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LiveGore is a reality news website which reports on real life events which are of the interest to the public. Includes videos relating to true crime that have been taken from across the world. Due to the graphic nature of materials found on Live Gore, access is restricted to adults only(18+). !!Please leave this website if you under that age!!

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Deadpool's sister gets beaten bloody and humiliated for 6+ minutes.

At first, I wanted to write "woman" but I'm not sure of this thing is an ugly chick or an even uglier dude in a dress, after an accident that disfigured it this way. Or maybe all junkie bitches look this way in sunny, beautiful Russia? In any case, enjoy the video and my apologies for the low quality, had to compress it down to less than 100MB due to video upload rules. Trust me though, you don't want it to look better, this ugly whore is a nightmare fuel in HD!


P. S. How much blood does this skinny thing have?! I thought she would just die after the first 30 seconds but no, still alive somehow! Truly amazing. 

15,826 views Jul 26, 2024

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Please log in or register to Comment this Media. Experienced 255 points
I think it's a trans. Trans people are either mentally ill or have a hormone problem. Either way, I'm not in favor of beating them up, but rather of studying them to try and find a cure. If they are incurable, then gentle euthanasia is a humane and rational solution.
+2 votes
Jul 26, 2024
BaconKing_104 Veteran 12,695 points
exterminate them yes i agree and i'd love to find a cure to trans behavior and homosexuality in general, i'd really fucking love to. But if it's not possible, faggots, lesbians and transexuals and all other LGBTQ+ degeneracy must be hunted down and executed in every way possible
Wendingo CEO 63,757 points
I don't believe that anyone (except for pedos) deserves to be euthanized or even forcibly treated, the definition of "normal" is ever-changing and, for as long as they don't try to endoctrinate anyone into their movement, I say live and let live. The situation with Trans people and gender identity in general in the United States is not caused by the trans people but rather by the douchebag Americans who don't have a life of their own so their whole existence is defined by being "offended on the behalf of... (insert cause/victim here)". Besides, wanting to euthanize a whole group of people for being different than you is a symptom of sociopathic tendencies and sociopaths are much more dangerous than any Trans or gender-confused weirdo fucks, maybe we should start with them? Just some food for thought.
BaconKing_104 Veteran 12,695 points
@Wendingo nigga stfu i don't give a fuck and homosexuality or even worse transexuality is not fucking normal and call me sociopath but i would exterminate them all. Maybe i would not exterminate them systematically but that's only because, no matter how bad and sinning, i am still a christian and i won't do such a mass genocide. But still if i governed a country i would terribly persecute all homotransfaggots and similar mental illnesses. If that makes me a sociopath then i am a proud sociopath.
FaceOfDeath Intermediate 1,134 points
he stole 5 grams of meth off of them Experienced 255 points
IN 1919, Magnus Hirschfeld and Arthur Kronfeld, founded the “Institut für Sexualwissenschaft” (Institute for ‘Sexual Research’) in Berlin. Both were active in the German Communist Party and were prominent members of Berlin’s Jewish community.

A multitude of degenerate services were offered at the institute, including the first surgical sex changes in modern history, abortions, lectures and ‘sex counseling’, room rentals, a large library of pornography and erotic literature on every possible perversion (including bestiality and pedophilia), and a Museum of Sex featuring a wide array of homosexual fetish items, dildos, “masturbation machines”, etc.

The institute hosted tens of thousands of visitors each year, including school class field trips. Hirschfeld was a notorious sodomite, popularly known in the Berlin gay scene by his cross-dresser name Tante Magnesia.

He also founded a committee for gay rights and wrote and published many degenerate books and journals, including Jahrbuch für Sexuelle Zwischenstufen (Yearbook for Intermediate Sexual Types). In fact, he’s the sinister figure that coined the term ‘transvestite’. Hirschfeld campaigned to end the Berlin police department’s arrest of cross-dressers and prostitutes.

In 1921, Hirschfeld organized the First Congress for Sexual Reform, which led to the formation of the World League for Sexual Reform, with conventions held in Copenhagen [1928], London [1929], Vienna [1930], and Brno [1932].

In short, Hirschfeld was the quintessential Hebraic culture-killer who Adolf Hitler explained thus: “And in what mighty doses this poison was manufactured and distributed. Naturally, the lower the moral and intellectual level of such an author of artistic products the more inexhaustible his fecundity.

“Sometimes it went so far that one of these fellows, acting like a sewage pump, would shoot his filth directly in the face of other members of the human race. It was a terrible thought, and yet it could not be avoided, that the greater number of Jews seemed specially designed by Nature to play this shameful part.” — Mein Kampf. ibid. 42. Adolf Hitler referred to Hirschfeld as the most dangerous Jew in Germany.

Hirschfeld’s institute was a monument to moral sickness and represented everything the NSDAP stood against. In May 1933, the Deutsche Studentenschaft (German Students Union) stormed this den of debauchery shouting Brenne Hirschfeld (Burn Hirschfeld) and began beating the staff and smashing the premises. The Institute was permanently closed and its extensive lists of names and addresses were seized.

A few days later the entire library was famously burned in the streets, some 20,000 books and images, along with Marxist literature and other subversive material. Ever since, without background or explanation, corporate media and palace publishers have protested against the German students emptying their swamp.(...)

The Jewish Pioneers of Sexual Degeneracy in 1920s Berlin | National Vanguard
+3 votes
Jul 26, 2024
Wendingo CEO 63,757 points
Actually, that place pioneered many treatments in use today, just because you choose to see it as something perverse doesn't mean it wasn't/isn't useful today. The thing about humans is that we will abuse and take everything to extremes, if we were to follow the Buddhists and moderate our use of everything, including privilege and even freedom of speech, we would have been much better off but then we wouldn't really be free, at least not from the standpoint of the definition of the word "freedom" and what it stands for. Also, "sexual degeneracy", to a republican like Mike Pence, is ant act which doesn't result or is not committed in the name of baby making, if you like oral or anal, to them, you're not a sexually-degenerate sodomire who will burn in hell, which is a place they believe exist.

I gotta say: Livegore seems to attract the biggest, most hostile, super-insecure incels nowadays, can't we all just enjoy the videos of people dying bloody?
BaconKing_104 Veteran 12,695 points
Wendingo you are a fucking cunt and deserve to rot together with the faggots you happily defend so much Experienced 255 points
“Why do they all look like that?” asks Mark Steyn’s resident Jewish mother, the highly ethnocentric Laura Rosen Cohen. She’s talking about a translunatic pediatrician in California who “proposes renaming …  clitorises as ‘dicklets’” and who claims that puberty-blockers are “fully reversible.” Sure enough, the pediatrician in question looks both demented and depraved in typical transgender fashion. But he also looks Jewish. That’s because he is Jewish. Very Jewish. Dr Ilana Sherer, who looks male and seems to be a transwoman, plays klezmer violin and proudly acknowledges that “there are a lot of Jews” in the field of translunacy. As he says in an interview with The Jewish News of Northern California, when he decided “to specialize in gender-variant children,” he was directed to “Stephen Rosenthal, who was creating the [Child and Adolescent Gender Center at UCSF Medical Center].” Dr Sherer goes on: Once, at the center, we were trying to schedule our next meeting and realized that everyone in the room but one person was Jewish. I see it as part of the social justice terrain and my personal responsibility as a queer person and a Jew. These are the kids who need us to support and advocate for them in the way the generation before advocated for me. (“Q&A: A pediatrician who helps trans kids and moonlights playing klezmer,” The Jewish News of Northern California, 23rd March 2020) Laura Rosen Cohen has put Dr Sherer in the section of “Laura’s Links” called “Left Wing Kooks, Their Priorities and the Results of Their Policies.” But she should have put him in a new section called “My Idiot People.” That’s the phrase Cohen uses when she’s being honest about the central Jewish role in left-wing kookery. Translunacy is a prime example. As I pointed out in “Rhymes Against Humanity,” the Jewish charlatans Gayle Rubin and Judith Butler are the two most important figures in the academic “theorizing” and promotion of translunacy. Rubin has also published a “defense of pedophilia and child pornography.” When the apparently gentile American writer Robert Stacy McCain condemned Rubin and Butler for their demented and depraved labors, he made no mention of their Jewishness. But this section of his essay reads like classic anti-Semitism: [It is fair to say that Professor Rubin and Professor Butler advocate what Matt Barber has called “Sexual Anarchy,” a world in which there are no rules, no laws, no morality governing sexual behavior. What such a lawless and amoral culture would mean for women (and for children) is not a topic these two professors seem to have given much thought; neither of them have children, and why should they care what becomes of our daughters and granddaughters in this no-rules future? (The Butler Did It: ‘Gender Trouble’ and the Academic Roots of the #Transcult, Robert Stacy McCain, 17th July 2018)] McCain is effectively complaining about Jewish subversion of gentile morality and gentile society. Rubin and Butler are trying to erase the sexual borders between men and women, and between children and adults. That erasure of borders is implicit in the term “transgenderism” — trans is a Latin preposition meaning “across, over, beyond.” Transwomen are men who want to cross the border between men and women, invading and occupying female territory to satisfy their sexual perversions and feed their narcissism. By promoting this erasure of borders between the sexes, Jews like Rubin and Butler have invited the wrath of heaven. And they can’t say they haven’t been warned: the Jewish prophet Moses said this in The Book of Deuteronomy: “Cursed be he that removeth his neighbor’s landmark.” Landmarks establish borders and show where one group’s territory ends and another group’s territory begins. It is a wicked thing to remove a landmark and erase a border, but that is precisely what Jews have been doing for many years. Their wickedness is not confined to erasing sexual borders.(...)
+2 votes
Jul 26, 2024 Experienced 255 points
Their wickedness is not confined to erasing sexual borders. As I’ve pointed out before, there’s a strong parallel between transgenderism, the false claim that men can become women, and what I call trans-Westernism, the false claim that non-Whites and non-Christians can become Westerners. And yet the wickedness and falsehood of those two trans-ideologies goes even deeper. Leftism preaches equality and practises hierarchy, so it’s doubly dishonest in its lies that men can become the same as women and non-Whites can become the same as Whites. In fact, transwomen are higher than ordinary women in the leftist hierarchy of virtue and victimhood, just as trans-Western non-Whites are higher than Whites.

“Ropes of sand, chariots of soup”

The double dishonesty of the two trans-ideologies is literally embodied in Richard Levine, the repulsive Assistant Health Secretary in the Democratic government supposedly headed by Joe Biden. Actually, Levine is triple trouble, because he’s both a transwoman and a trans-American,  and on the basis of his background as a professor of pediatrics and psychiatry, he was deemed eminently qualified to be commissioned as a four-star admiral in the United States Public Health Service Commissioned Corps. In truth, he can’t be a woman because he’s a man and it’s at least questionable that he is an American or that he has any loyalty to American interests given his role in subverting traditional American culture.

There are many other trans-American Jews in the Democratic government, of course. All of them are dedicated to erasing America’s borders and allowing “huddled masses” and “wretched refuse” to pour into America. Those phrases come from a famous poem by the Jewish writer Emma Lazarus (1849-87), who joined the Jewish writer Israel Zangwill (1864-1926) in a highly mendacious and highly successful campaign to portray America as a “nation of immigrants.” That ubiquitous term has all the coherence and honesty of “rope of sand” or “chariot of soup.”

Nations are built on bonds of blood and shared history, as the very etymology of the word nation reveals: it comes from Latin nasci, meaning “to be born.” A “nation of immigrants” is a complete contradiction in terms. But after Jews saw the success of their lying propaganda in America, they began using it in Britain. The Jewish immigration minister Barbara Roche claimed in 2000 that “Britain has always been a nation of migrants.” It’s no coincidence that Roche attended the same school in London as Israel Zangwill had decades before. It’s called the Jewish Free School or JFS, because ethnocentric Jews like Roche and Zangwill do not smoke their own supply of lies about migration.

Jews as helpless and hapless nebbishes

That’s why there is one country where Jews have been very careful not to remove landmarks and erase borders. It’s called Israel, of course. Jewish trans-Westerners in America, Britain, France and all other Western nations have worked hard to erase borders and allow barbarians to flood in. Now they’re working even harder to strengthen Israel’s borders against the barbarians of Hamas. Jews have had two diametrically opposed policies on migration governed by a single principle: what’s best for Jews? At least Jews thought they were doing what’s best for themselves when they opened the borders of Western nations to non-Whites and non-Christians. Experienced 255 points
0 votes
Jul 26, 2024 Experienced 255 points Experienced 255 points Experienced 255 points
CavScout69 Intermediate 1,128 points
You are fucking crazy
BaconKing_104 Veteran 12,695 points
why is he fucking crazy? He is spreading facts.
CavScout69 Intermediate 1,128 points
Agree but just seems like a bunch of copy n pasted shit. And I mean I hate to sound like a liberal pussy but even if you know all this what is it going to do? The NWO will still do what it wants and what can we really do about it besides protecting our families from it. You see the opening ceremony for the Olympics?! Fucking sickening bro
BaconKing_104 Veteran 12,695 points
Oh yes of course it's copy pasted, can't expect brother to go insane over writing letter by letter everytime xD And while maybe it won't do much.... the least we can do is trying to awaken as many people as possible. Also what happened at the opening ceremony?
CavScout69 Intermediate 1,128 points
Bro they had a bunch of fucking drag queens mocking the last supper! Heard they are trying to delete all the videos on YouTube due to backlash but look up officer Tatum. His video on it should still be up….fucking sickening where this world has been and will be heading…
BaconKing_104 Veteran 12,695 points
that's fucking disgusting, yucky, unholy. Holocaust LGBTQ+ community and allies or those who don't care.
CavScout69 Intermediate 1,128 points
You fucking said it bro
puralukavega Beginner 134 points
this is satisfying to watch
+2 votes
Jul 26, 2024
FaceOfDeath Intermediate 1,134 points
That's a man
0 votes
Jul 28, 2024
VladCepes015 Well-Known 816 points
All that should be impaled...
0 votes
Aug 5, 2024
ZackRock84 Intermediate 1,166 points
That’s crazy
0 votes
Aug 8, 2024