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Bully! It's All Fun Untill Someone Pulls Out A Axe

Yeahhh, chopped them!

19,184 views May 23, 2024

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KMDisciples67 The Boss 36,413 points
He forgot his bag
+5 votes
May 23, 2024
Chicken_Lover The Boss 26,555 points
Apart from the property damage I'd say his response was justified.
+5 votes
May 23, 2024
AssholDikSquire Famous 3,265 points
Yeah surprisingly this nigger was Docile and well mannered. Must of got very lucky with the genetic lottery with more brain matter in his frontal cortex.
TheCityWalker007 Beginner 183 points
It'll be justified when I murder u with the same axe he's holding cracka LMAO
TheCityWalker007 Beginner 183 points
Cracker STFU I would of killed you if me and you was in the video
AssholDikSquire Famous 3,265 points
I don't live around any welfare offices or grocery stores. 0.000001 % probability of me having to shoot you.
TheCityWalker007 Beginner 183 points
Cracker I'll be the one shooting your fucking jaw out and feeding your organs to my muts bitch I'll fucking kill you so bad if I was there OOO I have hate for white trash bags like you LMAO get a life cracker that's all y'all known for going on these sites and just saying nigger 24/7 piss off cracker
AssholDikSquire Famous 3,265 points
Lol. Keep dreaming chump. You let one word hold you down by giving it so much power shows how weak you truly are. Mentally & physically. Niggers are weak '& easy to trigger
TheCityWalker007 Beginner 183 points
Imagine lmao one nigger word doesn't piss me off it's the whole fucking website that holds crackers like you flooding this whole gore website with nigger can't even watch one video with you crackers saying nigger in the comments like fr that's why y'all be getting killed and beat by niggas in the real world lmao y'all hide on the internet like little faggot crackers and say nigger LMAO fuck off cunt
AssholDikSquire Famous 3,265 points
It does bother you otherwise you wouldn't have ended & closed your 1st comment whining about the word nigger.

Now you're backtracking & also calling me a liar. Poor nigger knows I made him look stupid & foolish now he wants to take back his crybaby attitude. Now you know how weak your Race is because everybody knows that word has power used against you. Everybody & their grandma can weaponize such words because blacks are weak. Mentally & physically. Now fuck away & begone to your corner store hang out spot you sub human vermin.
TheCityWalker007 Beginner 183 points
For one cracker I'm proud to be black ain't none of y'all crackers gone get me bitchy on here especially over some anonymous website you crackers are like a plague washing over this land one day you'll wake and find yourself extinct and we niggas gonna be taking over this world and taking y'all crackers out you're a disgusting edamite with no life but to make cracker claims on some gore site and sit back and try and act hard you are worthless and pathetic and needs to be put down like a dog you are better yet go to hell and burn with the souls that being tortured by cracker hating demons no life ass son of bitch
AssholDikSquire Famous 3,265 points
Yeah I'm not the one trying to act all tough, that would be you. And everything you said is stupid. Who gives a fuck what kind of site it are the one crying in the reply section.

demented Nigger.
TheCityWalker007 Beginner 183 points
I'll make you my personal bitch if we met irl OH BOY I would enjoy fucking you in the ass with your own chopped up cracker dick LMAO FUCK OFF FUCKING WHITE TRASH
AssholDikSquire Famous 3,265 points
A dookie skin Nigger crying on a gore site about a word. The only one getting fucked is you. Right in your disgusting poopy butt that hasn't been washed in months.
You should be kissing my feet.... because I'm paying attention to a sub human monkey like you.

All niggers can do is live in the fantasy entertainment world that Whites created. Bahaha what a worthless no life having virgin you are.
TheCityWalker007 Beginner 183 points
You sound extremely miserable with your life saying lies about someones skin color you should go out more and touch some some grass and date a black chick buddy cuz I ain't reading all that piece of white trash shit, extremely pathetic and makes the edamite race sound fucking stupid and extremely blind. So give me a favor and drink high concentrated bleach and swallow a case of ibuprofen and go to sleep and never wake up... Thank you (:
TheCityWalker007 Beginner 183 points
And by the looks of your history on here you're one horny cracker telling some chick if she smells good LMAO you're one horny worthless horny piece of white trash that ever spawned XD not even worth replying back to you anymore cya chump.
Chicken_Lover The Boss 26,555 points
Hahaha I gave this stupid nigger my home address because he kept trying to act tough online.
Of course hes too much of a retarded nigger to try anything.

Faggot was reeeing about how he has a "big black hummer", fucking loser is probably still in middle school.
AssholDikSquire Famous 3,265 points
suicideisfreewill Famous 3,138 points
I would like to buy the guy with an axe dinner and thank him for his civic duty.  I have the feeling he too, is sick of niggers.
+2 votes
May 23, 2024
BaconKing_104 Veteran 12,709 points
lmao well done
+1 vote
May 23, 2024
Wendingo CEO 63,805 points
Another day of niggers, doing nigger things, like chopping other niggers with an axe... What's so abnormal about this video? Just monkeys in their natural habitat.
+1 vote
May 23, 2024
TheCityWalker007 Beginner 183 points
Lmao cracker wants some heat to?
harimanoshimo Overlord 4,651 points
My sixth sense tells me this was in Harlem.
0 votes
May 23, 2024
DrDeath302 Intermediate 1,144 points
I say we arm niggers with axes as long as they use the axes on other niggers. I think it will greatly help with the over population.
+1 vote
May 23, 2024
Sukuna Overlord 4,977 points
Bunch of camel pissing curry smelling pajeets and a couple of ebola infected homeless niggers couldn't stop this angry ape with an axe. Acting tough gets you killed, stop acting tough my nigga.  Gonna get a shot in your head and all that toughness is gone and you will be gone and when you are buried I will be laughing Becuase you will be eaten by worms hahaha xd!
+1 vote
May 24, 2024
CavScout69 Intermediate 1,130 points
Those were some sissy ass punches
0 votes
May 24, 2024
Observer39 9 points
The cyclist ( axe man ) was trying to pick up that women and he was rejected and then got mad , thats when they attacked him and he pulled out an axe....

  "Mr Palacois broke two tables with the axe and a glass partition in a fit of rage after a woman at the restaurant “rejected” him even as he continued pursuing her, according to a witness from the spot, reported the New York Post, citing the criminal complaint."
+2 votes
May 24, 2024
PsychoHebrewRemover卐 Famous 3,632 points
Apes reasons and apes brawling for litereally void like reason. And when i say "void" im serious
0 votes
May 24, 2024
Saysumptin The Boss 33,455 points
Dude don't forget your bag
0 votes
May 24, 2024
Chucky 53 points
Lol that was
0 votes
Jun 2, 2024
ZackRock63 Intermediate 1,381 points
Trying to get enough points to upload videos
0 votes
Jun 22, 2024
Humachine Overlord 5,250 points
its hammer time!  
0 votes
Jul 23, 2024
Yucky Lord Paramount 458,598 points