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White girl gets beaten at pool party.
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27,808 views Apr 17, 2023

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Knight Templar Overlord 6,051 points
these sodomists are better infertile, if they dont change.
Niggers will die.
+1 vote
Apr 17, 2023
AssholDikSquire Famous 3,255 points
fuck you homophobe! Breed their cracker pussys this instant!
@Knight Templar.Oh boy; you will die as well. WTF?
JackHammer Addicted 1,614 points
+1 vote
Apr 17, 2023
oniiibak Advanced 2,720 points
So....Knight that you see these white women acting crazy, you got something provocative to say?? where is the same vitriol?? Funny....if those dudes cared about the well being of those fefails....the incident could have been resolved more peacefully with less destruction of property and potentially less medical bills. Ultimately; this is the result of the politicians and God being removed out of a culture.
+1 vote
Apr 17, 2023
Knight Templar Overlord 6,051 points
no, its race mixing and taking in other cultures. They probably like niggers too
Rumilov Well-Known 923 points
The biggest difference is, its much less common in white neighbourhood and society.
You have 9/10 blacks acting like filthy niggers.
And then you have 1/10 whites acting like filthy niggers.
So the big picture stays the same, blacks and their culture/mentality is garbage, deal with it
oniiibak Advanced 2,720 points say it's less common in white's just reported less; much like how now cops kill whites alot and caucasians kill other caucasians...but why would they report it? Have you gone to see how life is in some of these trailer areas? They cannot afford to change the narrative otherwise whites might pick up arms and go against their masters. You do know that single mother households have exploded in the white community right?? Don't yall even have "wiggers" now? Of course, your news stations wouldn't cover it. What about the single mother epidemic in white communities in the UK and US?? Oh it's around alright..and often times it aint the thugs knocking these white girls up. What about the senseless war whites are having against each other in Ukraine and in world war 1? Surely, you aren't going to tell me that Russians and ukrainians aren't white...are you?
Knight Templar Overlord 6,051 points
the curse is black niggers and jews, they exist which is evil
AssholDikSquire Famous 3,255 points
Yeah but show a spook that 1/10 you never hear the end of it…forever
Rumilov Well-Known 923 points
Its not reported less, you pulled that guess out of your ass, completely wrong about that, but iam too lazy to explain it to you in detail RN.
You are comparing wars of white nations, vs petty trash cultural behavior of black niggers. Like wtf? Are you allright?
oniiibak Advanced 2,720 points
@Rumilov I dare to compare the recent wars of white nations vs pretty trash cultural behavior of the"black niggers" you see. Why do I say this?? Because they are both useless. The thugs and black women tearing themselves up and innocent people and things around them senselessly; The war in Ukraine, Gulf War, Vietnam war, They all have the following things in common; government backed, population control. Do you have ANY idea how many white ppl lost their lives because of these pointless wars in WW1, WW2, Wars in Iraq and Afghanistan? And now Ukraine? So....tell me...who are the people mainly dying in Ukraine now? Do you see any black or arabic or indians or asians enmasse dying there? They already castrating white children and using critical race theory nonsense and pushing the nonsense of depopulation upon your people. before I end this post I will tell you this; at least black people in the USA...tried to do something to fix their community and the ppl in it until they reached this point and eventually gave up. You would figure that a lot of white people who had court side seats witnessing what was done to the black communities here...would have learned somethin but nooooooo......they want the destruction too. Oh well
AssholDikSquire Famous 3,255 points
@rumilov where are you from? Cope n seether
Rumilov Well-Known 923 points
@oniiibak There is a good saying: Keep your mouth shut, then you look smarter. Applies to you right now.
oniiibak Advanced 2,720 points
@Rumilov your words...sounds like a gaslighting tactic black females in the USA use today. Do you have evidence to refute my post? Men use logic, reasoning and critical thinking; Women use shaming language, emotions and feelings. now you could make an argument that I am talking too much and I am bringing too much attention to this site and to you; but know this....We are all in a fucking house on fire where we are not allowed to put out the fire. There's only one thing to do in that situation....inform others that are willing to listen; then save your fucking self or keep quiet, stay in there, and die
AssholDikSquire Famous 3,255 points
Little bitch doesn’t know nothing beyond his 4 walls in his roach infested eastern bloc apartment. Probably just another celtard on an alt, wouldn’t waste my time on him. He’s already bent over speaking English anyway. Faggot doesn’t know who is huckleberry’s are
AssholDikSquire Famous 3,255 points
@Rumilov bend over
Rumilov Well-Known 923 points
@AssholDikSquire When i tell you to bend over, its a command, fail to do so and i will start gutting you like an animal. After you bend over and i shove bottle up your ass, then you will die, be it slowly. After iam done, nobody will find ever your body. Dismissed
AssholDikSquire Famous 3,255 points
@Rumilov - thanks for bending over & speaking my language dumb bitch hahahahahaha you are my slave, pick my cotton shine my shoes or i will show you what a real cracker is fucko
@oniiibak. @Knight Templar does the usual;blaming it all somehow on blacks. Nothing else in the tank.
satisfaction22 Famous 3,351 points
she would be much more attractive bleeding and dead
+1 vote
Apr 18, 2023
diedinjuly Veteran 11,490 points
hahaha what a great nite
✧(⁠ ⁠´⁠◡⁠‿⁠◡⁠`⁠)
+1 vote
Apr 18, 2023
Erick1 Intermediate 1,376 points
it can be said that that night will be unforgettable
+1 vote
Apr 18, 2023
chancho The Boss 28,832 points
whites are niggers too. we all are
+1 vote
Apr 18, 2023
AssholDikSquire Famous 3,255 points
we were niggers and shit. You heard, boy?
@chancho.Sorry pal,again and again-that term is a reference to people of color.It has nothing to do with behavior or class.Calling a white person a nigger makes as much sense as calling a nigger a cracker or honky.Sorry but it's total horse shit.
Demonic666! Extreme Poster 523 points
Why waste a perfectly good fire extinguisher? Would've been easier to crack her head open with it. Retards al around! Lol
+1 vote
Apr 18, 2023
English Neo Nazi Intermediate 1,245 points
Nigger culture got to them on that one
Edit No they didn't I don't ever see any white people who don't associate themselves with niggers act or speak like that and put on an accent
+3 votes
Apr 18, 2023
AssholDikSquire Famous 3,255 points
black boy, polish my shoes, boy!
@English Neo Nazi In case you were not aware, the so called nigger culture is what black fools adopted from white trash back in the day;they emulated their behavior.
humanbutcher Well-Known 808 points
fuck that whore up!
+3 votes
Apr 18, 2023
Dalewormheart3 Intermediate 1,160 points
She pissed her shorts
+2 votes
Apr 18, 2023
AssholDikSquire Famous 3,255 points
i mopped it up with my grotesque tongue
Orbital-Trails Addicted 2,061 points
Why is he asking her to leave the kitchen? he must be a gay!
+1 vote
Apr 18, 2023
Troglodyte The Boss 25,443 points
He ain't a lesbian transsexual like someone else . . .
Crimnt Famous 4,076 points
Attempting to rape her probably would've made her leave.
+3 votes
Apr 18, 2023
Troglodyte The Boss 25,443 points
Haut se, haut se immer auf die Schnauze ...
+1 vote
Apr 18, 2023
C.HellenWaite Extreme Poster 616 points
Why would you pull out a ʀᴀᴄᴇ ᴄᴀʀᴅ, she looks more like a Portuguese - Mexican btw.
Only Africans from the darker side of Compton refer to bitches this way, .. at fucked up pool parties.
+1 vote
Apr 18, 2023
Shiva Natural Addict 7,715 points
As i say, weak girls are hot.
+1 vote
Apr 18, 2023
OyVeyRabbi The Boss 28,039 points
Typical Indian rapist mindset
Shiva Natural Addict 7,715 points
u dumbfuck, i am talking in context to videos like this where hot girls get beaten all the time. I never saw a beautiful girl beating anyone.
OyVeyRabbi The Boss 28,039 points
You can't explain your way out of it now Hasheem
Shiva Natural Addict 7,715 points
Adelf Hitlor Omega 22,546 points
Nice cocaine syphon
+2 votes
Apr 18, 2023
EUfagStomper Famous 3,279 points
she still looks better than ur mother lol
Graham Smith v2 58 points
Personally according to my calculations this would not happen to me as I am too powerful
+1 vote
Apr 18, 2023
Shiva Natural Addict 7,715 points
Ur calculations have an error. U didn't take the factors of quantum entanglement into account. When we apply that formula, we get "0" which means u have 0 chances of survival in this situation.
Yoyomart Well-Known 873 points
This bitch took that fire extinguisher like a champ, then again, shes already used to taking white sprays to the face
+1 vote
Apr 19, 2023
@Knight Templar. Niggers die everyday, as do all people. Nothing new.
+1 vote
Apr 20, 2023