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A classic: 15-year-old Honduran beheaded for working with Los Zetas.

El comandante diablo pagó caro sus fechorías...o bueno, su familia lo hizo.

71,229 views Jul 16, 2024

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BaconKing_104 Veteran 12,695 points
mf chose to be a gangster at 15 thinking he was immortal and going to become the next pablo escobar. rest in piss fuck head
+5 votes
Jul 16, 2024
TheCityWalker007 Beginner 183 points
Shut the fuck up fucking cracker tough talk behind a fucking screen irl you wouldn't last long in the Aztec regions of the cartel lands maldita perra XD
Bfotv Advanced 2,751 points
nobody wants to be like that, but he has no choice like everybody in mcdonalds
TheCityWalker007 Beginner 183 points
Like stupid fuck @BaconKing_104
BaconKing_104 Veteran 12,695 points
suck my fat cock at least i didn't wanna be a gangster like you, idgaf about lasting there cause i am not a cartel loser
TheCityWalker007 Beginner 183 points
Tough shit from a pussy internet niño like you fucking perra you wanna talk all that mad shit foo come on to my hood foo ill fuck you up esé
LosBeatosCheetos 18 points
The fuck is wrong with you fucking cerbesas thinking that you are also tough fucking perra? dahell does that even mean? does that mean you cock fucking sucker?
TheCityWalker007 Beginner 183 points
Learn Spanish fucking cracker your worthless and just fuck off already
LosBeatosCheetos 18 points
Oh Spanish that's why you sound like your entire Race always running their mouths off thinks that they are brave LOL
TheCityWalker007 Beginner 183 points
Faggot I'll fucking kill you don't you start shit fucking cracker
TheCityWalker007 Beginner 183 points
Why don't u ask to suck your papás 1 inch pecker seems like your his bf you fucking faggot
TheCityWalker007 Beginner 183 points
Third partying crackers like you always gets under my skin y'all worthless and need to drink bleach and get beheaded by the cartel and flayed with the CJNG wearing your face as face mask fucking loser LMAO
LosBeatosCheetos 18 points
Whoaw I'm scared woooooooooooooooooooooo see? like your race you are really running your mouth off, you already proved it little lady.
TheCityWalker007 Beginner 183 points
Oh please talk more shit I'm typing all this with one hand I'm clearly enjoying your shit talking a little bit to much fucking maggot XD
LosBeatosCheetos 18 points
Im typing with one hand too and I'm using a keyboard unlike you, ah I know coz you are poor don't you? tired of running your mouth ehh?
TheCityWalker007 Beginner 183 points
Oh please keep going little degenerate white trashes like you are the best to nut to at this time of day PLEASE waste your worthless time talking mad shit to some anonymous person u don't even know LMAO fucking piece of shit shut the fuck up gringo
TheCityWalker007 Beginner 183 points
You sitting here with 1 point clearly this is how you start your first time joining a website LMAO fucking pathetic ass degenerate
LosBeatosCheetos 18 points
i'm not even white MF hahahahah I'm not Black too so you take a guess Spanish Sardines.
LosBeatosCheetos 18 points
I don't care how many Points that I have, the reason why I created this is just to fuck around to peoples like you who thinks that they are tough, who cares about points? I'm just here to mess people who's like you fucking retarded " POINTS " HAAHHA
BaconKing_104 Veteran 12,695 points
Yes, sure @TheCityWalker007 you are the worst case of anger issues triggered motherfucking piece of moldy shit i have ever saw yet you are so fucking clearly so extremely triggered by every single god damn comment that disagrees with your delusional fucking bullshit
TheCityWalker007 Beginner 183 points
@BaconKing_104 thought you are finished fighting? LMAO I guess you wanna take this to round 1783 then I'll deal with you after I take on @LosFaggotCheetos you are pathetic and clearly need run back to which ever website you came from cuz livegore isn't for little faggots like you @LosBeatosCheetos if u wanna fuck around with people then clearly you have no life like the rest of this community as soon I open this website I get 10000 notifications from you fucks being racists and just fucking retarded so go back to sucking your dogs dick you fucking degenerate white trash mother fucker
LosBeatosCheetos 18 points
@TheCityWalker007 hey how have you been MF?
BaconKing_104 Veteran 12,695 points
suking cock to calm down
LosBeatosCheetos 18 points
LOL I was hoping he'll talkshit like again like his mouth and his entire race
BaconKing_104 Veteran 12,695 points
hahaha yeah... mf was funnier than the funniest stand up comedian ever existed lol
LosBeatosCheetos 18 points
He sent me a private message and couldn't reply back think I'm scared of him what a fucking idiot
BaconKing_104 Veteran 12,695 points
when did he send it?
LosBeatosCheetos 18 points
like after his suck cocking July 20th, can't accept the fact that he's an idiot that's why he sent me a message saying " FUCK YOU FAGGOT " LMAO
BaconKing_104 Veteran 12,695 points
LMAO fucking loser, instead he left a message on my wall saying "fucking cracker" back then while blocking people from leaving messages on his wall HAHAHAHA coward nigger
Bfotv Advanced 2,751 points
guys shhhhhhhhhhuutt
BillMurray5 Advanced 2,798 points
White shoes?
+4 votes
Jul 17, 2024
Sukuna Overlord 4,943 points
Poor kid, he is much tougher than @TheCityWalker007
+4 votes
Jul 17, 2024
Saysumptin The Boss 33,293 points
Group of Faggot Beaner Niggers. Now they will each take turns on his balloon knot. At least the Bean Nigger won't get to multiply since they all look inbred anyway.
+4 votes
Jul 17, 2024
MrTellfer Addicted 1,925 points
At least nobody is yelling, Allah the snackbar
+5 votes
Jul 17, 2024
newjeans22 51 points
+4 votes
Jul 17, 2024
MrTellfer Addicted 1,925 points
Nice. Don’t forget to tell them to film when they cut you in pieces, so we have something to laugh at
sad1sta Advanced 2,852 points
if you're old enough to be a gangsta then you're old enough to get beheaded
+4 votes
Jul 17, 2024
LosBeatosCheetos 18 points
#TheCityWalker007 a cock sucker fucker, I salute this kid being beheaded at least he has Dignity, unlike this #TheCityWalker007 cocksucker mother fucker who he think he is brave but deep down he eating his moms pussy coz nobody wants to fuck him.
+2 votes
Jul 19, 2024
INSA.NEL.Y Beginner 102 points
its funny as fuck watching cartel members, dumb an weak as fuck
+1 vote
Jul 28, 2024
DietmarHopp 44 points
are dying like flies. probably more than half of these people are already dead too
JohnnieWalker Omega 18,261 points