The scumbag owes money to the lady for the bottles of beer he took on the slate, He claims that he already paid for the beers bill, but she tells him that he only paid her 5 Reals the first time and later 20 Reals and that amount will be deducted from what is owed, but he still owes money.
Lady: You gave me 5 Reals
Guy with the beer: Don't you run away, I already have paid the bill
Lady: I gave you two beers, and you gave me 5 Reals and then 20 reals (points the finger down) I will deduct it, but you still owe me money, understood? You still owe me money.
The guy in the background: You do like this, you deduct it and give him another on the slate.
Lady: Slate! slate only tomorrow !?
The guy who we can t see:  

Lady: I don t sell Aviaco, no  

The guy we can't see: You can t see well
Lady: I can see well (gestures to him by pointing her fingers to her eyes) I can see very well, I can see perfectly.
The guy with the beer in his hand: You need to cough 17 Reals to that guy (pointing with his hand)
Lady: Shows the middle finger to the camera
Guy with the beer: you need to pay him laughing or crying
Lady: Show me then how are you going do it then !?
Guy with the beer: Do you want me to show it now?
The guy reaches into his pocket and stabs her.
Another lady: John, he stabbed her, call for assistance, oh my God, call for assistance, hold it there Neusa, for God's sake He stabbed the woman.
(Video ends)
(There are 4 people involved in this dispute 2 guys, Neusa the lady on the camera and a second lady which is recording the dispute)