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Pictures of a hoe killed by a wild pack of puppies.

The woman’s dead body was left on the street. At first, the police suspected a rape, but after the investigation they concluded she was attacked by 15 dogs leading to a painful death.

9,018 views Aug 27, 2023

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chancho The Boss 28,832 points
yeah dogs pulled her panties down and raped her too
+4 votes
Aug 27, 2023
FuckThisWebsite69 The Boss 37,824 points
That was my thought! A wild pack of dogs or a wild pack of niggers? I guess we'll never know.
YoumuWTF Famous 3,950 points
Those Dogs deserve to be recognized
+4 votes
Aug 27, 2023
Chicken_Lover The Boss 26,493 points
I hope they charged her for animal abuse
+3 votes
Aug 28, 2023
fuckthelife Hacker 80,737 points
they did, and Dog eats Dog Lol
wolfred10 Overlord 5,178 points
Is it necessary for this to happen on the road so that no one notices?
+2 votes
Aug 28, 2023
aDArthVINvad3r Veteran 11,766 points
She's wearing Versace knickers... dafuq is she doing in stray dogs-infested locale...?
+5 votes
Aug 28, 2023
fuckthelife Hacker 80,737 points
and trust you to notice this Lol
aDArthVINvad3r Veteran 11,766 points
I've got the eagle eye, mate. Can't help it. I need just one glimpse to know what someone's wearing head to toe. Haha sounds creepy when I say it like that.
fuckthelife Hacker 80,737 points
Lol and I remember the days in the night clubs when women wore very short skirts and you cold see their panties hehehehe
aDArthVINvad3r Veteran 11,766 points
Haha whatever do you mean? They still do that shit. I dunno How "skimpier=sexier" makes sense to them, really. I personally believe one's sexiness quotient can only be derived from their attitude and personality. But that's just one man's opinion.
Antiheroin Veteran 11,768 points
Leave it to you brother to catch that! Hahaha!
aDArthVINvad3r Veteran 11,766 points
tsk... a corruptedly calculated joke at my expense... SMH haha
fuckthelife Hacker 80,737 points
haha Lol it is good when we can have a good laugh, one night I was in  Night club some girls came in wearing see through short skirts geeez man my eyes nearly popped out and my girl friend at the time grabbed my goolies and said to me don't even think about it the pain was was ten out of ten they were the days hahahahaha Lol
aDArthVINvad3r Veteran 11,766 points
It's kinda' hot when your woman makes you feel as though they own you, isn't it? Until that shit gets to their head, and they start treating you like you're wrapped around their little finger. Everything awful is all right in moderation, they say xD
fuckthelife Hacker 80,737 points
yeah I have been with them women who think they own you and want you to buy them every thing they see, I kept my money in my pocket and told the women to get stuffed and find some one ells and when I went to the night clubs some of the women bought me  the drinks all night had some really great times though, Lol
aDArthVINvad3r Veteran 11,766 points
Haha gigolo much, mate? I believe in the gentleman paying, unless it's an occasion that justifies her spending. I dunno ... Making a woman pay just feels wrong.
fuckthelife Hacker 80,737 points
Lol yeah I have been ripped of by a few women and learnt  the hard way once bitten twice shy as they say lol
aDArthVINvad3r Veteran 11,766 points
I'm sorry you had to go through that shit, mate. Women can be dangerous.
fuckthelife Hacker 80,737 points
three times now I have been taken to the cleaners and at the time lost every thing, but now I have a wife and been happily  married 26 years and we share every thing together and own our own house all paid for now I just met the right one at the time,
aDArthVINvad3r Veteran 11,766 points
Deary me, you've been married for almost as long I've existed. I must say I'm glad you finally found someone. I hope you'll continue to stay happy with her and vice versa.
I, personally, don't believe in marriage and long term relationships. I just don't think most humans are capable of being monagamous. I mean, I'm not. And expecting someone else (my 'girlfriend') to be one is just hypocritical. So yeah.
fuckthelife Hacker 80,737 points
every one has their own path in life to follow and some make it and some don't and I do have some of my friends who stay single and enjoy life and some of them are married, lol just like me and I do remember when I was single I used to stay out for days and some times weeks just having fun wow they were the days hahaha lol
aDArthVINvad3r Veteran 11,766 points
Yeah, well, I just don't think I'm a settle-dowm and start a family kinda' man.
Sounds to me as though you wish you still weren't married there haha I'm not judging, though. Haha you could have fun with your kids, though... Right?
fuckthelife Hacker 80,737 points
yeah some of my friends like to stay single and and at times I do wonder  what if I did stay single I know I would be having a really great time traveling about like I used to hehe from coast to coast, oh and all my kids have left home and now married and I see them once in a blue moon if i'm lucky and now I have a quite life now Lol
aDArthVINvad3r Veteran 11,766 points
Life's good, then? Have you retired already? I wonder if I'll make it to how old you are RN sometimes. I've decided to donate my body to science or just the individual organs upon recieving euthanasia. Pro'lly after I hit 50+ years old.
fuckthelife Hacker 80,737 points
sent you a pm,
Antiheroin Veteran 11,768 points
I feel the same way as you Darth. I suspect I'm older than you by our conversations, but I am in my late 30s and have never seen myself as having a wife or ever getting married.  I think I just enjoy my personal space too much.
aDArthVINvad3r Veteran 11,766 points
I believe it's more the 'fear of losing my way of life' than it's 'enjoying my space' sorta' thing for me, though. Think about it, you get married. Your life changes because you're living with a partner. Decisions need to be made in the household with considerations to both parties. Then a small 'un comes along. And yeah, you get the gist. Haha I don't fault you, brother mine. There's nothing wrong with not wanting to settle down.
Antiheroin Veteran 11,768 points
Yeah brother.  I've lived with 2 of my girlfriends before.  It is cool for a little , but then I start despising getting annoyed, lol.  My way of life is pretty boring now. I go to work, come home.  I'm absolutely fine with that.  I was nuts in my younger days and I have went out and done things that most people don't ever get to do.  Now, I'm just fine loving a simple life.  A woman wouldn't really interfere with that except for me enjoying my alone time.
aDArthVINvad3r Veteran 11,766 points
What's your take on the whole, "just haven't found the right one" shit? I believe, with every speck of my being, that 'true love' doesn't exist in this world at present. Or at any point in history of mankind, really. We're born selfish pricks. Some are good at masking their true intentions or are good at caring for others' needs. But that doesn't mean, for a second, that they aren't selfish at all. I mean, yeah... life as a hermit isn't necessarily everyone's cup of tea... and some find solace in other people's company...and that, too, is completely all right... but yeah... boils down to YMMV sorta' arrangement.
Antiheroin Veteran 11,768 points
My idea of "true love" is somebody that makes you not want anybody else.  Basically, doesn't exist in myeyes either.   I think no matter who you are with, no matter how much you love them, you will always yearn for somebody else.  So, I'm with you my brother.
aDArthVINvad3r Veteran 11,766 points
"Not want anybody else" is a phenomenon that lasts barely a fleeting moment, in the grand scheme of things. The end of Honeymoon phase hits like a motherfucking truck xD and the proverbial shite hits the metaphorical fan xD and the fact that they're breathing next to you begins to sicken you to the bone! You've got a few years over me... tell me, did you ever feel like you could settle down with any of the girls you were 'serious' with? and I don't mean... "oh, she's the keeper!" while she's fucking your brains out! Like you truly considered having her mother your kids, and grow old with her, and such-and-such haha
fuckthelife Hacker 80,737 points
it is nice to see what life is all about, when any one gets married just think of the dreaded mother in law Lol and all the wife's family eeeek life can be really a Bitch at times and really pick your words not to up set her or you will have the nag a Bag mother in law biting your heels hehe with her false teeth and hitting you with her Hand Bag, yeah like I said I have been taken to the cleaners three times and it sucks and nothing you can really do But suck it up and put Down to life's experience
aDArthVINvad3r Veteran 11,766 points
I hadn't even considered that before saying marriage isn't for me...haha I must've been under the impression that in-laws mind their own business and married 'uns go on and try living happily ever after. Haha Welp
Did you mean you had 3 prior marriage(s) before your latest? You dog, you! Haha I thought you meant women took advantage of you and robbed you after a night of booze-fuelled fiasco.
fuckthelife Hacker 80,737 points
haha Lol I had three long relationships 11 years and 5 years and 4 years and just wasted on these Bitches  they all took everything even the Kitchen sink lol my house was totally Emptied and even took my plant pots haha, if they could have taken the wall paper they would have
aDArthVINvad3r Veteran 11,766 points
Fucking 11 years. Deary me! My longest ever relationship hitherto... Almost 3 years. Haha and that girl wanted to control every aspect of my life. And for the most part, she fucking did. I let her. Because it felt as though that's the right thing to do. Fucking hell! I was just 17. Dafuq did I know! Haha I'd be like, "yeah, she's my future wifey, who will control my life if not she?" SMH. I reminisce and I can't help but laugh at my daft younger self. My life woulda' been miserable, if we hadn't severed our ties when we did.
Let's just be glad about the fact they actually left the house be, and restrained themselves from trying something foolish like set it on fire or stuff along those lines.
fuckthelife Hacker 80,737 points
yeah I was lucky in a way they just left the house in one piece when I opened the front door the house sounded really hollow that echo sound Lol