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Stupid Husband Abusing His Wife


37,304 views Nov 22, 2023

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OyVeyRabbi The Boss 28,087 points
New commercial for the EZ Inflate Double Delux Air Mattress
+1 vote
Nov 22, 2023
CatStar Famous 3,648 points
Would buy if that would be an real commercial
Nebuchadnezzar Well-Known 962 points
She is clever that recorded this mother fucker, reckless idiot, bastard! He deserves the hell of the prison! What a fucking rat!
+2 votes
Nov 22, 2023
marineskiller Famous 4,064 points
Soft heart bitch
Shiva Natural Addict 7,783 points
@marineskiller rape is a sensitive issue for everyone except pedophile sex slave rapist muhammad followers.
marineskiller Famous 4,064 points
Hahaah man you're having brain problem with me following me on every comment section
marineskiller Famous 4,064 points
How do you feel when you see yourself in mirror ?! Not a white not a black but rather a shitty skin with super ugly features
Shiva Natural Addict 7,783 points
90% of muslims are black/brown/fair brown skinned and so are Hindus. But muslims are insecure in their own skin so they hate themselves and feel whites are their superior masters. They try to call themselves white when they are just "fair skinned brown".  We Hindus don't feel that way because our ancestors were not raped by invaders like urs. And we also know every race and skin colour created by God is equal. Pisslam is racist too. Although i m fair skinned and a testosterone raging masculine based chad i would never hate a person for being dark. My God doesn't teach me those silly things.
Ur comments are revealing how insecure weak faggot ur. Lol
marineskiller Famous 4,064 points
First off all Islam my beautiful religion doesn't teach to be racist

Second: you're still UGLY
Shiva Natural Addict 7,783 points
Ur showing ur pisslamic culture on this site nasty mujeet. Are u retarded by any chance ? Stop overdosing on camel piss and shit.
marineskiller Famous 4,064 points
Dude you're drinking cow piss on daily basis ....

by the way you're taiking about how your religion is beautiful then why you niggers kill muslim in india ?
Shiva Natural Addict 7,783 points
Camel piss is halal for u habibi

Sahih bukhari 5686

Your fake devil god and profet teaches u to rape. And Our religion teaches us to kill rapists and 6 year old aysha rapist muhammad profet followers so we kill nasty camel urine drinking muslims.
marineskiller Famous 4,064 points
I want ceasfire am little bit tired
Shiva Natural Addict 7,783 points
Basically rape is crime in our religion and not halal like in ur islam. So we kill rapist muslims. And we are proud of that.
marineskiller Famous 4,064 points
Well we're ordered to kill pagans... because it will degenerative idea which will produce degenerate sub-human like you
Shiva Natural Addict 7,783 points
We are chad humans because we don't worship a god thats says to rape.
U sub humans rape so we kill u.
Ryan2883 Addicted 2,070 points
@Nebuchadnezzar You sound like and incel simp
Muslimrule 71 points
You moron Hinduism has the most unfair caste system ever plus in islam no person of any colour is superior to one another only way you are better than someone is in piousness moron. Go educate yourself about islam first not based on wars and territory wars that all people have had in the past but islam isn't the fastest growing and most practiced religion on this planet for ne reason that's why Hinduism has 99% stayed in india where it belongs with flying monkeys eating the sun and one god replacing another gods head with an elephant head, not to mention the breast tax or ram running away women's clothes while they were bathing or hanuman marrying a fish and have kids with her do you want more?? GTFOH.
Muslimrule 71 points
Plus for moron 90% of muslims are not black plus even if they are not like the Indians. Nasty fuck.
Shiva Natural Addict 7,783 points
Not reading all that bs. U shit through ur mouth.
I speak facts from ur qurand and hadees.
Ur probably some paki whose ancestors were raped by arab/turk invaders thats why u hate ur own phenotype brown muslims. LMAO

So what about black african muslims ? Hahaha

Typical inbred muslim insecure about skin colour.
As expected from the teachings in satanic qurand.
Shiva Natural Addict 7,783 points
"In islam no person of any colour is superior"

"90% muslims are not black like u indians"

Filthy inbred camel piss drinker, do u even understand what ur talking about ?
Ur contradicting urself LMAO.
Sub continental muslims are literally born out of Indian subcontinent. Plus u have those african niggers too.

"Sarr we white sarr" Hahaha
Shiva Natural Addict 7,783 points
"Hinduism is unfair" Vedas and Geeta both don't even have caste system. Casteism was a product of British empire and Brahmins. Its was a societal problem. Because Vedas only follow occupational division between humans and not birth based division.

Pisslam literally supports inhuman hatred for non believer no matter how noble they are. It doesn't even have a concept of universal morality. It supports immorality done by muspims just because they worship some enitity 5 times. It supports blind belief in a satan that supports pedophilia, sex slavery, inbreeding, terrorism, halala and mutah (prositution)


Shiva Natural Addict 7,783 points
LMAO look how ur prophet was getting his ass raped in the middle of the forest by niggers. Niggers raped ur prophet muhammad all night long and his whole body started aching. He was moaning quranic verses while getting railed

Musnad Imam Ahmed Bin Hanbal (english translation).
Volume no. 3 , Hadeeth number 3788

Shiva Natural Addict 7,783 points
Ewww, brother ewww. Whats that brother. Whats that ?

Prophet pedophile muhammad used to suffer from pre mature ejaculation and he used to leak semen in his pants in which he used to pray.

Poor little 6 year old baby had to stratch his semen off. What a filthy bastard. Haha

Shiva Natural Addict 7,783 points
"Pisslam is so fair alhamlullah"
No God would be allowing this shit and No noble person would be doing this shit. Alah is just a creation of muhammad for his gains.

Shiva Natural Addict 7,783 points
Men with time machine

Shiva Natural Addict 7,783 points
Paroud muslimb alhamlullah

U are all products of slavery and rape of captured women.

KMDisciples67 The Boss 36,413 points
I wish I had the opportunity to fuck that fool up even in violent drug fueled black outs I've never hit my girl anybody else is a different story tho
+1 vote
Nov 22, 2023
LowBattery 36 points
Shut the fuck up nigga. You won't do shit to anyone except get shot. I've been with women who are abusive then act like a victim when I finally retaliate after getting punched too many goddamn times by the crazy bitch.
KMDisciples67 The Boss 36,413 points
First off I'm not black and pretty sure you aren't either second you don't know me third trust and believe every bitch is crazy doesn't mean you need to beat em
huhhhhhh911boom 71 points
good boy, defend your girl
liveforentertainment Advanced 2,694 points
he isn't doing anything. He does not beat her. He is not raping her (they are at a 90° angle to each other with him on her shoulder).
So where is the abuse? Putting his hand over her stupid mouth because she screams like he is gutting her?
0 votes
Nov 22, 2023
humblebumble Extreme Poster 703 points
She didnt HAVE to take this man. There were other men, but this seemed EXCITING!!
0 votes
Nov 23, 2023
aqualung Veteran 10,887 points
did he penetrate her PUSSY?
0 votes
Nov 23, 2023
the demon Intermediate 1,070 points
oh just fucking kill her n get it over with
0 votes
Nov 23, 2023
Ryan2883 Addicted 2,070 points
If he doesn't hit you, he doesn't love you.
+1 vote
Nov 23, 2023
ificouldfly Well-Known 944 points
Yucky Lord Paramount 458,598 points