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Palestinian citizen showing dead people from the Al-Shifa hospital raid

November 15, 2023


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4,965 views Nov 15, 2023

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Ronchebal Advanced 2,350 points
Dont cry, Hamas is getting exactly the response they hoped for from the babykiller Israelies
More dead = More media coverage and more anti Zionism across the globe
+4 votes
Nov 15, 2023
AssholDikSquire Famous 3,255 points
when the skull of a Palestinian gets bashed in by rubble from a bomb blast I teehee like a lil ole's funny cuz they r dead.  Jews can die anyway and it will always give me a's also funny cuz they R dead TEEHEE
Ronchebal Advanced 2,350 points
Fed up with the disruption all over the world thanks to these feuding idiot tribes..
Sad about the innocents although I don´t really give a fuck about any of them
AssholDikSquire Famous 3,255 points
Idontlikeblkppl Famous 3,638 points
Who cares either way? Fuck everyone
chancho The Boss 28,802 points
he should be grateful to the idf: they died as martyrs and are with allah now
+3 votes
Nov 15, 2023
AssholDikSquire Famous 3,255 points
yeah that's cool and all but
+1 vote
Nov 15, 2023
Idontlikeblkppl Famous 3,638 points
Why are only children dying? I think the parents are killing these snot nosed brats to free themselves of the burden.
+3 votes
Nov 15, 2023
liveforentertainment Advanced 2,410 points
they are moslems. They don't think. They don't love. They just believe.
Israel is doing the world a favour here.
Antiheroin Veteran 11,748 points
They only kept them around for sex anyways
liveforentertainment Advanced 2,410 points
if you store weapons in a hospital, it is not a hospital anymore.
The laws of war and international law are pretty simple in that regard:
you put military gear in a hospital, it is not protected anymore and a valid target.

Of course HAMAS puts lots of people in there to die. For propaganda. Because HAMAS does not care about Palestinians. They are just retarded, corrupt arseholes.

Overall, Israel did everything right and should be applauded to not bow down to terrorists and their dirty tactics.
+3 votes
Nov 16, 2023
Mommy69 Intermediate 1,403 points
Can I get a vote so I can vote
+3 votes
Nov 16, 2023
Mommy69 Intermediate 1,403 points
Or 2?m??
+3 votes
Nov 16, 2023
affectionate rock Beginner 112 points
play stupid games win stupid prizes
+3 votes
Nov 16, 2023
liveforentertainment Advanced 2,410 points
well, maybe supporting HAMAS, murdering jews and playing meat shield was not a smart idea?

Palestinians are scum. Wherever they go, they cause trouble. It would be best for the world at large if Israel just killed them all.
0 votes
Dec 2, 2023
Serialkill4 Addicted 1,796 points
N don't forget to slurp treshlah 4 boon
0 votes
Dec 19, 2023
WhiteCrow High Lord 300,072 points