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Shitbull Mauls Woman In Elevator


7,914 views Feb 6, 2023

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Iampolite777 Omega 24,449 points
They are deadly
+2 votes
Feb 6, 2023
Time4Jew&Nigger2Die Experienced 338 points
Exterminate all Pitbulls, Jews, and niggers!
–2 votes
Feb 6, 2023
The.Right.Is.Evil 10 points
How original.
CuriousGirlZee Extreme Poster 734 points
As a woman i feel surprisingly left out of your extermination list
Power of the pussy
Time4Jew&Nigger2Die Experienced 338 points
You are a faggot! not a real female!
NiggersAreScum Famous 3,419 points
Personally I think pitbulls have the potential to be decent creatures if given the right guidance and training. Jews and niggers not so much. Pitbulls are essentially the nigger breed of dogs though
DirtyLilPickleBush Veteran 14,794 points
NiggersAreScum, I agree they can be trained well.  I've known people who had a lot of pitbulls and they were all very nice and not one ever did anything aggressive.  That lead me to believe there wasn't much behind the widespread hate for those dogs.  Then I looked up dog attack statistics and pitbulls are exactly like the niggers of humans.  They account for most attacks by a magnitude of well over 8 per capita compared to the other breeds combined in the USA.  Which is just like blacks in The United States of America compared to the other races combined.  It's spot on pretty much. hahahaha But worldwide, they blow black people away as they're 6% of the dog population and account for 65% of fatal attacks.  Making the 2.4 times worse than niggers.  It's hard to believe but it's true.  They kill 18 people for every 1 person killed by all the other dog breeds combined.  The second place is rottweilers with 10% of fatal attacks.
NiggersAreScum Famous 3,419 points
Those are actually very interesting statistics. Cheers
niggerdickjunky Overlord 5,473 points
@DirtyLilPickleBush.Dumb ass bitch.
Adelf Hitlor Omega 22,483 points
Chingchong getting some revenge, good boy!
0 votes
Feb 6, 2023
floda reltih Beginner 240 points
+1 vote
Feb 6, 2023
TheHound Overlord 6,988 points
I bet she regrets not picking that cocker spaniel now
0 votes
Feb 8, 2023
DAHYUN Extreme Poster 567 points
Funny video as always!
+2 votes
Feb 12, 2023
popcorn Intermediate 1,306 points
I feel like I need a mental break after this.
0 votes
Jun 21, 2023
FatFuckFrank The Boss 29,622 points