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Dumbass of the day


4,620 views Sep 1, 2023

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aDArthVINvad3r Veteran 11,738 points
of the day
+4 votes
Sep 1, 2023
epsilon Advanced 2,676 points
....... PERFECT!!
sad1sta Advanced 2,762 points
was this his first time on w bike?
+2 votes
Sep 1, 2023
HugMyCock69 Overlord 6,691 points
that is nice van i want i would have lady hug my penis with her vagjna in back is van for sell now i can buy and fix
+1 vote
Sep 1, 2023
Fuck Adolf Newsom Addicted 1,923 points
This happened in Malaysia. I bet the Madhatter Mohamed wishes the guy killed was Jewish. Screw Madhatter and his evil anti-Semitism! How the hell did such an evil person live to age 98?
+1 vote
Sep 1, 2023
Chicken_Lover The Boss 26,467 points
He probably drove an SUV
Fuck Adolf Newsom Addicted 1,923 points
Malaysia is considered a car-dependent country. It's in Asia, but does not have high-speed rail. That's unheard of! Most people in Malaysia drive motorcycles, but SUVs are also common. Let's face it, Madhatter Mohamad is a radical Muslim and economically socialist/Chinese-style communist (far-left) version of John Rosemond, who is a politially far-right white Christian-in-name-only who only cares about the gospel when it comes to beating children into submission (which isn't even in the Bible). Madhatter Mohamad is also a staunch proponent of physical discipline measures. Rosemond hates non-neurotypical people as much as Madhatter hates Jews. I consider myself a libertarian, so definitely closer to the right than the left, but I still hate all politics and won't hesitate to call out both sides on their stupid bullshit.
cacao Famous 3,923 points
that litle subaru is cool car
0 votes
Sep 2, 2023
Billthebutcher Grandmaster 151,930 points
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