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Hamas militants emerge from Tunnel fire RPG's at Israeli tanks


7,775 views Nov 1, 2023

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Dobry69 Veteran 14,418 points
cool warhead they used very powerful good stuff
+3 votes
Nov 1, 2023
Nukelindusandjews 85 points
Nuke israil Les goo Hamas very good .
+3 votes
Nov 1, 2023
Shiva Natural Addict 7,721 points
No chooslim country has nuclear technology including pak's rotten junk.
Because education is haram in pisslam. Nuclear is a kuffar technology, u can use camel piss to invent something.
Dobry69 Veteran 14,418 points
ButtholSquireBrah Addicted 1,570 points
Oh no!!! Random Twitter chud!!!! How will @Shiva recover from such a screenshot! The horror!!!!! AHHHHHH!!!!
Dobry69 Veteran 14,418 points
he can't!!
ButtholSquireBrah Addicted 1,570 points
Let's go to India and kidnap him
Dobry69 Veteran 14,418 points
you are sick thinking about going to India
Dobry69 Veteran 14,418 points
ButtholSquireBrah Addicted 1,570 points
You trying to find a place to shit in your future endeavors to India
Dobry69 Veteran 14,418 points
use indians themselves as toilets, shit in their mouths they like
ButtholSquireBrah Addicted 1,570 points
they have a high tech floating morgue, shitter, and bathroom all in one constantly flowing stream of turbid murky water.

We are far behind resourceful India.
Shiva Natural Addict 7,721 points
Yogev nitzan is a fake twitter account run by pakistani and already debunked lol. Cope.
Shiva Natural Addict 7,721 points
I would rather choose to be born in a infrastructurally less developed country than be born in a developed faggot cesspool to a polygamaous whore.
TheHound Natural Addict 7,167 points
I would never side with those goatfuckers. For centuries, the ottomans (Islamists) raided the west, and enslaved/raped/murdered between one and three million white Christians.. what they did to black Africans was ten times worse. Black boys chosen to work in a household were castrated.  islamists don't want to play nice.  They want to kill or enslave everyone until the entire world is Muslim (true). That is why the phrase "Islam is a religion of peace" is laughable.
Dobry69 Veteran 14,418 points
ottomans = turks

Palestinians = arabic

not the same thing
Shiva Natural Addict 7,721 points
Both are muslims same shit different asshole and ur favorite thing to gulp down.

"I love and support white civilised 5 times bathing muslims" hahahaha
Dobry69 Veteran 14,418 points
TheHound Natural Addict 7,167 points
I don't understand your point.  This is a discussion about Islam. Ottomans and Palestinians are/were both Islamic, and believe the same things.  They have to, as under Islamic law, questioning {or even defacing) the Quran, is punishable by death. It is akin to saying to someone "do what we say, and believe what we say, or we will kill you."

That is Islam in a nutshell.  I think that is why there was such intellectual decay in the Mediterranean.  In the ancient world, the Med could lay claim to those great philosophers like Socrates, Plato, Aristotle, and Pythagorus.  The Great Library of Alexandria, one of the the great wonders of the ancient world, was on the med.  Once "they" showed up, the Great Library burned down*,  and anyone who questioned the Quran([philosophers)  was put to death.  That is why, ever since, the Mediterranean has been an intellectual black hole.  Proof for my point, here is a map of countries of the world by IQ.  Now how did the Med go from the western heart of intellectualism, to this:

The average IQ for those non-Western countries in the Med are in the 70s and 80s.  What happened between the time of the Great Library and those philosophers who provided wisdom that echoed through the ages? If you are from that region, I know I am going to have to spell it out for you - Islam.  IMO, it was for two reasons.  First, they squashed intellectual thought.  Anyone who dared to challenge Islam were killed, or were chased out of the region.  If only stupid people are left, they are much more likely to have stupid babies.  Second, Islamic countries allow for incestuous maraiges.

I have more to say on the issue, but this should be enough for you to chew on for now.
Dobry69 Veteran 14,418 points
damn fr? that's crazy!!
Nukelindusandjews 85 points
lol  technology is forbidden in Hinduism’s u can use cows dung and pee or . Fuck education in lundism  we will learn English by scamming who wants to merry we wil complete desires by rapeing no problem saaar who needs hospitals we will care by cow shit and pee .
Nukelindusandjews 85 points
Shut up india is the most hygienic countery Saar don’t u dare say something about it
Nukelindusandjews 85 points
It’s a religious thing Peice of shit no one cares what u say marriage and everything it’s us we’re doing not asking u now to to your sister only fan account whose getting fucked by ten black nigger and jerk off lol  fucking jealous of Islam barking her fuck y’all we will not stop and your bitch wants to go to Dubai abu dabi whose running it your mother ? Us hahahah next time don’t bark what your religion btw Christian and your gay that’s it about Christianity lol
TheHound Natural Addict 7,167 points
I am venturing a guess, but I think you were very high or drunk when you posted this.
Shiva Natural Addict 7,721 points
Dubai and abu dhabi are not even a bit islamic HAHAHAHA. Prostitution, alcohol, gambling, clubs are haram in islamic countries right ? But all of them are allowed there. Dubai and Abu dhabi run on oil money and immigrants not pisslamic sharia shit.

57 pisslamic countries and not once u insects could complete ur dream making a sharia law country caliphate country. Lol. U bomb each others mosques and rape each others women calling each other kuffar. Hahah
Shiva Natural Addict 7,721 points
If any religion that hates technology most that would be chuslam. Flying donkey burak, flat earth, cutting moon into two halves, sun setting in mud pool, pedophilia, sex slavery, raping non muslim women, abusing muslim women every dirt in this world is from satanic verse book of kurand.

Stop overdosing on camel urine and urine ur pedophile prophet.
Nebuchadnezzar Well-Known 958 points
Lucifer akbar! You cannot combat evil with evil! Alah or God has nothing to do with this conflict
+1 vote
Nov 1, 2023
Shiva Natural Addict 7,721 points
allah = demon

demands worship, threatens with hellfire, tempts with materialistic cheap desires of sex after death, says to be immoral to non muslims, promotes pedophilia, rape, sex slavery, terrorism against those who don't worship him, doesn't judge u on ur deeds like real God would, judges u on whether u kill other people and spread his cult or not.
Nebuchadnezzar Well-Known 958 points
You're partly right mate, because the concept of God varies among different religions and belief systems. "Allah" is the Arabic word for God and is primarily used in the Islamic faith. In monotheistic religions, the belief is in one supreme deity, and different cultures and faiths may refer to this deity by different names, such as "God" in Christianity or "Yahweh" in Judaism. While the names may differ, the underlying idea is often a belief in a single, all-powerful, and all-knowing deity. The perception of whether these names refer to the same God or not can vary among individuals and religious scholars! That's why I said Alah or God has nothing to do with this conflict;)
TheHound Natural Addict 7,167 points
If I thought that 72 women for eternity thing was real, I would sign up to be a Muslim right now.
ButtholSquireBrah Addicted 1,570 points
White liberals and blacks often falsely credit blacks with the accomplishments of white people. For example, they claim blacks invented the traffic light, the blood bank and air conditioning when these things were invented by whites. They do the same thing with music. They claim blacks created the blues, jazz, rock and roll and rap and that white people "stole" this music from blacks. If there was any stealing done it was done by blacks from whites.

The blues came from the British Isles. An early blues song is Greensleeves. Greensleeves is a song about a man who was taken advantage of by a woman and then rejected. It dates from the late 1500s.
+1 vote
Nov 1, 2023
Serialkill4 Addicted 1,804 points
allahsnackbar must be proud
+2 votes
Nov 2, 2023
Nukelindusandjews 85 points
Just like your sister and mother s gets happy after a black nigger with long dick fucks them all night lol what can be expected from Christian’s mad your gay ass can’t do nothing lol
SNIFF MY BUTTCRACK Overlord 6,124 points
Arab chads executing a perfect 110 for us to witness. Until victory, freedom fighters !
+1 vote
Nov 2, 2023
Nukelindusandjews 85 points
Wassapp pajeet I’m back 2gbram = devil In lindus ball lifters book bhagwat Gita it clearly says that there god are bisexual lol . These pee drinkers even scam in there religion and earn money calling stage actors and giving them Money to act as the planned and make other pajeet looks like he has some powers Every lindus dream job is call center man dond redeem card maam lol Every Hindu wants to rape girl it’s his fantasy because it’s taught by hindushitism religion . Hinduism is the most disgusting religion in the history and world drinking pee eating shit is common tourist can be arrested if they will poop in toilet pooping on road is a sings that u love Hinduism Hinduism causes terrorism and blames on Muslims or pakistan that pakistan did it if u can’t notice that a pakistani has entered in your countery and has guns and everything then your military and government is shit lol and India’s biggest nightmare is Pakistan fucking pee drinkers I’ll kill and chutiya lindu pindu with know I will behead him anywhere any time fuck lundism nuke Hindus and Jews before it’s too late I can’t live with the smell of curry that will be spread all over the world in some years damn kill them @shiva I wan your nightmare hhahahahahahahahfuckhinfus eatpooop and talk shit hahahahha
+1 vote
Nov 4, 2023
Shiva Natural Addict 7,721 points
I didn't read all ur madrasa shit. But i would like to say this,
We already raped pakistan 4 times in war and created a rape baby called bangladesh. Brave pisslamic soldiers surrendered. Because cowardism is in ur DNA. U have big mouth on internet but run away like chickens in battefield from Hindus. U wouldn't do shit to a Hindu. Thats why u seethe under our name.

Eating camel piss and dung to cure cancer is said by ur prophet. Also drink his piss to protect urself from hellfire.
Sahih bukari 5686

There are 157 terrorist organisations in the world all of them follow the words of ur devil cult kurand not Bhagwad geeta.

Now go and eat camel poop.
Nukelindusandjews 85 points
Saaarr om Indian hindu Saar I worship monkey looking god and a god with elephant head sirr what the fuck a good with fucking 20 heads to blowjob other gods and fucking has uncle shiva and mr krishna god who looks like a avatar cheater then lindus pour milk on a rock shivling lol what kind of religion is this in which u have caste pajeets with higher cast and lower casts wtf one god cut the head of his son by mistake then he ran and brink an elephant head and attached to it now he’s known as Ganesh lol u have then the main god cow  pajeet Hindus scums worship them while I eat them fucking 100 countries does and enjoy it pajeets are the biggest suppliers of cow
Nukelindusandjews 85 points
Hahah lol lindus literally drinks pee mix with cow cum and eats cow poop and me eating it’s meat have cow DNA what shot logic is this pajeet wtf is wrong with u mr pajeet pee drinker not even me do u know how many countries eats cow meat but don’t drink k it’s pee bcz pee is for u good is for us bad we leave for Hindus to survivehahah now tun on u tube no one run from Hindus but does from the stinky curry smell that’s what the india army eat so that they can kill with smell so fuck that mr pajeet remember when your ugly ass pilot came to pakistan on his toy jet we fucked him and then gave him tea mixed with our pee tea was fantastic lol bro said then we ga e the smelly stinky creature back  to the shirts on India Hindus are afraid of Muslim army runs like a rat runs from
Cat lol while world hates pajeet u can’t change that doesn’t matter whatever u do india is a son of British empire and they are your father so obey them pajeet obey them and now go and drink cow pee after that export  it for us  now I have to go eat beef kebab see u hahahh
Shiva Natural Addict 7,721 points
Not reading any camel dung kurand
Nukelindusandjews 85 points
Saaarr om Indian hindu Saar I worship monkey looking god and a god with elephant head sirr what the fuck a good with fucking 20 heads to blowjob other gods and fucking has uncle shiva and mr krishna god who looks like a avatar cheater then lindus pour milk on a rock shivling lol what kind of religion is this in which u have caste pajeets with higher cast and lower casts wtf one god cut the head of his son by mistake then he ran and brink an elephant head and attached to it now he’s known as Ganesh lol u have then the main god cow  pajeet Hindus scums worship them while I eat them fucking 100 countries does and enjoy it pajeets are the biggest suppliers of cow it means you sell your god lmao in the world pajeets pee drinkers export beef son china they eat ( Hanuman ) then pajeets use elephants for work and also pajeet like shiva peiece of shit cock sucker exports beef after eating cows shit and drinking pee the fact that u there only india where the religion Hinduism exists or in Nepal lundism religion  is just joke nothing else u nonsense religion there children’s do not what Bhagwan Gita is they just know we have to relate scam and drink pee when we will grow up lol no one wants to be Hindu cause they know then they have to eat there own shit understand mr shiva pee drinker and when is the cow shit party coming ? Are u excited
+1 vote
Nov 5, 2023
Shiva Natural Addict 7,721 points
Abdul is having a stroke. Write one proper sentence which makes sense and is readable.
This just looks like i triggered u so hard that u ciuldn't even reply back properly. U wrote this with ur hands shaking and mouth drooling.

Isn't it piss drinking abdul ?