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Cultural enrichment in Milan.

6,357 views Oct 4, 2023

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fuckthelife Hacker 80,558 points
by letting these stinking  monkey apes into your country this is what Happens  these apes need to be wiped out
+3 votes
Oct 4, 2023
Adelf Hitlor Omega 22,514 points
fuckthelife Hacker 80,558 points
and all towns and city's need signs like this all over the place and tell niggers go back home to the jungle
FightForWhatsWhite Advanced 2,385 points
they come to our countries, steal our shit, steal our women and turn our young boys into pedos, cucks, simps, incels, weebs, soya sauce boys or bloody "women" cos they're too afraid of going outside because of these threatening niggers! And our women are becoming fat and Woke cos they only want that nigger dick, it's ruining us and White culture because we are becoming more woke and faggoty every day!
fuckthelife Hacker 80,558 points
very true brother, niggers just wreck and ruin a civilized country's where ever they go they have no meaning to life as we know it the world is becoming a slum now because of these  apes
FightForWhatsWhite Advanced 2,385 points
Thats why im all for trans niggers/niglets. They should be the ones castrating their kids and turning them into faggoty pedos, not us!
fuckthelife Hacker 80,558 points
i'm with you brother
Adelf Hitlor Omega 22,514 points
Borderline intellectual functioning, previously called borderline mental retardation (in the ICD-8), is a categorization of intelligence wherein a person has below average cognitive ability (generally an IQ of 70–85), but the deficit is not as severe as intellectual disability (below 70).
FightForWhatsWhite Advanced 2,385 points
@Adelf Hitlor these fuckers are rubbing off us! We're supposed to be smarter but you see all this woke retarded shit happening in the West, we're dumbing ourselves down or castrating our children, advocating trans and fag shit whilst eating vegan food since too many white people are afraid of meat, wtf. These niggers are retarded but at least they're smart enough to not allow this woke gay shit. That fag would already be burning in a tire, whilst we throw celebrations for them. We're the smartest but our people also are doing the most stupidest woke gay shit
Fuck Adolf Newsom Addicted 1,923 points
@Adelf no surprise Equatorial Guinea is worst. That place is a brutal dictatorship, but Adolf Newsom's reich is still much worse because at least EQ abolished its death penalty and doesn't best kids to death. Adolf Newsom executes his political opponents.
Fuck Adolf Newsom Addicted 1,923 points
Go the fuck back to Africa!
+3 votes
Oct 4, 2023
Phlegm Addicted 2,099 points
What the fuck are these niggers doing in Italy? I hope there aren't any in the eternal city or I will lose faith in humanity.
+1 vote
Oct 5, 2023
NebuJlN Veteran 14,200 points
Which "Milan"? We have 15 locations around the world with that name.
0 votes
Oct 5, 2023
Fuck Adolf Newsom Addicted 1,923 points
Italy, duh. The only real Milan. Not some stupid shitty-ass car-centric sprawling suburb in the USA, like the fake Rome in the fake Georgia.
FightForWhatsWhite Advanced 2,385 points
these gorillas come to our countries, steal our women and our shit, turning young lads into pedos, cucks, simps, incels, weebs, soy boys or bloody trannies! That shit doesn't go down in Africa, they'd already be set on fire and shoved in a tire. Too many young lads are afraid of going outside because of these niggers! And our women are becoming fat and Woke cos they only want that monkey dick, it's ruining us and White culture because we are becoming more woke and faggoty every day whilst these niggers are growing exponentially, as well as taking/converting our women and children
+2 votes
Oct 5, 2023
LUCAS SOMBRIO☭ The Boss 48,568 points