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Bullock cart race in Myanmar (Burma)
R.I.P Idiots
8,686 views Feb 18, 2023

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Paint_it_black_1234 Hacker 76,232 points
What the fuck is TikTok Lite?
+2 votes
Feb 18, 2023
Paint_it_black_1234 Hacker 76,232 points
@OyVeyRabby Cringe
CumStir Overlord 4,831 points
Well of course, the Jewkrainian nationalist has to know everything about tiktok. He can't miss the opportunity to spam it with his shitty gay globhomo nigger pro-jewkraine edits
B4CKEND Overlord 6,376 points
Idk man
Chicken_Lover The Boss 26,493 points
I assume its a basic version of tiktok what will run on potato phones like the one that the little faggot Loony owns, the broke little gypsy can't afford a new phone.

Rent. Free.
chingchongvirus 69 points
Ur pfp is awful…fucking waifu incel faggot
Chicken_Lover The Boss 26,493 points
Also easily triggered by profile pictures, good to know.
chingchongvirus 69 points
Triggered? HAHA U SEE EVERYTHING AS TRIGGERED WHAT A FAGGOT LOL i’m not mad at all I just think it’s embarrassing. Like I feel embarrassed FOR YOU.. IM GLAD IM NOT U HAHA
Chicken_Lover The Boss 26,493 points
Read your comments and try to apply some critical thinking.
Do your posts look like the posts of someone who is not triggered?
chingchongvirus 69 points
Me triggered is assaulting you physically. That’s my version of actually being triggered. Writing some mean comments bullying you is actually me laughing HAHA FAGGOT
Chicken_Lover The Boss 26,493 points
chingchongvirus 69 points
I’m happy as a clam!! HAHA faggot you didn’t want to say where you lived LOL PUSSY FAGGOT!
Chicken_Lover The Boss 26,493 points
Funny, you're too much of a bitch to book that ticket even after you said that you would.

Its amazing how people like you always seem to be exactly what you accuse other of.
chingchongvirus 69 points
You just admitted that you don’t live there… you wanted me to spend over $1000 just so that you wouldn’t be there??? SCARED FAGGOT
Chicken_Lover The Boss 26,493 points
Oh did I?
I see your reading comprehension is also dogshit.
chingchongvirus 69 points
Let’s go over it again: you told me to book a flight to Romania and meet you at some café near the airport… I was just making fun of you for a living in a poor country.. Then you were like “what country” implying that you were not really from there… so I will repeat again: you lied about where you were from… because you are too scared to face me. Everyone can see that you are scared. I read extremely well. Better than you can ever read. So why did you lie? Why are you such a scary little Faggot? Are you from Romania or not? HAHAHA
Chicken_Lover The Boss 26,493 points
You assumed multiple times.
Its funny how easily confused little faggots like you get.
chingchongvirus 69 points
How did I assume? You told me to book a flight to Romania!!!? so that we can meet and fight. There was absolutely no confusion there. Don’t say “ you never said that was to meet” That’s not an assumption?? Are you retarded???
chingchongvirus 69 points
Only thing could be that you live in another country and you wanted to meet in Romania? Which is such bullshit HAHA Anywhere you live around there is a shit hole… The closest nice countries may be Poland, Germany? Why would you travel from there all the way to go to Romania to fight? See, you have no excuse. You still live in a poor country even if you are near Romania faggot
Chicken_Lover The Boss 26,493 points
How amusing, the little faggot is confusing itself.
chingchongvirus 69 points
Answer that now, then where are you from? Don’t say anything to distract from answering it clearly. I asked you where you were from the first time and you said to meet you in Romania.. so you can’t dodge it now: where are you from? You’re next reply better just be the name of the country. Of course you weren’t going to do that.. you’re gonna find some way to make an excuse “ triggered little boy is confused again” instead of answering it. You don’t wanna answer it because you are really poor
chingchongvirus 69 points
You really are from Romania and then since I was making fun of you for it you backpedal and said “oh, I’m not from there”-From embarrassment hahaha faggot
Chicken_Lover The Boss 26,493 points
"You’re next reply"- God you're a fucking retard.
Honestly by this point I hope you are actually a teenager because if you're not it would just be embarrassing to be this stupid.

So you won't come to Romania because I'm lying about living there but I'm a poor faggot because I live in Romania?

You're as bad as that idiot Loony.
chingchongvirus 69 points
No, I make perfect sense. It’s just that you’re still stupid Faggot.. your next reply didn’t answer me like I knew u wouldn’t. Just keep making excuses to dodge it by saying something like “you’re retarded you make no sense” Always repeating something to not answer
Chicken_Lover The Boss 26,493 points
Why bother?
Anything I say you'll run around in circles with and get confused again.
chingchongvirus 69 points
Nope not true. That’s what you do buddy. No, you’re trying to “gaslight”-you know what that means right? You’re trying to make me think I’m the crazy one lol Nice try Faggot! LOL
Chicken_Lover The Boss 26,493 points
"You’re trying to make me think I’m the crazy one"- You've already mastered being a crazy retard.
chingchongvirus 69 points
Chicken_Lover The Boss 26,493 points
Bobby, please make sure ti take your HIV medication
chingchongvirus 69 points
Where’s he from?
chingchongvirus 69 points
Oh ok he’s not romanian? Ok. well romania invented vampires so that’s cool
chingchongvirus 69 points
I heard that they film the opening scene of Borat in a Romanian village, so I thought “wow it’s not a nice place”— but I’ve never really seen big cities there… and Andrew Tate really liked it there because he thought he can do whatever he wants and police won’t do anything so….maybe I should go Romania! Haha!
Chicken_Lover The Boss 26,493 points
"Easley "?
Haha that phone comment obviously cuts you up, just steal more copper wire.
Chicken_Lover The Boss 26,493 points
>Struggles with basic spelling despite the resources available online
"Reeee Imma gypsy faggot oiii ))))))"
chingchongvirus 69 points
Shut ur mouth little boy lover
Chicken_Lover The Boss 26,493 points
Make me, faggot.
chingchongvirus 69 points
I’ll keep raping your mother. Next is her fishy cunt
Chicken_Lover The Boss 26,493 points
How is your childish attempts to insult me supposed to make me shut up?

Damn bitch, you're sure showing me!
chingchongvirus 69 points
Why didn’t you wanna fight me??? Why are you scared? Because you know I’ll punch you really hard and you’ll start crying HAHA Everybody beat you up in school. Weak faggot
Chicken_Lover The Boss 26,493 points
"Because you know I’ll punch you really hard and you’ll start crying HAHA"- Yeah you must be a kid, no self respecting adult would say stupid shit like this.
chingchongvirus 69 points
I can say whatever I want, and it’ll be more self-respecting than you. Nobody even cares about you. Not even your own mother. So do everybody a favor and kill yourself
Chicken_Lover The Boss 26,493 points
You can indeed say whatever you want, it just gives everyone more material to laugh at you over
chingchongvirus 69 points
Why aren’t you dead? I told you to kill yourself
Chicken_Lover The Boss 26,493 points
Wow its almost like you are completely powerless and are just screaming into the void while I laugh.
Funny that.
chingchongvirus 69 points
Die faggot
Chicken_Lover The Boss 26,493 points
"Reeee" chingchongvirus frantically screamed "Reeeee".

chingchongvirus smugly looked at his screen, "That'll show him, bet hes crying now".
chingchongvirus 69 points
You don’t really have to cry you just have to exist.. u know that you are nothing.. (even without me telling you) that you know your life sucks. That’s awful. Who the fuck would wanna be you??? No one HAHA
Chicken_Lover The Boss 26,493 points
Oh damn, better tell us all how amazing your life is yet again.

chingchongvirus 69 points
Ok sure! My life is awesome! Are you jealous? Yes u are HAHAHAHA faggot
Chicken_Lover The Boss 26,493 points
It is rather funny how such minor things trigger you so damn hard.
So pointing out that you're uneducated and poor really gets to you? Fascinating.
chingchongvirus 69 points
Faggot you think everything triggers everybody LOL only thing triggered is your mother when I rape her, “fascinating” isn’t it? LOL
Chicken_Lover The Boss 26,493 points
If you'd been around long enough for the Loony saga you'd know that this guy is indeed triggered.
The funny thing is that he acts like you, guess its that retard gene in action.

Wow another "mom" joke, really showing your mental age there.
chingchongvirus 69 points
Whatever you think means triggered means nothing. If you think everything is triggering, it means you’re very sensitive. Me I’m not triggered.. i’m sitting here, laughing HAHAHA I’m better than you and have a better life than you and women like me and nobody likes you. Why wouldn’t I be laughing and happy?
chingchongvirus 69 points
Now that I think about it, you’ve never triggered me not even close. In fact, you make me laugh! You do the opposite of triggering me LOL I always laugh at faggots like you HAHA
Chicken_Lover The Boss 26,493 points
"Wow guys, my life is so great that I have to repeatedly tell strangers online this, believe me"!!!

"you’ve never triggered me not even close."- Well shit, you sure have acting like an overly sensitive little bitch down, you got us all fooled.

In fact you're such a triggered little faggot that all of this started because you got bent out of shape over me posting a fucking timestamp.

Seriously, what special kind of retard gets upset over a timestamp?
chingchongvirus 69 points
You’ve never triggered me not even close LOL And yes, I have a great life. Thank you for agreeing with me!!!! It’s much better than being a FUCKING Faggot like you HAHAHAHAH
chingchongvirus 69 points
In fact, I think you’re the one triggered. Your replies are always so bitter sounding. Do you notice my replays always have “HAHAHA”? It’s  Because I’m laughing i’m having fun.. your replies are always serious LOL WHAT A FAGGOT U ARE
Chicken_Lover The Boss 26,493 points
Bitter? You're the one that seems bitter, just look at the bulk of your interactions on this site.
Putting "HAHAHAHA" AND "LOL" in all of your posts just makes you sound like a little faggot.

...which makes perfect sense considering that you are indeed a faggot.

+multiple posts constantly, a sure sign of someone too triggered to simply make a single post.
chingchongvirus 69 points
Yeah, I like making multiple post because it’s annoying to you LOL
chingchongvirus 69 points
And since it’s annoying to you, I’ll do it again LOL
chingchongvirus 69 points
Once again, you sound so bitter Faggot…wow come on I know your life sucks but try to be happy HAHAHAHAHAHA
chingchongvirus 69 points
“ makes you sound like a little faggot” — anybody can see the bitterness and rage in this comment right here HAHA WHY DONT U Smile fag!!! LOL
Chicken_Lover The Boss 26,493 points
So you showing us all how retarded you are is annoying to me?
Please attempt to think logically for a second.

You clowning yourself just further proves my point that you're a stupid little faggot, do keep it up.
chingchongvirus 69 points
“ you’re a stupid little faggot” WOW GEEZ CAN U CALM DOWN WHY ARE U SO ANGRY???? No little boys for u to touch????? HAHAHAHAH
chingchongvirus 69 points
And yes, all your replies are filled with bitterness, and mine are filled with laughing HAHA!
Chicken_Lover The Boss 26,493 points
So calling someone a faggot is a measure of anger for you?
Considering how much you've said it, guess that means you're constantly angry.

That's the problem with retards like you, you're too stupid to apply basic logic before posting.
You're a carbon copy of loony as far as low intellect is concerned.
chingchongvirus 69 points
You wouldn’t know the first thing about logic
chingchongvirus 69 points
No, it’s the way you say it that makes you angry. I say Faggot to you in a different way
chingchongvirus 69 points
I call you fag it like “you are nothing”— basically, I can just kick your ass easily but with no problem. Basically, it means you are so harmless to me that you are funny LOL
Chicken_Lover The Boss 26,493 points
Oh dear, your retardation is showing yet again.
chingchongvirus 69 points
HAHAHAH HEY FAGGOT. Why are you so angry Faggot? I mean, I understand that you are a pedophile and you like little boys, so your life really is terrible, but try to smile once in a while LOL
Chicken_Lover The Boss 26,493 points
So since you get no pussy you try to get with little boys?
That's pretty shit.

Remember faggot, this all started because you got triggered by a timestamp.
chingchongvirus 69 points
Yeah you don’t like females so you have to go with little boys HAHAHA You didn’t even say I’m wrong it means you agree with it LOL
chingchongvirus 69 points
I’m not even the only one that says you’re a pedophile HAHAHAH I’m sure your parents are proud of you LOL
Chicken_Lover The Boss 26,493 points
So you're that much of a retard that you think people have to constantly correct you when you're talking shit?

Look, I get shitposting but you're failing, all this does is make you look like an idiot.
chingchongvirus 69 points
You always reply faggot. HAHAHA
Chicken_Lover The Boss 26,493 points
And? So do you.
chingchongvirus 69 points
“you think people have to constantly…”-this makes it sound like you are annoyed with replying to me, but you still reply LOL FAGGOT
BrainDegeneracy Famous 3,010 points
Or maybe he just enjoys watching you self-destruct over and over because of the most ridiculously mild things.

It really boggles the mind how someone can behave like a clown to this extent and still need validation from LIVEGORE users that his life is great. I can't ever imagine myself to have this low amount of self-respect, it's indeed fascinating.

It's truly comical how this clown is malding because Chicken is unbothered by his attempts at getting under his skin.
chingchongvirus 69 points
Self-destruct? HAHAHAHA In your minds you’re thinking that this is doing something to me negatively when in reality it’s the opposite. This is my comedy.m LOL TRY FAGGOT HAHA
BrainDegeneracy Famous 3,010 points
Your idea of comedy is looking like a clown? I mean, as much as you try to tell anyone and yourself otherwise it couldn't be more obvious that you're easily triggered.

Emotional control and mental age of a child, it's so sad it's funny.
chingchongvirus 69 points
LOL you’re the one that always writes so seriously lol very dorky in fact. And even if I did wanna look like a clown, I mean clowns are funny right? HAHAHA Nobody else thinks I’m triggered. Basically, you and chickenFaggot always repeat it. If 100,000 people saw the comments they’ll see that you’re the one triggered HAHA!
chingchongvirus 69 points
Ugh yuck I really didn’t want to say “triggered” either-but you keep saying it so much that I repeated it dang i’m not gonna become a dorky fag like u!!! I see what you’re trying to do!!!! I’ll resist!!! LOL
Chicken_Lover The Boss 26,493 points
The tldr is that chingchong is a triggered faggot.
Robina Overlord 6,399 points
Did he think, it would disappear by simply avoiding eye contact, idiot
+1 vote
Feb 18, 2023
FatFuckFrank The Boss 29,667 points
fucked by goats
0 votes
Feb 19, 2023
Chick_Magnet -710 points
turning your back won't save you
–4 votes
Feb 19, 2023
LeftismIsPure-Evil Intermediate 1,136 points
Idiot poojeet turns around when a a bullock cart is going to run it over..
–1 vote
Feb 22, 2023