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LiveGore is a reality news website which reports on real life events which are of the interest to the public. Includes videos relating to true crime that have been taken from across the world. Due to the graphic nature of materials found on Live Gore, access is restricted to adults only(18+). !!Please leave this website if you under that age!!

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Molten gold was poured down his throat until his bowels burst

Molten gold was poured down his throat until his bowels burst

In 1599, a Spanish governor in early colonial Ecuador suffered this fate. Native Indians of the Jivaro tribe, unscrupulously taxed in their gold trade, attacked the settlement of Logrono and executed the gold hungry governor by pouring molten gold down his throat.1 Pouring hot liquids or metals, such as lead or gold, into the mouth of a victim was a practice used on both sides of the Atlantic Ocean, by the Romans and the Spanish Inquisition among others.2

Several sources mention the bursting of internal organs.1–3 The question remains whether this is actually the case and, also, what the cause of death would be. To investigate this, we obtained a bovine larynx from a local slaughter house (no animal was harmed or killed specifically for this purpose). After fixing the larynx in a horizontal position to a piece of wood and closing the distal end using tissue paper, 750 g of pure lead (around 450°C) was heated until melting and then poured into the larynx. Immediately, large amounts of steam appeared at both ends of the specimen, and the clot of tissue paper was expelled with force by the steam. Within 10 seconds, the lead had congealed again, completely filling the larynx (fig 1).

After cooling, cross sections of the larynx were made, and formalin fixed, paraffin wax embedded slides of the laryngeal wall were observed under the light microscope. The laryngeal mucosa was found to be totally absent, and coagulation necrosis of the underlying chondroid and striated muscle was seen at a maximum depth of 1 cm (fig 2).

Based on these findings, we suggest that the development of steam with increasing pressure might result in both heat induced and mechanical damage to distal organs, possibly leading to over inflation and rupture of these organs. Direct thermal injury to the lungs may lead to instantaneous death, as a result of acute pulmonary dysfunction and shock, as shown by Brinkmann and Puschel.4 Even if this is not the case, the development of a “cast” (once the metal congeals again) would completely block the airways, thus suffocating the victim.

In conclusion, we have shown that in the execution method of pouring hot liquefied metals into the throat of a victim, death is probably mediated by the development of steam and consequent thermal injury to the airways.


8,410 views Dec 1, 2023

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Antiheroin Veteran 11,746 points
THE FUCK!?!  Not one of those fucks had a damn cell phone?!!!!  Film that shit you centuries old peasant shitfucks!
+1 vote
Dec 1, 2023
❀ ᑕᑌ丅ᗴ ᗰᗩᖇᎥᗩ ❀ Overlord 5,945 points
❀ ᑕᑌ丅ᗴ ᗰᗩᖇᎥᗩ ❀ Overlord 5,945 points
They only have  potato!
RottenPancake Intermediate 1,063 points
Hey, cutie.
Antiheroin Veteran 11,746 points
Oh, hey *wink*
RottenPancake Intermediate 1,063 points
Hey, you. *blink*
Antiheroin Veteran 11,746 points
Hi!  *chink*
❀ ᑕᑌ丅ᗴ ᗰᗩᖇᎥᗩ ❀ Overlord 5,945 points
RottenPancake Intermediate 1,063 points
Hi, Maria.
chancho The Boss 28,802 points
humans have always loved sex and torture. even now, porn and gore rule the web
+1 vote
Dec 1, 2023
WhiteCrow High Lord 300,057 points
great post mate
+1 vote
Dec 1, 2023
aqualung Veteran 10,854 points
nice work
+1 vote
Dec 1, 2023
CatStar Famous 3,542 points
Such a waste of gold for criminals. At least they became worth something!
+1 vote
Dec 1, 2023
OyVeyRabbi The Boss 28,029 points
Most expensive execution method ever
+1 vote
Dec 1, 2023