Also, I hate it when Americunts refer to any one of the 50 US "states" as if it's a country. If a foreigner on the other side of the world asks you where you're from, and your answer is something like "Phoenix, Arizona!", then that foreigner would have every right to shoot you. Russia is a country, but "Pennsylvania" is not. Hear that, idiots at the sensationalist DailyMail? I'm pretty sure no one in Bangladesh knows what a "Kentucky" is. No, "Wisconsin" is not a country either. It's merely a subnational territory within a country. The US-centric mentality plaguing the internet is a deadly consequence of the USA existing in its own little bubble, isolated from the rest of the world.
The cop Noah Ball shot an unarmed 13 yr old who exited a stolen vehicle and ran. Surveillance and police body cam footage showed the 13 yr old child had stopped running and turned with his hands up to surrender to the policeman,when he was shot and is now paralyzed.