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nigger gets stabbed over sauce

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7,255 views Nov 16, 2023

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Idontlikeblkppl Famous 3,638 points
Good morning
+2 votes
Nov 16, 2023
WhereDaWhiteHoesAt? Overlord 5,519 points
I understand over fried chicken....but  come on
+4 votes
Nov 16, 2023
Serialkill4 Addicted 1,796 points
fired be that anagram
Turd Ferguson Veteran 13,567 points
Of course the fat one stabbed the skinny one, they're at KFC or something. The real question is this: Was the sauce ranch or honey mustard?
+4 votes
Nov 16, 2023
Antiheroin Veteran 11,748 points
It was hot sauce, I guarantee it!
Turd Ferguson Veteran 13,567 points
But hot sauce doesn't have any calories. I feel this fat bitch would only expend energy for something of high caloric, low nutritional value, like ranch. Maybe it was hot sauce and ranch...
Antiheroin Veteran 11,748 points
If it's chicken it has to be hot sauce because that is how they all eat it
Adelf Hitlor Omega 22,520 points
Fatty wanted to get served first
Turd Ferguson Veteran 13,567 points
I know, I live in Detroit. I see hot sauce fights all the time. However, this elephant seems the type to need ranch with her hot sauce. I agree with you, I'm just sayin' she's too fat for hot sauce alone to be the cause.
Turd Ferguson Veteran 13,567 points
You may be on to something Adelf.
chancho The Boss 28,806 points
dunn fuck with the fixins fo mah chickin
+3 votes
Nov 16, 2023
Saysumptin The Boss 31,239 points
You know when you are in the hood when plexiglass dividers are in fast food joints. Damn.... Never thought I would see it. How embarrassing
+5 votes
Nov 16, 2023
Mommy69 Intermediate 1,403 points
Can I get a vote so I can vote?
Sauce is worth killin for
I new to this site, any pointers??
+4 votes
Nov 16, 2023
Nigger cat Intermediate 1,117 points
Niggers aren't human
(Chimp monkey)
AssholDikSquire Famous 3,255 points
I liked your comment because I genuinely feel bad for you pathetic
Ryan2883 Addicted 2,052 points
@Mommy69 You should come up with clever/funny/insightful comments that are worth a vote instead of begging, don't be pathetic. Voting is over rated anyway.
Mommy69 Intermediate 1,403 points
Get over yourself faggot
Mommy69 Intermediate 1,403 points
Or 2??m
+3 votes
Nov 16, 2023
affectionate rock Beginner 112 points
I can fix him
+3 votes
Nov 16, 2023
Antiheroin Veteran 11,748 points
Did she just stab her?  I could have sworn that I heard that she just stabbed her, but I'm not 100% sure
+4 votes
Nov 16, 2023
Turd Ferguson Veteran 13,567 points
Yeah, the fat one stabbed the skinny one over sauce.
Antiheroin Veteran 11,748 points
Lol I'm joking because that bitch filming kept saying "she just stabbed her, she just stabbed her, she just stabbed her"
CatStar Famous 3,542 points
aren't sauces free anyways?
+2 votes
Nov 16, 2023
Ryan2883 Addicted 2,052 points
@CatStar Niggers would rather steal than take something that's free.
aqualung Veteran 10,854 points
red shoes with blue suit is a terrible look
+2 votes
Nov 16, 2023
ejirpx7529^$* 59 points
imagine being so fat and blamerickan that you stab someone over your shitty little sugar sauce bc you cant fuel your diabetus enough
+2 votes
Nov 16, 2023
WhiteCrow High Lord 300,072 points