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America is becoming the worst place in the world

6,145 views Jul 13, 2023

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FATHER TIME DEVOURER Overlord 6,400 points
Crazy people!!!!
+3 votes
Jul 13, 2023
Bobby The Blade Overlord 5,871 points
Anytime the niggers outnumber the whites, the community is shit.
Niggers fuck up every society they control, every neighborhood, city or nation.
oniiibak Advanced 2,714 points
@Bobby The Blade you say negros are the do you explain the shit going on in California and New Zealand and Poland as of present? Oh and what about this video that was recently posted here... rid of the benefits single mothers acquire for free and lock up the borders....70% of the problems in the country would be fixed but nope. There are very very powerful people benefittin from the destruction of this country; some are hidden and some are outright in the open
WhereDaWhiteHoesAt? Overlord 5,519 points
@oniiibak. don't bother replying to BobbyTheCockSucker. He is one of those coward racists who does not receive replies to their comments. There are couple of these losers.
randomuser1829228 6 points
FarmerFred2023 Natural Addict 7,665 points
This happens because America didn't control the pet population
+4 votes
Jul 13, 2023
StelioStelioKantos Advanced 2,657 points
So…holocausts, right? How is one of those fired up? Is there like a kickstarter for ridding the country of a specific 12.4% of the population or something maybe?
+1 vote
Jul 13, 2023
FarmerFred2023 Natural Addict 7,665 points
We need to clone Hitler back but in America
Cunt Addicted 1,821 points
Civil war would vaporize them, and I doubt anyone would want to retaliate against a nuclear superpower
sad1sta Advanced 2,804 points
to fix the n-word problem first someone would have to admit there is an n-word problem and nobody is gonna do that, political correctness is gonna fuck this country in the ass, hard... same thing is happening in europe in countries that welcome african immigrants, white people in france are proud to be tolerant... but they are scared to go outside even during the day
+1 vote
Jul 13, 2023
oniiibak Advanced 2,714 points
@FuckTheCoonmunity if you wanna bring up statistics....the population of black males in jail has dropped by 36%; 60% of black men are now in the middle class bracket in the USA; surprising huh? Of course...that 19% of the black male population is still doing a lot of crime and being re-released quickly from prison because the governments can't make money out of them. Also...that 19% are the ones these black females and a lot of these politically correct non black females are screwing; of course they don't have kids with em of course in some cases they get knocked up; but ultimately they ride that cock carousel then want ya to become captn save a howe when they become damaged goods. Well these woke folks and your governments wanted this to happen so....But isn't a similar situation already happening with the whites and the hispanics in the USA too? This isn't a black problem; it's a single mother and feminism problem
WhereDaWhiteHoesAt? Overlord 5,519 points
@FuckTheCoonmunity. The only fact you stated was that white men are evil. No more conversation.
oniiibak Advanced 2,714 points
....emmm....that looks like an area potentially filled with single mother households....
+1 vote
Jul 14, 2023
aDArthVINvad3r Veteran 11,746 points
I doubt having a father would make a meaningful impact on these wankers, mate...
Rumilov Well-Known 923 points
Legit nigger infested shitholes are those blue states
0 votes
Jul 14, 2023
Mr. Magoo Famous 4,362 points
The best place to live ever!
0 votes
Jul 14, 2023
IURII 4 65 points
We love USA keep going like that
+1 vote
Jul 15, 2023
Saysumptin The Boss 31,239 points
They need to sterilize all Coons
+1 vote
Jul 22, 2023
Nocturno Addicted 2,230 points
niggers need to be eradicated from earth
0 votes
Jul 25, 2023
LUCAS SOMBRIO☭ The Boss 48,573 points