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Black girl beats white girl in classroom for calling her the N-word.
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20,377 views Mar 5, 2023

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DreadRIP 53 points
Yes yes you are a nigger
+6 votes
Mar 5, 2023
Yes yes fuck yo dead people
@DreadRIP.As are the dicks you crave.
_NiggerPox_ Overlord 6,645 points
+4 votes
Mar 5, 2023
chingchongvirus 71 points
HAHAHA this is awesome
Knight Templar Overlord 6,053 points
Imageboard culture is faggotry, theyre all jewish and never act to anything
Orion-14 Natural Addict 9,832 points
I am totally against abortions, but for these people i will make an exception.
chancho The Boss 28,896 points
don't write checks you can't cash. if i call someone a slur in real life, nigger, chink, faggot, pajeet, goat fucker, whatever, i know i'm gonna have to fight him
+3 votes
Mar 6, 2023
diedinjuly Veteran 11,556 points
future wnba lesbian nigger
+4 votes
Mar 6, 2023
When yo mom die tomorrow that’s going to be the best feeling lol fuck yo dead people
diedinjuly Veteran 11,556 points
can you even write coherent sentences? u ignorant nigger
Can you wake up your dead people you cracker
3 likes and i leak your ip? lol
diedinjuly Veteran 11,556 points
u a funny bastard. i like ya
FuckWhiteCrackers:) 0 points
Kill all crackers!
FuckWhiteCrackers:) 0 points
Shut up cracker
diedinjuly Veteran 11,556 points
your words mean less than nothing to me nignog lmao
FuckWhiteCrackers:) 0 points
Shut up cheese barrel cracker
FarmerFred2023 Natural Addict 7,687 points
Well, you can't call them "human."
+4 votes
Mar 6, 2023
Orion-14 Natural Addict 9,832 points
I can offer the word 'monkey', if you don't want to say nigger
fuckthelife Hacker 80,763 points
haha always nigger
Robina Overlord 6,399 points
Satisfying piece of video
+1 vote
Mar 6, 2023
WOMBAT Beginner 159 points
They get outraged at being called a nigger and then prove to the world that they are nothing BUT a nigger. Hilarious.
+2 votes
Mar 6, 2023
Fax the same with crackers they act like a bitch and called the police for help
WOMBAT Beginner 159 points
If a nigger gets hurt they call the police and say they were called the enwerd. Cowardly apes.
If a cracker lives in a trailer and hunt stupid animals all day and chew dip like a dirty cracker he definitely calling the police lol he a bitch and like I said for the other cracker 3 likes and will leak you address on GOD
WOMBAT Beginner 159 points
If a fatherless nigger drinks mountain dew and eats takis all day, how long will that ghetto ape nigger live? Hopefully the police will blow that nigger's brains out all over they fat mama that looks like Coco the sign language gorilla. Allah hu buttfuck, you fucking nigger bitch.
Hope you die fuck yo dead people I will spit on they grave I hope you and your Thot ass mom die tomorrow and burn that’s shit will be funny seeing a cracker cry like always try and call the police then go hiking in the woods and collect animals heads you cornball cracker
Hope that bitch kill her self dum bitch hope that bitch catch a stroke and die tomorrow fuck that bitch I will spit her face then kill you soft ass cracker
WOMBAT Beginner 159 points
There there, let it all out, fatherless trick baby ape. We all know your granny raised you because your mama was working the streets for that rock.  I hope you die in front of your little niglets, boy.
I definitely not fatherless lol you just on black people dick go dig up your dead people and tell them I said hi you on live gore talking crazy you prolly a little white cracker with skin problems lol your daddy pack your school lunch for you lol you prolly got a disorder weird ass cracker yo back to riding hunting
You can say the n word all day lol don’t give af it’s funny because the last cracker that said it to my face up in the sky with Jesus lol he didn’t have time to pull out his phone and call the cops like a cracker do
Cracker fuck yo kids I hope yo baby die hope she gets stabbed in the head fuck that baby I will kill yo grandma fuck that old cracker bitch throw her in the freezer because you crackers love the cold lol
WOMBAT Beginner 159 points
Poor angry little nigger has sickle cell anemia and was born a fatherless crack baby. I hunt niggers and sell their lips and scalps to other niggers for voodoo  purposes. I'd throw your little niglet toad through the biggest window and video you crying like a baby girl as you call 911. Most likely you're a half breed, hence the bitterness that you aren't full white. Red afro and freckles is no way to go through life as a hood rat nigger.
Your on live gore talking crazy lol you have no life you a easy kill you wouldn’t do shit to me your soft I’m getting on your head you cracker go back hunting before you get killed cracker boy you a good kid you not like that
Your name is wombat I will slap tf out of your your ugly asf in real life your shorts asf I’m literally looking at pictures of you and you bitch ass mom lol you ugly asf talking crazy you wanna know your address
Your crackers are the dirtiest crackers I ever seen y’all play in mud live on dirty ass farms don’t wash y’all ass drive fucked ass tow trucks y’all crackers eat dip like is cool lol live in trailers near ponds and shit y’all broke asf have no money
I live near rich white crackers and I bitch them like I do you
WOMBAT Beginner 159 points
Give me my address, nigger bitch.
Your address is cracker is mad suck my dick and fuck yo family you mad asf lol you mad cracker
Omg call the police be a cracker Karen lol scary ass cracker we scare you soft ass crackers
WOMBAT Beginner 159 points
You're a CLOWN.
@WOMBAT. Listen dumb fuck,the word nigger was created by white fuckers to dehumanize blacks. It has nothing to do with behavior.Racist fags call anyone of color a nigger wether it be the POTUS or a armed robber. STFU.
WOMBAT Beginner 159 points
Listen here, you fatherless toad. You clowns call each other nigger so way to go at letting the white man keep you dehumanized when you are dehumanizing each other everyday. Stupid fuckin clown.
WhereDaWhiteHoesAt? Overlord 5,525 points
@WOMBAT.Wonder how old you are? Blacks are called nigger because of the color their skin.That other mess your are talking is bullshit.
WOMBAT Beginner 159 points
You must be so proud to be an expert at niggerdom. All I know is there isn't a word that exists that will trigger any other ethnic group into a homicidal rage.
white_resistance 1 point
@WHITE CRACKERS DIE worship our superior white race loser nigger, ur race came from septic tanks u shit coloured gorilla
TheCityWalker007 Beginner 183 points
I'll brake your goddamn skull and drink your blood for Satan fucking cracker honkey
Chicken_Lover The Boss 26,513 points
You wont do shit, you nigger faggot.
TheCityWalker007 Beginner 183 points
I'll finish you off after I'm done with that other cracker no life ass cracked faggot LMAO following me around lmao you wanna meet up? I'll fucking kill you right now and then fucking cracker white small dicked faggot
Chicken_Lover The Boss 26,513 points
You're too poor to meetup, faggot nigger.
Look at your impotent rage, you can do nothing.
TheCityWalker007 Beginner 183 points
With my rage mother fucker I'll fucking kill you with ease with goddamn punch will break your goddamn weak cracker head
Chicken_Lover The Boss 26,513 points
HAHAHAHAHAHAHA you sound like a fucking 10 year old, you delusional faggot.
TheCityWalker007 Beginner 183 points
You're* fucking cracker STFU FUCK OFF BITCH ASS NIGGA
Chicken_Lover The Boss 26,513 points
Of course the nigger says "nigga".
TheCityWalker007 Beginner 183 points
Got a goddamn problem cracker? Oh ya you do because you pray to your EDAMITE God Hitler and suck his dick in your dreams LMAO BITCH ASS NIGGA YOU'SA BITCH NIGGA ILL BEAT YO ASS SO HARD YOULL BE WANTING TO SUCK THIS DICK BITCH
Chicken_Lover The Boss 26,513 points
Look at you, you're obsessed with being a faggot.
Hell, I don't even have to bother insulting you, you're already doing that for me.
TheCityWalker007 Beginner 183 points
Ya cracker STFU and know your place
Stillborn Addicted 1,807 points
"I'm a nigga right" shows that she really is a nigga
+1 vote
Mar 9, 2023
WhereDaWhiteHoesAt? Overlord 5,525 points
Astillborn.Wonder how old you are? Blacks are called nigger because of the color their skin.That other mess your are talking is bullshit.
FuckWhiteCrackers:) 0 points
Shut up cracker
n0t_a_murd3rer 0 points
Shut the fuck up monkey nigger. We white folks are the superior class. You are our slaves. Shut up before i rape your black bitch mother.
creepic Beginner 183 points
fucking niggas
0 votes
Apr 12, 2023
FuckWhiteCrackers:) 0 points
Fucking whites
FuckAllWhiteFools Overlord 4,890 points
Nice work!
+3 votes
Apr 13, 2023
English Neo Nazi Intermediate 1,245 points
Yeah you are a nigger ha ha
+1 vote
Apr 18, 2023
FuckWhiteCrackers:) 0 points
Yeah you’re a cracker haha
Ender Ice 12 points
Once she's recovered, she should give this black cunt free plastic surgery with a baseball bat
+1 vote
Apr 22, 2023
Just shut the fuck up and you have nothing to worry about bitch.
+4 votes
May 26, 2023
WhereDaWhiteHoesAt? Overlord 5,525 points
She'll learn.
+4 votes
May 31, 2023
Inercia 1 point
No tengo nada en contra de la gente negra, pero que putas les pasa? Pq actúan de manera salvaje, acaso es mentira lo que decimos de ellos y su salvajismo natural?
0 votes
Jun 1, 2023
FuckThisWebsite69 The Boss 37,831 points
This is fucking hilarious! The hoe screaming sounds more scared than most of the people we watch getting murdered! The monkey is a nigger, no doubt. But the white girl is stupid, a pussy, and more than likely has never been held accountable for anything in life. A good ass whooping will teach you some respect or at least when to shut up. Actions have consequences, calling a coon a nigger will throw them into full on monkey mode. Next time, don't go there unless you know how to fight.
+1 vote
Sep 8, 2023
white_resistance 1 point
all white whores are lesbian slaves to black girls
BrownShitSkinNigger Well-Known 851 points
Black shitskin melanin maggot girls envy white girls because they look like pale dolls & have beautiful bleached Snow white pussy/assholes. All shitskins consume white girl porn because they wish they were white & wish they had sexy bleached genitals. Brown holes are disgusting. Black girls are so filled with jealousy, & in reality jealousy is just lust. No one want to eat smelly melanin black girl pussy. Everyone would rather eat beautiful white girl pussy.
WhiteGirlsLoveBBC 3 points
Aww cracker boys mad he doesn’t have any “melanin” You fuckin pale skins wish you had our so called “shitskin” No wonder your degenerate dirty pale kind has such nasty skin disorders! Crackers disgust me
white_resistance 1 point
@WhiteGirlsLoveBBC no one wants to be shitskin nigger, white women are perfection, worship our queens loser
BrownShitSkinNigger Well-Known 851 points
Only a piece of shit would stick their cock in a smelly black ugly vagina!! Black holes are stinky & disgusting. Poop melanin is the color of shit.
Shiva Natural Addict 7,741 points
90% of pink pigskinned faggots are addicted to Black on white porn. And u just hate it when ur being cucked by the people u hate the most. Ur women literally drool over the men u hate the most. They worship black men. U deserved it though. U go around other men and describing how pure, tight and soft your european blonde hair blue eyed daughter and sister's pussy is. So ur tempting other men and pimping out ur women for them. White cuckoldry is the world order.
white_resistance 1 point
@shiva yes we white men are faggots for black cock, but still u brown bitches worship us, we own ur brown ass losser, worship us superior white men
Shiva Natural Addict 7,741 points
Taking ur jobs in ur country and marrying ur whie bitches is not called worship. Its the exact opposite. Its called financial cucking. Indians don't worship anyone. We are sincere and hardworking people everywhere we go. If u confuse our humbleness and kindness for whatever u imagine then thats ur delusion pink faggot. U guys literally worship a sand nigger kike who told u obey earthly masters (jews).
white_resistance 1 point
@shiva, u brown lossers aint humble or sincere, u spread trash everywhere u go, u act just like niggers, u dont respect other peoples culture or feelings but act entitled and want other people to respect u, u come to our countries coz ur countries are shitholes, ur slutty brown bitches are slaves to our white womens beauty and envy our women, u pajeets use fairness creams to whiten ur skin, u have self made inferiority complex but blame it on us and colonization, if u loved ur skin and ur race u pajeets wont be making babies with white women, u hate ur own race just like niggers and blame us whites for everything
Shiva Natural Addict 7,741 points
LMAO Fairness creams ? Its not even a big thing which ur trying to make it look like. And even if some indians use them then want to look "Indian white" not ur "pink skin which u call white". Whiteness of skin is not a race thing. Its a race thing only in ur pisshole america. U don't consider italians, french or white skinned turks/arabs/indians as white. Because there is no such thing as white race concept outside of america. Its a politcal concept for u.
U call urself caucasian, and the actual people of caucasus as "chinks". Ur dumb retarded apes of america. Ur whole existance is dipped in identity crisis.

 Meanwhile tanning in beaches and tanning beds, tanning creams are a bigger culture in ur countries. What about them ? Pink looking faggots apes need to look like us actual humans ?
Believe me nobody wants to look like u fragile pigskinns. Indian brown skin tone is diverse  and we love that. An indians can be darker like coal and whiter like rice and beautiful brown like honey.
Nobody is blaming anything on ur ,u cuck pink clit haver. Everyone is cucking u. And ur blaming Indians for taking away ur jobs LMAO. Even the gods u worship like ur right wing melon tusk and trump said u guys are dumb shithead subhumans with no culture of sincere work ethics. Ur lazy whore seeds of onlyfans trash culture. And ur too incompetent that ur women aren't even having kids with u faggots. The most sexual relationships ur ape whores have is with black men. If ur were actually not insecure about ur race, ur women wouldn't be sleeping with black guys and that too, the stats are 5 times more. And u pink cucks wouldn't be watching the most. Stats show that 85% of the watchers are pink faggots like urself.  All ur modesty lacking red monkeys whores sleep with a thousand guys before marriage. And marriage isn't going to stop them either. They need to sell their bodies online to have food on the table. What a honourless subhuman society. No real man accepts those whores as his mother/ sister. Sub saharan africans live with more dignity than u.  Even the pooorest of the poor Indian won't sell her body. Its called Honour. Which humans have. So u need to be replaced with actual honourable, kind, rational humans. Ur just some animals according to our culture.
white_resistance 1 point
@Shiva race is real dumbfuck, there are cranial and bone structure differences between black, white and ur yellow ching chong race, i have seen ur brown indian whores, and skin whitening is a big thing, u just dont wanna admit it, our women tan just for fun, ur brown whores buy blue and green colour contact lens, blonde hair extensions to look more white, u losers are the last people to call anyone racist when ur stupid culture of piss drinking and cow shit eating people follow caste system and are racist to ur own people, u look down on people of lower caste, ur just like niggers having no accountability, ur loser country has no work ethics, u people just work like donkeys and chase degrees and do manual labour, u losers have to come to white countries to get higher pay coz ur own shithole country doesnt recognise ur work, u losers talk about honour? when u urselfs follow caste system, are racist to ur own people based on caste, u force and practise child marriage, and talk about modesty? u loser pajeets believe if a women is showing even a little skin she should be raped, u morons are biggest rapists in the entire world, women are not safe in ur own countries and u talk about culture and modesty, u worship a gods dick literally, lingam means dick, lolz ur cock worshippers ur salty just like niggers coz we conquered and owned u, u talk about our women showing their bodies and whoring themselves out? watch social media and see ur brown bitches are doing the same thing, on insta reels and other apps online, ur bitches expose their navel, wear thongs and bikinies and dance like sluts, ur women also get fucked by thousands of men and cheat after marriage, u act like us and follow us and wanna be us, u want to be white, biggest protitute brothels and red light areas are in ur shithole countries but u wont admit it coz just like niggers u have no accountability, white men and women are most diverse with blue, green, hazel eyes, and blonde, dark, brunette, red hair, u niggers and pajeets dont have dat kind of diversity, so ur jealous of our beauty, loser lindus like u are also openly getting cucked by muslims, soon muslims will take over all ur shitty countries and fuck ur women and convert them to islam, Sub saharan africans live with dignity? bitch they practise cannibalism, rape, pillage and kill their own kind everyday, if africans are so good why do u pajeets come to white countries, why dont u go and live their?, white race is the most beautiful, strongest and sexiest and attractive race, worship us losser, no one can lead like us, we are leaders and u loser brown and black races are our peasants
Shiva Natural Addict 7,741 points
Ur comment shows how u dumb americunts are scammed with by ur schools in the name of education

I never denied race. But the skin colour is the least determining criteria of race. Because skin colour is an adaptation that changes eith environment. Just like ur european ancestors were brown.
Skull shape, Brain size (cc) are the major ones. And according to that there are 4 races.
Caucasoids (Decendents of South asians,Middle east,Europe, russia) , Mongoloids chinks (mongolia, all of east asia), Negroids (Africans), Australoids (Native australians) and sometimes another one Native americans is also added.

White skinned europeans/indian/arab/turk/korean/chinese

So grouping them under one race is stupidity. Koreans are literally pale like paper unlike u pink faggots. So are they WHITE race ? NO . Thats why race is determined by far more important things than skin. Skin is least determining factor of race.

This race based on skin colour only exists in america. Even germans call what u consider white people as european descendents and other immigrants by their country they come from. Spaniards who are white pale skinned are also called "Latinos". Italians don't consuder themselves white but caucasian which means descendant from europe. Even the south indian tamil with darkest skin tone will have thin lips, similiar eyes, hair texture, jaw, nose and brain size to whom u call "white race". The only different thing is melanin due to adaptation.

  White/ brown/black/yellow are not race. They are colour.
We are same race but different ethicity belonging.
Is that too hard to grasp u foolish flat earth, adam eve incest believing slavery supporting satan worshipping amerimutt ?
Piss drinking and shit eating is not a thing in any of indian religions or culture. But SCAT PORN is what ur mothers and daughters do on onlyfans and porn videos to earn some money to have food.
Animal urine was used as ancient medicine by all cultures.

Caste system is not a religious thing. Its a societal thing. It exists in every society.
People born to rich people get good positions in future. Also called nepotism. Exists everywhere. It should be called Classism accurately. Casteism banned almost 100 years ago. Casteism didn't exist before that red monkey british came to India. We have proofs from Vedic schools and kingdoms of those who would be considered (lower castes) having normal life.

Meanwhile christianity is just a slave religion of jews. "Obey ur earthly masters the jews u stupid apes" thats what ur bible says.

Caste system existed for max 200 years. And didn't do any damage close to slavery did. Ur religion also supports inbreeding with cousins.
Slavery supported by ur christian texts and jesussy baka who tells u to eat his meat.

Ur religion was created when a whore cheated and wanted to hide it.

"Lingam" in sanskrit means "symbol" "representation". "Shesshna = male private part"

Worshipping gods is ¼th of Total hindu philosophy.
U can be a polytheist (different avatars of One God who judges us solely by our morals and deeds and not faith), monotheist (original vedas),
Agnostic, athiest (charvaka philosophy, buddhism, jainism).

Criteria of righteousness in dharmic religions is deeds u do not what u believe and worship.
Simple. Thats why even an athiest who shits on ur anti evolutionary, anti science, flat earth myths of christianity can be a Good arya by his deeds, non violence path and speaking truth.

India is underdeveloped because high population isn't compatible with democracy and our base start wasn't good.  We are doing better now.

U shouldn't speak about modesty while being a christian whoregin marry worshipping guy from faggot western society where ur moms and sisters have to sell their bodies online, do scat porn to earn food. How civilised and honourable.

Even our women call u faggots lol.
And i definately agree that some indian girls take inspiration from ur whore culture of onlyfans, interracial cuckism, sleeping around before and after marriage, polyandry. Dude u cannot find one virgin red baboon in ur community and ur talking about modesty. Lol.
Most of India 90% is still very modest. Virgin, beautiful, confident, feminine, submissive, intelligent and most importantly kindhearted and honorable women exist in India.

U used to burn women for trying to learn astronomy by calling them witches.

The honorable Indian queens fought the rapist maniacs like jihadist armies. Many even sacrificed their bodies to fire to not be caught.

If it was ur christian red apes, they would be having fantasies of a muslim, indian, black guy invader her home and raping her.

U r women have sex the most with the people u hate the most. How triggering and degrading lol. They aren't even breeding with u.
"White resistance" "white replacement" LMAO

Some Brothels red light areas of India is the only places in India where sleeping around happenes.

But its a lifestyle in ur western degenerate societies.

Cucked by muslims ? LMAO Dude search it up. We regained India back thats why its not a jihadist country like our neighbours now.

And those whose ancestors were taken as sex slaves and were raped by turks are today's south asian muslims.
Use logic. The ancestors of present day hindus fought and defended thats why we are Hindus today. Those who aren't hindus, buddhists, sikhs, jains, are the cucked ones.

Thats why they act so violent because south asian muslims are rape seeds of turks harems.

Jealous of ur beauty LMAO Indians are not racists so they find beauty in every race. Idnian girls mostly like those kpop korean guys after Indian guys. They consider u guys weird faggots.

Turks raped more christian women then indians.
Many indian kingdoms defeated turks/ mongols many times. Its just that we were not united. Hindu kings themselves formed alliances eith muslims and even sometimes british at that time.

Maybe only 1 small tribe in africa does that. Still more dignified that a non existant nuclear family in western whore society. Its so surprising to me as an indian that ur women start having sex with everybody in school beginning from age of 13-14 and never stop untill old, fat , drunk and junky till 30.  
Marriages come and go but they still dont stop lol. Casual hook up, dating, relationships are still almost nill in India.

Beautiful people exist in every race. Strongest ? I mean ur the world wide faggot cowards unable to breed and going extinct.

Keep worshipping brown people.... like Jesus.
Always remember "obey ur worldy masters".

Peasants ? I mean we are the same race, but russian people "SLAVS" were the first slaves in the world to turks muslims. Thats where the word slaves comes from.

Ur still cowards who are getting cucked by muslims raping ur daughters in UK, sweden, rioting, stabbing, doing terrorist attacks, demanding sharia, disrespecting ur law and order and u guys still lift their balls.
Indians do none of those. Hindu-sikh community being less than 1.5% of population contributes to 6% of ur total tax revenue.  They employ millions of americans. And the group with the highest entrapranureship.  

And ur gonna have an indian descent president in near future.
Shiva Natural Addict 7,741 points

India has a rape rate of 1.8/100000 population.
Conviction rate is 26.5%. And the false accused rape cases are are 74% because of the female baised laws in India.

For reference taking USA, Which has a
Rape rate of 27.3/100000 population.
Conviction rate of less than 1%
And 1 in 4 women in america are raped but only 2 report it.

Maybe ur christian rapist grandpa contributed to that stats of India.
white_resistance 1 point
@shiva funny u take pride in being a loser brown indian but want to contribute to all other nations gdp accept urs, why u go to other country when ur country is so great lolz, u losers take no accountability, all those websites give fake details made by leftists, ask ur whore indian women and dads, they say their daughters aint safe in ur shithole country, keep denying facts like a true hurt moron, lingum literally means phallus, u worship dicks, we never used urine in modern age as medicine, only shit eating loser indians do that, caste system does not exist in our western world and its different then having class u moron, castiesm is not banned and u losers still do it, it didnt cause any damage? ask the people who face it u loser, people have committed suicide due to bullying from castiesm, its nothing but racism, u cant solve ur own problems and only know how to make babies nonstop, and now ur eating the whole worlds resources and providing nothing, most of the rapes in white countries are down by brown and nigger lossers like ur kind, and the jew leftist government hides it, u losers lack civic sense and call urself modest, all ur brown whores want white cock, i have fucked ur ugly whores before and dey prefer white men before u loser brown indians, u losers got smallest dicks of all races, u kill ur own women if there husband used to die in sati practise, and women where not allowed to get higher studies coz there women, in ur culture women are considered slaves of men, ur just salty coz ur daddy was a faggot where ur loser country was ruled by us, uk is size of a state of ur country yet we made u our bitches, u brainless bitches only show unity and bark india is great on world platform, but hate each others religions in private and kill each other in riots, u people call urself civilized, u people dont follow ur own rules set by government, u losers spit everywere, put ur rubbish everywhere, shit in the open, ur trains and busses are overcrowded and u losers fight and beat each other daily, u losers say u call women queens and "devis" in ur culture but poke fun when white woman are raped, u losers are morons who utter only bullshit, u dont follow ur own rules set in ur own so called dharmic books, riots happen everyday in ur shithole country based on religion, if u like niggers so much and think there better then us, then go and live in haiti or africa , even ur hottest brown whores aint a match to white beauty even if it was white trash from trailer park, our average white girl walking on street is better then ur whores, we have nude beaches in europe, we dont force our women to cover their bodies like u morons, crime was the lowest in nordic countries even with nude beaches being present before u brown pajeets and shitskin niggers came due to jews, first learn ethical and moral values before teaching it fool
Shiva Natural Addict 7,741 points
Same irrelevant bs. I educated ur nasty adam eve incest , flat earth believing brain. We are superior to u in philosophy, religious theology, rich culture, no history of violence or slavery, beautiful  modest and honorable women who were never oppressed, family values, moral values, lesser rape and other crimes, modesty, work ethics, masculinity. Now cope, seethe, dilate
white_resistance 1 point
@shiva u didnt educate shit loser, u just denied facts, ur country and countrymen are shit, u pajeets are filthy and stink, u worship dicks, drink animal piss and eat cow shit, practise castism which is a form of racism, say all stupid bullshit like whites are racist when even ur kind are racist to niggers, i have seen how u loser indians treat person with black skin, gtfo brown shitturd
white_resistance 1 point
@shiva u aint superior in shit losser, we invented 90% of technology and modern medicine, u pajeets drank cow urine for all diseases before dat, ur women are oppressed whores who are looking for a way out, so hop on superior white dick coz ur peepee is so small, we conquered ur shitty country with only a handful of men and we did same in africa against physically stronger niggers, we are definately more masculine then u shitty pajeets
Shiva Natural Addict 7,741 points
1) Castiesm does't exist in Hindu texts, Hindu history before british because we have records of children from parents belonging to every occupationg going to school.

2) All the women statues in indian temples are of topless women. Women were never forced to cover before jihadists came,

3) lingum= respresentation if Shiva

4) filthy is one whose women have to do scat porn and sell their bodies online to earn monkey, filthy are those who rape little kids like ur priests, filthy are those that don't bath for weeks because of their cold climate and just smear themselves in perfume, filthy are those who have multiple fathers and mothers.

5) each race is racist to every race. I mtalking about ur filthy whoregin marry culture here dont play the race card. We are the same caucasoids but different ethnicities.

Who is denying facts here ? Heck, u didn't even read my comment about race because ur a illiterate dumb americunt.  Nobody in the world takes u guys opinions seriously. Because u shitheads are the dumbest retards.
Go away red ape, go back and help ur mum hold her camera, she wants to film onlyfans interracial content.
Shiva Natural Addict 7,741 points
We wuzz aryans and shiteee is what u guys do. Lmao u want to clame our religion and literature so bad.

Ur mothers drink piss and eat shit for just 2 dollars on onlyfans. Wtf are u talking about ? India is called the Pharmacy of the world u stupid retard subhuman red monkey whore seed.

Yeah u looted india and africa because u had weapons earlier. Otherwise in hand to hand combats britishers were getting butt fucked by indian kings. LMAO

The amount of identity crisis u suffer from is staggering. U go from being american to identifying as british just to feed ur infeiroritt complex of by claiming to be a coloniser.

Dumb shit eating whore seed. Go help ur sister film her onlyfans scat porn.

Go do 2 girls 1 cup with ur mum and sister,.
white_resistance 1 point
@shiva dont give me dat bullshit of ur texts and images, they are just inscriptions, and dont bullshit about casteism not being present in indian texts coz it does, fuck ur religious texts, there useless and filled with pseudoscience dat u losers project onto the world, ur people dont have to do scat porn coz ur shit coloured already, and live in shit already, u plaster ur house walls with cowdung, lolzz, ur just jealous of our white womens beauty so calling them whores, i call it sexual liberation, they are beautiful and have a right to fuck who ever they want, ur kind only knows how to brutally rape women like dat bengal case and nirbhaya cases, lastly u loser pajeets are known in the world as world class loser scammers, u run huge scam call centers all over the country and take innocent peoples money, gtfo scammer piss drinking pajeet
Shiva Natural Addict 7,741 points
U returned early. Did u finish recording scat porn content with ur step mom ? Are u done raping little babies in church ? Did i trigger u so much that ur gonna go do school shooting ?
I think the original scammers were those who stole 45trillion dollars from India and fed their industrialisation.

Look retard, ur just a sub who is gonna be replaced and cucked out of this world.
white_resistance 1 point
@shiva did u loser dad tell u that ur shithole country never invented a molecule, we invent everything and u losers wait for its patent to expire for 20 yrs then make its pajeet duplicate at cheap cost and sell it in market, ur loser country has no money to make new drugs lolz, u just have high ego boosted by shitty texts with no backing for it, loser pajeet is now making excuses of getting owned coz we had weapons, no one stopped u from making weapons, we made it by using our brains which u loser pajeets lack, keep coping, 2 girls one cups is done by brazilian mongrel girls who aint white, now u see why we dont wanna race mix, it makes loser brainless mongrel pajeets like u
Shiva Natural Addict 7,741 points

India has a rape rate of 1.8/100000 population.
Conviction rate is 26.5%. And the false accused rape cases are are 74% because of the female baised laws in India.

For reference taking USA, Which has a
Rape rate of 27.3/100000 population.
Conviction rate of less than 1%
And 1 in 4 women in america are raped but only 2 report it.

Maybe ur christian rapist grandpa contributed to that stats of India.
Shiva Natural Addict 7,741 points

Just search "Scat porn" and see the pics of ur whore mothers and sisters.

No blacks, asians, browns. Just u subhuman whore seed demon filth red monkeys doing such shit.

Go away cracker cuck, ur mum is calling u to do her onlyfans "mother-son scat porn".

Go do ur business. Make a living.
white_resistance 1 point
@shiva love seeing a loser piss drinking and scamming pajeet being angry at real things, india is called the rape capital, u pajeets are rapist, i dont give a fuck about ur jew controlled stats, if we didnt let our guard down and let anti jews rule the government we would be fucking u pajeets in the asshole, u losers are stuck on a diamond, as if ur gonna sell it and solve ur starvation problem, only white cum will end ur pajeet kids starvation, eat our cumwads loser pajeet along with ur sons and whore daughters
Shiva Natural Addict 7,741 points
Americunt denying facts as usual because he likes to believe in his Fox news and BBC propagandas. It the opposite. America is known as porn and rape capital and i proved it wirh stats.

Dear americunt monke, even ur own people won't agree with "india controlled by jews and not america" .

Lmao ur pretty much their slaves just like ur "sand nigger" "kike" god intended it to be.
Shiva Natural Addict 7,741 points
Damn u uploaded the scat content with ur mum so early. Well done cracker ape.
white_resistance 1 point
@shiva fun fact loser piss drinking and scamming pajeet, pornhub reports 70% of webs porn traffic comes from pajeets, they like worshipping our sexy white women, and u love black cock in ur ass dont u, jew owned shill, why cant u get a real job instead of scamming old pajeets of their money loser
Shiva Natural Addict 7,741 points
Ok coward shit eating cracker. Lets see who proves their stuff. Show me the ststs of indian making 70% of porn trafficking and searching "white women".

I will show u the stats of 95% of viewers to be u cracker cuck manlet faggots.
The producers of that website siad that its 95% audience is u cracker cucks who wants to see their women fucked by black guys. U worship their dicks lol.
white_resistance 1 point
@shiva why u mad pajeet, couldnt scam enough people today, when dat fails usually u race baiting pajeets try to find a white person to call racist and get money from affirmative action just like niggers, u claim ur loser country is great but u cant even build toilets for ur little pajeets shitting in the open, now dats an open culture lolzz, why didnt u build ur imaginary weapons to fight us superior europeans during battle, everyone knows all ur mythological books are useless pseudoscience, ur whore goddess sita and other goddesses are raped by allah everyday did u know
Shiva Natural Addict 7,741 points
I support muslims and blacks for raping ur daughters all day. The original Scammers and looters deserve that.

The same old toiletless bs lmao. Atleast we don't shit in our mums and make it an onlyfans content like u cracker apes do.
Shiva Natural Addict 7,741 points
Dude go catch ur cracker whore mum she's sneaking away with her 2527313464 th boyfriend. LMAO.
white_resistance 1 point
@shiva hahahaha, losser pajeet will claim his culture and texts are great and amazing, pajeet will now claim there culture is great coz they treat women like goddesses and call them "devis" but at same time want innocent women who have nothing to do with history to get raped, but thats only limited to texts, pajeets preach dont practise it, u are known for raping anyway, like nirbhaya case, dats all u losers can do, so i would not expect anything else from a scammer pajeet who cant build toilets but dreams of the luxurious life, hypocrisy much?
Shiva Natural Addict 7,741 points
Average red cracker chimp coping with his same delusions and blaming things on other people.

Such retard subhumans u people are. U deny facts because it HURTS UR FEELINGS ?

99% of ur priests are known to rape kids. Lol
Shiva Natural Addict 7,741 points
Yeah but stats show that an average red chim cracker is 9 times more likely to rape women though.

O hsorry i didn't know facts are the biggest blasphemy to americunt culture.

India has a rape rate of 1.8/100000 population.
Conviction rate is 26.5%. And the false accused rape cases are are 74% because of the female baised laws in India.

For reference taking USA, Which has a
Rape rate of 27.3/100000 population.
Conviction rate of less than 1%
And 1 in 4 women in america are raped but only 2 report it.

Maybe ur christian rapist grandpa contributed to that stats of India.
Shiva Natural Addict 7,741 points
Be brave cracker whore seed. For once in ur life be a man and learn stats. Don't be scared and shit in ur mum's mouth . For once in ur life be a honourable guy.
white_resistance 1 point
@shiva dats coz dey make baised stats and only mention whites losser pajeet, ur jew owned goverment does not want the world to know dat pedophilia is most common among pajeets and nigger races, muslims actually do it the most, but of course u love it when pocs do it and question it only when whites do it, also its ur delution pajeet that ur culture respects women, funny u dont see ur own hypocrisy, u respect women but want them to get raped at same time, lolzz
Shiva Natural Addict 7,741 points
"Stats biased maannn cmon maaan we wuzz kanngg mann jewsss rulee us and sheeit mann, cmon mannn we wuzz aryans and sheeit maann"

HAHAHAHAHA Loser coward cracker ape is shit scared.

U subhuman lowlife cheap people are not even true to ur own self. U keep fooling urself. The most  rabid, nasty, immoral, scamming, sketchy, subhuman parasites on the face of earth lol. No wonder muslims and blacks are working together to make u gone.
white_resistance 1 point
@shiva, everyone knows they make fake stats and highlight whites, rape is done mostly by somalian immigrants in sweden and arabs, but there swedis agency says whites do it most, coz they dont wanna be called racist, its called political correctness, we dont say we wuzz kaangg, its ur nigger masters who say it lolz, u missed the whole race
Shiva Natural Addict 7,741 points
Read the stats coward cracker ape. Its 70% u guys lol. And priests raping little kids are 99% u pigs.

Nigger masters ? U mean ur jew masters ?
But u say , "we wuzz aryans and sheit" without even knowing what aryan means. The scammer british made up a aryan theory to claim our language of our holy texts sanskrit. And u repeat that same shit "we wuzz aryanss and sheeitt"

Click it coward cracker chimp
Shiva Natural Addict 7,741 points
CNN, BBC, FOX news are true BUT NOT actual STATS OF CRIMES

- cracker chimp logic
white_resistance 1 point
<a href='../user/shiva'>@shiva yea so wat, we white men and women are sexy and everything we do we make it hot and acceptable, we do like fucking young kids, and we will continue to fuck ur little shit coloured brown pajeets aged from 6 to 13 and make them our whores, ur starving kids need our superior cum to survive, both ur daugthers and ur sons, yes we are being replaced and both of us white men and women are being shared and fucked by arab muslims and niggers coz anti white jews have infiltrated our governments and own us, they keep our hands tied, we cant fight back, but no matter how much u loser pajeets and niggers conspire against us we will win in the end, light skin will always be worshipped over ur shit coloured skin, example is brazil, heavily race mixed country, they tried to destroy white people their but racism still exists and light skin people are considered elite, lastly look at ur own pajeets who confirm that indians are rapists and lack civic sense in plenty of youtube videos
Shiva Natural Addict 7,741 points
Cracker chimp so insecure about the statistics that how much much of a chind rapists u monkeys are. And btw why did u complete filming ur mum's onlyfans video eating shit ?
white_resistance 1 point
@shiva did u finish drinking and bathing in cow piss and shit loser pajeet, we whites aint insecure about fucking children, only we should be allowed to do that to ur loser kids, let me fuck ur disgusting brown faggot son loser, he will be calling me daddy
Shiva Natural Addict 7,741 points
Nah that ur "pure 100% aryan pink skinned, yellow haired, blue eyed, orthodogshit save europa whoregin marry" culture to drink piss and eat human faeces.

Those cultures can be found by searching
1) golden shower porn
2) Scat porn
The only pictures that come up are of u retard filthy whore seed crackers.

Go rape ur christian kid in church u filthy satan worshipper. Ur literally bragging about raping kids u subhuman faggot. Ur worse than muslims lol. Atleast they condemn it.
white_resistance 1 point
@shiva condemning it makes it better, so its ok when muslims rape kids? didnt u mention in ur comment above dat ur glad there fucking our white women, muslims fucked half a million underage white girls in uk from 1997 and 2010, u had no problem then bitch boy pajeet, muslim imams also fuck kids in mosques do u kn, 20 thousand underage muslim boys get fucked in the ass every year by imams in afganistan, but pajeet faggots like u only see whites doing it
white_resistance 1 point
@shiva its ur pajeet race dat is a faggot, we owned u for 200 yrs, ur ancestor dads used to suck our superior white cocks, we partitioned ur pajeet country into 3 countries and made u our bitches, we wrote indians and dogs not allowed outside buildings in ur own countries, we white men are faggots and still we conquered u, dat makes ur race a bigger faggot and a loser race pajeet, we fucked ur women and literally created ur north indian people with fair skin, ur born from our cum dont forget it, original indians were dravidians whom u losers colonized, ur colonizers in ur own country
Shiva Natural Addict 7,741 points
U go so triggered u replied 2 times. I love seeing u seethe so hard. U must be foaming from ur mouth while writing all ur stupidity.
And btw its opposite. The H1R1a gene found in 90% of europeans has its origins in North India.
Colour is adaptation. Just because someone is fair doesn't mean his ancestors were fair. Just because someone is dark doesn't mean his ancestors were dark too.
The ancestors of europeans were brown, its a archeological evidence already proven. They were nomads called Yamnaya tribe who moved to europe from india and central asia, raped and killed many of native europeans.

And Dravidian is a group of language not a race. I m literally a fair skinned dravidian.
Indian gene pool literally shows no signiticant foreign gene influx because of our high population.

Is education a blasphemy in ur cracker whoreland ?

Now, just because i made u frustrated don't rape any kid nearby or don't shoot the kids in school. U can just fuck shit all ur anger in ur mum's mouth and upload it to her onlyfans.
white_resistance 1 point
@shiva keep dreaming moron, u pajeets are just like niggers who claim everything came from them and they are divine, brown people moved to south europe, real pure white people evolved in north europe and made whole continent white, dravidian may not be a race but it was a cultural group that u pajeets colonized from indus valley, ur literally a moron, Yamnaya tribe did not move from india to europe, it was european tribe only, migration only influenced the language, Yamnayas were pure european people, we white people did not come from niggers and shitskin pajeets like u, we evolved separately, europe is our true homeland, u get all ur info from wikipedia and google which is jew controlled, google also says white replacement and genocide is a myth, but everyone knows its true and happening, u rapist cow urine drinking bitches cry when people say something bad about ur loser hindu culture but somehow if a european wants to preserve his race and his people then he is called racist, ur country is a bitch country, ur neighbour China dominates u, it conquered huge part of Kashmir and u bitches still have not taken it back, Let me educate u pajeet, why do u think dravidians hate north indians, its coz north indians colonized there gods and lands, thats why south people dont like north people, m looking forward to when ur shitty indian country collapses and becomes divided into 2 like south and north korea, ur people are also getting modern and woke, very soon u will have traitors in ur governments, then they will let muslims and niggers in and fuck their babies into ur hindu whores, allah has already fucked ur goddess whores like parvati, durga, kali, and ravana fucked ur whore sita
Shiva Natural Addict 7,741 points
"We wuzz aryan and sheeittt without even knowing the meaning of "aryan" and sheeitt"

U subhuman whore seed illiterates thinks that white gave birth to white and black gave birth to black. Hahahaha.

U probably believe the story of Adam and eve producing whole of humanity by incest.
Retard cracker and their retard religion.

Adaptation is a thing. People adapt to the climate they live u stupid shit eating whoregin marry worshipping kike slave. People become from light to dark and vice versa.

Red cracker ape, education is a blasphemy in ur country. All ur knowledge comes from BBC, Fox news.

Haplogroup R1A1a gene found in 90% of europeans has its origin in NORTH INDIA.
Humans (homo sapiens) moved from africa, going through saudi arabia to India where some of them settled and started farming in north indian plains.
And some from moved towards west and some to north russia and north russia to america. . Its a common fact of human migration. Your ancestors were "pajeets" who evolved light skin. Same way present day pure african americans are becoming lighter compared to present day africans. Its adaptation i.e. evolution of colour.

BROWN ANCESTORS OF EUROPEANS / NATIVE EUROPEANS (We wuzz always white an sheeitte)

I m literally dravidian south indian from karnataka stupid cracker nigger ape. Wtf u talking about ? "North india colonised their gods"  LMFAO.

Eating shit, inbreeding, getting cucked by every race, getting ur daughters raped by muslims and blacks and doing not being able to do anything about it, being shitted on ur religion by muslims and being told to be slaves of jews in ur own religion, has caused mental degradation to ur chimp brain cracker. And now ur seething so hard. Hahahaha.

Meanwhile ur own "white" chimp liberals consider u a  MAGA illiterate subhuman. And ofcourse blacks will continue to shit on u crackers untill the end of time and Indians and jews will cuck u economically.

Even ur own pure white crackers like rapist trump are PRO-INDIAN take over in ur country.

Just look at the number of Indian-Hindus in ur white house. U must be seething the time when donald was appointing indians in his cabin.
Truth hurts more when its being told by ur own that ur lazy, degenerate, drug addict, whore seeds who need to be ruled over. Vivek, Elon, Trump they all shitted on ur hopes and dreams. They openly called u subhumans. Hahahahaha.

white, i mean whore seed red chimps replacement go brrrrr
white_resistance 1 point
@shiva science is not ur main suite piss drinking pajeet, presence of a mere genome does not prove shit moron, it was present in wide areas of people all the way from central asia and europe, we didnt evolve from u shitheads, people came togather and race mixed, thats why that gene is found in many races across a vast landscape, my knowledge comes from research not news channels like u shit eating pajeets watch, its funny u have so much ego and pride in being indian but want to join politics in another country and live there, loser piss drinking pajeet does not like his own poor country but hates to admit it, ur a parasite just like niggers, muslims will soon take over ur country, and china and pakistan will fuck it from both sides, muslim terrorists fuck ur hindu armymen daily in the ass on the borders, and u cant do shit about it, always playing defensive, if u didnt have mountains in the north west side to protect ur bitch ass china would have conquered u a long time ago, i dont believe in god, its u loser pajeets who worship dick of ur loser brown god, fixated on myth and saying its real, u pajeets were seething so hard when love jihad was happening, muslims fuckin their babies into ur hindu whores and converting them, which still happens a lot, ur just angry dat no one wants u, u aint attractive, ur race is ugly, our white queens use ur brown pajeet women to clean their assholes, u pajeets always have a dream of living in european country, ur obsessed with us, ur whore women are also being used by muslims and niggers, u hindu bitches are scared of muslims in uk and always run when they come, u depend on us to protect u losers from china, shit eating pajeet, first learn to make toilets before having the american dream, lolz
Shiva Natural Addict 7,741 points
Flat earth, adam and eve incest believing cuckold race shouldn't be speaking about science. Theats not a mere gene. Its a haplogroup from father that shows lineage. 90% of europeans have lineage of that same hunter gatherers people from east.

Now ur jumping around ur own made claims that white people gave birth to white race. Which i disproved. So now ur cracker brain is trying to jump to another argument saying "yes many races came and mixed" LMAO
I never said haplogroups didn't mix. Ur making ur own strawman arguments and forgetting ur base argument of we wuzz always aryaan and sheeit.

Hahahaha cracker. And just keep yapping the same shit over and over to make urself believe in those. Its a nice coping mechanism for u to make delusions about other people so that u can cope in ur cuckism.

We literally butcher muslims for every small reason we can find. Ur literally getting ur daughters raped by them in UK, Sweden. LMAO
India is the most islamophobic country and most muslims in India live shit scared. In your countries they riot for hamas literally.

We fucked pakis in 4 wars and made them world record surrender of 93000 soldiers. We broke their country and made a bangladesh out of em.
We conquored 3/5 states of pakistan but gave them back as a sign of peace.

And yet u stupid crackers have to suck on muslims smelly balls because u urself cannot do anything to them. HAHAHAHA.

India and china never had problem on any mattes LMAO. We had 2 small conflict regarding border. On of which India won . One in 1962 and one in 1965.
The land lost was under a muslim appeasing liberal leader which no hindu supports now.
And its not even land lost. He just ignored chinese leader when he wanted to discuss the correct borders. Because India never had a proper border agreement due to british crackers.
U got ur ass handed over to u by vietnamese, afghanistanis. U faggots run away from every conflict. And now the same muslim from middle east rape ur children and kill ur peoppe in terror attacks.

Ur country is being conquored from inside legally.. we don't even need to rape ur filthy whores and get aids. We doing it legally.

U worship a whoregin marry thats where the sleeping around culture comes to ur whore mothers. Even if u don't believe u still follow the same culture of whore worshipping. Whores are treated as most high and liberal, free and what not.

Love jihad the term itself was coined by christians of south india keral communists. Because muslims were raping their little christian whoregin marries.

Love jihad is when a muslim misidentifies himself to convert a non muslim girl to his religion.
Its a crime in India now. Meanwhile its celebrated in ur european red ape countries.
U cannot stand up for urself like we do stupid faggot crackerrr.

In fact the reverse "Bhagwa love Trap" and "Exmuslim movement" is on rise in India. We are literally breaking their backs.

Meanwhile u shitheads are getting ur daughters raped by them in the name of "diversity" and cannot do anything about it.
Muslims piss on ur law and order and killed 50 americunt crackers just in the last month in 2 weeks terrorist attacks. HAHAHAHA.

Such a terrorist attack in India last happened 23 years ago. Hahahahaha. crackers see the reality.

Ain't attractive ? U literally look like subhuman pink manlets faggots that cannot even grow beard like a real man. U look like just females with no long head hair. India men and women are ranked the most attractive and diverse LMAO.

Ur white whores getting buttfucked by indian men is not called "cleaning asshole"

Muslims literally brainwash and openly sexually abuse and blackmail christian whores girls in england. There is even a documentary abput that on youtube where a christian whore was black mailed to suck muslim cock. U LITERAL CUCKS CAN'T EVEN DEFEND UR CHILDREN FROM RAPE.

Depend to protect from china ? U cracker nigger protect ur ass from muslim terrorists in ur country first LMAO.  2 attacks in last week. Shameless cracker stop ur projection.

Toilets were invented in Indis valley civilisation when ur ancestors used to clean their ass with tree leaves.

U still do, just with a paper. Smelly, nasty chimp crackers walk around with literal shit between their cracker ass.
Creating an account just to reply to a comment and writing long paragraph with just one sentence and no punctuations other than coma shows how triggered ur of facts. I love that i hit ur insecurity hard u foolish cracker whore seed.
Ohh facts are jewish controlled they are wrong. Hahahahs

Go back and help ur cracker whores mom snd sister to make their onlyfans request of scat porn i sent them.
white_resistance 1 point
@shiva hahaha keep coping on the fact that china fucked ur ass, just coz ur stronger than pakistan u yap about it, but when it comes to china u pajeets become silent, u aint doin shit, muslims aint scared of ur lindu ass, they fuck ur lindu daughters and convert them, not a single bollywood movie is made which blasphemes muslim religion coz there ultra aggressive, but there are lot of bollywood movies that openly blaspheme ur lindu gods, and u losers then do riots and kill each other, muslims will slowly increase and fuck ur hindu ass too, its all fun and games till it happens to u, who do u think they will turn to when they have blacked our white race, it will be u and the jews who will get fucked next, yes we white men have become feminized and faggots for black, mexican and muslim men, and they breed our white queens, its bound to happen when jews feed us anti white propaganda everyday and force us to remain silent, many whites are naive to reality dats why they win, we white men still while getting fucked by niggers and muslims take their cock like a real man, our white queens literaly dominate the niggers and lick their assholes and force them to cum, we literally didnt need to move a finger to conquer ur piss drinking pajeet ass, we conquered 90% of the whole worlds lands, while u pajeets couldnt even conquer central asia, Alexander came all the way from macedon and fucked ur indian king porus in the ass, ur people lost like dogs, keep taking ur sources from people appeasing sites, coz it hurts ur feelings when its said ur race is ugly, ur women are no match to our women, our women are sexy, pale, have deep navel and beautiful boobs, ur women are shit coloured, ur pajeet culture literaly blames women for being raped, its good many superior white men travel to india and nepal and fuck ur subhuman kids for 5 cents, we will sell ur kids in black market where they will be butchered, its ur pajeet and nigger race dats subhuman this is our beautiful white goddess: this is ur ugly indian pajeet whore woman: woman literally looks like a tranny, thats why u keep calling our women whores coz u hate our womens beauty and seethe, how many kids and women have u raped today btw?
white_resistance 1 point
btw i forgot to mention how u loser pajeets go crazy when u see our sexy white queens, while no white man even looks at ur brown shit coloured whores in white countries twice and the proof is below:
white_resistance 1 point
@shiva we colonized ur pajeet faggot ass loser, what is ur most favorate sport? its cricket, who invented cricket? it was britishers, means europeans, u losers hate ur own national game of hockey and dont even support ur hockey team, u play a european sport, rich indian people prefer driving in european built cars like BMW, Mercedes not ur loser indian companies. U losers worship a indian person who speaks fluent english and make fun of ur own people who cant speak it and speak in only their regional langauge, english is a german language, u morons copied Bollywood name from Hollywood, literal cheap copy cats, bollywood is not even a real place, lolz We europeans are true leaders and u can only excel under our command or alongside us, better make sure those niggers and muslims dont breed us out of existence or it will be ur pajeet ass that they will take next, their already fucking ur asian gook and chink whores, ur nigger and muslim masters are fucking us straight big dicked white men and turning us out into their cock sucking faggots, and fuck their babies into our white queens and end our bloodlines. We are literally being taken and conquered through our assholes and our white womens wombs, nigger and muslim men fuck our white masculinity away, they deposit their seed of satan deep inside our prostates and make us white men jerk off to our own extinction, make them worship us loser pajeet or u will meet the same fate next after us
Shiva Natural Addict 7,741 points
Not reading all that. Just the last few sentences caught my eyes and i m confirmed ur suffering from some mental issues. Was it ur dad that raped u or ur priest idk. But ur either a cracker cuck faggot or a muslim faggot.
You replying 3 times while seething so hard makes me feel bad for triggering ur insecurities.
Go do ur job of filming ur cracker whore mom's onlyfans interracial scat porn.
Shiva Natural Addict 7,741 points
Ur cracker whore mother from superior aryan white culture uploaded. YAY
white_resistance 1 point
@shiva even with shit in our womens mouth there still better looking then urs, ur women shit out openly and show everyone there ass on the railway tracks, i bet u didnt open the youtube link in which ur pajeets can be seen worshipping our sexy white queen, talking selfies with her and treating her like royalty although she never asked for it, also u didnt open the comparision pic of an average white girl and ur brown shit turd like looking indian whore, coz it will make u feel bad and deep down u kn ur race is ugly as fuck, btw its u who is obsessed with shit, i kn u love watching scat porn, its ur kink aint it, street shitting pajeet loves shit coz he was born from shit, its normal
Shiva Natural Addict 7,741 points
Look i just took a nasty shit on ur cracker mum
white_resistance 1 point
@shiva shit hits home doesnt it, after all u pajeets are all curry munchers and look and smell like dry curry and shit, just coz few people of all races are into scat kink does not mean the whole race indulges in it lolz, ur a morron, loser pajeet is still deflecting and still cant prove how his whore like curry brown shitturd looking women can ever compare to a white goddess, u love taking nigger and muslim cocks in ur lindu asshole dont u pajeet, they are ur gods, u worship bbc dont u
Shiva Natural Addict 7,741 points
We wuzz
Shiva Natural Addict 7,741 points
Hey cracka complete the sentence, "We wuzz.....
white_resistance 1 point
@shiva u literally live in shit, u think cow dung is medicine and plaster cow dung onto ur walls, lolzz, we taught u how to build, before we whites came u losers were living in sand huts, ur national language is english and ur most favorite sport is cricket, both invented by europeans lolz, u loser pajeet faggots also colonized rap from niggers and started making pajeet punjabi rap songs to have more swag. Have a look at indian racism for blacks in the article below if u can even read curry muncher
Shiva Natural Addict 7,741 points
Save europaaaa from muzlim rapists reeeeeeeeee
Shiva Natural Addict 7,741 points
We wuzzz

white_resistance 1 point
<a href='../user/shiva'>@shiva
Stinky curry munching pajeets: We are superior coz we invented toilets
Meanwhile pajeets in reality:

Stinky curry munching pajeets: Why are westerners racist to us
Meanwhile same pajeet:
Being racist to lower caste
being racist against other pajeets
being racist against biharis
being racist against another religion
being racist against every other nation
boobs and vagina pics please
Pajeets invented this/ Pajeets invented Taj Mahal 9000 yrs ago
India is the greatest country in the world, But we pajeets prefer to live in USA, lolz
Shiva Natural Addict 7,741 points
The pajeet shit eating cheap cracker whores are hungry

Shiva Natural Addict 7,741 points
Cracker pig whores for my pet doggies.

white_resistance 1 point
@shiva some people of all races have learnt this behaviour from pajeets like u, u shit on railway tracks everyday dont u, dats where ur dads ass was cut and taken away by a train, all south indian faggots and there gods suck superior white cock everyday, why dont u like using ur invention pajeet, do u like fields so much, u want people to see how shitty ur culture is, pajeet is poop, pajeet likes to poop in open and spread garbage everywere coz his race is garbage and his culture is shit, pajeet claims all inventions were done in der useless vedic books 9000 yrs ago, We wuz inventors and shit, yet cant make a single public toilet, ur panjurli daiva sucks my dick and dances like a duck in front of me everyday
Shiva Natural Addict 7,741 points

Just search "Beastiality arrest" and click images. 100% of them are cracker pigs.

white_resistance 1 point
@shiva first learn to make toilets and using them pajeet, and stop scamming old people of their money, Taj Mahal is a stark reminder of muslims making u lindus there whores and its a world heritage site lolz, a muslim monument is world heritage of a lindu pajeet country, ur lindu whores danced like strippers in there harems, pajeet says ayurveda is superior, but uses allopathic medicine made by europeans for treatment,, we wuz pajeets, we invented the sun 9000 yrs ago, we invented the universe 9000 yrs ago, its all there in our vedic books that we made 9000 yrs ago, hahahahaha, guliga is sucking my cock like a faggot, ur south indian languages sound like shit just like u curry munchers, i am pajeet, my country is the best but i love being a parasite in white countries, lolz
BaconKing_104 Veteran 12,542 points
Once again, shiva, only online. Oh, how much i would like to have your liar stenchy ass in front of me right now.
Shiva Natural Addict 7,741 points
"Supremacist untill a realist tells the filth of cracker race". See i told u its u. Stats speak for themselves.
U mad bro ? I thought ur not a stupid nazi. But ur i guess.
BaconKing_104 Veteran 12,542 points
I always had totenkopf, svasticas and other symbols as pfp so... yes you are just ignorant as fuck
white_resistance 1 point
@shiva we dont care about ur kids, ur scamming and piss drinking curry smelling little pajeets should be abused daily and killed, coz ur subhuman and ugly, we kill sell them in black market to be used by muslims and niggers that u love so much, have u come back after taking a dump in the open road? do u want us superior whites to teach u how to build and use a toilet?, wats a muslim monument doing in ur lindu majority country if there scared of u?
Shiva Natural Addict 7,741 points
Toilets were first built by indus valley civilisation where they used water to clean their ass too.
Untill today u crackers, use paper like ur ancestors used tree leaves to wipe ass.
Street shitting is no longer a problem in India . Keep repeating the same shit because u have nothing else to say.

But shit eating is a fetish among ur cracker race. Imagine that.

And btw stop raping animals.

Shiva Natural Addict 7,741 points
@Bacon_King  LOLZ, Learn what "Swastika" and "Aryan" is. U probably believe in ur adam and eve incest story and flat earth like other christians but, europeans never used these stuff or called themselves that untill ur god shitler copied them from Indian religions.

U guys are just suffering from identity crisis, so u have to copy foreign thinks which u don't even know meaning of. Lol. If u wanna be supremacist be original kiddo.

Do u know what the 1st Aryan text "Rigveda" says about u pigs ? Lol. It calls europeans and muzzies ? "mleccha" basically a subhuman who inbreeds, is lactose intolerant, is not monogamous, drinks alcohol, is not modest and steals stuff.

U guys tick all the right marks for it. Lol.

BaconKing_104 Veteran 12,542 points
are you done with this dogs bullshit cherry picking no one gives a fuck?
Shiva Natural Addict 7,741 points
Sorry, which one of those are not facts ?
Beastiality ? Most common, used by ur whores, even legalised in europeans countries.
Child rape and porn, Well i gave u the stats for that. Here is another one.

Its literally legal for ur whore mums to suck dog penis in ur crackerlands,
white_resistance 1 point
@shiva ur pajeet race is subhuman animal race along with niggers, ur literally a half breed mongrel, u use our modern medicine and surgical techniques invented by europeans, theres no use of invention when u losers aint using it, millions of stinky pajeets like u shit in the open everyday even today lolz, there are lot of online articles on it, whom u trying to fool pajeet, there are millions of pics of stinky pajeets shitting on railway tracks and fields and open roads, lolz
BaconKing_104 Veteran 12,542 points
Is it legalized? if it is, then it's been legalized by leftist scumbags, not WHITES. learn the difference amir!
Shiva Natural Addict 7,741 points
Dude, i just took a huge shit on ur mum. She charged me only 2$

BaconKing_104 Veteran 12,542 points
Same mom which was about to be drugged via wine by the local kebab man? i thought all white women loved shitskins, why would there be the need to drug someone in order to have intercourse if that was the case?
white_resistance 1 point
@shiva all pedophile rings in west are run by stinky smelly paki and indian immigrant pajeets like u and muslims, this all started coz of u pajeet cunts who love touching little children, cases like nirbhaya happen everyday in ur shitty country coz u pajeets are so desperate
Shiva Natural Addict 7,741 points
Yeah keep deflecting. I agree that muslims rape many kids in europe but that doesn't negate the fact that ONLY u whiteys use shit, piss, child rape, beastiality, interracial cuckism as "fetish".

Biggest pedophile gangs are all owned by groups in europeans countries, which also produce the total of world's child porn except some countries in east like thailand.

U rape indian american and ur own babies in america too.
BaconKing_104 Veteran 12,542 points
Shiva Natural Addict 7,741 points
The total opposite of that happened though. The most people who riot outside of India are against Modi.
Modi is like a Right wing hindu leader. And liberals, seperatists WHO ARE MUSLIMS riot in other countries.

And do u know the case when arabs were deporting muslims for rioting against modi ? Lol.
It happened countless times.
white_resistance 1 point
@Shiva deflection is done by pajeets like u, u do realize that west is now corrupted and run by globalist jew and leftist pajeet scums like u, and usa cabinet is filled by pajeets like u, its ur indian and paki origin pajeet politicians that continue to allow this to happen daily in usa and europe, pajeet is so proud to be indian but loves to identify as european indian or american indian, u want validation and status from us cow dung worshipping pajeet, we dont ask u to come here, u need us, we dont need you, all crime started and increased after the leftist open border policies that u pajeets supported, when trump wanted to deport H1b visa holding pajeets u are calling him racist, lolz, so much pride for being indian but pajeet doesnt want to live in his own country, hahaha
Shiva Natural Addict 7,741 points
I literally live in India stupid jew slave. Only the nerd, liberal kind of indians go to west mostly to study. Calm down lol. And i m surprised by how obsessed ur about jews. What have they done to u ? Seriously Lol.
white_resistance 1 point
@shiva maybe u havent read history, all anti white propaganda and race mixing books and theories where made by jews, why do u think Hitler wanted to kill them all, one person does not just wake up in a day and decide to target and kill a specific religion, he observed ur jew masters time and again making anti white statements and publishing race mixing books, jews only wanted race mixing in europe but wanted other races to be pure, including there own, who do u think made the Kalergi plan, it was a jew, majority of porn sites and pedophilia rings owned by jews, who calls europeans racist when they say its ok to be white, its jews, most hollywood pedophiles caught were jews, their fair skinned so whites are blamed for there actions,
Shiva Natural Addict 7,741 points
Their only bad things i know of is killing russians in gulag and these gender ideologies to poision kids brain. Other than that none. Pedophilia rings are owned by u guys especially ur christian priests. Stop deflecting.
Only the early nationalism of shitler was good.
His race theory makes gives people a good laugh till today.
white_resistance 1 point
@shiva u kn nothing then, ur their sheeple, majority of evil things in whole world is planned by jews who act innocent, go and see who owns all the refugee welcoming organisations, all of them are jews, who help illegal immigrants cross border and allow them to invade our countries, WHO and majority of NGOs are owned by jews, u can criticize all religions but the moment u criticize jews on most social media platforms u will be instantly banned
Shiva Natural Addict 7,741 points
Dude, muslims literally say dirtiest and genocidal things about jews all the time. And even since the gaza issue, u can see many muslims openly supporting hitler, calling jews dirty names and threatening to kill them. I see this all the time. If they were really that powerful, i wouldn't see so many bad things about them.

U know what i do not see ? Criticism of islam and muslims even when they commit so much terrorism. Since, the new year day, there have been 9 terrorist attacks in US. Islam has killed more people than everyone. Yet everyone especially ur own people are scared to take their names. They rape kids in europe, stab, kill and riot.
Yet the only guy to call them"pakistani muslim grooming gangs" was a hindu Rishi Sunak.  
And also, i watch the religious debates online. The only people american athiests criticise is christianity, hinduism but never islam. Rather some even favour islam.
Why is that ?
white_resistance 1 point
@shiva only leftists and race traitor whites who have been poisoned with globalist bullshit support islam, majority of people dont want filthy muzzies in their country, but anti white leftist and globalist government rules people and jews have made it illegal to criticise islam, whites have been fed with white guilt, people are falling for political correctness, whites cant say anything without losing their jobs, being ridiculed online, alt right online accounts are banned immediately and bank accounts are frozen, there are lot of alt right people who call out islam and jews, we let our guard down trying to be nice coz and we were constantly fed with white guilt, this is why being conservative is imp, all races should breed with their kind and stay in their countries, most whites are trying to appease all other races coz they dont wanna be called islamophobe or racist, the race card is the main trump card played by pocs against us
Shiva Natural Addict 7,741 points
I mean, when India was rich and had its golden age of invention of hindu numerals, astronomy, philosophies and had the 33% of total world's wealth during the Gupta empire, Mauryan empire 300BCE when india had universities where people would come to study. When everyone a king, peasant had the same rule of law, when the actual hinduism was practiced, when women were writing philosophical hindu texts and had equal rights as men. Islamists corrupted and looted our temples. And then the britishers came and we told them the same stuff "STAY IN YOUR COUNTRY". But they didn't listen. They made India a shithole, looted its wealth, corrupted its texts, changed and rewrote history and broke it not just into 3 countries but many castes just like they had "the king, the noble men, the priest, the peasant". And then their puppet govt ruled India for 70 years.
So, STAY IN YOUR COUNTRY isn't possible because british industrialisation and many of its colonies growth fueled by genocidal famines in India.
Its the law of Karma. Brace urselves, its gonna get worse than hell.
white_resistance 1 point
@shiva i highly doubt that, muslims didnt create caste system, caste system in india is old dated back to 1000bce, islam as a religion was not even present back then, and no white person had invaded that far east, actually europeans believed that Hellespont which in present day is north turkey region was the end of the world, we cant go any further then that, so it was all indian people who made the racist caste system, islamists established roots after Mughal invasion and their rule in india, i aint saying what britishers did was right, it was wrong, but back then it was not about right or wrong, kings and empires were ambitious and wanted to create legacy and make bigger empires, if u gave same kind of powers that whites had to africans or native americans, they would have done the same thing to any country or region and would definately try to conquer it, Britishers came for money, simple as that, as the same with any expanding empire coz expansion and prosperity needs money, and back then people didnt care if it came at expense of other people, but blaming people of today who are trying to be nice to u and even giving u monetary aids is equally wrong, are u aware that the satellite u sent on moon was financed partially by British?, we are in the age of making scientific inventions for betterment of lifestyle of whole humanity, history should be used to learn lessons and not repeat same mistakes, every king has done atleast 1 wrong thing, imagine how would u feel if i made u feel guilt of just 1 bad hindu king who did many things wrong thousands of years ago, even ashoka has commited genocide and he was hindu, what if everyone started taking just his example and blaming hindus everyday, u would not like dat would u?
BaconKing_104 Veteran 12,542 points
@white_resistance thanks for your time battling for our race, i could never stand that retard for that much
Shiva Natural Addict 7,741 points
I never said caste system was created by muslims. They are too dumb to do it. They never had any such power u imagine them to have had in India. They were just like scavengers for 600 years. They mainly ruled northern few ststes with the help of other hindu alliances. I m from south where foreign muslims didn't actually rule. Here the muslims backstabbed our Vijayanagar empire which was born to resist muslim invasions. Many Indian kingdoms defeated arabs, turks. They never had a constant power here.  Most of them ingrained and started marrying with indian kings and queens. So they ingrained in our culture. Their main kings like Akbar, Dara shikov and many others left islam and translated hindu books in persian and converted to Monotheistic Hinduism.

Caste system was not racist and it didn't exist untill the british came. We have many proofs for that like a few :-
1) No records of caste system (following the occuptation of ur family). The south indian states like kakathiyas, northern kingdom of ahoms and many notable ones having people of all occupations in army and as a wise advisor of kings. Which shouldn't be the case it if was caste system.

2) saying caste system was created by hindus shows that u actually don't know what its definition is. "Casta" is a portuguese word. And caste system means not being allowed to follow other occupations other than that of ur family's.
Which is nowhere near bad as slavery promoted in bible and quran.

3) Do the hindi texts have casteism ? NOPE.
Hinduism has varna system. This is the system on which the world works today. Its is called Meritocracy. Its not birth assigned, its assigned by ur talents just like today. Its just occupation. Its not even a big thing. And just like occupation u can change ur varna.
In Bhagwad geeta 4:13 and many others, Krishna says "Brahmana (Scholar), shudra (labour worker), kshatriya (Soldier) and Vaishya (businessman) are determined by their qualities. And they can interchange.
As u can see this system is vulnerable to abuse.
So British vedic translaters like max muller and macaulay, made the caste system birth based and rigid. And why , did fool hindus believe it ? Not all did. But the selfish people like brahmins (scholars) and vaishyas (businessmen) of those days agreed and supported the things as the norm. By doing that they could secure their future generations of the same noble jobs and others would become their servants.

This caste system were inherently present in christian societies of that time and many other cultures too that had "nobles> priests > armymen > peasants " system.

The Indian casteism was not based on race because Indians are one race of caucasoid and have one ancestory preceeding that of steeppe pastoralites. A recent genetic study from CELL also confirmed this. This Indo aryan theory was also made up by british to justify their stay in India by saying "even u r foreigners here".

And that theory has been debunked from language, religious, genetic persepectives now.

4) There are many proofs to disprove that a birth based caste system existed in India.
The indian kingdoms of guptas,mauryas, kakathiyas, ahoms, vijayanagara, and many more have people belonging to all classes (occupational backgrounds) working in their court as brahmins (scholars) for advicing kings.

I can literally name a hundred kings came to power as kings of their dynasties but were from families of "lower occupational" people.
Just to name a few main ones, like : Chandragupta Maurya, Maharaja Ranjit Singh, Mahapadma Nanda etc.

Chandragupta Maurya who would be considered lower caste under british, literally set up the Biggest Empire in India uniting all of India, under him, we had the golden age which i talked about.

Another proofs of what would be considered lower caste people, their kids were literally more in number in schools in every state u see.

So british and brahmins of that time did the caste thing. But its nowhere near slavery.

They will show u the figure of Brahma, depicting head as brahman, hands as kshatriya, thighs as vaishya, and legs as shudra and tell u that casteism is hindu born. But its just misinterpreted stupidly.
Those depictions just mean that a society in the form of a man need every part of his body to live smoothly. Thats it.

AND NO, We ur knowledge from comment section if youtube is wrong. India doesn't recieve any funds from anyone. It has already stopped in 2016-18. U can look it up.

The britishers literally made a khalergi plan type of shit for us. To support the genocide of Indians and justify their loot, they corrupted our actual hindu texts and the system of Vedic schools.

white_resistance 1 point
@shiva i already know ancient caste system was based on occupation or merit, but they were not inter-changeble, and i can prove it, its shown in ur own epic battle of Mahabharata that karna was cursed by a saint who taught art of archery to only lower castes, and Karna was from warrior caste, Karna had betrayed the saint and said he was from lower caste to gain the knowledge, thats why he was cursed, u people say it was a real war, which supposedly happened in 3000bc, then how was it britishers who corrupted Vedas? why did the saint only teach it to specific groups and not the warrior class to whom he should be actually teaching coz there job was to fight, and untouchables caste was created around 400ce and Ambedkar himself said this, Britishers had not even come to india at that time, bro do u really believe dat ur people never had in-fighting, never did violence and lived very peacefully? dats literally impossible in ancient power hungry world in any place in the world, if ur people where that at peace with each other they would not have easily fallen to outside deceit, its true europeans did corrupt some ancient indian traditions, but can u prove that other invader groups would not have done the same thing? its the same thing jews are doing today, Britishers were able to capitalize on indians coz indians only show unity outside, they hate each other and class system from the beginning, u cannot just base everything on text, u have to also see whether people apply it in real life and also its effects, ur system definately created discontent among lower castes and upper castes marginalised lower caste people even in ancient india, coz power corrupts people Britishers just used that loophole to create further divide, which any ruling power would have done, so its not white peoples fault, its logical, u people invented chess right? so do u capitalize on other players mistake or do u curse them? and its totally wrong to continue to hate whites for things that happened 300 yrs ago, and most people today are trying to reverse it, but if u people keep fighting then it will never be solved.
Shiva Natural Addict 7,741 points
Karna didn't go to Parshuram for archery. He already knew archery from Drona. This Drona was also the teacher of Arjuna, Bhima.

He actually went to Parshurama to learn stuff which were taught to only specific indivisuals. They were special weapons mastery. And this was not based on any non existant caste stuff. Because Parshuram (Brahmin decendant) had taught a (Kshatriya decendant) Bhisma.

So u can just look deeper into these stories and they aren't based on their parents occupation at all.
They are for different reasons. Another such story, Drona didn't teach Ekalavya but taught Arjuna. He had also taught "Karna" who was descendant of non brahmins.
But still why didn't he teach ekalavya ? Some people say its due to ekalavya being tribal descendant and what not. But its stupid. Its only because Drona was hired by Kuru kingdom for their princes only. How could he teach a regular guy ?
Its like saying, "why doesn't the Rock's fitness advisor train me ?".

 Thats not caste system. Thats class system which exists in society due to rich and poor difference.

All those things are not relevant. Hindus are not that religious. But we have to learn these stuff to debunk whatever bad delusions islamic and british invaders tell us about "how bad we were before they came".

I agree some things u said in some extent. I said the same thing. People in power misused it and were not united.  

But jewish holocaust of 6 million will appear like a minnow when u look at femines caused by Churchill in India especially kolkata. People still suffer from diabetes because of that.

Imagine a nation with such wealth that turks, arabs, dutch, portugese, british all came running to exploit it.

They literally built railways to carry gold from southern temples and hyderabad.

They left a country that had 33% of world's wealth with less than 1%. Looted $45 trillion. Left India with tens of famines in which 100 millions died. Its not even an overestimate. Look it up.
And they don't even teach their people in Uk that stuff lol. They teach stuff that they corrupted in India as actual indian history. They teach things like "sati" which is so overhyped out of proportions its surprising. Not more than 300 such incidents were recorded, only in parts of kolkata. Such a thing doesn't even exist in religion. Vedas tell widows to remarry.
And they made it a thing to justify their crimes and hide the fact that they literally killed women for trying to learn stuff by calling them witches in Salem's witch trials. Supported in bible.

At the end, Built some buildings to say "we gave them kulcha and chivilization". So that they can justify the looting and genocide. How shameful. I don't think no matter how much anyone hates any race. Such a hate will never go unpunished by karma.
white_resistance 1 point
@shiva europeans first only came to trade and literally had no army, they came literally as a company and set up ports in surat and mumbai areas for trade, and when they saw that indians were in fighting and not united, they drew a plan to conquer it, as any foreign person would do, u cant blame us for that, u cant say conclusively with proof that any other tribe or race would not have done the same thing, even if temporary famines were caused back then, its not affecting u right now, india exports foodgrains the most to foreign countries like rice, wheat and textile products, in exchange of oil and technology provided by other countries, ur country is well self sufficient in food, people are malnourished cause of class effect, coz they dont have money, not due to colonialism, also u have to note that in ancient and medieval periods countries where not a thing, it was tribe mentality, but u people blatantly blame whites and colonialism for all evils, which is totally untrue, also u people dont hold blacks and muslims responsible for any evils and cherry pick whites in commiting crime, do u even kn that their are many ex muslim women who escaped islamic countries and say pedophilia is 10 times higher in islam then any other place in the world, and it is allowed in their religion, they say their prophet at sex with girls aged 6 and 9 and used to suck baby penises, u poc people have made us a punching bag race just coz we are most successful conquerers, only we are shown in history as colonizers coz we were very brilliant and successful, it does not mean other tribes and races didnt try to colonize all other races, in ancient and medieval periods every other tribe and religion was trying to kill each other and they came in all races, then why do u specifically blame whites for everything? even indian kings tried launching attacks in central asia and beyond, only thing is they failed and werent as successful, hence not shown as colonizers, calling whites colonizers is wrong, we did what everyone else was doing, only difference was we were successful, Ghenghis khan conquered 25% of the world, compared to just 2% of alexander, but no one calls for genocide of Mongolian people or call them colonizer, u poc people only convieniently blame whites for everything when its literally an asian who spilled the most blood in history
Shiva Natural Addict 7,741 points
I would only add 3 things.
1) Malnourishment is not due to any imaginary oppression or even poverty. Its only due to 40% indians being vegetarian and not eating protein diet. Hinduism got some buddhist and jain influence and these people hate killing animals.
2) Indian kings never tried to go for conquest especially in the empty barren lands of central asia and arabia because they were self sufficient rich kingdoms that had everything in the world.
Its just like saying chinese didn't conquor else where but rather were conquored by mongols and japanes who were worst kind at that time.. India and china are food growing countries and they can host large populations. They are also rich in minerals. So they didn't have to go conquor other countries especially barren dessert lands like central asia, arabia, northern central asia.
Its actually the opposite. The conquorers usually have nothing in their homeland, thats the reason they go on conquest. There is a saying "Only the ripe mangoes get hit by stone". Only the rich and resourceful countries were invaded.

Mongols were barren dessert people, turks were nomadic people, arabs were dessert people etc. So only they attacked india and china.

3) North indian kings only conquored untill uzbekistan. South Indian kingdom Chola empire of Raja Raja Chola did rule over cambodia, indonesia parts, thailand, malaysia, sri lanka .
white_resistance 1 point
@shiva bruh are cambodia, indonesia, thailand, malaysia, sri lanka part of india? there not, so there also invasions done by indian kings outside, and even hindus can be called colonizers in that respect, did u kn Indonesia and malaysia was 100% hindu before muslims made it 100% islamic? it was hindu since time of ashoka and mauryan empire coz even those empires annexed them to their kingdoms, and maurya empire and other empires like indian Sikh empire did conquests till present day afganistan borders coz there were constant invasions by other kingdoms from those areas, there were hindu temples found in cambodia, thailand, burma, indonesia, which proves indian rulers did conquer that regions, its not only done for resources, desserts may be barren but there of very strategic importance, forts made in desserts are very strong and hard to conquer, coz u have to literally walk thousands of miles in hot dessert with big army and supplies with water hard to find and try to invade high walls of a fortress, presence of Sahara dessert is the only reason why central part of africa was not conquered by Rome and other arabs like Berbers, moors, and also the only reason central africa was not colonized for so long by europeans, u under estimate effect of the dessert my frnd, even with no resources u still have to destroy the kingdom which is troubling and hostile to u even if there land is barren, tell me why khilji came to rajasthan to conquer forts, its also majorly a dessert and barren
Shiva Natural Addict 7,741 points
@BaconKing_104 "Fight for our race mann" LOL With the picture of nazi guy who raped and killed u poles ? Nazis thought of u poles as subhumans, u know that right ? Identity crisis much ? So its ok for a "we wuzz aryan" german to rape polish kids but not when its done by muzlims and blacks ? Notice how in the hatred for jews, u support ur own nazi germans who killed europeans mostly ? They could have gone south and invaded and killed browns and blacks people in turkey, middle east and africa. Its so funny
BaconKing_104 Veteran 12,542 points
I thought your ignorant dumbass saw europa the last battle.... also there's no proof of what dirlewanger did, and also, how in the fuck were axis powers supposed to "go and invade africa" when they had all the world against them? what a braindead white women porn addict
Shiva Natural Addict 7,741 points
Yeah, everyone except "we wuss aryans" are lying sarrr".
I did watch that untill the gulag thing. And researched about it. Its been debunked by a thousand people, not because the info on that is wrong, but because its shows one sided stuff.

For u blind believers everyone and everything that doesn't agree with ur bs is "its tha joos and we wuzz aryans and sheit". Just admit that stuff that they did. They considered u guys as subs.
At some point they even considered british as the "jews of aryan race".
And in the end whotf cares ? A bunch of retards copying Sanskrit symbolism, creating a mythical race and killing each other. Lol. I think the war should have gone longer.
And no, i left porn some 3 years ago. I don't even get the urge to watch it. I watched some softcore indian webseries thats it. Ur race should stop worshipping BBC both men and women.
Just look at ur polish girls simping around that black youtuber guy ishowspeed lol. The kalergi plan and cuckism is real i guess.
white_resistance 1 point
@shiva we whites conquered majority of whole world, we defeated every race at their prime not at there weakest, we subjugated blacks who are more stronger and bigger then us is a testament to our strength, we are most intelligent race on planet and the most beautiful, we used brains mostly not brute force, we are greatest conquerors in history while our numbers are just 10% of whole world, u blacks and browns couldnt achieve 20% of our milestones even when possessing such huge numbers, subhuman muslim arabs and nigger races defeating us now when we are not even trying to fight and trying to be civil humans doesnt prove anything, we already defeated them at their best and most aggresive phase.
Shiva Natural Addict 7,741 points
All right cracker ape listen up.
No such thing as "white race" outside of america. Dumbmericans should not consider education a blasphemy. No such thing as "aryan race" either.

Yes British colonised and looted most of the world more than anybody.

Other europeans who also got colonised are suddenly identifying as "white". Which is dumb.

Most intelligent, most this most that are all a results of being most good looter and that was possible due tue to the firearms weapons u got earlier.

Thats it. Chinese and japanese are more advanced than u faggots in every matter.

Being beautiful is subjective. Just like me. I don't get an erection to pale plastic looking chinese looking asians and europeans.
I find fair skin just like me to be most attractive.

I find these soth asain feminine, modest, kind, smart, shy, women extremely hot and unresistable.

Only the ancient british did all the conquoring. Other european dumbfucks want get that false supremacy complex thats why they group under "white race".

Its a political concept in america. Doesn't exist even in most of europe.

Everywhere in the world people see people as people and judge them based on good and bad.

Americunts, including black americans are the only ones that look at everything through not evem race but "skin colour".

Immigrants built america. Ur countries were built on looting.

And regarding ur superiority

These apply mostly to european americunts :-
- u rape kids more than anyone else
- ur women have to eat shit and make rape porn wirh black guys to earn food
- ur women are extremely obsessed over other ethnicity's men and are seen as easy access by black and brown.
- ur the most degenerate mentally raped subhumans that can't grasp thhe concept of humanity.
- ur mentally cucks that are in constant fear and insecurity of getting raplced just because u faggot manlets cant reproduce.
-According to biology ur the subhumans that will be replaced by natural selection.
-u rape animals most than anyone and legalised it.
- ur women fuck with dogs more than u.
- ur mothers, daughters, sisters are all prostitutes that are easy acces both in real life and online onlyfans porn they are also whores that make 8464833 relationships and sleeping around is their culture.
- ur the actual jews of the world. Notice how u point that jews claime to be superior chosen people ? Yet ur the ones who do all that ? Lol.
- u lack morality thats u watch and supply the most child rape porn in the world.
- ur people lack honour, just a binch of cowards bragging about how "not them" but a person of the same colour as them "british" LOOTED half of the world.
- ur religions are tribal concepts of god and philosophies are non existant, copied and inferior. Even the concept of disciplane, abstainance exists in islam  but not in ur slave religion of satan.
Ur religion cannot go side by side with the science. U have to become athiests if u are really moral and true to urself.
- u have no identity, culture, lifestyle, food,  philosophy of ur own. U leech on to others and make them worse. Like making  "yoga" christian.
- and above all that ur like arrogant empty bowls that will be humbled if not replaced in a few years.  
- ur were the most barbaric, anti women, anti human animals ever.
At present ur the most faggoted, cucked, brain raped hateful, arrogant, pseudoscientific,, alcohol and drug addicted, wasteful creatures that are living off the loot of colonaism.
- muslims are already a majority in london. Muhammad is the most used name there.
Hindus own the most land in London.
Hindus are the highest earning ethnicity after jews in US
- At first, seeing muslims rape ur children i felt angered towards muslims. But not any more.
Not because ur racist or insulting because racism only makes sense when someone speaks truth NOT delusions. People are offended by truth.
I hate delusional people.
I support the khalergi plan. I support the jews. I support the muslims. I support ur liberalism and the conservatism of muslims in ur lands which is not a far dream for me.

Everyone of ur child will be raped in broad day light in front of ur own eyes. And u faggot pink clit having filthy pig whore seeds will cry and the muslims will use ur tears as lube to rape another one of ur "pure" 6 year old satan filth christian maggot looking whore. And this is not just some fantasy of mine. This going to happen very soon. Ur way below replacement rate than africans, south asians. We are invading u from inside. Ur "far right white christian" leader himself is a hyperjew slave, more than liberals. He is the manifestation of jewish agenda. He wants immigration. And ur liberals want that too.

Basically ur fucked from both sides.

I love seeing everyday news of terrorist attacks in ur land.

We didn't start it we will definately end it. Thats Karma.
white_resistance 1 point
@shiva ur literally a brain dead moron and m losing brain cells talking to u brown boy. i will put my comments in points so it makes ur pajeet brain easy to read and comprehend:- 1) u urself said u never said race aint real when i told u race is real and their are bone and cranial differences, if race doesnt exist then by that logic whites cant be racist either, its u niggers, pajeets and muslims mostly calling us racist, how are we racist if race is social construct and does not exist? its true that there are some white people who believe the one drop rule is real and say even italians aint european but they are european so it doesnt change the facts 2) Colonized and looted is said by jealous poc pajeets like u and niggers, ur just seething coz u hate the fact we were ahead of u and conquered u, no one stopped u from inventing firearms and technologies, u should have used ur mythological stronger then nuclear bomb astras of ur shitty hindu epics if u wanted to beat us, u should suck it up and also i told u that other races/religions would have done the same things if they had same power and they did, Mughals and arabs fucked and raped ur Rajput lindu women and ruled over u for 100s of years, even u would have done the same to us if u got the chance, thats how the world works pajeet, strong dominates weak and u were weak, u pajeets are true faggots coz u couldnt defeat arab muslims so stop projecting ur insecurities on us. we only defended ourselves, 1st crusade was started after 300 yrs of non stop muslim attacks and we are enslaved first so we have all rights to kick ur pajeet, arab, nigger asses and take ur money 3) Gunpowder was invented in china and Mongols created the biggest empire and where most ruthless then any white person in history, by that sense its u asian chinks and pajeets who are most violent and create destructive weapons. 4) u talk about us eating shit but literraly their are tons of videos of u pajeets and chinks putting ur whole head inside cowshit, there are videos on youtube of u pajeets drinking cow urine, u talk about us fucking children but in ur countries u pajeets and muslims fuck children 100 times more then us and wats worse is u dont even collect data so people cant point at u. 5) u point out every bullshit based on ur religious texts, but u urself contradict them and dont follow them, u call our women whores but in reality their beautiful and sexy and u hate that ur women dont get the same amount of recognition, 9 out of 10 times man of any race will fuck and breed with our white queen and not even look at ur loser brown and black women. 6) Women is called a "Devi" in ur scriptures, and u pajeets are the biggest rapist in the world, so quit that fasade of being moral citing ur useless scriptures whose logics u dont even use, u would not be calling any women in the world a whore or any slur if u read ur followed ur own advice, lolz, ur monkeys just like niggers, ur subhuman, i dont consider atrocities done on brown and nigger races as wrong coz ur subhuman 6) whites later fought to eradicate slavery in modern world while u faggots and niggers wanted it to continue, u brown and nigger faggots aint moral so its our right to own u, ur animals. 7) i dont want u pajeets to cry when trump cancels ur H1b visas, lolz, like u always do like bitches, brown faggots and nigger faggots aint human
Shiva Natural Addict 7,741 points
Those who got raped by arabs and crusades are present day muslims ad christians. The first slaves were SLAVs and then, europeans under turks who inherited muslim babies in balkan countries and europe. Indian rulers never had slavery of captured people untill muslims came. Bappa rawal had close to 600 muslim sayyadi concubines.
The present day indian muslims who are just rape childs of those mughals are attacked everyday in India. They are lynched like animals, they are brutally fucked for violating silly made up rules like "eating meat near temple", India is the most islamophpbic country. We were the ones who started exmuslim movement openly on youtube. Muslims are leaving islam not only in india but in pakistan too. We demolish down their homes and turture then in police station or even kill them for rioting. We are demolishing their mosques. Shitting on their religion daily. All because they consider are muslims.
Unlike u crackas in whose country they have raped 1 million white kids in just last 20 years just in UK alone. More is gonna come. Lol.

 Crakcer are feral rapists of anything that walks even ur own babies and animals.
Just search "Beastiality arrest" and "beastiality legality" subhuman crackerrr, u don't even consider it illegal.
U repeated every thing i proved about u maggots and accused it on us. I proved every stat of urs in all my comments refer then cracker inferior maggot. Are ur knees shaking, my little pink clit having coward bitch ? I love how hard ur seething that u aren't even writing in proper sentences anymore. The whole paragraph is one sentence. LMAO

We wuzz crackers and sheeittt.
This is ur " we wuzz civlise saar, we superior shit eating maggots saar"

white_resistance 1 point
@shiva no one gives a fuck smelly pajeet about who married who, the whole world knows turks and muslims defeated u hindu faggots and ruled over u for 300 yrs, and they did it directly, they didnt have to play any games like there doing with us, spreading propaganda and brainwashing, they literally did what we did, they came, they saw, they conquered ur faggot pajeet ass, and earlier u lied to ur teeth that ur faggot kings never invaded outside india, lolzz, yes its true we are being replaced, but der is no pajeet faggot fucking our women, our white women get fucked only by mexicans, muslims and niggers, atleast we are losing to masculine men. muslims literally throw stones on lindus marching in europe and lindus cant do anything or their called islamophobic, lolz, and muslims fuck ur hindu whores here also. u watch blacked porn all day in ur mommas slum and u pajeets drive 90% of the blacked income to pornhub, u asian pajeets and chinks have smallest cocks in the world, we fuck ur brown women here in europe and they ditch their pajeet bfs to have superior white babies, we are most beautiful race faggot pajeet, even muslim arab men and niggers fuck us white men coz there sexually attracted to us, loser pajeet doesnt realise when europe and usa and majority of the world becomes niggerised and islamisized their will be no one left to save ur little loser shit eating country from invasions from all sides, ur already chinas bitch, never maintain any aggression coz ur scared of them, they literally colonized ur karate and kung fu and said its theres, lolz, ur weak pajeet race was meant to be colonized, worship deep navels of superior white men and women, u can only be useful under our command, we are superior to u
Shiva Natural Addict 7,741 points
We wuzz superio saar. Our doggos are enough to cuck u aryan saar
BrownShitSkinNigger Well-Known 851 points
Whites don’t have to look up beastiality/shit porn to know you brown shitskins post a million times more of that content, you cow fucker.

Please stop entertaining this stinky nigger. We’re the only white guys he’s ever talked to & will ever have access to. He lives in the filthiest saddest country in the world for God’s sake. Why bother arguing with a poop-colored nigger? Every shitskin wishes they were white & they will always deny being extremely jealous of our white power/beauty. If I was a shitskin I would also deflect my insecurities onto white people as well, it’s inevitable.

Shiva Natural Addict 7,741 points
This cracker again

Albino niggers without ai :-

Real women and Men :-

Ghost & König's Slut Famous 3,628 points
@Shiva definitely on your side. Do you know whites are the biblical Edomites to this day? It's actually in scriptures that Esau would be in power in the last days. America is mystery Babylon and it's going to get destroyed when WW3 comes. The Messiah is also a man of color too, he ain't no fuckin' cracker. Don't sweat Shiva, the entire white race is going into slavery when the black Messiah returns. Revelation 13:10 KJV “He that leadeth into captivity shall go into captivity: he that killeth with the sword must be killed with the sword. Here is the patience and the faith of the saints.”
Shiva Natural Addict 7,741 points
@Ghost & König's Slut so their bible itself says that ? Thats miserable. Its not like people don't guess that. Everyone in the world probably knows that deep down by watching these subhuman maggot clowns and the civil war they are trying to instigate. Its just the frustration of being cucked into extinction. This is their last generation. And yeah, no indian cares anything about these whoreseeds and their made up delusions. Its just a plaything for us. We don't even need to do shit, their generation is filled with addicts in a fucked up society of hyper masculine karen whores. They look like femboys to us. They are like human animals with no honour. We can rape their men even without feeling a bit gay. We don't take them seriously in any matters.
Ghost & König's Slut Famous 3,628 points
@Shiva well that's because the Bible NEVER belonged to these crackers. If ya actually read that book then you'll understand that the true chosen Israelites are people of COLOR. Caucasians come from the seed of Esau and God actually hates Esau. The only reason why whites are in power to this day is because God allowed it, not because he loves only them, but because it was to punish the true children of Israel for defying his laws, statutes and commandments. If ya read carefully in the book of Deuteronomy chapter 28, it explains the blessings and the curses the children of Israel will go through throughout their generations. Part of the curses is fatherless homes, gangbanging, getting your lands stolen, slavery, living in poverty and distress, being called racial slurs, being oppressed by the oppressors who is Esau etc. There's so much evidence! And nobody else goes through these curses. The people who do are so-called blacks, Hispanics and native Americans of negro and indigenous descent. Who they call niggers, spics, beaners, and savages, they are God's chosen people.
Shiva Natural Addict 7,741 points
@Ghost & König's Slut Interesting. Although i don't believe in god. Its makes sense.
Ghost & König's Slut Famous 3,628 points
@Shiva have ya ever heard of Black Hebrew Israelites? That's what I'm about...
BrownShitSkinNigger Well-Known 851 points
Slavic white people aren’t Caucasian. Caucasian people are from Persia, Azerbaija, Armenia, Georgia.
Why do you contradict yourself by having multiple pictures of white men on your profile picture? Clearly we’re the most desired & sexualized race by you brownies.
Shiva Natural Addict 7,741 points
@Ghost Yeah somewhere in youtube, i did hear that. It makes sense. Its scary to think about.
Ghost & König's Slut Famous 3,628 points
I understand, I used to be an atheist and believed that God was white and only loved white people and hated people of color. Whites literally live in luxury compared to us in the ghettos. Whites rule the earth, while we literally have to beg for scraps from the slave master. The way this world is structured it just didn't make sense to me and felt fake. It wasn't until I found this group of so-called black folks on the street corners who showed me what the Bible actually says about whites, about my people and why the world is so damn evil. Everything just made perfect sense, completely changed my views and gave me ACTUAL HOPE. Whites were literally created to punish people of color, they're not superior, it was their destiny to rule. But when the black Messiah returns he's going to bring them down so low they'll know how it feels to be called a nigger and forced into the cotton fields too. Sad to say(not really) there's no salvation for the white race. God's actually going to exterminate them from existence when the kingdom comes lolz. The Bible is a beautiful book, praise Yahawah!
Shiva Natural Addict 7,741 points
@BrownShitSkinNigger The word caucasian does come from caucasus. But at present, Caucasian people definition at is "european descendants" and the word caucasian is only used in america. And its a ethnic term. Even the europe doesn't used "caucasian". Germans call themselves "native germans" and others as clearly "immigrants". Other european countries too call themselves by native nationalities. But americunts can't do that because they themselves are not native of that land. So they refer people by ethnic background and not RACE. Meanwhile caucasoid is a race which includes persian, most of south asians, middle easterners, europeans, most of slavs, most south americans. Its the skull shape and brain size u stupid retard. And who white man ? Dumbass its an indian soldier. U confuse caucasoid skull shape for "white people" u brainrotten chimp. Stop overdosing on vodka and crack u stupid SLAVe. At least ur smart enough as a slav to not keep a nazi symbol as ur pfp.
BrownShitSkinNigger Well-Known 851 points
You’re so fucking retarded to think I confused your shitskin profile picture for a white man, you fucking wish. I was asking why Ghost Konig slut has white men as her pfp.

“ But when the black Messiah returns he's going to bring them down so low they'll know how it feels to be called a nigger and forced into the cotton fields too.”

Then why do you have white men on your profile picture? Clearly you’re still drooling over our Big White Cocks & sexualize the fuck out of us. Genius. Whites are for whites.
BrownShitSkinNigger Well-Known 851 points
Clearly God loves WHITES. HAHAHAH
Pale brunettes with hazel eyes are beautiful & have the sexiest holes.

Ghost & König's Slut Famous 3,628 points
@BrownShitSkinNigger I do find white men attractive I'm not going to lie. As I told you before a long time ago, I will NOT date nor fuck a white person, that's where I'll draw the line. But yes, I find y'all attractive but I also find my own race attractive too. Just like how I find some blacks, dark skin Asians, east Indians attractive too. And hell yeah I drool over white cock, any cock that's pale which light skinned Mexicans can have etc. Sorry but I am a woman after all, I adore all men Plus, I picked these guys cause they looked the coolest on Pinterest. The Russian Terminator dude is extremely hot tho, I had to put him in there lol, I love big military men. *Shrugs.*
Shiva Natural Addict 7,741 points
Remember the last time u maggot skin met me, u were sexualising movie star Madison beer, who was literally brown and a jew, the same jews who raped and butchered 2 million of ur chink slavs ?
Remember that pigskin cracker ?
BrownShitSkinNigger Well-Known 851 points
There’s going to be a revolution against whites!! Yet you desire pale Russian cock. Ура.
BrownShitSkinNigger Well-Known 851 points
Well.. she looked better when her skin was white!! Now she looks like a piece of shit. And there are Russian Jews as well so idk what you’re on about.

Ghost & König's Slut Famous 3,628 points
@BrownShitSkinNigger lool in my fantasies ngl but definitely not in reality, honey. And stop mentioning Russian cock lmao it's always Russians with you You're funny as shit ngl
Ghost & König's Slut Famous 3,628 points
Lol I'm even lighter than this chick too. I can get snow white for real. But yeah she looks awful with color, but it's because she doesn't have the negro features with it. In California I see white girls with spray tans and they look awful. Lol they literally looked like Donald Trump with an orange tan
BrownShitSkinNigger Well-Known 851 points
Melanin is ugly regardless.
Shiva Natural Addict 7,741 points
@Shitskinnigger How does it feel to be simping to a literaly ashkenazi jew (even if she gets a white skin in winters just like me) whose ancestors were direct butchers of ur SLAVs.
They literally slaughtered so many of u rachet niggers that now u face a shortage of men in ur country. Lol.
 And ur slavic bitches drool over south asian modest husbands. I literally see a indian man married to slavic whore every single day.
Damn, just yesterday i saw this guy. Now don't come at me with ur "u dream about a slavic doll bs" lol. We just see ur whores as easy meat. And actively contributing  to ur genocide.

BrownShitSkinNigger Well-Known 851 points
White girls who tan themselves brown are all racemixing nigger fuckers.
Ghost & König's Slut Famous 3,628 points
@Shiva even in America, white women, beautiful or ugly, LOOOVE colored men mainly blacks and Latinos. The only good thing about white men is their money. And when I have met white guys they're really awkward and have no fucking game lol. It's rare I see a cracker actually getting a girl without using his money and status as leverage. A Mexican can be poor as shit but yet the white girl will choose him over her own. It's sad really. I love white men but at the end of the day I'm loyal to my own race.
BrownShitSkinNigger Well-Known 851 points
She’s so pretty idk why she would waste her white power & pure bloodline on a brown motherfucker. Well the girls here in Russia either date Slavs, Central Asians or the Caucasian and we all speak Russian. The ones you see online aren’t even common but I think the interracial content gets pushed out to you so much maybe because you’re jerking off on “blacked” everyday like you’ve mentioned before.
Shiva Natural Addict 7,741 points
Keep seething by scrooling this

It will help u in your cuckold fantasy :-

I m just glad some part of my monstrous population is gradually making ur subhuman infertile kid diddler chimps extinct and helping u with ur cuckold victim fetish. I would always choose a fair skinned, indian modest, shy, virgin, long black hair (my favorite thing in a woman), smart, kind goddess.
BrownShitSkinNigger Well-Known 851 points
California isn’t a racist cowboy town so there are more nigger fuckers there i guess. You guys swear whites love brownies but you’ve never been to East Europe or Russia.
BrownShitSkinNigger Well-Known 851 points
Please stop showing me fake ass anti-white graphs you fuckers just made up to feel like you proved a point that doesn’t exist lmao.
Ghost & König's Slut Famous 3,628 points
@BrownShitSkinNigger trust me, hun. If my people traveled over there to your country or Europe, your women will realize how badass my men are just like in America. My men will dominate yours especially if they learned the languages. Not all of us are criminals and retards beheading people or doing weirdo shit you see here on livegore. A lot of us are hard working, honorable, strong, charismatic, kind, the men are very masculine, and extremely sweet towards the women etc. I don't care how racist your beautiful white women are, I know how the female heart works and trust me they'll fold to my men quick.
Shiva Natural Addict 7,741 points
@BrownShitskinNigger , all ur "we wuzz aryaan: cope summed up in one meme :
Ghost & König's Slut Famous 3,628 points
@Shiva damnit my phone sucks I can't see it..
Ghost & König's Slut Famous 3,628 points
What time is it where y'all are at? I was supposed to be in bed awhile ago but I'm having fun here lol
BrownShitSkinNigger Well-Known 851 points
Nah they don’t want your Mexican or native men you can have them all. At the same time even. axaxaxax

It’s 11am.
Ghost & König's Slut Famous 3,628 points
Lool it's a fantasy of mine but I'm not a slut I'm a virgin in fact. 11am? What is your ass doing on here? In a Saturday? Wasting your time when you should be lifting weights, hun lol
BrownShitSkinNigger Well-Known 851 points
I’m a skinny motherfucker. The guys on your profile pic are all fat.
Ghost & König's Slut Famous 3,628 points
Now you're just trolling LMAO !!
BaconKing_104 Veteran 12,542 points
@Ghost & König's Slut I don't think it's the case there are tons of immigrant shitskins here and no one wants them. Besides from that let's be honest: the only reason as to why that might happen is because this is a generation made of sluts and what matters is 2 more centimeters of dick rather than someone loving his traditions, having faith and actually wanting to do something with their lives. Just because you personally have met some uninteresting suburb soyboy doesn't mean we are all like that. On top of that i always feel like y'all are forgetting how much the left wing is influencing a whole generation. I'm not an hillbilly racist but when i hear this stuff it gets on my nerves, because there has never ever been a sign of dark skinned fuckers ever making anything on their own without the innovations of white men. This is just a fact and niggers will come up with ANY excuse and useless facts backed by 0 statistics to try and discredit white people in any way possible.
Ghost & König's Slut Famous 3,628 points
I'm concerned now I hope you're not anorexic dude! Go eat protein and be a warrior, LIFT WEIGHTS AND LISTEN TO HEAVY METAL !! Lol
BaconKing_104 Veteran 12,542 points
@Ghost & König's Slut i'm sorry but.... what kind of fucking bible did they give you!?!?!?! lmao that sounds more like some cheap religious/social manifesto made by some BLM extremist leader....
BrownShitSkinNigger Well-Known 851 points
They’re fat as fuck fr. They’ll die from a heart attack bc of steroids. I like being tall, pale & skinny.
Ghost & König's Slut Famous 3,628 points
@BaconKing_104 I like how you responded so respectfully towards me compared to the others on here lol. That actually means a lot to me^^ I hear ya, hun. But I'm not sure where you're getting the concept of colored folks not making shit for themselves tho. I speak for my people, indigenous peoples of the Americas. Mayans were the first to invent math and the concept of zero. We were the first to invent the water system and we were known for being an extremely clean and hygienic people. We even invented soaps, CHOCOLATE too, the calendar system and seasons. We were known for our culinary skills and taught y'all including sharing our vegetables like tomatoes. We even taught whites how to hunt, farm and survive here because our lands are really harsh. We're known for our corn. The Chinese and Indians invented a lot of things as well. A black American invented the traffic light system. I can keep going, hun. My point is we've done a lot to contribute to society. The problem is, my people can no longer contribute because we're oppressed and don't have the ability to anymore. And the only reason Europe became wealthy was because they took our gold and treasures. Like always, colored folks are enslaved, left with nothing and forced to start from the bottom. In Mexico, the Spanish have control and occupy the lands with great resources while the natives are forced in the most dangerous lands and hardly any resources. Of course we can't move forward, whites control the earth, white is the system, and the system was designed to keep us down.
Ghost & König's Slut Famous 3,628 points
Regular King James Bible, hun. @BaconKing_104 I know it sounds fucking crazy but the things they told me made fuckin' sense. Unlike regular Christian folks they just talk out of their asses not opening the Bible up, but these guys actually showed me verses as proof and didn't twist the scriptures either. The Bible is a history book and it even predicted the Atlantic slave trade which was only going to happen to the true children of Israel.
BrownShitSkinNigger Well-Known 851 points
@BaconKing_104 Right, BLM shitskins try to brainwash anti-whites. And blackwash concepts that came from Europe. Black American niggers aren’t even aware that their last names aren’t African. They have English last names “James, Williams, Brown, Johnson, etc” because they inherited it from their ancestor’s slave owner lol. They should learn African & go back to Africa. Except they don’t want to leave the latinas & the gutter snowbunnies.
Ghost & König's Slut Famous 3,628 points
@BrownShitSkinNigger come on hun, Putin has some buffness and the Russian soldiers are pretty ripped too. Now you're sounding like a weakling loser. Are you a faggy vegan libtard or what? You represent mother Russia, right? Look like a warrior
Ghost & König's Slut Famous 3,628 points
@BrownShitSkinNigger slavery is a curse the true Israelites will go through. Deuteronomy chapter 28: 48, 49 KJV 48 "Therefore shalt thou serve thine enemies which the Lord shall send against thee, in hunger, and in thirst, and in nakedness, and in want of all things: and he shall put a yoke of iron upon thy neck, until he have destroyed thee." 49 "The Lord shall bring a nation against thee from far, from the end of the earth, as swift as the eagle flieth; a nation whose tongue thou shalt not understand;" You're only proving my point.
Ghost & König's Slut Famous 3,628 points
Goodnight y'all, I'm fuckin' tired. No hard feelings to anyone^^
BrownShitSkinNigger Well-Known 851 points
Where the hell do you think the term SLAVIC came from -__- Slave.
BaconKing_104 Veteran 12,542 points
Can you tell me tho where in the bible it says that the white race will be enslaved? and if it does, where is it said that it's a good thing?
Ghost & König's Slut Famous 3,628 points


Ghost & König's Slut Famous 3,628 points
@BaconKing_104 YouTube links don't work here huh? I tried sending something to shitskin but it ends up blank...
Ghost & König's Slut Famous 3,628 points
@BaconKing_104 I'll send you a message on Discord.
Shiva Natural Addict 7,741 points
@BaconKing_104 Ur comment shows ur a just some 17-18 year old delusional teen with no knowledge of science. The total opposite, British didn't invent shit in africa, india, arab when they were here. They were good looters of the wealth. British red monkeys were not invited to those places. And nothing comes from a single community. Everything in science and maths is contribution of those who are wealthy at that time frame. And why do u even care about science if u believe in ur adam-eve incest story and not evolution ? The most contribution to science is from jews. And they were the british who colonised ur own europeans too lol. U should stop riding ur "white man" dick. The only europeans that colonised are british. Notice how the brits themselves will never call themselves as "white man" but only "british". Because they know u looser degenerates will lach on to their colonisim superemacy just like ur doing rn. Lol Ur literal numbers, decimal system, and ofcourse the Zero, many contributions in astronomy, medicine, surgery of Sushruta, atomic theory, were indians creation when India was wealthy in 300BC. Vedic texts mention 9 planets which some hindus pray as deities. They also mention earth being a geospherical and revolving around sun, i can show u the verses. Even during-after the british era loot, even during poverty, Indians contritubted to astronomy like Chandrashekara limit, Raman effect, Einstein-Bose condensate of Chandrashekar bose, wilson-bappu effect, crescograp, and the legend Ramanujan who gave many theorems and fromulas in maths on the basis of which the algorithms work today and many more contributions in quantum science field by others which i don't even know what they mean. I mean u have to search them up. When ur people were burning women for trying to learn stuff, India hadn't even thought of why women should be denied schooling. When u used to think (earth was flat, some even do) hindus knew of 9 planets. Even if u ask an illiterate village farmer in India he will have more knowledge of astronomy than the literates in ur anti-science community of flat earthers and anti evolutionists. Upanishads mention that the all animals evolved from fish. Which is true by evolution. Hindu texts mention inbreeding and don't allow people from same lineage to marry. And then there is also Yoga which we all must do. British burnt many libraries in India and replaced them with their christian myths. Islamic invaders burnt the oldest university Nalanda. And an arab translated the hindu numerals to pass on that knowledge to u. The scientific method, algorithm, was created by arabs when they had their golden age in Baghdad. Mongols invaded them and burnt their books. Different ages give prosperity to different groups. And those prosporous groups of that generation invest in education and research. Innovation comes from research and education which comes from richness and that richness came to british by looting stuff from other countries because they got their hands early on modern weapons. They came when India was prosperous but not united. THOSE PIGSKINS WERE NOT WELCOME HERE. Briitish killed millions here with famines by supplying all the resources and our own produced food, to their land. Look it up. And i see u as identifying as british coloniser. So u must deal with reperations. And yes we are not equal. Only when Indians loot $45 trillion US which were used tmby british to build ur countries and kill millions of u, ONLY THEN we are equal. And i can say by ur comments ur a younger guy less than 20. So, my son, stop dickriding the mythical "aryans", the guys who raped and killed ur people. I would bully this rat looking insectoid for fun-
Shiva Natural Addict 7,741 points
@Ghost, Yeah its the site's fault not ur phone.
Shiva Natural Addict 7,741 points
white_resistance 1 point
@shiva ur women are brown shit turds just like u, they wear lot of makeup and u faggot pajeets use bright lights to show them as more fair skinned lolz, whereas in reality ur south indian bitches are shit coloured, u lindu faggots think u came from cows, cows are ur moms, lolz, by that logic bull is ur dad faggot, muslims eat beef in ur country and u cant stop it even though cows are holy, and ur shithole country is largest exporter of beef, ur a faggot curry munching street shitter like ur indian people who shit on open roads and dont know how to build or use toilets, we owned ur stupid country coz u hate each other and ur big mad, its called conquest moron but it hurts ur feelings so u call it looting, even if did loot it, we dont care, u street shitting pajeets could not defend ur loser country so u didnt deserve it anyway. its said even today in military comparisions that if ur shithole country fought a war with china now it will lose a big chunk of ur eastern states and whole kashmir in under 10 hrs, ur own faggot military man said it, ur women whores sleep around with thousands of men everyday in kamatipura, and try to look slutty and seduce me showing their midriffs, and u call them modest, wat a joke, u didnt see the video which i sent where ur faggot curry munching stinky pajeets were treating a white queen like royalty and talking selfies with her, and i also sent u the pic where u and ur faggot dad were shitting on the street, u whores are now makin softcore porn on alt balaji channels, such cheap stuff its laughable, even homemade amature videos are better then that, we need to teach u pajeets how to kiss properly,lolz Also madison beer aint brown moron, shes mixed ashknazi jew, arabs burnt ur Nalanda university and broke ur temples and u pajeets sucked their dicks like little lindu faggots, ur a faggot who doesnt know that even Portuguese, dutch, french also colonized ur pajeet ass not just British, only white men are real men and white women are real women, rest of u pocs are subhuman, u already showed ur faggot tendencies by saying u want to fuck white men, ur sexually attracted to us just like niggers and muslims, ur women come here to ride our white dicks curry muncher
Shiva Natural Addict 7,741 points
Keep repeating the same shit whoreseed crackerrr. saying the same shit again and again which i debunked with statistics will not make them true.

But the statistics are just a jewish conspiracy for u rabid monkey crackers.

White "resistance". I agree ur "we wuzz aryan and sheeit" mothers and daughters do provide good RESISTANCE on my dog's dick. Don't worry its aryan.  Just imagine that lol. Ur christian daughters literally have to suck a dog's dick to have food on table. Thats the lowest of the low u stupid cracker subhuman insect. There is no comming back from this low.

BrownShitSkinNigger Well-Known 851 points
White beauty vs. Shitskin lolololol

Shiva Natural Addict 7,741 points
Western black and white whores are weird. They have to become prostitutes in real life and online to earn some money for food.
Keep going expose more of ur white and black girls. Try ur sister and mom. She will have even more aryan pussy. If u do that i will consider my defeat, i swear.
white_resistance 1 point
@shiva u didnt debunk shit curry muncher, u just believe every bullshit based on some religious shitty lindu texts dat u dont follow urself in reality. U got no points so ur projecting, u love watching blacked, scat porn and animal porn, i always knew it was u curry munchers who drive 70% of these kind of porn traffic in whole world, ur seething hard coz u got no facts. Ur using our inventions, we gave u pajeets guns, electricity, computers, electronics, internet, while u pajeets keep repeating the we wuz inventors, we invented zero and shit which might not be even true coz u stinky pajeets lie a lot, u fags get so jealous of our beauty and brains whenever we invent something new u pajeets claim it was already invented in ur mythological shitty ancient books, why didnt u use it then moron, u live in literal narnia land like niggers live in wakanda ville, our women are so beautiful even animals cant control themselves, ur women are so ugly that even humans dont like them, u pajeets cant even seduce a woman and ur faggot parents have to find partners for u in arranges marriages, lolz
BrownShitSkinNigger Well-Known 851 points
You brown niggers have purple-black genitals. What’s that all about?
Shiva Natural Addict 7,741 points
Shitty crackaarrr, Go find ur mum whats she doin..

BrownShitSkinNigger Well-Known 851 points
Average white girl:

Average shitskin:

Shiva Natural Addict 7,741 points
cracker choose any animal from below :-
1) Pig
2) Dog
3) Cat
4) Horse
5) Donkey
white_resistance 1 point
@shiva beastility is common in india also, u pajeets rape buffaloes, cows, dogs, sheep, u curry munchers are goat fuckers
Shiva Natural Addict 7,741 points
Cracker probably doesn't know that its literally LEGAL in ur scat shit eating, onlyfans whoreseed, muslim and jew raped countries
So whats a crime for anyone in India is a normal fetish for ur cracker whores.
"We wuzz legalise beastiality and sheeitt"

BrownShitSkinNigger Well-Known 851 points
Shitskins invented beastiality. Their women are so ugly the niggers rather gangrape cows.
white_resistance 1 point
@shiva look at the shitskin curry munching pajeet angry and seething now, justifying his actions, i sent u real conference where u south indian faggots gathered to discuss whether its a crime or not having sex with animals, u faggots dont even know if u want to make it a crime, lolz, such slow disgusting faggots, all ur sources are from kink porn practised by very small group of people, u faggots dont even put ur animal abusers in jail, how many cows have u raped deflecting moron?
Shiva Natural Addict 7,741 points
U have nothing to say cracker. Just admit it. Lol.
Ur trying to be offensive but its so forced. Its not natural like mine. I m literally laughing at ur "aryan" christian mothers and daughters.
They will literally consider getting raped by animals and eat shit and drink piss and making their race go extinct, than fuck a pink clit having pigskin faggot with 626252 mental disorders and cuckold fetish.

Choose an animal
Shiva Natural Addict 7,741 points
Its already a crime in every corner of India stupid inbred rabid cracker subhuman shithead whoreseed.
Ur a coward that has been deflecting 100 stats from the start.
white_resistance 1 point
@shiva hahaha faggot even if its a crime in ur law, ur law doesnt apply anything, u stinky pajeets break every law in ur country and are not penalised, u fuck with cows everyday dont u, dats ur mom, and u suck bulls dicks, i dont have to look at ur fake stats, u faggots claim everything was invented by u, tomorrow u faggots will also say we pajeets invented electricity too, fucking curry bitch
Shiva Natural Addict 7,741 points
Look up the things i said hindus invented. U won't do that because ur knees start shivering because ur keyboard warrior faggot who seethes on knowing facts. Ur scared that u the things i mentioned will be true. Isn't it my little cracker bitch ?
Ofcourse "stats are jewish conspiracy saaarr" for you shit muncher christian whoreseed donkey rapist crackers.

U still haven't chosen an animal for ur "kink". The word u invented to literally eat shit and fuck animals and get away with it. Do it fast nasty faggot muslim whoreseed.
white_resistance 1 point
@shiva u faggot pajeets didnt invent shit, it was all chinese chinks and arab muslims who invented whatever remained, ur stuck on the same shit that u mite have invented in 9000 bce, thats Zero, dats it, u faggots dont have any more brains to invent further, which dog are u fucking today, have u chosen between cow and dog, u bitches kill and rape animals along with burning ur women after their husband dies, 90% of all modern and ancient inventions today were done by us whites, and 10% by chinese and arab muslims, u didnt do shit curry muncher, everyone who goes from outside to ur shithole country comes back with the same complain, u shitty curry munchers stink like onions and shit, lolz
Shiva Natural Addict 7,741 points
"I would to pretend that its not true and suck on muslim balls" nasty cracker born out of litteral prostition typa cope.

Lmao even the hindu women in delhi sultanate harems were only in hundreds and hindu kings had the same muslim women harems where they settled the score , we still are.

But u subhuman insects never had muslim harem.

U start sucking on muslim balls when i talk about ur chrostian whores doing beastiality. Just shows how good they are fucking ur head in ur countries lol.
U could suck their balls after that are done raping ur christian whore daughters who don't even report it to police . Because they have rape fetish. Stupid subhuman crackers. Lol

U suck on muslim balls after they are done raping literally millions of ur christian 6 year old whores.
Nasty rapeseed stinky cracker.
Shiva Natural Addict 7,741 points
Which one of the thing i mentioned wasn't invented by hindus. Name it cracker coward. But u won't because ur a stenchy faggot who likes to suck muslim balls. U have already admitted that muslims have raped and feminised u with their seed.

Imagine saying that lol. What a stinky cracker faggot..


white_resistance 1 point
@shiva keep lying lindu faggot, they burnt down ur universities holding all ur mythological pseudoscience discoveries, they fucked and raped their seeds into ur hindu whores by thousands and ur whores danced like strippers in their harems and u never settled the score, hahaha, Ur faggot maratha king Shivaji used to hide like a bitch before the mughals and used hit and run tactics coz he knew he was a lindu loser who cant face Mughal army in plain battle, u pajeets are original looters, always ran and hid when arabs attacked
Shiva Natural Addict 7,741 points
A maratha army of 20000 killed 2.5 million muslims and regained whole India.
Coward christian sucking on coward aurangzeb's cock, ignored the fact that ur gay lover never came for a war but captured shivaji by inviting him for talks.
Hindus had muslim harems under bappa rawal and the same rajputs.

Coward sucking on coward balls. Stinky cracker, is seething that Hindus have taken revenge on muslims but his people cannot. But till today, christian cuck faggot cowards are suppling ur 6 year old daughters to muslims for their rape fetish. Just like they did to Ottoman empire, Ummayad empire, Abbasid Caliphate, Barbary Coast, Al-Andalus. Egypt and many more...

What a nasty low life subhuman lol.
Seems like u did choose an animal step daddy and its moslem man. Hahahaha
U are obsessed with them because they have made ur existance hell. They are still fucking ur everyday with terrorist attacks and killing u subhuman cracker rats.

Select an animal cracker
1) pig
2) cat
3) dog
4) donkey
5) horse
white_resistance 1 point
@shiva another lie faggot, ur loser army could never regain shit, only coz Mughals had become weak due to invasions from central asia, lolz, ur faggy shivaji was so scared of that muslim ruler that he refused to meet him in plain battle, its a known fact moron, mughals always came for war, ur bitchass maratha warrior was sucking his lindu generals dicks in his fort when mughal generals were raping ur lindu women and children, and didnt aurangzeb kill the son of ur faggot army general shivaji in grusome manner, hes eyes were gouged out and he was cut and fed to dogs while he was alive, and look at the faggot like u celebrating the deeds of ur masters, muslims are ur true masters faggot lindu, ur the one who watches blacked porn, scat and animal porn, shit reminds u of urself doesnt it, ur hindu whores are marrying muslims and having their babies, i shit out curry munching pajeets like u in toilet everyday, every shit i take is a pajeet.
Shiva Natural Addict 7,741 points
Ok crackaarrr
white_resistance 1 point
@shiva wats the matter curry muncher, need to go to shit in open field or train tracks 3 kms far coz u still havent figured out how to use the toilet, dont shit in ur neighbours lawn in anger, we all know u pajeets like group shitting togather in the open, muslims used to gouge ur loser king eyes and used to skin them alive, i love it, we have all seen ur shitty south indian movies, senseless over exaggeration of everything, literally u faggot curry munchers dont know what gravity and laws of physics are, and ur cheap 3rd grade animations are so stupid its hilarious
Shiva Natural Addict 7,741 points
Muslims are raping ur christian daughters since the beginning of islam from the times of muhammad when he captured and raped white christian MARIYAM.
For 1400 ur women are just cheap meat for muslims.
Thousands of rajput women commited suicide when their husbands died to not be enslaved

Hindu women's concubinage number is in thousands because many commited suicide.

But ur christian whore concubines number is more than 2 millio. Because they were supply whores for 1400 years and for multiple empires for all of middle east , central asia and north africa.
And just them mongol army came and they too took ur christian daughters and spread their seed.

Hindu/sikhs kings took back many women and even captured highest caste of muslim sayyed women in their harems from afghanistan

This was only for some 100 years. We were punctuing their ass for 200 years before they could sit here with the help of other hindu alliance.

Meanwhile ur daughters were the most concubines In all over muslim world lol.
The whole arabs enjoyed ir whores while u shit eating coward jew cocksucking faggots couldn't do shit. Hahaha.

Even ur women enjoyed it as it was a rape fantasy of them. None even resisted. True cuckoldry.
They skinned ur priests and cut the dicks of ur priests while hanging them upside down.

What did Hindu do after they gouged the prince's eyes out ? We literally took butcher their whole empire till the afghanisatan.
And no cracker lyer there were no central asian invaders at that time. Ur confusing 13th century to 17th century. Coward cracker.

For every hindu, tens of muslims were killed during partition, we cut the breasts of their women. Look up 1947, 1960s, 2002, 2014 riots where we still kill in thousands.
Muslim marrying a hindu women and converting her is literally a crime in India now.

Meanwhile just look at instagram how many christian whores are converting to islam. The only reason ur seething so hard on their name is because ur the ones under attack since the birth of islam but the attack never stopped unlike ours.

Millions are raped in ur aryan european countries just since 20 years.

U have still not stopped donating ur women to muslims because they enjoyed doing it. Its a fetish for u cracker cowards whores.

Do u select a donkey as ur step dad ? Cracker seethes when he sees his women rather choose muslim and dog's dicks that his pink clit
Skinned alive lol.

white_resistance 1 point
@Shiva it was a good thing when ur brown whores killed themselves, they killed themselves coz it was confirmed u hindu men are faggots and cant protect them, it should happen again, ur whores are still being converted, muslims dont give a fuck about ur faggot hindu laws, ur own people made a movie on it called Kerala story moron, thousands of ur women get trafficked to middle east and become jihadi babymakers, while u faggot lindus suck muslim cock, famous celebrities of ur lindu religion are marrying muslims, their are 25 crore muslims in ur shithole country who came by invaders and u losers still havent reclaimed shit, illegal Bangladeshi migrants are coming in ur countries in millions moron, and taking ur women and ur jobs, u faggots are so poor that less then 3% people in ur entire population of 1.4 billion pays taxes, rest dont even have money to pay taxes, wat a loser pajeet u are, its true muslims conquered present day spain and portugal regions for 700 yrs and fucked their babies into our white european queens, and shot their cumwads deep into our christian mens prostates and converted us white men into their faggot slaves, we reclaimed the whole region internally by force without any external support and drove them out all by ourselves, u faggots havent been even able to ban burqas and loudspeakers in ur shitty country even when u number 100 crore lindus, ur scared of 25 crore muslims, and ur still fucking cows pajeet
Shiva Natural Addict 7,741 points
They still conquoring u lol.

Ur a weirdo cracker that is literally enjoying the convoabout muslims raping women and u cowards still not doing anything about it. Look at the way how u explain that shit in detail lol.
Ur literally a cuckold who is probably jerking off listening to all the shit i say. Thats why ur describing it so sexually about ur chrsitian whores being raped . Yep they didnmake u their faggoys.
Whotf says all that. Ur mentally raped and conquored by muslims . And u literally enjoy this shit. Lol fucking cracker.

True cuckold cowards.
white_resistance 1 point
@shiva its called accountability pajeet which u lack, they did same to u lindus and ur cucks too lolzz, ur women are marrying abdul and having babies named taimur, u losers come to twitter to seethe and look like morons in front of everyone, we are not allowed to do anything about it coz most of our parliament has been infested with indian origin pajeets like u who dont do enquiry on such matters, u fags cant win in wars so went the sexual way to try and defeat us lolz, u urself said u wanted to fuck white men in the ass in ur comments earlier faggot, ur sexually attracted to white beauty and hate to admit it just like ur muslim and nigger masters, bring ur whore mom and sister to me and i will fuck superior white babies into them, while u and ur faggot dad can lick and clean my ass, its wat we did regularly to curry munching pajeets like u when we owned u for 250 yrs, studies have proven that asian pajeets have the smallest dicks, hahaha tiny weiner faggot, u jerk off to big white cock and deep navel of superior white men like muslims and niggers dont u, curry munching pajeet
Shiva Natural Addict 7,741 points
Save ur cracker christian mum from my dog's big cock. Go kiss her  mouth lol. My pets are enough to cuck ur whole race of faggot coward cuckolds. Lol

Shiva Natural Addict 7,741 points
Its so funny cracker. Ur women are literally cucking u for every other race and ur trying to do ur "white resistance" here while ur christian cracker whores cannot resist eating shit and fucking with a neigbour's dog
white_resistance 1 point
@shiva boil my curry shit eating and piss drinking pajeet, ur religion literally is the only religion that worships dick, u pajeets worship lingum, lolzz, faggot dick worshippers, suck and worship my superior white cock bitch boy, watch ur fav religions msg faggot below, ur muslim masters literally own u in the uk, lolz
Shiva Natural Addict 7,741 points
Keep draming about raping hindus typical cracker rabid rapist chimp.
We are breeding ur whores. Ur whores are automatically attracted to masculine hindu men.
U can jerk off ur dick while scrooling through this my little cracker cuckold.

Its so funny cracker. Ur women are literally cucking u for every other race and ur trying to do ur "white resistance" here while ur christian cracker whores cannot resist eating shit and fucking with a neigbour's dog
white_resistance 1 point
@shiva u faggots still live in shit, poop on open roads and poop in railway tracks, lolzz, u faggots lived in shit plastered homes before we europeans taught u how to build, theres no such thing as masculine hindu, u bitch boys got owned by every religion in the world, u faggots are females, 100 crore lindu bitches like u worship muslim cocks of 25 crore in ur shithole country
Shiva Natural Addict 7,741 points
Masculine hindus own christian faggots whores in europe and muslim sluts in India. Ur shit scared about going extinct thats the reason u hating us cucking u lol.

White "resistance" can't resist hindu dick.
Crackers used to live in caves when Indus vally civilisation existed. Shit eating faggot whoreseeds born to multiple fathers lol

But i agree the dogs own christian bitches more

Shiva Natural Addict 7,741 points
Go help ur mother film beastuality video cracker chimp
white_resistance 1 point
@shiva ur lindu religion has history of getting owned, ur bitches of us europeans, ur king porus got fucked by alexander whos army was tired and not even fresh, yet ur cow dung eating culture got owned, no one gives a fuck about ur indus civilization, it was sacked and burnt to ground by arab muslims, and ur useless universities were burnt down lolzz, whos cocks u worship today, bitches cant even protect the borders from bangaleshi ilegal migrants, they will islamize ur faggot lindu country
Shiva Natural Addict 7,741 points
We wuzzzz suprorir and sheeit
Shiva Natural Addict 7,741 points
ur coping words mean nothing to us cuckold cracker
white_resistance 1 point
@Shiva hahaha loser pajeet faggot so insecure that hes trying to dig up dirt on us using ugly brainwashed liberal bitches as examples, lolzz, 1 bitch is raped every 3 mins in ur country, and 1 brown bitch boy pajeet engineer kills himself in suicide every 90 secs, ur own north indian brown bitches hate ur south indian idli dosa sambhar eating ass, lolzz, u faggots are literally scared of centre imposing hindi as a language in ur shitty south regions, learn hindi faggot, ur south languages are shit and shound wierd as hell, lololololz, u play our sport and die for cricket, an european game, and speak our language, u can never erase our colonial presence lindu bitch boy, u pajeets brutally rape ur woman we dont even have to invade u, u will kill urself just like the niggers
Shiva Natural Addict 7,741 points
Womp womp my little faggot bitch crackass. Its time to go.

white_resistance 1 point
@shiva keep spreading false info taken from ur pro desi curry munching faggot pajeets channels, its fake, sperm count has decreased all over the globe, and western men also include other races like niggers, native americans, hispanics, mexicans, muslims and it includes ur lindu 4 inch dick pajeets also who have migrated in western countries in millions, lolzz and the channel name should be desi faggot, ur kings got fucked by all religions and races, lolzz
Shiva Natural Addict 7,741 points
Its tha Jew jew jew jew jew jew

white_resistance 1 point
@shiva hahaha love to see a south indian faggot pajeet seething that he started digging dirt, lolzz, u big mad, why do u rape ur own bitches every 3 mins and cows every 2 mins pajeet? u want to beat muslims at their own games, lolzz, worship my lingam faggot, ur daiva is still dancing like a bitch in front of me, ur culture and traditions are hilarious to us, u all dance like baboons wearing grass, and worship ur gods dicks
Shiva Natural Addict 7,741 points
Whores Sleeping with everyone except cracker subhuman faggot manlets

Shiva Natural Addict 7,741 points
Rabid rapist crackaaass rape at least 29 women every minute.
white_resistance 1 point
@shiva they are liberal braindead bitches who have been groomed by curry munching indian and paki origin faggots like urself who are present in parliament, u faggots come last both in body size and dick size in terms of race moron, hahaha, loser pajeet is seething so bad coz u faggots know u aint masculine enough to declare war on us and win, so u try getting green cards instead, little curry munching south asian punk bitches
Shiva Natural Addict 7,741 points
All cracker whores get fucked by anyone and anything but subhuman cracker faggot cuckold pink clits.
Thats why they are going to rape dogs, filthy cracker rapists rape dogs with their 2 inch destroyer.

white_resistance 1 point
@shiva all rapes in europe are done by migrants mostly niggers and faggot pajeets like u, lolzz, keep bringing up useless stats, and its already proven asians have smallest dicks among all races, dat means u stinky pajeet, u replying to my single comment 4 times proves how hard u must be coping and seething, u must be melting with all the angry inside dat pajeet brains, and throwing things around, tell me how many cows u fuck each day, u fuck ur own mom which u worship also, i dont get it filthy pajeet, or do u get ur ass fucked by lingum of ur dad mr bull, lolzz
Shiva Natural Addict 7,741 points
Seething crackaar gonna commit suicide today due to extreme seething. Writing paragraphs after paragraphs repeating the same brainrot for 100 replies. Lets goo lmao

white_resistance 1 point
@shiva arent u done shitting on the railway trails curry smelling pajeet, theres nothing u can do to make me seethe, ur in ur imaginery land of narnia, its u whos seething by replying to my single comment multiple times, are u angry u didnt get to eat cow dung today, or the brown bitch u tried to rape ran away, u faggots commit suicide when ur visas get rejected lolzz
Shiva Natural Addict 7,741 points
We wuzzzz aryaand and sheeeit cracker writing huge paragraphs for every pic i send trying to convince me "its not true ssaaar".  U literally created an account and are seething at 2 videos of ur whores getting raped LMAO. crackarr don't rape ur mom out of ur rabid anger. Take that anger by eating my shit off ur mum. Lol

white_resistance 1 point
@shiva i dont have to convince a subhuman faggot curry muncher anything, keep crying we were looted, we got assfucked by muslims and europeans, it dont change the facts ur shithole lindu country was everyones bitch and always will be, i heard ur faggot dad lost his ass which got cut coz he was shitting on railway tracks, lolz
Shiva Natural Addict 7,741 points
Ok crackaarrr save ur christcuck whore from doggo

white_resistance 1 point
@shiva keep trying to get reaction out of me, it aint gonna work curry munching pajeet, ur just angry on the inside no one likes ur shitty smell around them, ur women are making cheap 3rd grade softcore series on ullu and alt balaji channels, just type desi porn and ur bitches are seen selling there whore bodies that no one is even willing to buy, like before we are colonizing u, being western is seen as an upgrade in ur culture lolz, we keep winning and u keep losing shitskin bitch boy, lolz
Shiva Natural Addict 7,741 points
Cracckkar ur writing paragraphs after paragraphs and saying ur not tryna convince. My trick is working well. I gave u brain trauma. Half my comments are trolls. LMFAO

white_resistance 1 point
@shiva believe wat u want bitch boy, ur whole religion is a troll, u were created to be our bitches and ur proving it by serving beneath us, u speak our language, play our sports, die for our validation, lolz
Shiva Natural Addict 7,741 points
Ok saar now go and rape a kid in the church aryan crackar . U literally replying to my every comments in paragraph shows who is looking for validation stupid cracker whoreseed satan filth lol. I m literally laughing loud now. Howtf is this possible to make someone seethe so hard lol. I have achieved a great feat.  
But whatsver cracker just don't get brain trauma and rape ur cracker mum
white_resistance 1 point
@shiva i only fuck and breed ur brown bitch boys, as i have actually done many times, muslim imams fuck ur hindu faggot boys everyday in ur country, now go and boil my curry stinky pajeet
Shiva Natural Addict 7,741 points
Thats not curry crackarr that ur mom's shit she prepared for her scat porn incest onlyfans video with u. Lick it from her hahaha

white_resistance 1 point
@shiva silly curry like stinking pajeet laughing at his own retarded jokes, u literally dug up useless info from net to try 1 up me and failed like a miserable bitch, all races know ur race as smelling like curry, bathing in cow piss and shit, lolz, ur people are called cow rapists and street shitters lolzz
Shiva Natural Addict 7,741 points
There are 2 videos of retard tribals doing that. But millions of ur cracker whores. Its a fetish for u crackers. Thats the difference stupid chimp brained cracker.

white_resistance 1 point
@shiva hahaha, faggot believes everything from internet to be true, there are lot of videos of u faggots shitting in the open, pajeet street shitter, lolzz, i kn ur horny now and want to suck my superior white dick, i have face fucked south indian hindu faggots many times and cummed on Bhagwad gita and all lindu scriptures many times, lolz, i use ur scriptures as my asswipe and also ur lindu faggot men
BrownShitSkinNigger Well-Known 851 points
VICE article about Indians gangraping a lizard.

You niggers have ancient stones depicting beastiality. Clearly it’s normal in Hindu religion. They’re all gangraping a baby elephant. I’m glad more white people are educating themselves on how predatory you Indian niggers are. Worse than Africans. Although you niggers look VERY similar.
Ghost & König's Slut Famous 3,628 points
I'm surprised y'all are still going at this lol just give it a rest and go about your day^^
BrownShitSkinNigger Well-Known 851 points
You befriend the Indian shitskin knowing he posts disgusting content like shit porn.
Ghost & König's Slut Famous 3,628 points
Lol that's his business, but I'm friendly towards everyone on here, even racists. So I hope we're friends also? But I'm guessing that's a no...?
BrownShitSkinNigger Well-Known 851 points
So you would befriend people in real life who watch shit porn? I’m sorry honey no, you need help. You’re the closest thing he’s ever had to a girlfriend so be careful bc he’s going to fatally attached himself to you. That’s how brown Indians are with any girl who’s white-skinned. You glance their way once & they instantly become obsessed with you.
Shiva Natural Addict 7,741 points
@BrownShitSkinNigger "Indians raped animals because statues says so", LMAO Do u even know the meaning behind them ? Those things were made on the outer side of the temple which depict those who do stuff like all that will never enter near to God and will always stay away from him. All hindu texts talk about dealth penalty for doing such. Inner side of the temple have depictions of people reading veda, doing yoga and such which depicts the people of heaven. Those who did beastiality in India are given life sentence because its illegal. Those who do beastiality in ur ur cracker subhuman maggot countries are filmed and watched by u faggots in the name of "kink" and its not illegal in ur countries. Look it up who rapeds the kids most, whose whores do the most beastiality and shit eating lol. Just search "beastiality arrest" and scroll through images stupid cracker. Ur all good at deflecting but in vain. I post disgusting content of ur whore mums and daughters doing scat and beastiality and it triggers u. Ur the lowest of subhumans doing all sorts of disgusting shit. I m happy that it triggers u.
BrownShitSkinNigger Well-Known 851 points
A shitskin obviously made every single fake ass graph you post.

Lololoo white girls are princesses.
Shiva Natural Addict 7,741 points
Its a YES from my dog

Ghost & König's Slut Famous 3,628 points
@BrownShitSkinNigger lmao you're not wrong there! I go to any gas station and these guys always fucking stare at me, I smile at 'em to be nice and in their minds that means I'm interested in them. So they'll try and talk to me etc, making it really awkward. But no I wouldn't befriend weirdos like that in person. I'm an introvert and I don't really have much friends so my circle is extremely small with only those I can trust. Shiva is just an Internet friend, just like BaconKing, RedneckHawaiian, Greygod, you etc.
Shiva Natural Addict 7,741 points
Thats not just you. And not just girls. They stare at everyone. They are just curious if not just blank thinking about something else. Its all over south asia, especially the village people do that. Some village uncles were staring at me when i went to jogging today. U don't need to smile or talk to them. Lol.
Ghost & König's Slut Famous 3,628 points
@Shiva when it comes to men in general, I know a regular stare versus an ogling one. I'm not saying all Indians are pervs. I'm just sharing my actual experiences with the ones that were weirdos. Not to sound conceited but I'm pretty an' dress like a goth so I always look unique, I attract a lot of attention from guys. But from all, Indians make it so obvious and sometimes they can make me feel uncomfortable.
white_resistance 1 point
@shiva wats the matter faggot pajeet, now u deflecting, the pic clearly depicts u pajeet lindus fucking an elephant and u are trying to defend and justify it, u faggots raped animals long before our race did anything, whos are animal fucking religion and race now? also u talk about morality but in ur own caves there are depictions of people with no cloths, u lindus literally had a society where u walked naked in front of everyone, how many cows have u raped today?
BaconKing_104 Veteran 12,542 points
I am not reading all of that lmfao @Shiva the colonization of india was a holy crusade fr
BaconKing_104 Veteran 12,542 points
See even another darkskinned woman is saying the truth about your disgusting filthy race @Shiva indians are a bunch of virgin stenchy fuckers that will come up with anything to discredit the race they hate so much
Shiva Natural Addict 7,741 points
Seriously, @BaconKing aka nazi's cuck, do you really think some uneducated indians staring is the same as ur subhuman maggots race of cuckolds whose mothers and daughters would rather choose to eat shit and get raped by dogs, horses, donkey than to breed with their own men and save them from genocide ???
Ur trying so hard to find stuff about us, because u have nothing else to say and are truely ashamed of being a faggoted race of whores born to stenchy nasty animal fucking shit eating whores u call ur mums and millions of ur daughters getting raped by immigrants and u can't even protect them, coward faggot crackass.
Don't rape the "darkskinned woman's" native american kids out of frustration in ur holy church. Go ask ur mum, she will lend her dog for some time. Take all ur anger on that instead.
 I know u will ignore stats:-

BaconKing_104 Veteran 12,542 points
Once again i am not reading it HAHAHAHAHA seriously how stupid can you be to write all of that and think i am going to read it
Shiva Natural Addict 7,741 points
Thats all right though, i know u get insecure about the stuff i say. It causes trauma in ur lil cracker brain and stings ur hearts. So u choose to be a coward cracker who ignores. Nothing new.
But don't rape native american kids out of frustration. Instead ask ur mum to lend her dog
BaconKing_104 Veteran 12,542 points
Self projection at its finest
Ghost & König's Slut Famous 3,628 points
@BaconKing_104 I'm pale as fuck btw But when it comes down to it, white males are known for sneaking into Indian reservations, kidnapping and raping native american women to this day, and sex trafficking us. It's so bad there's a movement in the native community, MMIW, #NoMoreStolenSisters. Whites really love that Pocahontas pussy lool I don't blame up tho we're beautiful asf.
white_resistance 1 point
@shiva no one reads ur pajeet stats made by urself and ur leftist propagandist government bitch boy coz there fake and meant to target whites no matter who does the crime, ur pajeet crimes are conveniently ignored while only whites crimes are highlighted, plus they count light skin latinos and mexicans, hispanics also as white to inflate our crime stats number, a pajeet bitch like u can only tell lies, ur loser religion worships dicks and just got exposed that u lindus fucked lizards, elephants, cows since 5000bce, u lied about ur colonizing faggot hindu kings who invaded thailand, cambodia, malaysia, u lied about european rape stats which are done by faggot pajeets like u, and u also lied about not being a street shitter, u pajeets reek of curry and shit smell from 100 miles, tell me how many cows have u raped today street shitter
BrownShitSkinNigger Well-Known 851 points
Brownies love to make shit up & claim their people get raped by whites. There’s at least 50 white countries & we’re all different from each other so blame the white groups that colonized/raped niggers & native Americans. French, Spanish, Portuguese, English. Most whites are racist and would never touch brown genitals.

white_resistance 1 point
@BrownShitSkinNigger u know what it simply is, those faggot brown and nigger races are jealous of our achievements, this faggy shiva has backtracked so many times in his own comments its hilarious, he said hindus never colonized outside india, when they invaded Malaysia, thailand, Indonesia, and first said he believes race is real then said race does not exist lolz, what hurts him the most is getting called rapist and street shitter which are both truth about brown pajeets, i love to see him get angry, hes a moron
BrownShitSkinNigger Well-Known 851 points
They’re jealous of our white power yet that all want to racemix with us. He goes in circles & posts shit porn whenever he feels like he’s losing an argument. & claims to be in medical school LOLOLOLOO. The pro-shitskin graphs he posts are definitely made by him or some other Indian loser who can’t get a white girl. Have you noticed niggers become very anti-white when they can’t obtain pretty racist white girls?
BaconKing_104 Veteran 12,542 points
@white_resistance LMAOOO exactly
BaconKing_104 Veteran 12,542 points
@Ghost & König's Slut I once dated a latina myself and i never said that all dark skinned women are ugly, i simply prefer white tho, simple as that. Also you didn't need to say that because in all of this i only insulted indians scumbags, latinas can be beautiful
white_resistance 1 point
@BrownShitSkinNigger niggers and brown pajeets are already anti white, they just search for a reason to chimpout, and they know the libtard government is backing them through political correctness and they win most of the time, they always jump whites in packs but in 1 on 1 they lose like bitches they are
Ghost & König's Slut Famous 3,628 points
@BaconKing_104 I recall. N I'm genuinely confused, when did I ever say dark skinned Latinas are ugly? I simply corrected that I was light skinned, that's all?
BaconKing_104 Veteran 12,542 points
No but you said that white men raped your women before sex trafficking them, kinda as to point out that "we think our race is superior but we would never say no to put our dicks into a dark skinned woman" (true if talking about pajeets and niggers)
Shiva Natural Addict 7,741 points
Whatsup crackaas, u still going about it ? Cmon man i bulldozed cracker brain so bad, ur still circlejerking each other to stop the intense seething.
Ur giving therapy to each other and trying to convincing and comfort each other that ur reality about child raping, child porn, beastiality, shit eating fetish, cuckism, low testosterone faggotism is just a jewish propaganda.
Stats don't become untrue by ignoring them stupid coward cracker chimps. Ur whore society of coward manlets is already in drain.
@BaconKing "Plizz believe me maan, i would never put my pink clit in brown girls maan, Ignore the fact that we rape ur kids mannn. We wuzz not rapists and shieet mann, we wuzz aryanns and sheeit mann, swastika our pride"
BaconKing_104 Veteran 12,542 points
"heh... what's up crackaas... still going about it... ? " you ain't the main character dumbass, quit embarassing yourself

"Saar pajeet shitskin better than whites because i made some graphics myself out of thin air saar, please be offended by an curry nigger trying so hard to cope saar"
Shiva Natural Addict 7,741 points
Graphics what ? I seriously don't understand what ur refering to, even after all the embarassment. U live in ur denial world. But who cares lol. I laugh out loud everytime seeing ur pfp and reading the weirdly sexual faggoted cuckold comments of that @white resistance and @brownshitskin guy. Its a fun time for me. 1 hit, 3 birds. Don't rape any mexican kids out of frustration in ur church saar, lolz
BaconKing_104 Veteran 12,542 points
Of course it's a fun time, whenever you feel like you fucked up and realize you look absolutely sad all you can do is laugh and cope

BaconKing_104 Veteran 12,542 points
"heh... 1 hit 3 birds!! i am literally winning so easily this argument!!"

No amir, you just sound retarded and schizophrenic.
white_resistance 1 point
@Shiva street shitting pajeet filled with rage, always bringing up past coz he got owned by everyone, give us back the diamond, lolz, wats the matter faggot, couldnt stop us from taking ur diamond but u call urself masculine, everyday i see ur whore brown women lusting for white cock and breaking up with their pajeet street shitting bfs, lacs of u pajeets apply for visa to live, study, work in white countries, coz u hate ur shit filled countries so much
Shiva Natural Addict 7,741 points
"u pajeet lindus in government are helping muslims wreck us white christian europeans, they establish there caliphate by fucking out their jihadi babies into our white girls while u lindu elites jerk off in the corner, 20 to 30 yr old muslim men cruise around looking for beautiful white boys aged 9 to 17 to groom in eu and they play with our white boys bodies, fucking and breeding them, putting there muslim cum deep inside our white boys prostates, they pick up straight big dicked white men from bars and fuck them hard while there big white cocks flops in the air, there turning our straight white men into faggots, the reason why we arent able to reproduce, u like dat dont u lindu" - YOU

Weirdo cracker get well dumbass
white_resistance 1 point
@shiva u love our pale white cocks dont u faggot, u come to our countries to ride our dicks, all the indian ghettos smell like curry, u can lick my ass while i fuck ur lindu women, we breed ur hindu whores everyday here like sita was fucked by ravan
BaconKing_104 Veteran 12,542 points
we do not need indu "women" with cow shit in their pussies
WhiteGirlsLoveBBC 3 points
Hahaha Hilarious! Look at this pussy ass degenerate cracker screaming for her life Ugly Bitch degenerate race whites
+1 vote
May 12, 2024
FuckWhiteCrackers:) 0 points
Kill all of the whites
BrownShitSkinNigger Well-Known 851 points
White Europeans should come together & kill all of you brown trash shitskin melanin monkey maggots. If we killed all the whites, who’s going to pay for your food stamps & Section 8? Go back to your filthy brown countries & stop speaking English. Your skin & eyes are the color of diarrhea. The world would be so clean without you miserable brown piece of shit melanin parasites.
Shiva Natural Addict 7,741 points
True name lol. They are cucks. Lets make their scary nightmare of white replacement true.
BaconKing_104 Veteran 12,542 points
BaconKing_104 Veteran 12,542 points
You should probably worry about your own replacement first instead of wishing bad things upon the countries you envy so much
Shiva Natural Addict 7,741 points
Lol nice try cracker. But india has the world's 2nd largest number of muslims. And they all work under us hindus. Their women work as toilet cleaners in our house. Because muslims in India are extremely poor and illiterate.

U probably didn't know that 95% of all the south asians in arab are literally muslims from India, pakistan and bangladesh.

Just like in the west, Indians literally work in the highest positions in arab too.
This is the reason why oil rich arabs are called KAFFIR by their own indian muslims for prioritising Indian Hindus and sikhs.

U don't know shit but nice try cracker. But look how u had to lift muslim balls to make some failed point. The same who literally treat ur women as "cheap meat"
BaconKing_104 Veteran 12,542 points
Oh well i am so offended! also you are contradicting yourself
BaconKing_104 Veteran 12,542 points
Also look at that! pakistani cunts which is basically the same as indian!
Shiva Natural Addict 7,741 points
If u think skin colour makes people same. Then ur wrong contradict urself because koreans are literally pale paper white like slavs but not same. Slavs are not same as britishers, and they are not similiar to white skinned indians or middle easterners. Indian dark people not similiar to africans or mexicans etc.
Only americans have made skin colour = race politics which doesn't exist anywhere in the world.  

If u think race makes people same, then ur wrong too because basically Indians, middle easterners, europeans are all caucasoid race people but we are all different ethnicities.

The only things that make difference that makes huge behavioral difference is education, cultural values and ideologies with which we are born.

And these things are similiar among abrahmic religions christianity and muslims BUT a lot different to eastern religions like hinduism,buddhism etc.

So ur actually more similiar to muslims. U may say, "we actually don't believe in religions and stuff" but the religion of a society also shapes its people's mentality.
BaconKing_104 Veteran 12,542 points
I am not reading all that rant bro i can already smell the stench of cow shit coming from your fuming head full of dandruff
Shiva Natural Addict 7,741 points
Lol. That stench is ur whore mun making OF scat porn video in a room beside.
Just a nice old trickery of u. U did read it and felt like a powerless bitch under my balls. Because i made a point, isn't it true coward cracker ?
BaconKing_104 Veteran 12,542 points
....nope, not true, i don't have to prove anything to you.... i just have other better things to do rather than fighting with a kebab maker who thinks to know it all

Your kebab redy saar please pay me euro saar
Shiva Natural Addict 7,741 points
Atleast get the stereotypes right dumbass. Kabab is made by arabs and turks. Say something like curry muncher or some shit. How lame.
BaconKing_104 Veteran 12,542 points
You would be surprised by how many indian fuckers come here to make kebabs
Shiva Natural Addict 7,741 points
I guess those indians have to stop selling kababs and start raping 10000 polish girls. Only then u will consider them as superior and keep their pics as ur profile picture
BaconKing_104 Veteran 12,542 points
Keyboard warrior as usual, lol. I dare you to go to poland and say that to any random passerby HAHAHA
Shiva Natural Addict 7,741 points
I doubt there are not as dumb as u to keep that pfp. So it won't make sense to ask them.

Btw, muslims are doing exactly what i said, maybe not as much in poland but everywhere in UK, sweden, netherlands, germany, italy, austria, sweden, norway, denmark and america, etc. And u faggots shit ur pants to confront them in real life, so u try to comfort urself by posting onlinr in ur lil nazi groups. Lol
BaconKing_104 Veteran 12,542 points
As i said tons of times, it's hard to wake people up in this western generation infested by faggots and wannabe gangsters. And we are doing our part, let us get the numbers first, it's not that quick.
Fakeman0 95 points
Kill all the ape skin niggers
0 votes
Feb 2