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Juden Massaker in Neuseeland
Dieser Man ist ein Held, wenn wir alle uns eine Moschee in unserer nähe aussuchen und das selbe veranstalten werden wir bald diese Judenbrut mit eigener Faust vernichten können.
Sieg Heil! Kameraden
37,136 views Apr 21, 2023

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Knight Templar Overlord 6,057 points
Holy Deed
+5 votes
Apr 21, 2023
Neger Schlachter88 Addicted 1,583 points
AssholDikSquire Famous 3,259 points
TheLegendary Beginner 161 points
It's fake and gay trust me the jews know very well how to movie edit and pay actors all information as proof was given in 4chan that this in fact is fake.
AssholDikSquire Famous 3,259 points
wumbo me silly
Hardcore200 Extreme Poster 624 points
Those are not Jews . Those are Muslim Niggers he is killing at Mosque
+7 votes
Apr 21, 2023
Allahisgay 16 points
Ola hu fuckbrrr friend... See you in heaven to see our Fucking pedo terrorist allah who fucked and raped a little girl (ayesha). Goodbye
chancho The Boss 28,948 points
jump to 6:03 to skip the serbian polka bullshit
0 votes
Apr 21, 2023
NakedLunch Advanced 2,261 points
Beyond the musical genre, do you know what that song represents?
chancho The Boss 28,948 points
i do. still don't care
NakedLunch Advanced 2,261 points
Ok, the important thing is knowledge, I respect your opinion. For the record: I don't like that song either.
VXIAE Extreme Poster 727 points
at what level is that weapon skin unlocked?
+1 vote
Apr 21, 2023
Adelf Hitlor Omega 22,572 points
It has the name of Ebba Ackerlund who was murdered by a muzzie for allah. She was run over by a truck of peace and split in 2. Brenton was just avenging the raping and murdering commited by muslims as per their religious duties.  
VXIAE Extreme Poster 727 points
@Adelf Hitlor then it was liken a revenge?
Shiva Natural Addict 7,761 points
What did she dooo ? These heartless zombies literally follow devil.
Adelf Hitlor Omega 22,572 points

Yes it was revenge, not a random attack.
VXIAE Extreme Poster 727 points
Only 1 white girl It is worth more than 10 people of rare religions
Orbital-Trails Addicted 2,063 points
One less ginger
Knight Templar Overlord 6,057 points
Kill all niggers and non catholics
Shiva Natural Addict 7,761 points
Raping girls and marrying them later, keeping secks slaves and raping her till death is bad according to my God. So i decline ur devil cult's offer respectfully.
NebuJlN Veteran 14,491 points
Dude at 7:03+ almost ruined the fun.
+1 vote
Apr 21, 2023
Adelf Hitlor Omega 22,572 points
Not joos they are muzzies.
+3 votes
Apr 21, 2023
Troglodyte The Boss 25,461 points
Heil Wasser, Volksgenosse! In der Überschrift fehlt der obligate Deppen-Bindestrich.
+1 vote
Apr 21, 2023
Shiva Natural Addict 7,761 points
Can u tell me the name of songs he plays. I only know german paratrooper.
ME262 Advanced 2,501 points
Serbia Strong
British Grenadiers - Fife and Drum
Fallschirmjager Remix
Arthur Brown - Fire
Gas Gas Gas
Shiva Natural Addict 7,761 points
Thanks bro
Yousef Advanced 2,319 points
fuckin coward couldn't fight without his fuckin gun coward ass nigger
0 votes
Apr 21, 2023
Shiva Natural Addict 7,761 points
In his manifesto he says he was a US marine trained expert shooter and also knew multiple hand combat skills. I can guarentee he could take on anyone there.

At least he didn't blow up in suicide bomb shouting "alla hu akbar" while killing innocent people and kids. He stayed alive and accepted his punishment like a real man not like allah's cowards who suicide.
Yousef Advanced 2,319 points
you faggot motherfucker you think muslims and isis are the same you fuckin retard
Shiva Natural Addict 7,761 points
Whats the difference ? Both follow quran and sunnah of pedophile muhammad. One stays coward and the other acts upon those dirty satanic verses.
Shiva Natural Addict 7,761 points
158 UN recognised terrorist organisations around the world follow sects of islam such as wahhabism. Every illiterate tryna bring shithole shariah and normal muslims supporting them by being keyboard warriors.
Yousef Advanced 2,319 points
tell me where the fuck you live I swear I will put my foot in your throat you fuckin scared nigger
you're so obsessed with Arabs you have your name in Arabic maybe because some Egyptian fucked your mom
Yousef Advanced 2,319 points
wahhabism are not muslims you ignorant fuck
Yousef Advanced 2,319 points
true muslims are the prophet pbuh followers which are called sunnah.
go search about true islam it gives a purpose of living rather than worshiping a fucking cow
Shiva Natural Addict 7,761 points
Literally, Genghiz khan raped all of muslim ummah. Lol. Its ur history. And after genghiz khan ur moms were taken as concubines and raped by muhammadian army. Its in ur sunnah. U didn't like facts being told so straightforward and u piglets threaten me. Hahaha. Believe me bro, u can't do shit. I will rape ur family wearing a pork meat condom.
Shiva Natural Addict 7,761 points
"true muslims are prophet followers"
Following all the sunnahs of muhammad is literally called wahhabism.
Yousef Advanced 2,319 points
ok motherfucker give me your location and let's see how I come and rape your mom infront of your eyes
Yousef Advanced 2,319 points
I'm talking to a faggot right ? because if you study Islam you will know wahhabism are random niggers who are going to hell like you
Shiva Natural Addict 7,761 points
Stay in denial pedophile prophet and dessert devil and pimp of 72 whores worshipper.
Shiva Natural Addict 7,761 points
According to hadiths majority of dwellers of hell are women so i m taking ur halal mother with me.
Yousef Advanced 2,319 points
you think you're tough motherfucker swearing behind a screen I swear if I find you I will break every bone in your body and put my cock inside you're mouth
Shiva Natural Addict 7,761 points
Seen a thousands like u. Just the attempt to threaten someone on internet without even knowing what the other is capable of, shows that ur just a hormone raging teenager that would shit in his pants if u really got confronted.

Whatever i spoke is right out of hadiths. Defend that if u can and stop acting like a faggot.

I am Imam mehdi. I would take ur mom as my concubine.
Knight Templar Overlord 6,057 points
Kill all muslim pedophiles.
Adelf Hitlor Omega 22,572 points
AssholDikSquire Famous 3,259 points
<a href='../user/Yousef'>@Yousef i will shove pork kebab in ur asshol and make u moan for the founding daddy’s
Allahisgay 16 points
Fucking ass terrorists Muslims should be dead from all over the world..
Yousef Advanced 2,319 points
I know what are you capable of which is only talking shit.
give me your location and let's see how it end up.
Yousef Advanced 2,319 points
they raped your mom ? that's why she's 12 years older than you ?
Yousef Advanced 2,319 points
damn motherfucker you really that dumb not knowing there are muslims who are not sunnah who live in ignorance who kill faggots like you
Yousef Advanced 2,319 points
give me your location motherfucker I will kill you and make your sister my fuck slave
Shiva Natural Addict 7,761 points
MI will rape ur mother with condom made of pork meat. Is it halal ?

I live in Bangalore, India. Bring ur mom too.your muhammad was also a faggot.

ur prophet willingly got gangr*ped by jatts (a community of Indian subcontinent). Jatts took turns on raping ur mhmd's asshole all night till his body started to ache.

Proof : Musnad Imam Ahmed Bin Hanbal (english translation). Volume no. 3 , Hadeeth number 3788 Grade : Sahih
Yousef Advanced 2,319 points
LMFAOO you're an Indian slave I should've known from the beginning
go rub your moms ass with some curry you fuckin cow worshiper
Shiva Natural Addict 7,761 points
Ur mom 6 year old hazrat ayesha prefers pork meat condom. Hahaha
Yousef Advanced 2,319 points
stfu cow worshiper. damn I'm laughing at myself because I was really arguing with a fuckin slave.
you ain't worth my time cocksucker
Shiva Natural Addict 7,761 points
When ur dad used to go to dessert to rape goats and drink camel urine. I used to do nikah halala of ur mom. Thats how u were born. Don't worry u can too rape ur mom, its halal in islam.
Shiva Natural Addict 7,761 points
Lmao. People who call themselves "slaves of some dessert pedophile god" are calling other slave. Hahaha
Yousef Advanced 2,319 points
told you you dick worshiper you ain't worth my time so go fuck your sister before someone do
Shiva Natural Addict 7,761 points
Fucking sisters isn't a norm in my culture. Cause i don't follow islam. Go kiss allah's pussy stone in kabba.
Urmomfucker 47 points
nobody gives fuck. Both of them are faggot goatfuckers that worship a pedophile so STFU you fuckin nigger
AssholDikSquire Famous 3,259 points
Hey faggot that was back in April nobody gives a fuck now
Yousef Advanced 2,319 points
كسمك يبن الملحده يخو الشرموطه جاي تدور احد ينيك امك ولا وش
Yousef Advanced 2,319 points
كسمك يبن القحبه اجل ليه كاتب تعليق
AssholDikSquire Famous 3,259 points
You fuck your cousin we get it
Ihatesandniggers Advanced 2,287 points
dirty hooded son of a bitch the day of judgment is coming for all you faggot pedophiles and goat fuckers, all you sand niggers will be brutally murdered and your bodies will be fucked with a pig spit
stupidtrashwhore Advanced 2,430 points
Sieg Heil <3
+1 vote
Apr 21, 2023
Shiva Natural Addict 7,761 points
New Zealand in german is "Neuseeland" ?
0 votes
Apr 21, 2023
Islamist 18 points
Bro laughs at his own shit
Shiva Natural Addict 7,761 points
Not my shit. Its german language shit i laughed at.
TheLegendary Beginner 161 points
"Islamist" get a life faggot, you're probably a short cunt with brown nipple's
Shiva Natural Addict 7,761 points
Everyone of us should contribute something good to our society by supporting genocide of arab cult.
Most of your country's politics revolve around appeasing these goat fucking community.
Its a obstacle in our human progress. Kill 1 muslim today and book urself a house and 72 virgin whores in heaven.
+2 votes
Apr 21, 2023
NIGGER_GENOCIDE_1488 57 points
Aren't you an arab yourself? With that penis  hyroglyph letters
Shiva Natural Addict 7,761 points
Nah i m not. My name just looked cool in arabic.
Islamist 18 points
@NIGGER_GENOCIDE_1488 no he is a cow worshipping curry muncher.
Allahisgay 16 points
Atleast he's not worshiping pedo allah who fucked 9yrs old girl (ayesha). This is the reality of Pisslam.
Islamist 18 points
It's not reality, it's bs coming from you. Come with logical arguments next time low IQ.
Shiva Natural Addict 7,761 points
@Islamist he is factually right though. allah allowed pedophile muhammad to carry on his pedophilia by telling him to marry 6 year old baby. Dessert devil allah also talks about giving divorce and pregnancy waiting period of pre pubescent girls 65:4. Pedophilia, sex slavery, black slavery was supported by allah.
Islamist 18 points
Tell me why no one had an issue at the time of Muhammad marrying Aisha.
Even his enemies saw no issue with that. Hmm, as if it was culturally normal there back then which your stupid 50 IQ can't handle.

"Sex" slavery is also in the Bible in Numbers 31:18

What u don't get though is that hurting someone is forbidden, rape counts as hurting someone. But your filthy Indian mind can't think logically.
Shiva Natural Addict 7,761 points
Imagine calling people filthy because they find pedophilia and minor girls rape disgusting.

Its clear, who is filthy here.

No one had an issue among europeans for burning witches at that time, among nazis for killing jews at that time, among muslims as their prophet and his tribe did looting, raped kids kids and women and did slave trade.

Thats because those were crazy times filled with brainwashed zombies. Evil things happened in past. Humans evolved and became more humane and started calling out evil practices as evil.

I despise any book that says ok to sex slavery, pedophilia, rape of pre pubescent, killing people because of their belief. And all of the time those are devilish abrahmic books.

Zombies of islam still carry 7th century ideology and morals and not humanity.
Its a fact, 56 fucking 9 year old is pedophilia and rape. 9 year olds can't decide anything. That's why a mean age of consent 15-18 exists. Even if it doesn't exist its common human sense to not fuck a child. Aisha was a little child. Muhammd was old man when he raped her.
Islamist 18 points
Aisha wasn't a little child. If you really care so much for A'isha, why don't you look at her life then?
Must have been miserable to be "raped" and then kept on living. Oh but wait, she got jelous when a woman talked to Muhammad? And she kept preaching Islam after the prophet died? And she didn't want to divorce the prophet after he asked all of his wives if they want to divorce?

Welp, doesn't look like rape at all once you learn about their lives. Now go suck a cow cock filthy indian. Cuz Islam will stay the fastest growing religion while Hindu cow worshippers like you are gonna stay bathing in cow shit.
Heck, you guys just watch and film little girls who got raped on the street.
Shiva Natural Addict 7,761 points
U just described child grooming u little camel halal urine sluping pedo worshipping goat and dead body raping allah's pussy stone kissing dessert devil brainwashed terrorist subhuman and immoral zombie nigger.

Islamis fastes breeding, devil cult and people who left this cult still call themselves muslim so they are not lynched by alla's zombies.

½ of iran turned exmuslim after hijab issue.
Most of turks are muslims for name sake.
No one among 2 billion zombies of 56 countries could ever build their dream shariah land. U zombies fight among ur own devisions of shia, sunni, salafi, hanbli, ahmadiya, pasmanda, deobandi. Bomb each others mosques and call each other kaffir. Hahahaha
Poor, lust and greedy african niggers are the only ones doing mass conversions. Islam attracts braindead poor people.
Rape rate of every muslim country is higher than that of India. Muslims report way too less as according to quran woman needs 4 witnesses to report a rape. What a degenerate culture.
Now go and rape ur cousin sister. Its permissable. Hahaha. Arabs have highest level of incest and brain retardation due to cousin sister marriages.
Islamist 18 points
Bro's talking shit again lmfao. Won't read all that.
Orbital-Trails Addicted 2,063 points
The sound of that gun is music to my ears
+1 vote
Apr 21, 2023
Shiva Natural Addict 7,761 points
Why aren't u complaining now about the quality of video dumbfuck. Its the same quality i uploaded.
Orbital-Trails Addicted 2,063 points
Because i hate you, you're an asshole!
Shiva Natural Addict 7,761 points
Orbital-Trails Addicted 2,063 points
YES! You are the pimple on LiveGores fat hairy stinky ass!
Shiva Natural Addict 7,761 points
And u ? Ur the asshole. The epicentre of shit.
Islamist 18 points
Dein eigenes Volk konvertiert zum Islam.
Egal was du tust, Islam wird siegen!
0 votes
Apr 22, 2023
Neger Schlachter88 Addicted 1,583 points
Fick dich du Jude die Deutschen stehen langsam auf der  Funke wird entfachen und dan wird Deutschland wieder deutsch egal mit welchen mitteln das passieren wird
Islamist 18 points
Träume weiter
TheLegendary Beginner 161 points
It's fake you dumbass, fucking low iq arab gipsy.
fuckthelife Hacker 80,793 points
this is pure music to my ears hearing the muzzies die
+2 votes
Apr 22, 2023
lifesfucked 37 points
He said subscribe to PewDiePie how kind
0 votes
Apr 24, 2023
artas2 7 points
Hes doin gods work great job i wish theres more noble ppl like him in this world
+3 votes
Apr 24, 2023
Lil_dickie Extreme Poster 537 points
The olny video that can give me orgasm
+1 vote
May 4, 2023
Lil_dickie Extreme Poster 537 points
The man enjoyed shooting every single bullet
+1 vote
May 4, 2023
satyRo77 Beginner 121 points
This the result of a lifetime of listening to that music. The soul can only take so much before it snaps. Torturous
0 votes
Aug 25, 2023
AustrianPainter1889 Intermediate 1,086 points
This is where it starts
0 votes
Sep 30, 2023