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Man Brutally Burned Alive In Afghanistan
It's crazy punishment.
23,426 views Apr 23, 2023

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angelstar Advanced 2,669 points
i got burnd baking b4 :[
n str8nin my hairrrr
+1 vote
Apr 23, 2023
Shiva Natural Addict 7,763 points
angelstar Advanced 2,669 points
Shiva Natural Addict 7,763 points
don't play with fire
angelstar Advanced 2,669 points
i wont sir :>
m scared of any fire bigger than a small bonfire>^<
Shiva Natural Addict 7,763 points
play with water
Islamist 18 points
Play with cow shit like Shiva here.
angelstar Advanced 2,669 points
eek! do u guyz hava arguey thing >^<
angelstar Advanced 2,669 points
i got baptized wwen i wuz little!
i wuzz rraized christin
r hinduz rly baptized in cow poopoo?!
Islamist 18 points
Yes. You can see tons ot youtube videos on that.
Shiva Natural Addict 7,763 points
Two words to describe muslims is "brainwashed zombies".
Shiva Natural Addict 7,763 points
There is no concept of baptising in hinduism.
Male and female genital mutilation is legal in islam.
Islamist 18 points
Cow worshipper opinions are invalid.
Shiva Natural Addict 7,763 points
The only cow i worship is ur mother
Shiva Natural Addict 7,763 points
Hey angelstarr do u know muslims drink camel urine, fuck their own sisters, bomb people and spread misinformation ? Their prophet raped 6 year old baby.
angelstar Advanced 2,669 points
i don lik da soun of genital mutilation >_<
m crossing my legz!!!
angelstar Advanced 2,669 points
shiva! do they rly do all that???!
Shiva Natural Addict 7,763 points
U will be beaten to death if u don't agree for genital mutilation in islam.
Muslims do genital mutilation of little girls so girls don't enjoy sex
Islamist 18 points
The only females who get mutilation is in some village.

The prophet's wives weren't circumcised neither none of the Scholars daughters.

Male circumcision is obligated tho cuz we aren't filthy like you hindus who have mushrooms growing on their dick
Islamist 18 points
@angelstar this guy is lying lmfao
angelstar Advanced 2,669 points
dis iz all confusinggg
Shiva Natural Addict 7,763 points
Maybe u don't know the concept of bathing and cleaning the dick. Lmao. Braindead sheeps do genital mutilation and cut off their sexual pleasure . Hahaha.
Islamist 18 points
Having conversations in this website is pointless. Discord is better suited
angelstar Advanced 2,669 points
ohh i hav discord
Shiva Natural Addict 7,763 points
@Angelstarr Muslims worship a god who says its ok to rape slaves of war and also 6 year old baby.
Search it up.
Islamist 18 points
We do know the concept of it. It's obligated for us to do it after going to the bathroom and it's a must to do ghusl every weekwhich is basically washing your whole body.

Hindus wash their full body with shit tho
Islamist 18 points
Nowhere does it say rape. My discord is...
Shiva Natural Addict 7,763 points
Nah. I have literally seen muslims drink camel urine and shit and bath in camel urine.
Islamist 18 points
Show me where they drink shit
Shiva Natural Addict 7,763 points
Having sex with minor is rape. Common sense which muslim zombies lack.
Islamist 18 points
She wasn't a minor but a woman. Just study her life bro
Shiva Natural Addict 7,763 points
Hey angelstarr look how muslims drink camel urine to cure cancer.

Shiva Natural Addict 7,763 points
Imagine calling 9 year old girl as woman.
I laugh at ur disgusting prophet and cult. I shit on ur allah. No respect for pedophile and rapist religion.
Islamist 18 points
Maybe learn how life was 1400 years ago then you'll understand
Shiva Natural Addict 7,763 points
7000 year old hindu text mention "puberty" and education was compulsory for both men and woman before marriage.

Lmao. Its just that ur past was disgusting. Ur religion is inhumane devil cult.
Shiva Natural Addict 7,763 points
Rape is legal in islam. Consent of a girl is her silence. LMAO

Sahih bukhari:6946
Islamist 18 points
Bruv doesn't know that silence means that they are too shy to say yes.

She can literally just say no, done.

Also show me the hindu text where it says that. Im free to learn.
Shiva Natural Addict 7,763 points
"Having reached puberty, the maiden may wait for three years; after that time, she shall procure a suitable husband"
 -Manusmriti 9:90
Unlike islam's arranged and forced marriage with pre pubescent kids. Women are allowed to choose their partner in Hinduism.

Marriage between relatives (upto 7th generation paternal and upto 5th generation maternal) is prohibited.
Muslim cousin marriages come in just 2nd gen. Thats why we see high mental retardation in cousin sister fucker muslims.

Vaśiṣṭḥa (8. 1, 2).—‘He should marry a girl who has no common Ṛṣi (as her ancestor).........; nor one who is in the seventh grade among his paternal and in the fifth grade among his maternal relations.

Viṣṇu (Aparārka, p. 82).—‘Those who marry within the seventh and fifth grades, and the children of such marriages, become outcasts and Śūdras.

Life of a Hindu should have 4 stages. First stage Brahmacharya is about getting education staying celebate. Marriage comes in second stage of grahasthi. So this was the tradition followed by ancient Hindus. Education before marriage were is the norm in Hinduism.
Adelf Hitlor Omega 22,572 points
Here's a 9yo kid. Or to muslims a woman ready for sex.
Orbital-Trails Addicted 2,065 points
@OyVeyRabbi How do you rate the little muzzie girl 1-10 on the pedo scale? asking for a friend
Shiva Natural Addict 7,763 points
@Who ur obsessed with pedophilia. U Disgusting herbiwhore. U ask for nudes from angelstarr and now this. Kill urself
angelstar Advanced 2,669 points
he askd me4nudez?!!??
Orbital-Trails Addicted 2,065 points
@angelstar I don't recall asking you for nudes, did you send me any cause i never received them
Shiva Natural Addict 7,763 points
@angelstar He did once. He is a pedophile. Stay away from him.
angelstar Advanced 2,669 points
i didnt send any dw!!!
n i don remmbr him asking ;^;
Fuckingwhorekiller Extreme Poster 581 points
What’s your dc
angelstar Advanced 2,669 points
wutz urz?<3
Fuckingwhorekiller Extreme Poster 581 points
angelstar Advanced 2,669 points
iz there sumthing u want?><
Orbital-Trails Addicted 2,065 points
@angelstar his name is ''Fucking whore killer'' you might wanna stay away from him, sweetheart
angelstar Advanced 2,669 points
dw! we ended up talking n he seemnz vry kind! i wuz shockedd
Fuckingwhorekiller Extreme Poster 581 points
“You might wanna stay away from him” alr my little retarded white knight how about you shut the fuck up, it’s a gore website, you’re not protecting anyone. Nothing more disgusting than seeing comments from low test pedophiles in denial like you retarded faggot.
angelstar Advanced 2,669 points
eek! ;A;
Shiva Natural Addict 7,763 points
@angelstar which grade do u study in ?
Adelf Hitlor Omega 22,572 points
@shiva gotta be 18 plus to be on here, don't give the mods a gift to banhammer @angelstar
Shiva Natural Addict 7,763 points
haha ok
Orbital-Trails Addicted 2,065 points
@Shiva i told you she's underage and to stay away from her, get help you sick disgusting pedophile!!!
angelstar Advanced 2,669 points
bigbadboy 8 points
I am Muslim just because of my parents but I hope some day could fuck alleh and mohaamad Pedophile...? I have no doubt that the Qur'an is from Satan. Satan that show her in a good man, but he is killed truly a human being. The same cow is useful but God only releases the devil.fuck Islam fuck alleh fuck Quran. Iam Muslim too
Islamist 18 points
You are not a Muslim idiot. You already apostazized.

And if Qu'ran was from Satan, then why would he say: donate, don't worship false gods, satan is bad, don't fornificate, don't gable, don't drink alcohol or do drugs etc.

You are indeed a mushrik
angelstar Advanced 2,669 points
it was def messy!!
YourDaddy6969 25 points
@shiva Calm Down, Pray Pray
YourDaddy6969 25 points
@angelstar average encounter:
guzzlemynuts Beginner 208 points
i want you
angelstar Advanced 2,669 points
@yourdaddy6969 being able2cre8such cringe is a blessing sir- ^-
RottenPancake Intermediate 1,065 points
Sexy. Well, 9 year olds have given birth. So, they're well ready at 9.
RottenPancake Intermediate 1,065 points
Cows are cute.
Melanie Martinez Experienced 408 points
His pole dance is killing it <3
0 votes
Apr 23, 2023
Orbital-Trails Addicted 2,065 points
Is this some new Tic Toc challenge?
+1 vote
Apr 23, 2023
Billthebutcher Grandmaster 160,434 points
Lmao you truly are a retarded fuck lmfao
unbothered66 Overlord 4,928 points
Was this some type of right of passage does he get to fuck a goat?
+1 vote
Apr 23, 2023
fckthatshiat Beginner 159 points
the food runs away...
0 votes
Apr 25, 2023
Yousef Advanced 2,319 points
what the fuck is he doing
0 votes
Apr 25, 2023
Shiva Natural Addict 7,763 points
He desperately wants his quota of 72 whores.
FuckAllWhiteFools Overlord 4,890 points
@Adelf Hitlor. You mother must be embarassed from bring such a dumb bastard into this world. Bless her.
0 votes
May 25, 2023
0 votes
May 25, 2023
niggerdickjunky Overlord 5,491 points
Allah Akbar!
0 votes
May 25, 2023
Yucky Lord Paramount 458,053 points