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Afghanistan Man Got Caught Raped Young Woman And Boy

A bastard Afghan man who raped a young Iranian woman and boy in Iran was punished

54,207 views Oct 19, 2023

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diedinjuly Veteran 11,638 points
damn i thought those shitbags only fucked goats and sheep.
+1 vote
Oct 19, 2023
Saysumptin The Boss 33,141 points
I say rip his dick off so he doesn't do it again
0 votes
Oct 19, 2023
yousirname Advanced 2,595 points
0 votes
Oct 19, 2023
Shiva Natural Addict 7,753 points
Punishment ? U islamophobe who are u to punish us muslims ? only allah can judge us and punish us.
Allah said our all sins will be wiped out if pray 5 times a day. I have butchered babies, fucked 6 year olds and raped women and all those sins will be wiped out because i pray 5 times to allah.
 Also i will get 72 more to rape in heaven. Insaluallah.
Nukelindusandjews 85 points
Pee drinkers what about your religion fucking putting milk on stone and asking for 8 years old to rape or to scam a white after death we will come again in a new avatarr krishna who looks line avater movie character and how many and who told u that after praying tor sins get wiped for example u killed someone or I raped peacie of shit stick to your dirty stinky religion u talk about rape even your neubors girl who is 6 years old not Dave from u pedo stinky ass talks about islam and when a again stands in front of u irl u will piss in your pants like your cow god does on your face and u drink it like energy drink flirts commonly crime and then take bath with cow piss all sins wiped out yeah or say gay shre ram ur sins are wiped out lindus are failed in religion and are failed society next time don’t talk about Islam  dog shit
Shiva Natural Addict 7,753 points
Speak with reference coward pedophile and devil worshipper, u product of
nikah halalal whore culture. [sahih muslim 1433f]

Cow piss is nowhere mentioned in Hindu holy text.

Meanwhile drink halal camel piss and dung and cure diseases and also cancer :- Sahih bukari 5686

Also drink urine and excreta of prophet pedophile slave dealer rapist muhammad to be protected from hellfire and cure stomach ailments.

Reference :-
Prophet muhammad's urine is considered to be medicine to:-

1) cure stomach ailments
2) protect the muslims from hellfire

Reference :-

Peshab-e-mubharak wallahi hahahah
Shiva Natural Addict 7,753 points
Gay ? U want me to prove ur prophet muhammad was gay with reference from ur own books ? Hmm OK

Proof that prophet mohd allowed anaI :- Prophet muhammad  willingly got gangbanged by african BBC's in the middle of the forest in namaz (doggy) style and moaned kuranic verses. Nigger africans nailed nabi's hole all night long and made his body ache in pain.

Reference: Musnad Imam Ahmed Bin Hanbal (english translation). Volume no. 3 , Hadeeth number 3788
Nukelindusandjews 85 points
Li du dick sucker dont give me reference from here and there which we Muslims don’t know about trying to prove our religion is bad  lindu u littereally worship gay and lesbian god shiva and drink cow pee who is disgusting lindus who rape new born goddammit suck my dick and I’ll give u some masculine cum hahahahahahahahhahascammees pajeets
Shiva Natural Addict 7,753 points
I know goat rapist, even u feel ashamed of ur nigger pedophile gay prophet's deeds which are mentioned in ur hadees. So much ashamed that u start rejecting sahih hadees from Musnad Imam ahmad.
No hindu text says to drink cow pee. Its just some idiot mfs that exist in every society.

But camel urine cures cancer according to sahih hadees 5686. Packaged camel urine is sold in most of arab country markets and mullas in youtube even show how to mix it with milk and drink it.
Shiva Natural Addict 7,753 points
Not only camel urine. During the time of ur prophet people used to drink his piss and extreta to cure stomach ailements and protect themselves from hellfire :-

Reference :-

Imam Suyuti’s narrations[1]

1. Imam Jalal al-Din Suyuti reports from Tabarani and Bayhaqi who narrate from Hukaymah bint Umaymah (May Allah be pleased with her) with an authentic chain of transmission, she said, ‘the Prophet (May Allah shower peace and blessings on Him) had a wooden bowl in which He used to urinate and was placed under His bed. One night, He searched for it but did not find it and asked for it saying, ‘where is the bowl?’ The members of the house replied ‘Umm Salamah’s slave girl Barrah drank from it’ who came from Habashah with her. The Prophet replied, ‘surely she has protected herself from the fire with a great wall’’’.

2. Imam Jalal al-Din Suyuti reports from Abu Ya’la, Hakim, Dar Qutni, Tabarani and Abu Nu’aym from Umm Ayman May Allah be pleased with her, who said, ‘the Prophet got up one night and urinated in a bowl. During that night, I rose in the state of thirst so I drank whatever was in the bowl. In the morning I told Him what I had done to which He smiled and said, ‘surely you will never have pain in your stomach’’. Abu Ya’ala’s wordings are as follows, ‘you will never feel stomach pain as of today’.
Shiva Natural Addict 7,753 points
Lesbian god ? Masculine cum ?

Is allah male or female ?
Idk but allah ejaculates on all dead bodies on the day of judgement :-

Allah's semen :-

Al-Mustadrak 'ala al-Sahihayn / kitab alfitan walmalahim / The resurrection of the dead and the blowing of images / Part 5 / Page no. 697 / Talk number 8566 / Abdullah bin Masoud told :-

 "فيرسل الله ماء من تحت العرش كمني الرجال"

"Allah sends water from under the throne as the semen of men, so their flesh and their bodies grow"

Shiva Natural Addict 7,753 points
Masculine cum ? Ur prophet suffered from premature ejaculation. He used to leak semen in his clothes everyday. His 6 year old child wife aysha used to scratch mohammad's semen from his clothes. WHAT A NASTY FAGGOT

Reference :-

It was narrated that 'Aishah said:
"I often scraped it (semen) from the garment of the Messenger of Allah with my hand."

-sunan ibn majah 537
Nukelindusandjews 85 points
Hahah the fact that pajeet lindus live on monkey gods semen , cow peee  avery animal u see if pajeet Hindus god what the fuck is this behaviour pajeet monkey is your god u eat it’s poop cow is your god I eat cow meat u drinks it’s pee show me a video Muslim drinking camel pee pajeet if this was the case I will never say that lindu drink pee and make fun of them but still Hindus are the most unhigenic creatures on the earth fucking eating ashes and left over bones after burning your dead bodies   Fucking krishna who has 3000 or some wife’s u call my prophets pedo pindu pajeet even your father is looking to rape some 6 years old girl lol u uneducated piece of shit pee drinker  u tube is full of u pajeets drinking cow pee and taking bath in cow dunk disgusting pajeets say a lot of tuff stuff online on internet in real life if a pajeet meets a Muslim like me the pajeets can’t even speak pajeet shit  in their pants hahahahahah i am pajeets nightmare the fact that pajeets worship bisexual god who drink each others semen what ever u do pajeet you will remain low life and live one  pajeet talk about mills one mills equal to 1000 pajeet understan  that ? Milk with water we mix I agree pajeet but u mix pee with milk u don’t even drink milk from cow mata straight u eat his shit and I eat your mata cow beeef tasty hahahahah pee drinker drink my pee I will let u but not too much also make toilet for your home and stop popping on roads and lifting other countries baals saaaarar phulll sappart saaar  india  sappart Israel saaar please mention india also saarara Peice of shit pajeet
Nukelindusandjews 85 points
We worship one god Hindus  faggots worship every fucking ani al monkey , cow , rat , elephant  we worship one pajeets bow down under the dick and touch every fucking one’s feet and lick them we don’t do that bow in front of god not infront of everyone pajeet celebrate when the get more cow pee then usual fucking faggot pajeet hindu eating cow pop i another topic pajeet  respeact others religion lindus are jealous because Muslims have strong faith and not the  stories like u told about your gods that they drank cow semen elephant semen and each others semen disgusting pajeet
Literally drinks cow pee what else can I say can’t even think of that Mr pajeet u eat paniputi with cow semen hahahalol saaaar hello bhaiii I drink cow peee please will u be my friend fuck no stay away pajeets are disease stay away 10 feet from me I will never let any pajeet come near me fucking rip him
Shiva Natural Addict 7,753 points
I can't even understand what ur writing. Bro calm down hahahaha.

Now go and drink camel urine

Malibogsila Intermediate 1,499 points
Another dick head in the making
0 votes
Oct 19, 2023
TheHound Natural Addict 7,178 points
Bachi bazi (kid fucking) is still practiced in Afghanistan, but the punishment is death.
+1 vote
Oct 19, 2023
Shiva Natural Addict 7,753 points
U western hypocrite islamophobes on this site insalullah u will burn in helfire while i enjoy 72 virgins in heaven alhamduliah.

What this man did is permissible according to kuran so who are u western idiots to call it rape ?
Consent is a liberal western american concept that wants to destroy our family.
Consent is haram in islam alhamduliah.

 "silence of a woman is her consent".

- [Sahih bukari 6946]
0 votes
Oct 19, 2023
TheHound Natural Addict 7,178 points
Did you know that Ilam was founded in Petra, Jordan and not in Mecca? It's true. So, five times a day you get down and pray towards a location where absolutely nothing happened regarding Islam in the early in the early 7th century
Shiva Natural Addict 7,753 points
Bruh i know and i m joking. I m not muslim.
Cyrus_Of_Arabia 7 points
You mean Islam who created and founded by a Psychopatic prophet who fabricated the bible, copying the doctrines and practice of Judaism and Zoroastrian? He even stole theories from previous scientist and wrote it in Qur'an. He is a genius deceiver Hahahaha.
Shiva Natural Addict 7,753 points
Yeah ur right.
WhiteCrow High Lord 300,271 points
he get bored raping goats
+1 vote
Oct 19, 2023
Dobry69 Veteran 14,445 points
a women wasn't enough for that mf
0 votes
Oct 19, 2023
Shiva Natural Addict 7,753 points
Lmao. Are u ok @marineskiller faggot ? Hahaha
0 votes
Jun 23, 2024
Tex011 Experienced 476 points
0 votes
Dec 26, 2024
Yucky Lord Paramount 457,993 points