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Rpost* some dude shot in the head but that ass though!
To all the real men your welcome
45,231 views Feb 21, 2023

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deadbarakuda 60 points
did these guy break up with hes boyfriend ?
+2 votes
Feb 21, 2023
Billthebutcher Grandmaster 161,238 points
Not sure was just reposting due to the better shot of that chics ass lmao
The Twisted One Well-Known 863 points
I had to watch this a couple of times, I kept missing the part where the dude got shot. Men aren't the only ones that can appreciate a nice ass. ;)
✡️6KMD7✡️ Experienced 295 points
Got damn I'd let her sit on my face fuck I'd lick her toes
+1 vote
Feb 21, 2023
The Twisted One Well-Known 863 points
Who the hell would downvote your comment? LOL If I had the points I'd upvote you.
Billthebutcher Grandmaster 161,238 points
Gotchya covered lmao
✡️6KMD7✡️ Experienced 295 points
Fuck I know who ever it is has been irritating the hell outta me for real and thanks bill
✡️6KMD7✡️ Experienced 295 points
@billthebutcher if you wanted to destroy her throat while I'm nibblin the clit I'd let you fuck it
Billthebutcher Grandmaster 161,238 points
You know I'm always up for it
✡️6KMD7✡️ Experienced 295 points
Fuckin A
The Twisted One Well-Known 863 points
Yeah, a loser with nothing but time on their hands. I've been a lurker on here for a while now.  What happened to your other account?
chingchongvirus 71 points
bill wants to have a three way with another dude LOL
✡️6KMD7✡️ Experienced 295 points
Lol hahaha damn bro @chingchongvirus definitely never tag teamed a bitch with the homie
✡️6KMD7✡️ Experienced 295 points
@randomasshole I fuckin broke my phone and can't remember the password or the password to the email I'm pissed
Billthebutcher Grandmaster 161,238 points
Hes obviously deprived
The Twisted One Well-Known 863 points
Damn that sucks. LOL Been there before though.
chingchongvirus 71 points
U trying to make it sound cool HAHA THREEWAY IS TWO CHICKS, ONE DUDE. The other way is homosexual lol!
✡️6KMD7✡️ Experienced 295 points
Bro your for real being serious right now? You've never ran a train on a bitch cuz you think it's gay?? Hahaha your a fuckin square bro obviously like 10 years old cuz I ran a train with the homies when I was like 15
chingchongvirus 71 points
Faggot LOL NO I DONT WANNA BE ANYWHERE NEAR ANOTHER NAKED DUDE LOL running a train is gay. I’d rather fuck…um….hear me out I know it’s crazy…..ALONE.
Billthebutcher Grandmaster 161,238 points
Your just some little dick bastered who would be to embarrassed to try and hang with the boys while passing a bich around. He'd be the one that can't get it up looking like a bitch. I've seen his kind before looking like a clown in the corner while everyone else was bottoming out a bitch lmfao
chingchongvirus 71 points
Look I understand you are trying your best to rationalize being a Faggot. It’s funny HAHAHAHAHA FAGGOT
✡️6KMD7✡️ Experienced 295 points
Hahaha for real hu this fools just never had the opportunity cuz he's probably too fugly to get a bitch in the first place so he tells himself he's never done it cuz it's gay lol but it's not gay unless the balls touch lmao
chingchongvirus 71 points
Uhh no it’s gay to be near another naked dude, or even just having his dick out is still gay. Stop trying to make excuses. Ur a faggot
Chicken_Lover The Boss 26,555 points
The only taste of pussy that chingchongvirus has ever gotten was when his mother shat him out.

Guys that go on about how great they are with women are always the opposite.
Billthebutcher Grandmaster 161,238 points
Lmao got him there. Kinda like the bullshit he tried to give me about how educated his dumbass is lmfao
Chicken_Lover The Boss 26,555 points
I'd be surprised if hes out of high school given how he posts and the sheer stupidity that he has displayed.
Billthebutcher Grandmaster 161,238 points
Hes definitely young there's no doubt about that. No grown ass man would put so much effort into anything so pointless
chingchongvirus 71 points
You still reply to everything I say, so how about your effort? LOL
chingchongvirus 71 points
You copied a joke from a puppet. Yes, triumph insult comic dog made this joke like 20 years ago. Let me guess “ i’ve never heard of this puppet”. This joke is not you it’s already been done many times try again, Faggot try to think of something original Wait, never mind you can’t  Wait, never mind you can’t LOL
chingchongvirus 71 points
It’s always the same come back with you faggots-basically “ if you say you are that thing, then you really aren’t”— HAHAHAHAHAHA You really think that does anything? You two faggots are hilarious! Are you guys going to meet up and apply sunscreen on each other? Then You see chicken faggots dick get hard and then you’re gonna suck it right? Oh wait sorry he’s not a little boy u won’t like him HAHAHAGA
chingchongvirus 71 points
We all know you love high school boys HAHAH PEDO
chingchongvirus 71 points
Chicken_Lover The Boss 26,555 points
>5 posts in a row
>Claims to be not triggered
>Constant retard level of capslock

Sure thing bud, you're totally not triggered.
chingchongvirus 71 points
Hey guess what
The Twisted One Well-Known 863 points
If someone has to brag about how many women he gets, chances are that number is zero. Talking about the virus dude, not you. I just find the conversation hilarious. Lol
chingchongvirus 71 points
chingchongvirus 71 points
Everybody has this comeback even you bro. I just like to shove it in his face that he gets none. In fact, you’re making me just say it again.. yes, I get pussy. More than you too, buddy. I know you don’t like to hear it, but it’s the truth. That little cliché comeback does nothing to me. It’s like when a feminist says to homophobic. “Oh, you say Faggot means you love them, right?”— and the homophobic guy goes “yeah nice Uno reverse card attempt but no, I hate faggots even more now” LOL
chingchongvirus 71 points
Posting five in a row doesn’t mean I’m mad I just do it because it annoyed u and u always say triggered hahahah
chingchongvirus 71 points
I’m the one laughing and smiling here you’re the one that sounds so serious Faggot LOL
Chicken_Lover The Boss 26,555 points
Viruscuck gets zero pussy, homeboy is trying way too hard to impress(?) random guys that don't give a shit about him on the internet.

Its so sad that its actually just funny now.
chingchongvirus 71 points
“Sure thing bud”— only faggots say this HAHAHAHA
Chicken_Lover The Boss 26,555 points
Funny how the faggot is getting upset over so many different things, amazing what zero pussy does to a guy
chingchongvirus 71 points
I do get pussy. I don’t like tasting it, but I do like fucking it
chingchongvirus 71 points
Why do you sound so angry and bitter just because I get pussy
chingchongvirus 71 points
You sound miserable LOL faggot
Chicken_Lover The Boss 26,555 points
You like fucking something you've never gotten?
Sure must suck to have that "skill".
The Twisted One Well-Known 863 points
If it does nothing to you then why reply at all? Go ahead and have your little tantrum. Unlike you, I don't need to yell it to the world how much I pussy I get. I'm not insecure and have nothing to prove especially to someone like you. That's really all I have to say to you.
chingchongvirus 71 points
It does nothing buddy. I just had a point out how the comeback doesn’t work. Do you say to a racist “Oh, you secretly like niggers”-See how that doesn’t work
chingchongvirus 71 points
I bet I could get your mother. I’m a much better catch than your father. I know she’s probably disgusting and ugly but I’ll fuck her just to make you mad HAHAHA
Chicken_Lover The Boss 26,555 points
Look at the dumbass try to apply his retard logic to this.
Its not a comeback, its the truth.

Oh wait, the little retard has pulled out the "mom" card again, a classic virgin play.
chingchongvirus 71 points
It’s a cliché comeback. It’s overused. Like your mom‘s cunt LOL
chingchongvirus 71 points
I bet you $10,000 I could get your mom. Wait never mind you don’t have $10,000 LOL
chingchongvirus 71 points
The way you write, it sounds like English as a second language. You don’t write well. I really wonder where you’re from… Must be a poor country
The Twisted One Well-Known 863 points
My mom's in the hospital right now and usually I'd show people why I consider myself to be an asshole but I'm done with this insecure little brat. I'm just going to ignore this moron before I do things I'll regret. Because he has no fucking clue who he's messing with.
Chicken_Lover The Boss 26,555 points
Imagine trying to critique someones writing when you post like an illiterate teenager.

Well we all know you're poor so I guess you wouldn't be making that bet in the first place.
chingchongvirus 71 points
Ohhh wowwwww look at Johnny bad ass over here “ Has no idea who is messing with” HAHAHAHAHAHAHA Oh my God I’m so scared now!!!!! Like, really I’m so scared!!!!!!  HAHAHAHA
chingchongvirus 71 points
No i’ve always thought this, that your writings were very strange. Your first language is not English. I wonder where you’re from but you’re not brave enough to tell me.
chingchongvirus 71 points
I’m not the one living in a Third World country LOL right now it’s early morning for me. But I noticed that you don’t reply to me when it’s around afternoon and the evening for me. You reply to me when it’s like midnight for me. Which makes me believe you’re just waking up at that time. Makes me think you’re somewhere in Europe. One of those poor countries. Soviet bloc type. I wouldn’t wanna live where you are
Chicken_Lover The Boss 26,555 points
Strange? So because I don't write like I suffer from fetal alcohol syndrome that must mean English is a second language?
I'll take that as a complement.

Oh and if you're not scared of him shouldn't you post all of your personal details on here?
It was good enough for you to demand I do so, guess you can show how "tough" you are by posting those details.

If your next post doesn't contain all of that information that will make you a hypocritical pussy.
chingchongvirus 71 points
You don’t write well
chingchongvirus 71 points
You don’t know English well
Chicken_Lover The Boss 26,555 points
Post examples, retard.

Oh and yup, you're a pussy.
chingchongvirus 71 points
Welllll…. I really can’t believe you gave me an example in that very paragraph, You spelled IT WRONG ITS NOT “complement” it’s “compliment” lollllll HAHAHAH English as a second language LOL
The Twisted One Well-Known 863 points
@Chicken_Lover Ignore the virus boy, it's how you deal with children and tantrums.
Chicken_Lover The Boss 26,555 points
One minor auto correct error? Is that all you've got?
What a fucking clown.

Oh and I see you're still being a hypocritical little pussy.
chingchongvirus 71 points
Well, if you think I’m a child THEN it’s gonna be impossible for chickenfaggot to Ignore me. He LOVES kids, if u know what I mean hahaha
chingchongvirus 71 points
Haha you blame auto correct sure ok. So answer me is English your second language?
✡️6KMD7✡️ Experienced 295 points
Lol got damn y'all fools went at it while I was away and only bitches and queers don't like the taste to pussy you low key admitted you think it's nasty lol il lick a pussy raw right after I'm done with the asshole queer @chingchongvirus
chingchongvirus 71 points
Oh hey, it’s the Faggot that likes to be near other dudes when they’re naked LOL I didn’t low-key admit to not like the taste of puss? Where did you even make that up? Just because I don’t wanna do something with another dude means I don’t like the pussy?? HAHA not only are u a Faggot but you’re stupid too
✡️6KMD7✡️ Experienced 295 points
You said you didn't like tasting it but you liked fuckin it lol and bro I been to prison being next to another naked dude doesn't bother me bro I used to have to shit and shower in front of mother fuckers and try not to get stabbed all at the same time
chingchongvirus 71 points
Well, yes, sometimes it taste bad lol and I thought it was kind of a known thing that guys don’t usually like going down on a chick. I’m just too lazy. Rather make her do everything.
Degustor_Of_Humans Beginner 187 points
Next time send all of them from hell! }⁠:⁠‑⁠)
+1 vote
Feb 21, 2023
Paint_it_black_1234 Hacker 76,247 points
Thanks for showing us the ass. I appreciate it
+3 votes
Feb 21, 2023
Billthebutcher Grandmaster 161,238 points
My pleasure
LeftismIsPure-Evil Intermediate 1,140 points
One less shitape leftist subhuman.
+1 vote
Feb 21, 2023
sharkme Advanced 2,903 points
You're welcome:

+2 votes
Feb 21, 2023
Billthebutcher Grandmaster 161,238 points
You da man
Guvnor The Boss 28,602 points
Fit & toned, fat & stoned is the usual for this site..
0 votes
Feb 22, 2023
CommittedNotAddicted Well-Known 843 points
damm she'll beat me up
she cute tho i'd still fuck
0 votes
Mar 30, 2023
cindus Natural Addict 9,358 points
funny video as always
+1 vote
Apr 14, 2023
Bobby The Blade Overlord 5,937 points
mmmm love her ass along with every inch of her from lips to feet!
And yea, some guy was shot dead...who cares?
0 votes
Apr 26, 2023
rosalindwoods Intermediate 1,420 points
Here’s your invitation to eat me
0 votes
Jan 26, 2024
Billthebutcher Grandmaster 161,238 points
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