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Three niggers took a car from its owner at has station
7,294 views Feb 28, 2023

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The Twisted One Well-Known 863 points
Morons. If I was going to steal a car, I'd wait until the gas tank was filled first.
+5 votes
Feb 28, 2023
BrainDegeneracy Famous 3,010 points
Would you really now?

They can just get gas in a canister and refuel without showing the number plates. They gonna have to stay low for months for that car to cool down anyway.
The Twisted One Well-Known 863 points
Well, I wouldn't steal a car in the first place so no, I really wouldn't. But if I was going to steal a car, I'd wait until he was done pumping the gas.

I doubt they'll hang onto the car that long. More often than not they'll either use it in the commission of a crime or sell parts from it. They could also switch plates with another car which will buy them a little time.
Knight Templar Overlord 6,053 points
Niggers love talking about stealing from the white man
BrainDegeneracy Famous 3,010 points
You're not a "Knights Templar" bro, you're a social reject acting high and mighty on the internet with his backwards beliefs that doesn't make him as superior as he thinks. The opposite in fact. Look yourself in the mirror. Friendly piece of advice, believe it or not.

And I'm caucasian, so wrong. Crime is a matter of strategy, strategy interests me. That's all. I'd never do something like that because it would affect someone's life very negatively. It could be me who that happens to, and I'd be devastated if it was. I definitely felt bad for the guy, but what can you do. It's a cold world.
The Twisted One Well-Known 863 points
I'm Caucasian and was talking hypothetically. It's not my problem if you can't see that. My very first comment about waiting until he was done pumping the gas was sarcasm. Is it really that hard for you to get that? Get over yourself. Besides, it's a Nissan so I'll pass either way on the car.
Backstabber99 2 points
I will always steal from the white man y’all crackers are just so robbeble talkin bout i wish a monkey would bro you’d be the first to shoot up a school full of black kids just because 2 niggas stole your airpods
Chicken_Lover The Boss 26,513 points
The best defense against car thieves in America is to drive a manual, most idiots get confused when they see a third pedal.
+4 votes
Feb 28, 2023
fuckthelife Hacker 80,763 points
haha lol niggers have no IQ
Hardcore200 Extreme Poster 622 points
Recently it bacame trend.
Pour gasoline over niggers, they wont shoot.
Niggers are dangerous spicies without dout , but they have one downside . First of all feral niger will never attack by himself they attack only in groups and second nigger feel in control only when he is controlling so called Shituation but ones shituation is out of control they loose ability to think straight .
0 votes
Feb 28, 2023
zoran Veteran 14,230 points
Nothing special, just niggers niggin'
0 votes
Feb 28, 2023
Backstabber99 2 points
All in the day’s work
diedinjuly Veteran 11,569 points
LMFAO they stole a fuckin station wagon
0 votes
Feb 28, 2023
duckhighondrugs 12 points
Fuck those dirty niggers
–1 vote
Feb 28, 2023
BrainDegeneracy Famous 3,010 points
Cucked the poor 4eyes.

Not to worry they're gonna do something stupid and get caught later on anyway. They cannot stay low if their life depended on it.
+1 vote
Feb 28, 2023
chingchongvirus 71 points
That’s funny that you call him a cuck, when in reality they would easily take the car from you too LOL BTW dark souls is lame
BrainDegeneracy Famous 3,010 points
Your assumptions of me are as lame and inaccurate as always my guy, don't like DS and I'd lock my fucking car if I was outside tanking it in the US, what do you think GTA was inspired by if not that lovely culture of USA. Also what the fuck are you on about Dark Souls for?
chingchongvirus 71 points
Silly Swedish meatballs LOL You telling me if those three baboons came up to you while you were filling up your tank you were gonna do something?? You wouldn’t do shit. Also, your profile picture is from a dark souls meme, right, so yeah, I assume that you like the game.. but judging by your tone you’re gonna say “ just because I have the meme doesn’t mean I like the game”. We all know you would roll up in a ball and start crying covering your head if those three baboons came at you
BrainDegeneracy Famous 3,010 points
So would you nigga, you god complex having fool.

I'd lock it for sure and I'd be wary if I saw a black dude with a hood. I'm naturally extremely wary and also really good at reading body language, that guy gave me sus vibes. Hell yeah I wouldn't try to fight what's your point? Dumbass.
chingchongvirus 71 points
Wellllllll I have a gun sooo… Where I live has the “castle doctrine”-which applies to vehicles meaning they would get shot and I wouldn’t get in trouble lol
BrainDegeneracy Famous 3,010 points
There's that.
Croatoan23 Overlord 6,623 points
The worst part is if you shoot these thieving primates you get a murder charge as if you killed a human.
0 votes
Feb 28, 2023
Shit For Brains Advanced 2,401 points
–1 vote
Feb 28, 2023
Kalew The Boss 31,653 points
That's why it's good to carry a gun, if he had a gun he'd send all this garbage to hell.
+2 votes
Feb 28, 2023
Adelf Hitlor Omega 22,562 points
In niggerworld everything is free, even the bed and food in jail.
+1 vote
Feb 28, 2023
fuckthelife Hacker 80,763 points
and zoo's as well lol
Yoyomart Well-Known 875 points
It sickens me that the only time these filthy hood rats use their brains is when they carry out crime. If they applied themselves to improving their lives instead of planning out a robbery, then they wouldn't be seen as the scum of society. My assumption is that this idea never crossed their minds. Like all evil in the world, their is nothing we can do but let it burn itself out.
0 votes
Apr 13, 2023
cindus Natural Addict 9,348 points
+1 vote
Apr 14, 2023
Crimnt Famous 4,084 points
What the fuck is a has station?
0 votes
May 5, 2023
@Stillborn You still fixated on black dick?
+4 votes
Jun 5, 2023
Welll done.That honky doesn't need it anyway!
+4 votes
Jun 27, 2023
WhereDaWhiteHoesAt? Overlord 5,525 points
Sorry white man. Better luck next time.
0 votes
Jun 28, 2023
Honky can get another car. Fuck it.
+1 vote
Jul 7, 2023
Fuckyoupinkinbreds90 18 points
Y'all bitch ass white boys always talk shit on the web but be scared and timid ASF in the real world ☠️factz
0 votes
Feb 9, 2024
VikiSan Omega 18,691 points