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Another innocent child died by the terrorist state of israel after an airstrike

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2,413 views Dec 24, 2023

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BigDaddyAKArealKafir Addicted 2,051 points
Bad luck
0 votes
Dec 24, 2023
DobryIsAFaggot 59 points
LMFAO. Future terrorist dead good job
+3 votes
Dec 24, 2023
Shiva Natural Addict 7,697 points
Countless babies being killed ruthlessly and genocide has never been accepted worldwide. Great example of how much the world respects's u filthy sand niggers @marineskiller
+1 vote
Dec 24, 2023
marineskiller Famous 4,048 points
It's always accepted but you don't see it ... cow piss blinded you
Shiva Natural Addict 7,697 points
Wallahi, habibi cow piss is haram. Lets drink halal camel piss and holy piss of our nabi mohd. salallahuwalahewasallam

Open ur mouth akki its still warm
marineskiller Famous 4,048 points
lol .... you're so funny ... i would grant you to be my slave ... or you can come here clean my city's garbage because I see alot of your kind doing that here
Shiva Natural Addict 7,697 points
Akhi, making men slave is haram. So i would like to make ur mother as my maal-e-ghanimath and puncture her halal holes all night and give her a haram baby.
Don't worry i will give ur father a goat to as a replacement.
Shiva Natural Addict 7,697 points
My kind of people do hardwork and live respectful lives around the globe. They are doctors, engineers, builders, CEO's, leaders and big businessmen around the globe. In my culture road cleaners are also given respect. In ur culture u give respect to rapist muhammad.

Ur kind of people are know as rabid subhumans who rape children and spread ur filthy islamic sharia shit. So ur getting banned and fucked all around the globe. The world including ur arab daddies support ur genocide.
marineskiller Famous 4,048 points
i love the fact that i make you so angry that you will write reply two times and try very hard to show that your kind is good sub-humans, this proves that you feel inferior always
Shiva Natural Addict 7,697 points
Subhumans are those who get banned around the globe.
Subhumans are put into concentration camps like uyghur muslims in china.
Subhumans genocide in palestine is welcomed by their own kind (arabs).
Subhumans are known to be pest grooming gangs around the globe.
Subhumans worship pedophile devil and drink camel piss.
Subhumans didn't contribute a single thing in science and mathematics.
Subhumans believe in flying donkey (burak), moon splitting and flat earth.
Subhumans are cowards who play victim card and surrender in actual wars.
Subhumans do terrorist attacks on innocents and rape kids. And their devil god supports it.

1st reply was to mock u like a pisslamist. Second reply was to give u a reality check on ur self worth.
So while ur commenting for fun. I m actually proving ur kind to be inferior pests by actual facts. Understood u inferior arab rape seed ?
JGMOJO67 The Boss 31,802 points
Fuck them dirty muzzies
thatsnottruelol Experienced 293 points
more kisses more , one less future terrorist
+1 vote
Dec 24, 2023
JGMOJO67 The Boss 31,802 points
For every Israeli killed during October 7th, 1000 muzzie shits need to die.
+1 vote
Dec 24, 2023
gothangelz Addicted 1,827 points
very awesome content
0 votes
Dec 28, 2023
WhiteCrow High Lord 300,072 points