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A man who was passing by interceded for the girl

Good deed

9,507 views Feb 25, 2023

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Visiongzusionix Natural Addict 7,711 points
What happened here?
–3 votes
Feb 25, 2023
BlackMuslimPoser187 16 points
Visiongzusionix Natural Addict 7,711 points
Rape attempt?
BlackMuslimPoser187 16 points
I guess
Morfient Omega 16,254 points
A Russian wanted to rape a girl...
Visiongzusionix Natural Addict 7,711 points
Nothing wrong with that, some bitches deserve it. There are faggots in the Ukr army that are willing to get on their knees to empty their colleague's balls.
Morfient Omega 16,254 points
I'm sure your mother deserved to be raped.
Visiongzusionix Natural Addict 7,711 points
I would have your babushka for dinner with my RPG.
Morfient Omega 16,254 points
Your grandmother deserved to be raped, too.
SupportUkraine Experienced 374 points
Why you are lying. Definetely not Ukraine you liar. Ukrainians speak very different ruzzian language, for example they pronounce many sounds different. They don't say gorod, they say horod and the intonation is very different of ruzzian speaking Ukrainians compare to ruzzians from ruzzia
Croatoan23 Overlord 6,612 points
Imagine all those dirty russian slavs raping dirty ukrainian slav cunts
MortauxAméricains Beginner 136 points
+3 votes
Feb 25, 2023
BrainDegeneracy Famous 3,010 points
LMFAO didn't expect that. What a chad, hope that motherfucker got permanent brain damage after that.
+1 vote
Feb 25, 2023
SandNiggerHunter Famous 3,560 points
It was a nice kick to be fair
BrainDegeneracy Famous 3,010 points
I can't get over how hilarious his eyes looked staring out into nothing.
My gf who speaks Russian said the guy openly admitted to wanting to "have" the girl basically saying he was going to rape her.
Demonic666! Extreme Poster 521 points
Who said chivalry is dead? Hope the asshat that got kicked suffers from seizures the rest of his life lol
–1 vote
Feb 25, 2023
Knight Templar Overlord 6,045 points
No one says that, its a jewish saying. Chivalry is in the hearts of the righteous.
SupportUkraine Experienced 374 points
The ruzzian rat who was holding the rat girl to a rat guy at the left - are you talking to me, let's go!
+1 vote
Feb 25, 2023
sharkme Advanced 2,897 points
Why does he walk off after dealing with the guy ? Isn't the bitch now legally his ? She's already bending over so he should be ready to go.
+1 vote
Feb 26, 2023
SandNiggerHunter Famous 3,560 points
I think it's the woman filming but I don't speak Russian, I think if she hadn't said whatever she said to him then he would have carried on with the beating
BrainDegeneracy Famous 3,010 points
No, the guy kicked his head like a football because he admitted to wanting to rape her. The girl who was filming then stopped him from going further.

Faggot got what he deserved.
useless Experienced 275 points
lights out lol
+1 vote
Feb 26, 2023
cartiiiii Extreme Poster 531 points
0 votes
Feb 26, 2023
Hardcore200 Extreme Poster 620 points
Haha he broke lashas neck with one swing of his leg.
Fukin Habib vs mc gregar
0 votes
Feb 26, 2023
Morfient Omega 16,254 points