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Hindu participating in religious ceremony dies of heart attack. 22 January 2024(infos)

Bhiwani. The whole country celebrated the consecration ceremony of Ram Lala, but during the staging of Ramlila in Bhiwani, Harish Mehta, who was playing the role of Lord Hanuman, died of a heart attack. For some time people could not even understand this accident. The coronation program of Lord Ram was being organized by a social organization in Jawahar Chowk of Bhiwani city. Preparations were going on for the coronation through a song. When the song ended, Harish Mehta, who was performing Hanuman ji, sacrificed his life as he bowed at the feet of Ram ji.

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8,121 views Jan 22, 2024

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Saysumptin The Boss 33,455 points
Guess they will figure it out later when he starts to smell.
+2 votes
Jan 23, 2024
raksoel Extreme Poster 570 points
He died in a pretty gay and strange way.
+4 votes
Jan 23, 2024
SlickDick Advanced 2,344 points
What a bunch of idiots lol
+2 votes
Jan 23, 2024
Popeyethesailorman Beginner 135 points
For those who dont know he was dressed as a dindu god called hanuman. a flying monkey who swallowed the sun as a kid. Ahahahahaha
+3 votes
Jan 23, 2024
Shiva Natural Addict 7,783 points
So much scientific ass slam ma lick cum habibi  

Popeyethesailorman Beginner 135 points
hahaha 1 comment made you mad poopjeet you thought im a muslim. Fuck all of you religious dumasses. Go lick some blue god shit. Penis worshippers bring your mum out here tell her to lick and worship my shivling.
Shiva Natural Addict 7,783 points
I know ur a disgusting sand nigger muslim for sure. Nobody mocks our peaceful and pure beliefs with ur half literate monke brain like muslims do. Ur a muslim but too insecure to accept it. And u think that every religion is bad just because ur one is. I will surely lick ur mom's hazr e aswad though.
kingpin Overlord 5,322 points
@Popeyethesailorman nobody cares from whatever fucking religion u r but if muslim then see allah is in ayesha vagina
Shiva Natural Addict 7,783 points
@kingpin he is a clearly muslim. Only those filthy people do blasphemy.
kingpin Overlord 5,322 points
ohh then @PopeyethesailormanIt it would be better if flat earth, camel urine drinking and halala born creatures remain within limits.
Popeyethesailorman Beginner 135 points
Lmao keep sending more ahahhaah you lingam worshipper your mothers and grandmothers danced on my turk ancestors dicks for royal status in mughal empire. Your shitskin bhadwan couldnt even save his own wife from a demon king called ravan how would he protect his poopjeet followers. Yall eat cow shit and bathe in it. Subhuman shiteater poopjeet whose mum licks and worships shivling every morning. Also the fuckwit on your pfp wrote 3 apology letters to Aurangzeb.
Popeyethesailorman Beginner 135 points
A niyog product yapping? Buddy go save sita before ravan licks her curry filled pussy . Cause your fucktard bhadwan needs a monkey to help him rescue her
Shiva Natural Addict 7,783 points
Rajputs, Marathas,, Mongols everybody took hoejabi sex slaves. But its not something we are proud of.
Camel dung and piss drinking arab rape seed subhuman coon pedophile muhammad and dessert devil allah's vagina kissing, terrorist parasites on the planet who is dealing with identity crisis LMAO.

Ravan literally didn't even touch sita's shadow, because he was a believer in God unlike ur filthy pedoshit rapist muhammad.

"Appology letters"  for butchering his army of thousands with a few hundred mountain warrior lions and making aruangzeb's halal pisslamic daughter fall in love with him.

The mughals were not even turk, they were uzbekistani turks who were rape seeds of mongols. LMAO

Ur grand mothers were all taken by muhammad's army as maal e ghanimath (concubines) not mine. Ur proud of getting ur ancestors raped by arabs into pisslam.  If my ancestors were taken as slaves wouldn't i be a muslim like u now ?  Looks like years of inbreeding and camel piss has affected ur ability to think.

Shiva Natural Addict 7,783 points
There isn't a single documented case of niyog. But ur holy pisslamic practice of getting mothers raped for a few bucks from Quran 2:230 is still practiced by pakis pussilims.  Ur not a turk ur a paki pussilim hahaha. The level of insecurity and identity crisis u carry to larp as a non muslim turkofag shows how much of a manlet cuck ur. Ur a fucking rape seed of some slave lol .
Popeyethesailorman Beginner 135 points
Look mr dalit, as I said before I dont give a shit about religion… nor do I care about the desert cult you keep mentioning but the fact that youre so obssessed with it shows how much your cow shit eating people suffered because of it… guess what? I know theres no god but if there is, he sure does hate your cow pee drinking and dung eating race. First you guys got banged in 713 AD when your dindu king lost a main city of tinduism called Sindh. By who? A 17 year old Arab King lmaooo. Thats where it all started after that you shitskins were ruled by my uzbek brothers who with the help of my forefathers took down delhisultanate and boom.. our turn to sleep with your granny … another 330 years of cow worshippers slavery this time under mughal rule. And after all that the british came to bang your southasian niyog loving great grandma who loved it when her husband passed her around as its usual for a niyog loving dindu couple. And finally at last the british left you turds in slums and made another country so that you lingamlovers keep fighting within and never rise .. brilliant . Where ever I go I see you and porkis fighting also ya’ll keep fighting within your slumlands. Also the 1200 year slavery of so many ethnicities left you poopjeets with and inferiority complex hahahaha. Now you guys are seen d riding other countries like russia and israel. The jewish brothers dont give a flying monkey fuck about you try reading what the torah says about idol worshippers. Theres no winning for southasians accept it and live under us poopjeet.
Popeyethesailorman Beginner 135 points
First you say you wont read what I said and then you comment on what I actually said in my comment ahahaha you dick worshipping cow dung eater talk about what your people have done against us rather than talking about mongols or arabs. Did your southasian curry smelling race do anything against us? You got ruled for centuries poopjeet. We wiped out your “dickworship centres” aka temples. Your Rajput forefathers gave us their wives and daughters just to save their ass and get royal status in the empire. Your shit eating faggot community was ruled by turks even tho cowworshippers were 80% in the subcontinent .you shiteaters used to throw your women in fire to protect them from us hahaha remember sati pratha? Ask your lingloving mother about it. Also theres no such thing as a pure dindu all your great grandmas were banged by us all of you have turk genes somewhere in you get your dna checked there might be more than curry and arab cum running in your veins. Even the name hindu was given to you by presians who mispronounced sindhu as hindu. You dont even have your own identity poopjeet
Shiva Natural Addict 7,783 points
Ur a arab rape seed chuslim turkofag. I m a South Indian Hindu. Turks and mongolian rape seed mughal are irrelevent to our south indian history. Your ancestors got raped not only by mongols but by arabs thats why ur a muslim but also too insecure to call urself muslim thats why u larp as non muslim. Hahaha talk about "inferiority complex".


Keep making shit up turkofag,
The only effective period of muslim rule that too only in northern parts of india just was of 200 years.
Those 200 years were not stable, they were defeated constantly .

The people who did mughal slavery are present day south asian muslims and u did arab slavery so ur a pisslamic halala arab concubine decendent turkofag.

We hindus never accepted the pisslamic rule. We terrorised turkofags and defeated them countless times. Their tenure in India was not stable.

Raja prithu rae and Rana kumbha humiliated turkfag khilji so badly that he went into depression, LMAO.

Arabs won a town sindh, how cute, later got butchered from india, to baloch, then to iran and back to arab by Bappa rawal.
The Arabs attempted to invade India but they were defeated by North Indian kings Bappa Rawal of Guhila dynasty, Nagabhata, of the Gurjara-Pratihara dynasty and by the South Indian emperor Vikramaditya II of the Chalukya dynasty in the early 8th century. After the failure of further expeditions on Kathiawar, the Arab chroniclers conceded that the Abbasid caliph al-Mahdi (r. 775–785) "gave up the project of conquering any part of India

Mughal rule only lasted years due to non united indian hindus. They ruled with the hindu prince cooperation. Because mughals were defeated by every other indian prince many times.

Ahoms defeated them 17 times,

Prithviraj chauhan defeated mohmad ghori 17 times but lost 18th time due to cheat tactics.

Maharana pratap defeated akbar

Rana sangha defeated defeated babur, gujrath, mewar and delhi sultanates,

Bappa rawal had arab and turk halal hoejabi harems.

All these constant terrorizing left the mughal rule only regional,it wasn't indian rule at all.

Get urself educated u subhuman halala inbred turkfag arab rape seed.
U came to rule, u got fucked from all sides, u had to cooperate and form alliances with hindus. Thats why u existed for effectively 200 years.

We only like jews for time being so they can butcher parasitic terrorist seed palestanians muslim rats. Lmao.
Ur of no values to us. World supports ur genocide.
Shiva Natural Addict 7,783 points
Halal islamic hoejabis of both arabs and turk mughals got trapped happily in Bappa rawal's harem.

He married 35 of them and kept hundreds of others in his harem.

I m proud of rajput women jumping in fire to protect themselves from pedoshit allah's black vagina kissing filthy rapists muslim sand niggers.
Ur mother couldn't escape from muhammad's pisslamic army thats why ur a raped into camel pisz cult now and are even proud of getting raped into it


Meanwhile ur halal muslimah's loved getting into Rajput harem. They loved Shivaji, And many other rajput kings uncut haram dick.

Shiva Natural Addict 7,783 points

R1A1a Y-gene The Aryan gene haplogroup that originates in North India is literally the most spread gene among eurasia.

Just stop seething for a second and think for urself if my grandmothers were banged ,i would a be a allah's vagina kissing pedophile worshipping camel piss drinker like u. But u see i m not.

It doesn't work like that muslim rape seeds are muslims. Ur born subhuman and stay subhuman inferior parasite.  Hahahahaha

kingpin Overlord 5,322 points
@shiva Brother, you really nailed this Pisslam bullshit (maa chod diye bhaiya ji aap to )
kingpin Overlord 5,322 points
@Popeyethesailorman First of all Niyog is no longer practiced anywhere but a byproduct of Halala(which is still practiced everywhere) as you are still spreading filth everywhere, you pig poop eater jake maa chudao haram ke pillon
Popeyethesailorman Beginner 135 points
Lmfao poopjeet is weeping because all he can do is talk on islam which i said 3 times i dont relate to and dont give a shit about… are you autistic mr poopjeet or did you have too much cow pee today that you lost senses? You couldnt find anything against your turk master? Go and bring me your linglover mum so she can worship her masters lingam all day. I do want her to pour milk on it just the way you shiteaters throw it on rocks instead of feeding your people hahahaha . Sindh wasnt a town your fuckwit it was a city and your cow shit eating king lost it to a 17 year old lmao. Even till date its them who control the city where your shitty religion began . The indus valley civilization is still under them. They ruled you first and then we ruled you even longer . The mughals destroyed so many of your dungtemples we looted and burned your curry people alive. 36,000 poopcentres looted and destroyed within 330 years and that doesnt even include the rest 900 years of your slavery. They invaded looted banged your lands and still live there while you weep online making excuses on how your curry kings won. Skill issue poopjeet as i said your curry race is born to live under other races.
Popeyethesailorman Beginner 135 points
In February 1562, Akbar married Mariam-uz-Zamani, daughter of Raja Bharmal (Kachwaha-Amber).[13]
In 1562, Akbar married the granddaughter of Rao Viramde. (Rathore-Merta)[14]
On 15 November 1570, Rai Kalyan Singh married his one daughter and niece, Raj Kunwari (Raj Kanwar)[15] to Akbar (Rathore-Bikaner) [16][17]
In 1570, Akbar married Bhanumati, another niece of Rai Kalyan Singh (Rathore-Bikaner) [16]
In the same year Har Raj of (Bhati-Jaisalmer State) also accept the lordship of Akbar and offered a daughter, Rajkumari Nathi Bai, as a wife for the Padshah (Shah Jahan), in return Kuar Sultan Singh son of Har Raj, was accepted as a nobleman at the Mughal court.[15]
In 1570, Puram Bai, a great-granddaughter of Rao Viramde was married to Akbar. (Rathore-Merta)[18][19]
In 1570, Maharawal Harraj Singh married his daughter Princess Nathi Bai to Akbar (Bhati-Jaisalmer).[20][21][22][23]
In 1573, the marriage of Akbar to the daughter of Raja Jaichand of Nagarkot (Nagarkot)[24][25]
On March 1577, the marriage of Akbar to the daughter of the Rawal Askaran took place(Gehlot-Dungarpur)[26][27]
In 1581, Keshavdas married his daughter to Akbar (Rathore-Morta)[28]
Akbar also married Rukmavati, daughter of Rao Maldeo. (Rathore-Marwar)[29]
On 16 February 1585, Prince Salim (Jahangir) was married to Princess Man Bai, the daughter of Bhagwant Das (Kachwaha-Amber)[30][31]
On 11 January 1586, the marriage of Prince Salim (Jahangir) to Princess Manavati Bai, the daughter of Mota Raja Udai Singh took place (Rathore-Marwar)[32]
On 26 June 1586, Prince Salim was married to daughter of Raja Rai Singh. (Rathore-Bikaner)[33]
In 1587, Prince Salim married, Malika Jahan, daughter of Maharawal Bhim Singh. (Bhati-Jaisalmer)[34]
Prince Salim married Karamsi, daughter of Kesho Das. (Rathore-Bikaner)[35]
On 12 October 1595, the marriage of Daniyal to Raimal's daughter took place. (Rathore-Marwar)[36]
On 17 June 1608, Jahangir married the daughter of Jagat Singh. (Kachwaha-Amber)[37]
On January 1610, Jahangir married the daughter of Ram Chandra Bundela (Bundela-Orchha)[38]
On April 1624, the marriage of Prince Parvez to Princess Manbhavati Bai, the sister of Maharaja Gaj Singh (Rathore-Marwar)[39][40][41]
Prince Khurram (Shah Jahan) married Lilavati Bai, daughter of Sakat Singh (Rathore-Marwar)[42]
In 1654, the marriage of the daughter of Rao Amar Singh to Prince Suleiman Shikoh (Rathore-Marwar)[43][44][45]
Sixth Mughal emperor Aurangzeb was married to daughter of Raja Tajuddin KhanNawab Bai, she was the mother of Mughal emperor Bahadur Shah I (Jarral Rajput-Rajouri state).[46]
Sixth Mughal emperor Aurangzeb was also married to a Rajput princess named Udaipuri.[47]
In 1671, marriage Mohammaduazzam (Bahadur Shah I) to Princess Amrita Bai, the daughter of Maharaja Roop Singh Rathore of Kishangarh took place (Rathore-Kishangarh)[48]
On 5 July 1678, Azim-ush-Shan was married to Bai Jas Kaur, Kirat Singh's daughter, the son of Raja Jai Singh (Kachwaha-Amber)[49][50]
30 July 1681, Aurangzeb's son Kaam Baksh was married to Amarchand's daughter Kalyan Kumari of (Shekhawat-Manoharpur).[51]
Ninth Mughal emperor Jahandar Shah was married to a Rajput Princess, Anup Bai.[52]
On 27 September 1715, Farrukhsiyar married the daughter of Maharaja Ajit Singh, Princess Indira Kanwar (Rathore-Marwar)[53]
Popeyethesailorman Beginner 135 points
Niyog is practiced and thats the reason you are here curry muncher. Didnt your lingloving mom tell you to respect gods? Varaha is the pig avatar of vishnu you should respect it. Lol fucking animal planet worshipper
Shiva Natural Addict 7,783 points
Halala born arab rape seed keep seething. There is not a single case of niyog and halala is still practiced in every pisslamic countries LMAO. Allah's pussy kiszing camel pee drinking subhuman inbred sand nigger. LMAO Yeah i made this turkofag seethe so bad . He was larping as a non muslim because he feels so insecure,but as i told u, once a inbred arab rape seed halala born muzlim pee drinker is always a muzlim. I exposed him and his mom so bad. @Popeyethesailorman when are u gonna send ur mom for the next halala practice. U can't say no habibi, i m ur master, ur mother bows down to kuffar cocks thats ur culture. Be proud. When i said inbred , i mean inbred u lil rape seed rats LMAO
Popeyethesailorman Beginner 135 points
Womp womp curry nigger. I dont care if halala is being practiced or not. Im an athiest you retard
Shiva Natural Addict 7,783 points
Geting ur mothers raped into arab culture and religion is slavery.
Constantly puncturing turkofag muslims from all sides is not slavery its figthing and marathas finally put the nail in the coffin by banging halala brothel 15000  hoejabis .

If we did arab slavery like u, we would be seething inbred rat muslims like u habibi. But we are not u see. Those who got banged by arabs are still doing their slavery. lmao.
17 year old ? LMAO

Maharanna Pratap surrendereing inbred camel piss army of 36000 mughals when he was just 14. Hahaha
We can find many such cases.
He banged ghori 18 times, looting and buring mere temples is not ruling, u coward seed.
Ruling was only possible due to coagulations of princely states that too for mere 200 years in north not more than not they were constantly getting their ass puncutured from rajputs, ahoms, vijayanagar, marathas, sikhs etc. LMAO
Keep becoming happy at ur own version of history turkofag inbred rat u just reek that violent rape seed vibe

Its scientifically proved. Lol,

Only thing u can do is mock. While i can literally prove it with facts, u inferior inbred creature hahaha

kingpin Overlord 5,322 points
@Popeyethesailorman how easily a pisslamic pig getting triggered , halala is practiced every where
Popeyethesailorman Beginner 135 points
My curry slave you shittalk as much as your ancestors who were invaded, raped, looted, killed by us. Keep yapping it wont change history. You curryniggers lived for 1200 years under slavery of different races. We alone killed 60-80 million shittindus according to your curry professors. Destroyed 36,000+ temples and looted all of them. All your pussy kings did was give us their daughters or pay taxes. Curryniggers were on defence the whole 1200 years and still lost all their land to a bunch of sandniggers. Lmao what a shame.
Shiva Natural Addict 7,783 points
LMAO this sand nigger is seething so hard. Keep yapping pisslamic halala rape seed. Keep being in ignorance and denial to make urself happy.

Enslaved faggots who now follow their arab master's religion and culture are reeking their insecurities on us hindus. LMAO.

Nobody gives a shit about u pisslamists because of scientific reasons -

Shiva Natural Addict 7,783 points
@kingpin we are wasting our time debating this subhuman inbred creature that's not even a human lol. Years of halala, getting raped by arabs into islam, and incest, kissing allah's vagina stone and camel piss has deranged his thinking capacity.
kingpin Overlord 5,322 points
exactly, replying this halala by-product pig itself is a big wastage of crucial time
Popeyethesailorman Beginner 135 points
Why do you keep talking about islam? Im not even muslim you cow shit eating parasite. Lmfao you just couldnt find anything against turks. Your forefathers spent their lives living under us you retard get a life. Also if you dont like cousin marriage you shouldnt be shittindu your blue toilet cleaner coloured god krishna married 2 of his cousins .
Shrimad Bhagavatam 10.58.56

”Bhadra was a princess of the Kaikeya kingdom and the daughter of Lord Krsna’s paternal aunt Srutakirti. The Lord married Bhadrä when her brothers, headed by Santardana, offered her to Him.”

Shrimad Bhagavatam 10.58.31

”My dear King, Lord Krsna forcibly took away Princess Mitravinda, the daughter of His aunt Rajädhidevi, before the eyes of the rival kings.”
Popeyethesailorman Beginner 135 points
Aagamkjaain 3 points
Yo I found first Indian on this website
Shiva Natural Addict 7,783 points
I don't believe puranas. Puranas are just man made stories. They are unauthentic as they were written during different sects of hinduism during 6th century to shame one another. They are false stories. Dirty mooslim mleccha abtul.

Even if i had to believe those stories at least those gods don't support sex slavery, pedophilia, rape, killing , looting,lying, fucking sister, prostitution like ur satan dallah the pimp 72 virgin whore giver who supports all that stuff and lets his messenger do even dirtier crimes.
Understood abtul ? Now go drink camel piss.
kingpin Overlord 5,322 points
@shiva exactly
Shiva Natural Addict 7,783 points
Be sure to send me our Vedic scriptures that tell all that bs u shit out of ur mouth.

Qurand and hadees are filled with such things. These are just a few.
Enjoy :-

Shiva Natural Addict 7,783 points
Just because something was normal back in time. It doesn't make it morally correct. Did ur fake god allah didn't upgrade back then ? He didn't know sex slavery, rape was bad ? He needs an upgrade to his brain ? Lmao.
U speak so much shit about Hinduism and yet can't give me one verse. While i exposed all ur quran and hadees here.
Ofcourse mohammad told free your slaves while taking 2 slaves saffiyah and mariya and raping them. He never did what he told to do. Hypocrite rapist mohammad. LMAO
Shiva Natural Addict 7,783 points
Not reading any of ur taqqiya abtul.

Pajeet_Hunter 3 points
Ugly Old Fat Pajeet Monkey Cosplay went wrong
0 votes
Jul 9, 2024
PeterGeraldScully Beginner 200 points
I Think That Little Girl Cursed Him haha
0 votes
Nov 13, 2024
WhiteCrow High Lord 300,334 points