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stepdad shoots stepson head and misses and hits ear(Infos)

BLOUNT COUNTY, Tenn. (WVLT) - One man is dead and another is injured after a standoff in Friendsville on Friday night, according to the Blount County Sheriff’s Office.

At around 8:15 p.m., deputies responded to a home on Quarry Hollow Road after hearing reports of a shooting at the home. When they arrived, Kyle Spitze and another person who lives at the home were standing outside.

Deputies treated Spitze for an ear injury while he told deputies that Jeffery Scott West, 68, and Spitze were arguing inside the home.

Spitze told police that West pulled out a gun and shot at Spitze, and the bullet grazed his ear. Spitze and the other witness said they ran outside to call 911 and West had run out the back door before the deputies arrived.

Spitze was transported to the University of Tennessee Medical Center.

BCSO’s Crisis Negotiations and SWAT teams arrived at the home and attempted to negotiate with West. Deputies also used “diversionary devices in an effort to get him to surrender,” BCSO officials said.

A K-9 officer was deployed shortly before 11 p.m. and discovered West dead inside the home from an apparent self-inflicted gunshot wound.

BCSO officials said no deputies or officers were injured in the incident.

“Sheriff Berrong would like to thank Maryville Police Department, Tennessee Highway Patrol Air Aviation Unit, AMR Ambulance Service, and Friendsville Volunteer Fire Department for their assistance during the incident,” BCSO officials said.



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10,840 views Jan 16, 2024

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ilovephysics Intermediate 1,148 points
Lol fucker died haha. infact his mom is a slut, who married a shitter prolly for money
0 votes
Jan 16, 2024
NebuJlN Veteran 14,208 points
Are you sure you read and understoot it at all?
ilovephysics Intermediate 1,148 points
yeah stepdad died thats what i meant
BrainDegeneracy Famous 3,010 points
You're laughing but fact is that your curry stinking pajeet ass has a worse quality of life than anyone in this video. I mean look at your face for instance, that's one stupid looking retard right there. Matches your retarded comments well though.
ilovephysics Intermediate 1,148 points
your name justifies you lol. stay mad you cant even afford a bowl of curry and u prolly look like a wigger
OyVeyRabbi The Boss 28,033 points
They aren't very friendly in Friendsville
+7 votes
Jan 16, 2024
RedNeckHawaiian Omega 24,904 points
Probably killed himself because he was such a shitty shot.
+3 votes
Jan 16, 2024
Guvnor The Boss 28,285 points
Pull them up mum..
+1 vote
Jan 16, 2024
ben2livegore Intermediate 1,026 points
This is Trump's America.

Brains the size of a planet.
+1 vote
Jan 17, 2024
Jimicheck 0 points
Dude hasnt been president in 4 years and the quality of life has decreased exponentially in those 4 years, and you still blame him? It's wild the leaps and bounds people will take. I'm not even a right winger but I still am mind blown by the amount of space he takes up in people's heads
Hidden Wolf Addicted 1,730 points
Well done old man
+1 vote
Jan 17, 2024
ilovephysics Intermediate 1,148 points
congrats on 500
Kelpkelpkelpdeop12a 1 point
Wish he never missed the guy who was shot in the ear (Kyle) is a nasty piece of shit who groom's little girls he deserves to rot in hell
0 votes
Feb 12
Deeppocket 73 points
yai yai yai
0 votes
Feb 12
WhiteCrow High Lord 300,072 points