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Fucker shot his 3 babies

I do enjoy the law and crime channel, ahh good days

9,854 views Jun 26, 2023

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aDArthVINvad3r Veteran 11,776 points
were his parents one of those wankers who didn't let their kids have sex-ed?
'cause if that's the case, they need to charge the parents for this... they're just as responsible... if not more.
+2 votes
Jun 26, 2023
Cunt Addicted 1,823 points
His parents obviously didn't shoot him, so they defintely had sex education yeah? :-s
Turd Ferguson Veteran 13,589 points
You know, it really is never too late for an abortion. His parents could still do the right thing.
aDArthVINvad3r Veteran 11,776 points
they didn't have sex-ed in his parents' time... which is why he would've been disallowed by his parents to attend the lesson(s)... don't get it? @Cunt
aDArthVINvad3r Veteran 11,776 points
I doubt anybody would even bat an eyelid... @Turd
Cunt Addicted 1,823 points
Not all people have sex ed today! but their kids turn out ok, or others have a privileged upbringing with expensive education to wipe out an entire school with machine guns. Can't blame the parents because of a nutjob or without knowing the parents history, education or whatever.  The USA needs education full stop and to fuck off with the failed gun rights. "I've got a right to carry".
You've got a right to fuck off and grow up ya gun slinging whacko.
aDArthVINvad3r Veteran 11,776 points
well, yeah... revising the gun rights would be nice, I believe... but I was saying if the parents did actually do that, they deserve to be blamed just as much.
Cunt Addicted 1,823 points
If an education or law isn't available the system has to blamed. I'd never blame my parents for my staring out the window during classes. Not all kids absorb it.
Turd Ferguson Veteran 13,589 points
What do you think would happen to the crime if the US got rid of their gun laws?
Cunt Addicted 1,823 points
Crime would reduce dramatically. The UK banned guns back in the 70s or 80s I think, there hasn't been a mass shooting since, gun crime is very low, banning guns will work. The problem are those automatic rifles, what kid needs an AR?
aDArthVINvad3r Veteran 11,776 points
I'm with @Cunt *for the lack of a better term* in this regard... easier access to destructive weapons can only spell trouble. It may not be the be-all and end-all for getting the violence under control, but failure to impose stringent laws against it certainly hasn't bode well... if history is any indication.
Cunt Addicted 1,823 points
Thank you. All laws need revising, they're mostly illegal!!!
And before any revision, society must change!
Turd Ferguson Veteran 13,589 points
Crime wouldn't reduce drastically, it would just be the criminals who have guns because they get them illegally in the first place. All you'd be doing is stripping the law-abiding citizens of a means of protection. The UK did ban guns, but there are more stabbings in London and Glasgow then there are here in Detroit. Following that logic, Americans would just buy more knives and machetes and shit and go ham. What do you do when that happens? Ban cutlery?
Cunt Addicted 1,823 points
It doesn't happen overnight.
Population of london 8.982 million
Population of Detroit 632,464
Detroit ended 2019 with 271 homicides
In 2019, the number of homicides reported in London reached 149, the highest in a decade. For probably the largest metropolitan city in the world and with over 8 million more residents, that's much lower. Scotland? I don't care lol.
Banning cutlery would be an idea until they can stop behaving like monkeys.
Turd Ferguson Veteran 13,589 points
Fair point. Of course it doesn't happen overnight, but the problem would be implementing that policy all over America. We can't even secure our own borders, much less get over 350 million people to give up their rights to own guns. The government 'buy back' programs here have ended up being a joke. Also, Tokyo is the largest metropolitan city in the world with over 32 million residents. London barely made the top 40 and I didn't see any American cities in the top 40 either. From 2015-2022, London has had a homicide rate of 14.5 per million people, which is actually really good. In 2022 there was 819 crimes per 1000 people in the City of London. That's 762% higher than the overall crime rate, making CoL the most dangerous borough. Detroit is a nigger wasteland. There really isn't a safe place to go in the city and there are some areas the police won't even come to. I agree that banning cutlery would be an idea, but how are we going to get them to stop behaving like monkeys?
Cunt Addicted 1,823 points
Yeah I meant to type one of the largest, but its power, it's a megacity on size not so much population. Greater London covers an area of 609 square miles (1,579 km²), making it one of the world's largest cities by area. Its primary geographical feature is the Thames, a navigable river which crosses the city from the southwest to the east.
The most globally powerful city in 2022 was London, followed by Tokyo as 3rd. As a city, London is still one of the most impressive and tightly knit areas. I think London and greater London are twice the size of NY? But anyway I'm merely saying that 9 million people with less murder than an area with way under 1 million, is impressive. Change can't happen straight away but I fear America is losing control of it's people.
Send them back to monkey land?
Turd Ferguson Veteran 13,589 points
No worries, I was just being pedantic. London is a damn big place. The island of Manhattan is barely 11 square miles, but New York is about 303 square miles. Detroit is only 143 square miles and 5 of that is water. Cities like Los Angeles get near London size. It's about 500 square miles if you round up. America has already lost control of its people. You could say they have a few screws loose, but those screws aren't loose; they're just gone. I seriously doubt there's any hope for us to recover from half a century of fuckery, a horde of shit races invading via "immigration", and niggers running wild. Sometimes I think we should take a page from Sharia Law and start amputating body parts for theft, or holding public executions. I like the way you think, but I would make one correction to your suggestion: seal them in the hold and make their destination of Monkey Land the deepest part of the Laurentian Abyss. Then we sink the ships. All hands lost. Monkey Land already has an overpopulation of niggers and their assorted varieties.
aDArthVINvad3r Veteran 11,776 points

If I were capable of crying, I'd pro'lly shed a tear for the fact both parties listened to what the other one had to say. GGWP, both ^^
I believe it's somewhat biased to see all Black-Americans living in the US with the same level of disdain just because majority of them have a profound penchant for unjustified violence, and disdainful disregard for law and authority... I'm not trynna' be the devil's advocate here, but I'm just hoping there's at least a handful of good 'uns out there...
Cunt Addicted 1,823 points
I think we need a purge war
Turd Ferguson Veteran 13,589 points
We do need a purge war. Desperately. It's okay to play devil's advocate, Darth. That's why I say "niggers" and not "black people". There's a huge difference, even if the people are few and far between. There's good and bad in every race.
Cunt Addicted 1,823 points
This is an impossible situation in the world.
Stay healthy, enjoy life!
aDArthVINvad3r Veteran 11,776 points
reminded me of this @Cunt:
aDArthVINvad3r Veteran 11,776 points
I shall note that for future reference, Sir Ferguson ^^
Cunt Addicted 1,823 points
Well spotted. I think he got all Artful Dodger when he met Charlie B.
Turd Ferguson Veteran 13,589 points
Am I missing something?
Cunt Addicted 1,823 points
It's just England chat, bro.
Turd Ferguson Veteran 13,589 points
Ah. Oliver Twist was a damn good book though. I thought the conversation might've shifted to Dickens. I'm gonna go back to being stoned since my remaining brain cell doesn't have to strain itself to recall 19th century English literature.
Cunt Addicted 1,823 points
Lmao! I'm hitting stardawg and gelato. I mentioned Artful Dodger because he got all up himself as if on cocaine, Charlie B is Charlie Boreman, Ewan McGregor's broseph. Charles Dickens is a genius, the movie Oliver is great stoned, good choice man.
Turd Ferguson Veteran 13,589 points
I love watching Oliver while stoned. I'm watching Evil Dead Rising right now. I've got dabs I made from Bruce Banner and Gorilla Glue 4. I've got some flower left, so I'm gonna re-up my supply of weed pills. I put three grams of super concentrated resin into empty gel caps. Best way to get fucked up, imo.
Cunt Addicted 1,823 points
Nice, you like hybrids then lol. I like getting shake or sifting it too. Can't resist the bubble hash either. I'd love to do gel caps but I take 14 pills a day to keep my heart pumping. One downside to having a heart attack is the THC heart dance on top of irregular heartbeats, so I have to spray nitro glycerine when the pain starts. Sucks.
Turd Ferguson Veteran 13,589 points
Damn, bro. That sucks. Hybrids are great, but I like straight indica too. I always have brownies or space cake or cookies laying around. I eat a lot of mushrooms and when I can get it, good LSD. I did some a few weeks ago and I decided to take a break when I spent three hours having a debate with my toilet and thought I could taste Mario Kart. Keep on with the shake and bubble hash. A nice indica like Purple Kush would be good for you. I've never had the heart dance with a pure Indica.
Cunt Addicted 1,823 points
Thanks, bro. Sounds like fun. I had that 1P-LSD as of late, its more an auditory sensation with managable hallucinations, but not as hardcore as the original LSD in the 90s. I love Indica but no matter what I try the heart wants to do the tangfantastic, lmao. Thanks for the suggestions, my friend. Have fun!
Turd Ferguson Veteran 13,589 points
Anytime bro. 1P is okay, but it's really mild. I like it when my curtains dance and crabs ask me to teach them to read. I'll tell you that story sometime. I feel bad that you can't enjoy your drugs properly. I hope you find a strain that doesn't fuck with your heart. You have fun too!
Cunt Addicted 1,823 points
Thanks, bro. Will look forward to reading that. It's a shit, I couldn't ever take stimulants etc but then I gave up cocaine a few years ago, after watching the carteld butchering each other. I can't invest into their terror. Such is life I guess, I'm becoming decrepit lol. Got green gelato and fat banana maturing as we speak ;-) all the best!!
FATHER TIME DEVOURER Overlord 6,404 points
+1 vote
Jun 26, 2023
niggerdickjunky Overlord 5,489 points
@FATHER TIME DEVOURER .Damn right brother! A dumb ass,white piece of garbage.May he burn in hell with his fellow scum.
FATHER TIME DEVOURER Overlord 6,404 points
White nigger deserve hell
Chicken_Lover The Boss 26,513 points
Agreed, its a good channel
+1 vote
Jun 26, 2023
Turd Ferguson Veteran 13,589 points
Why did he kill his kids?
+1 vote
Jun 27, 2023
niggerdickjunky Overlord 5,489 points
@Turd Ferguson. Simply because he was a white POS. Very common these days.
niggerdickjunky Overlord 5,489 points
Glad to see white people doing their part at being pieces of shit and not the nigs all the timw.Love the crackers!
+1 vote
Jun 27, 2023