can't be Ukrainian, they're not wrapped in 20 meters of yellow tape.
+2 votes
Dec 29, 2022
NukeDukem Experienced 321 points
Shitty dance moves but what can you expect from orcs
–2 votes
Dec 29, 2022
Time4Jew&Nigger2Die Experienced 346 points
You can expect them to turn shithole Ukraine into a pile of rubble and destroy ever last Nazi faggot
Billthebutcher Grandmaster 154,446 points
I'm seeing the complete opposite. You must be falling for the propaganda bullshit kid.
Time4Jew&Nigger2Die Experienced 346 points
Stop watching CNN kid
Billthebutcher Grandmaster 154,446 points
Yeah I don't watch that shit but good try
Time4Jew&Nigger2Die Experienced 346 points
Anyway, when Russia is finished completing its objectives, i won't say i told you so, i won't rub it in
Billthebutcher Grandmaster 154,446 points
Man you are young aren't you
Time4Jew&Nigger2Die Experienced 346 points
Old enough to know everything America touches turns to shit,  RIP Ukraine
Billthebutcher Grandmaster 154,446 points
So I'm curious why you have so much hate for Ukraine what they did to piss in your corn flakes or if its you just doing the it's cool to be against Ukraine thing
Orion69 Beginner 200 points
Ukraine is a shithole filled with Bandera loving lunatics. Stepan Bandera is the Ukrainian equivalent of Hitler. He hated anyone who wasn't a Ukrainian. Bandera and his OUN goons went on a violent killing spree, massacring hundreds of thousands of Poles in Volhynia and Eastern Galicia. Russians, Germans, Czechs and Hungarians also fell victim to the massacres. The people killed in the Genocide were not simply shot. Pregnant women were bayoneted and scalped, children had their skin peeled off them and infants were found ripped in half. The brutality of the Genocide was so sickening that even the German SS and the Soviets were disgusted. After the defeat of Nazi Germany, the Soviet Union went on a Bandera liquidation campaign that lasted till the 60's. Around 150,000 Banderists and 30,000 Soviet soldiers died. Bandera was assassinated by a KGB agent, bringing an end to his terroristic legacy. According to Ukrainians, the actions taken against the Banderists validates them as another victim of Soviet oppression. The fiery Bandera spirit continued in Ukrainians, especially in Western Ukraine where most of the massacres took place. Lviv was once a Polish city, but it's now a territory of Ukraine. Ukrainians are taught that Bandera was a hero who fought for the freedom of the Ukrainian people. Their YouTube channel, UATV English, even has a video which speaks about the 'Heroic' actions of Bandera. The term "Heroiam Slava" was first used by the OUN-B. This same term is now used by ignorant Westerners who have zero clue about the violent history of the Ukrainian people. When you say "Heroiam Slava", you're proudly stepping on the bones of hundreds of thousands of dead Poles, Russians, Germans, Czechs and Hungarians. The exact number of victims who died during the Wolyn Genocide is still unknown because of the Ukrainian Government's unwillingness to allow a full investigation on the lands where my ancestors were massacred. As of recent, there have been talks about Russians and Pro-Russian Eastern Ukrainians being massacred in Donetsk and Luhansk. I know for certain that people have died from Ukrainian shelling, but I'm not 100% certain if the death toll is as high as they say. Some people tell me that around 6,000-8,000 have died in the past 8 years. Can't really confirm that though because there are only a few videos of the bombardments taking place. But yeah, I have my fair share of reasons to not like Ukraine. I blatantly refuse to jump on the bandwagon and give my full support to a country that's done so many wrongs, and blatantly refuses to own up to it's mistakes. At least Germany and Japan fixed themselves, but Ukraine is just filled with horribly stubborn people that deserve everything coming their way.
Billthebutcher Grandmaster 154,446 points
So yall still butt hurt about some shit in the past. That's typical nigger shit there isn't it
Orion69 Beginner 200 points
Yeah it happened in the past, but the Ukrainians bring it to the present. I do not see the Germans saluting Hitler and building monuments to honor him. Ukrainians are doing just that but with Bandera. Just because Germany apologized, I can forgive them. However, I can't forgive Ukraine. A simple apology goes a long way, but Ukrainians can't even do that. They are too brick-headed and stubborn like their Russian friends. I fucking hate Ukrainians and Russians. They are both dumb as fuck, and I'm happy they are destroying each other. Just sick and tired of other Polish who have forgotten their history. The Ukrainians are not our friends, and never will be. The Ukrainians get not an ounce of sympathy from me. I hope their dirty little shit pig nation is turned to rubble. I'd rather have a Russian neighbor than a Ukrainian one. At least the Russians are honest. They'll tell us that they do not like us. The Ukrainians are deceitful. They act like they are our friends but next thing you know, they're raping and torturing your family. Do you think I am crazy for not liking the people who killed my fellow countrymen? I have experience with these people. I'm not sure if you do.
Billthebutcher Grandmaster 154,446 points
I see were your coming from and I get it. I just hate the little punks that hate on them for the fun of it and know nothing about anything.  I do have have some friends from Kiev  Pretty much because of where I live we get a lot of foreign exchange students which I don't agree with really either but he just worked his ass off for me for a long time till he moved on and we kept up with each other. Covered my ass a few times with some shit and got my respect.  So I just havnt taken the time to put fourth into the full history especially since I have no family ties with them or Russia.
NukeDukem Experienced 321 points
Humans are violent get over it or kys you didn't live through all that shit and the Ukrainians being so bad were never going to invade anyone but the Russians did so fuck them period.
Visiongzusionix Natural Addict 7,711 points
hahahahaha, good one.
NukeDukem Experienced 321 points
Thanks it's true though 1. You didn't live through what your ancestors did correct. 2. Russia invaded them also correct. Cry me a river loser
You're a walking contradiction so they inflicted violence on you're ppl so now you want more violence....errrr okay you got it Ukraine will rape Russia till it is no more and if they fail America will finish the job
Billthebutcher Grandmaster 154,446 points
Yeah thats true. We'll clean it up for them. Lmao
NukeDukem Experienced 321 points
Yessir we will we don't even need NATO Bois we got this on our own
Crimnt Famous 4,070 points
Propaganda. Show how much you're having a good time or else....
+1 vote
Jan 4, 2023
cindus Natural Addict 9,342 points
deserved it.
+1 vote
Apr 15, 2023
Damnman Addicted 1,541 points
This are only Wagner assholes no more.
0 votes
Sep 4, 2023
A random French guy Famous 3,194 points