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+15 votes


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The infamous Funky Town Gore
won't you take me to, funky town?
165,460 views Apr 3, 2023

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Shiva Natural Addict 7,749 points
Still not gorier than poor racoon getting killed.
+3 votes
Apr 3, 2023
Anubis_So Intermediate 1,064 points
frenkfromnextdoor Extreme Poster 586 points
Agreed. this guy brought it to himself. he owned drug money stole raped talked shit. racoon just wanted to cross the road.
angelstar Advanced 2,667 points
ive never seen it >A<
wut happend?
Shiva Natural Addict 7,749 points
@angelstar Innocent Cute racoon was beaten to death with baseball bat by some nigglets.
angelstar Advanced 2,667 points
ohh yikez >_<
Thealmightyloli445 0 points
Kill yourself
angelstar Advanced 2,667 points
lol :>
seaweed Beginner 138 points
BaconKing_104 Veteran 12,666 points
Judging by your username, profile picture, and the way you type i bet you are one of those highly mentally disturbed lesbian, bisex, or trans 15 years old girl biden supporter from usa with borderline personality disorder, ADHD, or autism who belongs to the instagram weirdcore, hospital core, dreamcore or yandere underground community, and that when you go every twice in a week to see your psychiatrist you cant resist praying that he diagnoses you with the worst mental illness ever known by mankind so you can go around telling everyone about it thinking that you sound cool or scary, while you only make people laugh at you and be disgusted by you, then you come home on the same day and regret oversharing so much about yourself with random people realizing how much you sounded pathetic and cringe (because yes, you also have attachment and oversharing issues) so you will make a story on instagram complaining about that and venting, but secretly without telling anyone the goal of that story is also to still hope that someone (aka the person of your dreams) will comment on your story starting the most beautiful and insane relaptionship of your life. Did i miss something? Oh yeah, fucking kill yourself.
angelstar Advanced 2,667 points
girl tf
BaconKing_104 Veteran 12,666 points
keep yourself safe if i knew where you lived i would beat you to death
angelstar Advanced 2,667 points
i bet you would, buddy
dolltrollz Beginner 112 points
@BaconKing_104 hit the nail on the head, some of these mfs need to experience this to find out it ain’t cute
BaconKing_104 Veteran 12,666 points
fucking for real brother that shithead bitch 100% is a 15 y.o. bisexual whore who watches gore pictures with hello kitty filters thinking she looks scary or some shit
angelstar Advanced 2,667 points
dude you made up a whole personality for me in ur head... i wont insult u or anything but u areeee acting kinda crazy
my "cutesy" weirdo livegore days are over lol, gore kinda just grosses me out atp and livegore is full of weird porn now
glad ur having fun on here though!
BaconKing_104 Veteran 12,666 points
For god's sake shut the fuck up
angelstar Advanced 2,667 points
YOU are the one who responded to an old ass comment and started being annoying
if you want me to stfu so bad then just stop responding dude
BaconKing_104 Veteran 12,666 points
no, so i can keep coming back here every fucking time you open that cock sucker mouth and hate you more
angelstar Advanced 2,667 points
ok! sounds fun
also sexual activity disgusts me so me "cock sucker mouth" is nothing but fantasy.. you just speak before u think, dont u kid?
BaconKing_104 Veteran 12,666 points
This is getting more on my side, isn't it interesting that all the people i met in my life who were disgusted by sexual activity were also affected by some kind of mental illness, often those which i described in the first comment? Can't all be a coincidence
BaconKing_104 Veteran 12,666 points
or maybe you are just a fucking 11 years old and that's it.
Shiva Natural Addict 7,749 points
Oh @angelstar u hit maturity ?
angelstar Advanced 2,667 points
ive met a decent amount of people grossed out by that stuff, it IS just a coincidence
youre grasping at straws to try to prove something about a person that you dont know
im sorry but you genuinely sound retarded.. i dont think that you are so dont get all defensive, im just pointing out that you sound it
also that little emoji gif thing is cute lol!
angelstar Advanced 2,667 points
lol hi shiva! i think i just got over acting like that, it was fun though
BaconKing_104 Veteran 12,666 points
You are fucking stupid that is ALL i will say
BaconKing_104 Veteran 12,666 points
@Shiva i don'treally think she did
angelstar Advanced 2,667 points
how do you think anything about me if you dont know me.. the only conversations weve had have been weird arguments over a persona that made you so incredibly angry that you typed out a whole paragraph of odd shit
if you ACTUALLY think im like that then youre stupid :/
BaconKing_104 Veteran 12,666 points
i have nothing more to say to you just shut the fuck up and throw yourself out of the window
angelstar Advanced 2,667 points
lol have a nice day kid
BaconKing_104 Veteran 12,666 points
fuck head
Shiva Natural Addict 7,749 points
@angelstar Wow. U made us all really think ur a child Ur really good at that. Did u catch any pedos doing during ur journey ?
angelstar Advanced 2,667 points
yeah, a fuck ton
half the people on here are 16 and the others are creeps, the minority is the in between
people you wouldnt expect to be like that were, im not 'exposing' anyone though cuz thats mean lol
Username101010 Natural Addict 8,336 points
excuse me angel, whats yo discord lmao
angelstar Advanced 2,667 points
why do u want it? i have no problem giving it to u, im just curious
Username101010 Natural Addict 8,336 points
Talking? Communication? That’s it lol
angelstar Advanced 2,667 points
sure lol
ill dm it to you on here
TheCityWalker007 Beginner 183 points
Lmao fucking simp
angelstar Advanced 2,667 points
oh everyone be nice and get along now
BaconKing_104 Veteran 12,666 points
@angelstar shut the fuck up Dumb whore
angelstar Advanced 2,667 points
haha i really struck a cord with u it seems! maybe if u get angry enough ill write a whole apology just for u
TheCityWalker007 Beginner 183 points
It's cause nobody likes little cringe weeb bitches like you @angelstar y'all infesting the gore sites run back to discord or something
angelstar Advanced 2,667 points
now i have an apology to address to two people RIP
i dont ever use this site anymore but i still get emails for it so ill check in and respond to replies
so sorry youre so bothered by me though, kiddo! this site is total shit now, if you want a good gore site, this aint it, but keep standing your ground! haha
TheCityWalker007 Beginner 183 points
"kiddo" lol based on your pfp your prolly 17 or 18 the oldest and you seriously didn't have to reply back little weeb gobbler but I'll kindly take that offer so get on your knees and suck this cock dry.
angelstar Advanced 2,667 points
im not a weeb i dont like anime lol
n i know i dont have to reply but i feltttt like it
also that sexual comment was insane what the hell lol, for all you know i could be a 347lb 59 year old man with severe balding haha
TheCityWalker007 Beginner 183 points
What type of old man gonna be having the name "angelstar" with a pic of some Japanese art kitten your def some 18 year old spoiled chick with sadistic issues.
angelstar Advanced 2,667 points
hey some 59 year old guys like to pretend to be young girls online ! some kind of sick fantasy maybe?
n im not sadisticccc, my edgy gore phase has passed, if anything it grosses me out a bit now lol
BaconKing_104 Veteran 12,666 points
literally you are one of the most pathetic bitches that has ever walked on livegore, cringe ass my melody pfp ur not even 17/18 ur prolly 15/16 and you are so fucking cringe and useless, ridiculous bitch that doesn't like sexual activity LMAOOOO you should be raped by 6 feral niggers coming straight from africa you dumb whore say all the apologies you want we don't give a fuck you are literally the girl i described in my bio at the beginning just get a fucking life, go back cosplaying yuno gasai or something, that's disgusting but at least you will not be a sad pathetic whore on a gore site trying to look tough
angelstar Advanced 2,667 points
i am not reading that, youre honestly pretty annoying
you are in severe need of mental help, baconking_104
TheCityWalker007 Beginner 183 points
I would seriously leave this site and stop replying if I were you this site is disgusting to begin with
BaconKing_104 Veteran 12,666 points
just shut the fuck up already about mental help angelstar you are the first one who clearly needs a fucking lobotomy or something
angelstar Advanced 2,667 points
ah city walker ur right, i dont really look at anything though when i reply haha
and baconking- i mentioned mental help once and i mentioned it because you are losing your absolute shit in a livegore comment section... youre sitting there typing out long ass paragraphs like some pathetic loser when you could be doing literally ANYTHING less dumb with your time. im gonna stop replying to you now, i think you might be one of the most annoying faggots ive ever spoken to on this site- and thats saying ALOT considering the types of people on here. have fun though i guess!
BaconKing_104 Veteran 12,666 points
i aint reading allat
BaconKing_104 Veteran 12,666 points
@TheCityWalker007 back when we both agreed on something
TheCityWalker007 Beginner 183 points
Stop starting shit and being racist then dumb fuck
BaconKing_104 Veteran 12,666 points
YOU started shit and you are much more racist than me, you just refuse to understand
TheCityWalker007 Beginner 183 points
Nah you started shit being racist lmao fucking cracker being hypocritical now? Before I even registered I seen lot of your comments saying "Beaner this nigger this" so your more pathetic as you seem to be
BaconKing_104 Veteran 12,666 points
lol as i said im only racist towards unrespectful immigrant fuckers like you
TheCityWalker007 Beginner 183 points
Racist calling a mexicano that's born in Cali a immigrant so once again mother fucker your being hypocritical as fuck and proves my point that you sit here saying racist shit 24/7 so shut the fuck up already stop jacking off to my comments faggot
BaconKing_104 Veteran 12,666 points
just go fuck yourself ur too stupid to even face all ur bullshit. kill yourself.
TheCityWalker007 Beginner 183 points
Fuck myself? No you go fuck yourself all of you trynna team up on me to have me rage quit like some tryhard isn't going to work all of you are fucking nuisance and gift me energy to keep going and stay on your level and piss you off the same way you piss the rest of the people off on here with your pathetic racist white supremacy speeches fucking edamites LOOOL
BaconKing_104 Veteran 12,666 points
as i said nobody wants a funny clown like you to rage quit.
TheCityWalker007 Beginner 183 points
Seems like your faggot ass does lmao
BaconKing_104 Veteran 12,666 points
nope :3
TheCityWalker007 Beginner 183 points
Yup ":3"
BaconKing_104 Veteran 12,666 points
TheCityWalker007 Beginner 183 points
Ignoring you starting now have no time for u gringo
BaconKing_104 Veteran 12,666 points
TheCityWalker007 Beginner 183 points
Stop replying then faggot
TheCityWalker007 Beginner 183 points
And stop acting cool on one post with me and being a complete faggot cracker on another post with me goddamn you annoying af you fucking honkey
BaconKing_104 Veteran 12,666 points
i never acted cool lmao i just said it was sad cause we seem to agree on everything despite you being a fucking immigrant beaner
TheCityWalker007 Beginner 183 points
Crackers like you really refuel my energy like a demon drinking your negative emotions for power that's why my homies call me EL DIABLO mother fucker you ain't shit esé what's up dawg I'll fuck you up homie
BaconKing_104 Veteran 12,666 points
HAHAHAHAH what the fuck did i just read, help
TheCityWalker007 Beginner 183 points
Your death threat mother fucker
BaconKing_104 Veteran 12,666 points
yeah keep leaving messages on my wall like a kid while you deactivated yours, who the fuck you wanna kill when you are such a pussy that you can't even let your so hated enemy post shit on your wall LMAOOO
TheCityWalker007 Beginner 183 points
Fucking white gringo mad he can't post retarded shit on my wall HAHAA stay mad mother fucker STAY MAD FUCKING MAGGOT
Natural Addict 8,461 points
@TheCityWalker007 @BaconKing_104 Come on now, you're both people and yet you're sitting here arguing over a gore website online. I'm sure you'd love to kill each other in person but I think we can all agree that that's never going to ever be a possibility, so it would be best if you'd just realize that you're literally both spending your free time on a website because you've got nothing better to do and just make up. This website is much more enjoyable when you have friends on it and you aren't whining all the time. I don't think either of you are dumb, and I don't have anything against you because I did the exact same things that you're doing now. But look at the facts, BaconKing's been here for 3 months, CityWalker's been here for 1, and Angelstar and I have been here for 2 years You'll find out sooner or later that all of your fighting is pointless and leads to nothing but boredom and another person disliking you. Why do you think Angelstar has just completely left this conversation? It's because they know that they'd just be wasting their time on two people who only fight over pointless things, so just be chill and have fun! That's why we're all here isn't it?
TheCityWalker007 Beginner 183 points
How am I wasting my time when I in fact have a job and homies to have my life with? It's racist mother fuckers that be pissing me off so I just completely go off on them and before you type a 100 paragraph why won't you have a life to? Your sitting here typing half an hour sentences and reading 2 anonymous people having a fight on a gore site filled with racism and white supremacy... Come on bro your nothing special either just a third partier that wants to hop on 2 peoples arguments no need to reply homie just move a long and don't third party other people's conversations and stop worrying about what other people do or don't and having a month or a year worth of experience on a site don't matter XD
Natural Addict 8,461 points
I agree with you, racist people also make me mad, but arguing with them online won't do anything. And I do think BaconKing is in the wrong to start with by just getting mad over somebody's pfp and how they talk lol, but it's all just words online so I don't let it get to me. And yes, I'm also sitting here on a gore site with nothing better to do. I was going to write that in my previous comment but forgot it typing everything else. But my final point is, you may not think you're "wasting your time" but as an outside third party like you said, that's all I see. When you're on your deathbed, you're not going to be wishing that you argued with other people more online. Again, I don't have anything against either of you, I actually like both of you lol. I'm just giving my opinion. That's what comments are for after all.
TheCityWalker007 Beginner 183 points
Death will come soon for all of us so I'm trying to make things right and stop racism and racial opinions reason why I'm replying back to back to racist people to begin with is to get on there nerves to stop commenting hate I'm a total racism police meaning I will stalk and bully you for months until you stop being racist but that's a whole other conversation but I see your point of they talk to me like they hate me or total racists against black or Mexican  then I will seriously stalk them everywhere they go and bully the fuck outta em
Natural Addict 8,461 points
I totally get that. I'm not telling you to stop or anything, because I really hate racism too. But the way I see it, if a person's racist they're just too unhappy with their lives to accept the fact that the people they hate are better than them lol. Just do what you want!
BaconKing_104 Veteran 12,666 points
bro don't you see how he is racist as fuck too? are you serious?
TheCityWalker007 Beginner 183 points
I ain't the one saying nigger on every motha fucking post faggot shut the fuck breh
BaconKing_104 Veteran 12,666 points
can we stop fucking fighting? i am tired.
Username101010 Natural Addict 8,336 points
yall gotta stop this shit, when i opened my notifications all i saw was yall arguing
TheCityWalker007 Beginner 183 points
Your degenerate dick riding self ain't tired sucking on my dick yet LMAO shut the fuck up
Natural Addict 8,461 points
TheCityWalker007 Beginner 183 points
Not you bro @BaconKingFaggotAss is who I'm talking to
BaconKing_104 Veteran 12,666 points
anyways why is there a cracker in your pfp
TheCityWalker007 Beginner 183 points
Stop describing yourself
BaconKing_104 Veteran 12,666 points
TheCityWalker007 Beginner 183 points
I love me some bully Maguire problem faggot?
BaconKing_104 Veteran 12,666 points
TheCityWalker007 Beginner 183 points
Stupid fucking retard doesn't even know who the god of memes are HAHAHA
BaconKing_104 Veteran 12,666 points
lmao i know very well memes and i never heard shit like that. Maybe because i dont have tiktok anymore so i am not updated
TheCityWalker007 Beginner 183 points
Ffs your dumb it's all over YouTube
BaconKing_104 Veteran 12,666 points
whatever nigga
BrownShitSkinNigger Well-Known 866 points
@TheCityWalker007 Shut your brown shitskin ass up you dirty filthy beaner brown piece of shit. Your whole race is on Section 8 collecting food stamps which white Americans pay for in taxes, how fucking dare you. Go back to Mexico & stop speaking English, melanin monkey. You shitskins wish you were white except you could never admit it. I’d kill myself if I was a brown shitskin piece of shit.
111tow 1 point
Happy education in America has produced a group of idiots.
murdress 30 points
I think this is my favorite comment on this site
Nigger slave owner Natural Addict 9,164 points
Indomitable vitality
+3 votes
Apr 3, 2023
Shiva Natural Addict 7,749 points
Both God and devil exist. But they are not what u think. They exist within u. Different people embrace and grow into different things.
+3 votes
Apr 3, 2023
Anubis_So Intermediate 1,064 points
My guy this is not a spiritual site
@FocussedMonk. Deep talk.
frenkfromnextdoor Extreme Poster 586 points
I would like to ask the creator is this the infamous "pide aqua" guy.. he sure sounds simmilar and face is peeled off.. would love to see full video of that if it exist.. especially face flaying part
+1 vote
Apr 3, 2023
Anubis_So Intermediate 1,064 points
It doesn't exist
angelstar Advanced 2,667 points
this vid iz kinda insane >_<
+1 vote
Apr 4, 2023
Anubis_So Intermediate 1,064 points
Newcomer?oh only 11months
NebuJlN Veteran 14,416 points
Can anyone upload this in a less compressed Version? One of my HDDs died, where this was on, and with much better quality.
+2 votes
Apr 4, 2023
TiaMaria Well-Known 927 points
I would seriously love to know exactly what he did to warrant such a violent death. Anybody know?
+1 vote
Apr 4, 2023
NebuJlN Veteran 14,416 points
Either cop/judge/etc, a family member of one, or gang vs gang situation.
TiaMaria Well-Known 927 points
Chicken_Lover The Boss 26,521 points
From what I recall, he was a hitman from a rival cartel
TiaMaria Well-Known 927 points
Thank you.
cindus Natural Addict 9,350 points
+2 votes
Apr 14, 2023
seaweed Beginner 138 points
i can't tell what's going on
+1 vote
Jun 12, 2023
ilovebfdi Extreme Poster 562 points
I showed my friend this and he blocked me
0 votes
Oct 25, 2023
BaconKing_104 Veteran 12,666 points
Fucking capture those faggots cartel pieces of shit and do something 10 times more painful to them, i hate the fucking mafia and cartels, bunch of retarded mentally ill losers
0 votes
Mar 27, 2024
ou812 Experienced 290 points
0 votes
Mar 28, 2024
The Demonic Heart Well-Known 756 points
they help them to lose weight
0 votes
Apr 6, 2024
bloodsoakedgirls 59 points
I remember watching this video a few years ago , one of my favs! xx
0 votes
Apr 13, 2024
Francisco_Mark_GORE 56 points
lit yo me acuerdo de Haber visto este video hace tiempo atras, y yo estaba Como "WAOOOS" Como que estaba imprecionado al ver a ese Chico pero al mismo tiempo estaba como "pobre hombre" osea no se a mi me da un poco de pena...hshs
0 votes
May 12, 2024
DiezelDuckKellpuzzy Intermediate 1,009 points
This is crazy.  Mmk
0 votes
May 12, 2024
TomieIsCarzy 32 points
Was that person still alive?
0 votes
Jun 23, 2024
Dvizhok 3 points
Gotta make a move to a town that's right for me
0 votes
Jul 4, 2024
dunokn Beginner 181 points
I’ve been avoiding this video for some reason and it wasn’t as bad as people were describing it to be.. And the song funkytown only plays at the end for a few seconds.
0 votes
Jul 7, 2024