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Man gets shot and killed gunfight in land dispute between rival clans in Yemen 27 November 2023(Infos)

Eight people were killed and wounded by gunfire in Hodeidah Governorate, west of the country, amid security chaos in the various governorates under the control of the militia.

Local sources said that five people were killed and three others were injured, as a result of armed clashes between tribal militants in the Bayt al-Faqih District in Hodeidah Governorate.

The sources added that the incident was due to disputes resulting from a piece of land between citizens in the Beit al-Faqih District, noting that one of the citizens was released from prison, which contributed to the development of disputes and the outbreak of clashes between the militants.

The sources pointed out that the militia worked to fuel disputes between the Beit Al-Maruf and Al-Shraim families, which led to armed confrontations in the middle of the Beit Al-Faqih market and other areas of the Beit Al-Faqih District, which led to deaths and injuries.

The sources indicated that among the dead and wounded were civilians who had nothing to do with the disputes and the two sides of the confrontations that led to a state of terror among citizens.

A surveillance camera documented part of the confrontations in the Beit al-Faqih market, where two gunmen exchanged gunfire from a close range, killing one of the gunmen instantly.

Hodeidah Governorate and the rest of the areas under the militia's control are witnessing a horrific security chaos, with crime, killings, looting, and theft of citizens' property increasing on a daily basis.


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3,393 views Nov 28, 2023

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+6 votes
Nov 28, 2023
aqualung Veteran 10,854 points
Dying over a shit piece of land that couldn't be given away in a first world nation.
+1 vote
Nov 29, 2023
KMDisciples67 The Boss 36,160 points
This is sick as hell all came down to that one fool who didn't want to look up to shoot cuz he didn't wanna look at the bullets probly bout to blow his face off better off to aim always
+1 vote
Nov 29, 2023
CuriousGirlZee Well-Known 751 points
Note to those carrying a gun.  Dont point ur gun down and look away from the other gun when ur enemy is pointing their gun at you.  Enemy's gun doesnt miraculously disappear.
0 votes
Dec 1, 2023
Launchpad McQuack Extreme Poster 714 points
Yeah I think haji just closed his eyes and yelled Allah Akbar (or whatever bs) and proceeded to get his dumbass shot up . Coundn't happen to a better father\husband sand bug .
Launchpad McQuack Extreme Poster 714 points
Just nuke the whole lot of those sand jigs . Worthless race
+1 vote
Dec 13, 2023
WhiteCrow High Lord 300,072 points