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+70 votes


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Student commits suicide 1444
His name was Gleb korablev
410,410 views Sep 12, 2021

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shit on cock Veteran 11,094 points
Gleb Korablev... You may rest in peace now , Blyat !
+38 votes
Sep 12, 2021
KraKKerKiller6996 Intermediate 1,366 points
Rest in pieces
NuiMano 65 points
Paka LoL , Dabay better , whatever one less idiot...
Jay  6 points
Hey what's a going paisano what the fuck are you doing here?
Drunk&Lacist Beginner 244 points
That painting looks nice, be a shame if someone blew their brains all over it
+35 votes
Sep 12, 2021
Sussy Baka The Boss 28,512 points
no homo but he looks really handsome
+31 votes
Sep 12, 2021
SuuLove Beginner 228 points
I see why they call you Sussy
G0R3_W4TCHING_FR34K 51 points
i can't say your wrong
RottenPancake Intermediate 1,065 points
His dick's still intact. Imma go all homo on him.
RottenPancake Intermediate 1,065 points
Fr. I'd have definitely let his last smash be me if I could.
Honky kong Addicted 1,741 points
Mindless entertainment lol
+32 votes
Sep 12, 2021
Void Experienced 274 points
Its sad that people get so down they feel like death is the only way out.. There is always help, Things will get better if you let them.
+27 votes
Sep 14, 2021
KraKKerKiller6996 Intermediate 1,366 points
Death isn't real, though. Souls just transcend. But you have to have a soul first.
Daniel Lakkari Intermediate 1,003 points
Yea keep thinking that. There's some situation where death really IS the only way. Unchangeable.
Daniel Lakkari Intermediate 1,003 points
I'm guessing you're another one of those fuckwits who try to look clever in front of others by saying shit they themselves hardly apprehend.
not me
what situation is there where death is the only way?? genuinely curious...rattle off a couple of examples.
KraKKerKiller6996 Intermediate 1,366 points
Go eat shit, I'm a God and I'll live forever while your human ass ceases to exist when you die. Punk ass weak bitch lmaooo
Daniel Lakkari Intermediate 1,003 points
Wow turns out you're even cringier than I initially thought lmfao you should be proud of it
adsdasdsaasdsda 0 points
people like you, who say that shit "it will get better" they make me wanna kill myself even more, thats like saying if i spill my coke, it will just pour itself back to the cup from the floor
Phuc Yu
You're the god of shit, that's what we all say
RottenPancake Intermediate 1,065 points
RottenPancake Intermediate 1,065 points
Still a god, none the less.
fengYE 1 point
Deeeesensitized Experienced 251 points
Say you are being hunted by the cartel and they are going to cut off ya head a gunshot to the head would be much nicer so you would decide to shoot yourself in the head instead of facing torture.
noooyoPL 17 points
the the most common reason of suicide is being ignored by people, the feeling that you don't belong, that you don't have anybody and doubt to build friendship even in the future becouse of amount of rejections. I HAVE THAT SHIT. Nothing is wrong with me, I am ideal friend, people don't see that. Fuck I feel so isolated, I feek like there will be no one for me. I feel like there is no exit, people are treating me like shit, they don't care. I want help
angelicaaaatheasian Beginner 171 points
@noooyoPL well i feel you but dont go for suicide
TheCityWalker007 Beginner 183 points
@angelicaaaatheasian stfu fucking cum slut wouldn't be surprised if you have aids now fucking chink kill yourself instead talking all high and might and friendly but call blacks niggers and shit fucking wannabe friendly mistress you ain't shit lil snot nosed ugly ass asian chink gtfo of here mother fucker
mordax Well-Known 982 points
@noooyoPL i have friends and i can easily be a friend, but i have no girlfriend and never had one, that's why i feel same way. i'm tired of rejections and "friends only" bullshit from girls. i'm on this site to see people get what they fucking deserve, cos i've been only hurt by girls my entire life and i'm sick of it. i don't like to be around males either, cos it makes me jealous that they have someone and i don't one day we all die, what difference does it make if it's now or 100 years from now? you die, it's all same to you. might aswell save myself all this suffering and torment and shoot myself ---- again!
angelicaaaatheasian Beginner 171 points
Ugly black nigger @TheCityWalker007
Hitler Reincarnate
Now that Im re-watching this, actually the US suicide was way more horrific. (US 1 - Russia 0)
And Im glad.

Rest in pieces these guys.
+26 votes
Sep 20, 2021
Natural Addict 8,457 points
Boom ^w^
+22 votes
Sep 21, 2021
angelicaaaatheasian Beginner 171 points
boom boom >_<
DiezelDuckKellpuzzy Intermediate 1,007 points
Let me eat that pussy
TheCityWalker007 Beginner 183 points
Still trynna get this chinks attention lmao fuck outta here @DiezelDuckKellpuzzy fucking stalker ass cracker lol I seen the pussy and tits and it ain't all that sorry to pull your horn fucking virgin but @angelicaaaatheasian ain't all that plus she ain't gone show you any pussy bitch LOOOL
angelicaaaatheasian Beginner 171 points
@DiezelDuckKellpuzzy come into my dms
DiezelDuckKellpuzzy Intermediate 1,007 points
How do I do that?
DiezelDuckKellpuzzy Intermediate 1,007 points
Okay .I messaged you
TheCityWalker007 Beginner 183 points
Fucking pathetic ass fucking chink LOOOL
TheCityWalker007 Beginner 183 points
@DiezelDuckKellpuzzy just a warning fucking faggot I seen the pussy and tits first when she sees how small your cock is she will dip like how she dipped on me when my pp wasn't fully hard for her LMAO goodluck simp
DiezelDuckKellpuzzy Intermediate 1,007 points
Your words hurt so bad...I got a turd out of my poop shooter today was fun
TheCityWalker007 Beginner 183 points
Lmao you'll see homie she ain't gone be into you waste of time and space when she dips on yo ass and you'll start seeing her flirt with the rest of these faggot fem cucks
angelicaaaatheasian Beginner 171 points
@DiezelDuckKellpuzzy look at dms for my telegram on there i can send stuff
Natural Addict 8,457 points
@TheCityWalker007 Calm down bro he'll find it out the hard way himself.
TheCityWalker007 Beginner 183 points
Damn right he will homie @angelicaaaatheasian is a bipolar slut that will steal your dick pics and leave and flirt with other cucks like @DiezelDuckKellpuzzy and act like she doesn't even know you after sexting with you and start calling u a nigger and beaner and shit totally acting like she doesn't even know you after seeing your dick on Telegram lol she sent me so much nudes and sext messages and now she deleted it all off and pretends she doesn't even know me now lmao what a fucking walking aids back foo
TheCityWalker007 Beginner 183 points
For example @angelicaaaatgeasian was flirting with @Chico_sticks like 2 days ago prior before leaving me and now she flirting with @diezalduckkellpuzzy days after flirting with @chico_sticks what fuckin SLUT homes lmao bitch told me she want me send her a plane ticket to come to my place to fuck like what a fucking maldita perra foo
Natural Addict 8,457 points
I can relate I've had the same thing happen to me. It wasn't Angelica but someone else. Can't trust anybody on this website fr lmfaooo
TheCityWalker007 Beginner 183 points
Follow for follow? I like you homie you a real a real one and I'm sorry that happen foo can't trust no perras on here at all bro bro
Natural Addict 8,457 points
It's all good bro it happened like a year ago lol. And I followed u cuz ur a cool dude
TheCityWalker007 Beginner 183 points
Appreciate that homes appreciate that be careful a perra on this site could hurt you like how @angelicaaaatheasian hurt me
Natural Addict 8,457 points
Yessir we always gotta be careful
TheCityWalker007 Beginner 183 points
Homie hug bro
Natural Addict 8,457 points
TheCityWalker007 Beginner 183 points
Last ones holy shit but racist ass title
Natural Addict 8,457 points
Haha lmao
Poor guy that's what depression does when no one cares about them.
+26 votes
Oct 28, 2021
GreenieGene Beginner 132 points
He didn't have depression
The Police man 42 points
what did he has?
GreenieGene Beginner 132 points
Heart deseise or cancer
Syoyonora 0 points
Still cowardly and blasphemy.
RottenPancake Intermediate 1,065 points
Blasphemy is worth it if God spanks me.
Rest in peace
+27 votes
Dec 17, 2021
Deletedelete Intermediate 1,190 points
+26 votes
Jan 2, 2022
GreenieGene Beginner 132 points
Nya sussy bakaaa!!!
+26 votes
Jan 12, 2022
Miloud Intermediate 1,148 points
He deserve it mother's fucker son of bitche go hell for ever
+24 votes
Mar 5, 2022
Syoyonora 0 points
Yeah, he was a coward, a pitiable one but a coward nonetheless.
LivegoreFinatics Beginner 200 points
always love hearing that last gasp of air
+26 votes
Mar 7, 2022
Koo momfuck
RIP buddy
+25 votes
Mar 17, 2022
Marcelo101 Famous 3,323 points
Wonder who uploads these vids,
Like just came to home see brains all over the painting a being like "hey let me upload this shit " lmao
+26 votes
Mar 30, 2022
RottenPancake Intermediate 1,065 points
Can I get a link to the video your pfp came from?
Marcelo101 Famous 3,323 points
I need to look for it, but its about the dude who goes to a supermarket and attacks
RottenPancake Intermediate 1,065 points
mordax Well-Known 982 points
@Marcelo101 are you fucking retarded? it's called live streaming you ape-brain peefart. he was talking to someone, obivously other side was recording or it was live stream. nobody uploads them, your brain is too autistic to understand.
daitomotomo Experienced 406 points
confirme si es verdadero
+25 votes
Apr 8, 2022
batterniggers Experienced 258 points
+26 votes
Apr 8, 2022
MOMOFLESH Intermediate 1,210 points
he was so cute:<.
+24 votes
Apr 20, 2022
young0D'9 Extreme Poster 598 points
stfu whore ima make u write my name on your tits w a blade
Syoyonora 0 points
Why do you try to act hard bro?
Or were you just horny?
RottenPancake Intermediate 1,065 points
angelstar Advanced 2,667 points
so sad dat hiz beauty wuz strippd frum da world :'[
+23 votes
May 2, 2022
TheHound Natural Addict 7,173 points
Just leaving his brains splattered all over his mom's living room for her to clean up.  So disrespectful
+25 votes
May 3, 2022