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Nablus, Palestine
Nablus, Palestine tonight.

Extremist Zionist settlers have gone on a terror rampage tonight, burning Palestinian olive trees, homes, shops, and cars.

They also destroyed civil defense and ambulance vehicles in the area.
2,415 views Feb 27, 2023

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Gay Anal Fisting Advanced 2,449 points
As a wise man once said, "Throw the jews down the well, so my country can be free"
–1 vote
Feb 27, 2023
Mynameis -43 points
Make leather boots from their skin
Mynameis -43 points
From Ukraine to Palestine to America Jews destroy everything around them, the Jew is a curse on the earth
–3 votes
Feb 27, 2023
Hardcore200 Extreme Poster 618 points
Dude stop smokin crack
SupportUkraine Experienced 374 points
Lol you are one of those who support palestinians... The majority of them are muslims and in islam the most important is Quran, not human rights or your country or society laws
0 votes
Feb 27, 2023
sharkme Advanced 2,889 points
Someone really needs to teach them how to BBQ safely.
0 votes
Feb 28, 2023
Hardcore200 Extreme Poster 618 points
Lets be honest if israel want them all dead they cud do it at any given moment. No one is able to punish israel even US. They cud pull of genocide easily and there will be no santions at all.
I still dont understand why they are fukin around with them.
Capture dat shit hole and start working on Iran. Muslim niggers workin on nuke project already.
–1 vote
Feb 28, 2023
ty664681 Beginner 171 points
Jews are fucking evil.
0 votes
Feb 28, 2023
ty664681 Beginner 171 points
sooner or later the aggressors will be defeated, and Palestine will be free again.
0 votes
Feb 28, 2023
ty664681 Beginner 171 points
I'm proud of what Hitler did to Jews.
0 votes
Feb 28, 2023
mudbutt Overlord 5,044 points
@Mynameis.Wonder what it most be like to be tea baggin faggot with -75 points when down votes are not allowed.....keep those nuts on that chin.
0 votes
Jun 9, 2023
gentroon Addicted 1,631 points
I'm in awe of the level of gore in this.
+2 votes
Jun 22, 2023
LUCAS SOMBRIO☭ The Boss 48,533 points