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Death elevator
Run at full speed
24,314 views Jan 20, 2023

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slvt4mojyo Well-Known 883 points
at least his family will be getting a heavy payday from the lawsuit
0 votes
Jan 20, 2023
Visiongzusionix Natural Addict 7,715 points
Fuck elevators
0 votes
Jan 20, 2023
BadgerFromTheYNC CEO 50,470 points
the nigga vanished!
–1 vote
Jan 20, 2023
LoonyBinJimmy Intermediate 1,177 points
Murica is full of niggers, you cunt. It's like .70% of muricans are nigglets, the rest are pedos, faggs and pussies like you
satyRo77 Beginner 121 points
Lol LoonyBinJimmy the dorky goofball is mad that he doesn't live in America. How should be. & don't visit. We don't want you
NukeDukem Experienced 321 points
Holy shit that sucks lol
+4 votes
Jan 20, 2023
UNDERDOG Beginner 131 points
+2 votes
Jan 20, 2023
Time4Jew&Nigger2Die Experienced 348 points
Susan Muldowney?
Shiva Natural Addict 7,715 points
Take stairs u fatty faggots.
–2 votes
Jan 20, 2023
LoonyBinJimmy Intermediate 1,177 points
He seesm a fat indian faggot, you ugly indian rapist
Shiva Natural Addict 7,715 points
So an Indian raped ur family ?
LoonyBinJimmy Intermediate 1,177 points
@FocussedMonk, all you think is "rape" )) Of course, India have the biggest percentage of rapists in the world. They are so ugly and disgusting that they choose to rape kids, cows and their own women. They are rejected even by their own women, fucking subhumans
Shiva Natural Addict 7,715 points
Dude literally Romania the rape capital has 2.5 times the rape rate than India
LoonyBinJimmy Intermediate 1,177 points
))))) you fucking idiot, in Romania, 95% of rapists are gypsies, and you know what gypsies are? Yeah, exactly: indians, they are originar from that shithole: India. Romnia has 19 mill people, 1.5 mill are GYPSIES (indians inbreeds) Prisons here are 85% occupied by gypsies, so...try harder, you fucking idiot. Yet from 1.4 billions indians, 70 millions are rapists... it's like the population of Germany, you loser
Shiva Natural Addict 7,715 points
@FuckTheFools lol romania is hotbed for human traffickers like andrew and pedophiles. Rape capital country haha Andrew tate loves ur country hahaha
LoonyBinJimmy Intermediate 1,177 points
ANDREW TATE IS A HERO, he was arrested and soon he will be free. He came here to Brasov City(search on google for this town, Just this town is better, cleaner and beautiful than anything you see in that pajeet shitty trash can: India) to fuck beautiful women. He even pay gypsies to wash their skin so he can find if the smell can be removed. he and his brother beat the shit out of 10 gypsies on a clubhouse and urinare on these inbreeds, there are videos on this...
Shiva Natural Addict 7,715 points
Ofcourse as expected rape capital piglets praising human trafficker. Hahaha.
Dude andrew tate calls romania a corrupt shithole that he came to do drugs and other illegal activites. The one whose dick ur sucking now, exposed ur country
LoonyBinJimmy Intermediate 1,177 points
In 1939, about 1 to 1.5 million Roma View This Term in the Glossary lived in Europe. About half of all European Roma lived in eastern Europe, especially in the Soviet Union and Romania. Hungary, Yugoslavia, and Bulgaria also had large Romani communities. In prewar Germany there were at most 35,000 Roma, most of whom held German citizenship. In Austria, there were approximately 11,000 Roma. Relatively few Roma lived in western Europe.
LoonyBinJimmy Intermediate 1,177 points
He got arrested, you fucking idiot. Every fucking country have corruption, you retard ugly indian )) My gooosh, you are so dumb you make me laugh
Shiva Natural Addict 7,715 points
But romania is higher in every crime than india though.
U piece of shit piglet cowards who bark on internet ignore ur stupid country and crime stats. Human tafficking country hahah
Shiva Natural Addict 7,715 points
Romanian human trafficking piglet hahaha
LoonyBinJimmy Intermediate 1,177 points
Romania is one of the safest country in Europe, you ugly brown skinny indian. 1.4 bill indians that came from incests and rapes ))) The sad truth about that shitty country
Shiva Natural Addict 7,715 points
Nah only muslims inbred. Romanians do rapes, human trafficking, incest and are cowards.
Shiva Natural Addict 7,715 points
And u love smelling our shit and getting analraped by pigs while ur drunk whore mother sucks british dick ?
LoonyBinJimmy Intermediate 1,177 points
@FocussedMonk, your insults are childish and won't affect me..but the worse thing and a nightmare for you is you are born as an indian. Everyone know indians smell like piss and shitand they rape cows and chickens, so if i was you, i will kill myself
Chicken_Lover The Boss 26,493 points
FuckTheFools aka LoonyBinJim you're the one that keeps bringing up rape.
Imagine lacking this much self awareness, to be expected from a stinking gypsy
Shiva Natural Addict 7,715 points
Pls kill urself u pathetic loser. Indians are all over the world. We are intelligent. U r a sub human inferior brained homo erectus that knowns nothing except race. I m proud to be an Indian. Always will be. I ewuld proudly butcher ur coward ass
Shiva Natural Addict 7,715 points
Faceraped irish piglet ur my bitch. Hahahaha
Shiva Natural Addict 7,715 points
Red piglet u can always smell and eat my shit. We all know ur the clown fuckthefools in another account  u lifeless looser. Hahah
Shiva Natural Addict 7,715 points
Piggo bonk
Shiva Natural Addict 7,715 points
Stop telling me irish culture bro. Ireland is rape capital u know that right ?
Check the stats i gave u
Shiva Natural Addict 7,715 points
Shiva Natural Addict 7,715 points
Proof ? Statistics ? Source of ur claim ? None.  Even i can throw some shit brofacts like u little piggy. Hahaha.
I know its painful for u piggies to believe the actual statistics, so u bake some propagandas with no proof. Stats just exposed ur rape pighole country. Hahaha. Piggy boi crying hah
Shiva Natural Addict 7,715 points
Ireland is unsafe for women and pigs. Hahaha
Chicken_Lover The Boss 26,493 points
@LoonyBinJim we all know you're a gypsy faggot, its obvious because you get so triggered everytime someone brings it up. Hell, its made you go so full retard that you now think that I'm an Indian. If you were not so retarded you'd see how often I've mocked idiots like cockmagnet for being Indian.
Chicken_Lover The Boss 26,493 points
)))))))) faggot )))))))
HannahBabi Extreme Poster 679 points
Nice background music
0 votes
Jan 20, 2023
Time4Jew&Nigger2Die Experienced 348 points
RIP Eli Vader
–1 vote
Jan 20, 2023
mindemon Advanced 2,442 points
How funny.  Even elevators hate Indians.
+2 votes
Jan 20, 2023
I_Vomit_knifes 84 points
He would survive if he laid down, he stupid still pressing buttons until he got smashed
0 votes
Jan 20, 2023
Adelf Hitlor Omega 22,546 points
What likely happened is the governor failed causing the counterweight to plummet downards, this caused the lift to shoot upwards and send the passenger to oblivion.
–1 vote
Jan 20, 2023
cacao Famous 3,932 points
lol what worst under or so...
0 votes
Jan 20, 2023
StelioStelioKantos Advanced 2,680 points
Love me a good death elevator
–1 vote
Jan 22, 2023
SandNiggerHunter Famous 3,566 points
Yet another panjeet fucked over by an electrical device lmfao
–3 votes
Jan 29, 2023
SandNiggerHunter Famous 3,566 points
Panjeet is clearly a fan of Charlie and the chocolate factory
–4 votes
Jan 29, 2023
Spamton G. Spamton Natural Addict 8,964 points
Sometimes being lazy kills
0 votes
Apr 22, 2023
Tiamat Extreme Poster 591 points
journey to space
0 votes
Jun 7, 2023
rstjli Well-Known 956 points
An elevator has sent a Chilean man to hospital with serious injuries after it malfunctioned, launching him up 31 floors in 15 seconds before slamming into the roof of the building.

Closed circuit television footage shows the man, whom The Independent has identified as 31-year-old José Vergara Acevedo, entering the lift in a recently-constructed building in Bustamante Community Park in Providencia, Chile.

One of the first signs of trouble is when the elevator quickly ascends before the doors could close, according to the video on YouTube.

The doors then opens uncontrollably while still in motion, leaving Acevedo scrambling to close the doors by mashing the buttons on the nearby panel. The footage then cuts abruptly after the elevator eventually collides with the roof, leaving Acevedo with injuries to his head and legs.

The building was completed eight months ago, reports. Police are investigating into what caused the malfunction, while Acevedo's wife is demanding those responsible for the malfunction to face justice, according to NBC.
0 votes
Nov 24, 2023
rosalindwoods Intermediate 1,414 points
You might call it face "fucking" but I call it face "making love"
0 votes
Feb 5, 2024
suicideisfreewill Famous 3,081 points
Very third world; when a machine is malfunctioning, lets press as many buttons as we can, overloading its programming...  Natural selection strikes again!
0 votes
Mar 3, 2024