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Compilation of Chinese People Committing Suicide During Covid


10,494 views Jul 26, 2024

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Billthebutcher Grandmaster 159,683 points
@BeReal were ya at???? Where's the almighty repost troll???
+1 vote
Jul 26, 2024
Whorehammer 80 points
shut the fuck up pigwhore Experienced 255 points
Never mind, there's still 1.5 billion left.
+2 votes
Jul 26, 2024 Experienced 255 points
You'd have to be stupid and a coward to kill yourself instead of fighting. Even if you die fighting, you die with honor and inspire others.
+2 votes
Jul 26, 2024
Shiva Natural Addict 7,761 points
Fight with what ? An unseeable virus ?
BaconKing_104 Veteran 12,693 points
dude shut the fuck up i'm tired of people always saying "wHaT a LoSeR yOu MuSt Be To KiLl YoUrSeLf" bro STFU the fuck do you know about life? Do you think any of these people were thinking about suicide when they were younger? no, because they were happy and had no idea how hard their life could become. So shut the hell up because you are just like a kid, you probably never experienced actual pain to the point of wanting to unalive yourself in life, you do not fucking know how it feels, so don't talk if you don't know. Easy to say "if you kill yourself you are a loser" i wanna see you bruh. You are my BROTHER and i'd die for you because you are awaken and you share my ideologies but DAMN think twice before opening your mouth on such sensitive topics with such ease and judgement.
KMDisciples67 The Boss 36,360 points
Killing yourself makes absolute no sense who would rather be not here than here? Where do they think they're gonna go? Animals go to extreme lengths to survive for a reason even they know here is better than nowhere Experienced 255 points
@Shiva Fighting their own government and the pig cops who blindly obey orders. The Chinese let themselves be caged without reacting. COVID-19 was no more deadly than seasonal flu anyway. In the West, the Jews who control Big Pharma and the media made a big deal out of the whole thing and played on people's fears to get them to let themselves be injected with a pseudo-vaccine. Experienced 255 points
Jews of the CDC - By Karl Haemers

A major epicenter of covid policy ruining the US nation and much of the world is the Center for Disease Control and Prevention. This government agency under the Department of Health and Human Services originated in initial form in 1946, and underwent many transformations in subsequent decades, mostly by incorporating other sub-agencies and generating new departments, to become the bureaucratic leviathan it is today. Though suspect in other areas, Wikipedia gives a reasonably clear and believable entry on the CDC. Of all the areas of public health the CDC administers, we will look closely at the most relevant area today, Infectious Disease and associated departments.

One aspect of the CDC conspicuously absent from Wikipedia is the role Jews have played in its development and leadership today. This is an urgent matter, considering the Jewish role in other crucial epicenters of the covid phenomenon, such as the World Economic Forum, alternative media, science, the pharmaceutical industry, Presidential politics, and more. A close look at the Jewish domination of this immense government agency's central role in promoting disastrous covid policies across the United States will help us understand why a better name would be the Jewish Center for Disease Creation and Promotion.

CDC: Mid-Life Rescue

Twenty years ago, a wealthy Jew virtually rescued the CDC from poverty and marginality. According to the Atlanta Jewish Times, the oligarch founder of the Home Depot Bernie Marcus donated $4 million for a new operations hub for national emergencies, made more urgent by the recent alleged anthrax attacks after 911. Jews cannot let a good crisis go to waste, as the Jew Rham Emmanuel infamously said. Prior to this, CDC offices were derelict ruins, with tarped roofs and collapsing floors, we are told. The Jewish Times says: “Bernie Marcus made a down payment on the future of the CDC.” Jews always get good returns on investments.

CDC Director at the time Julie Gerberding, who was allegedly involved in an intimate affair with Marcus, praised Marcus for his donation. Marcus enlisted other big business CEOs to found the Corporate Friends of the CDC, which lobbied Congress to create the CDC Foundation, of which Marcus was the first director. They got Congress to allocate $1.6 billion for more CDC expansion and program development, leading to its immense medical system control today. Former Jewish CDC Director Jeffrey Koplan (see below) and former Jewish Ambassador to the EU Kristin Silverberg are on today's CDC Foundation Board.

Rochelle Walensky

Current Director of the CDC is Rochelle Walensky. This public health bureaucrat read from a teleprompter on August 19th, urging “pregnant people” to get vaccinated against covid, reassuring them that the CDC's data on mRNA technology for “pregnant people” is safe and effective. I checked through the labyrinth of links from the original CDC document on this issue of covid vaccines for “pregnant people”, and found a single study from April 21, 2021, titled Preliminary Findings of mRNA Covid-19 Vaccine Safety in Pregnant Persons. The study found that:

Among 3958 participants enrolled in the v-safe pregnancy registry, 827 had a completed pregnancy, of which 115 (13.9%) resulted in a pregnancy loss and 712 (86.1%) resulted in a live birth (mostly among participants with vaccination in the third trimester). Adverse neonatal outcomes included preterm birth (in 9.4%) and small size for gestational age (in 3.2%)

I am not a professional statistician, but I can calculate that adverse events in pregnancy and birth amounted to 26.5% of cases, almost 14% of them losing the baby.(...) Experienced 255 points
Dr. Drew Weissman (along with colleague Katalin Kariko) at the University of Pennsylvania’s Perelman School of Medicine has been lauded as “Penn Professor (who) ‘Saves the World’ with COVID Vaccine Research.” (Kariko is excluded from the headline in this Jewish Exponent article.)  Weissman and Kariko have been lavishly celebrated for their “breakthrough” with mRNA technology. “Earlier this year, Brandeis University and the Rosenstiel Foundation honored the scientists with the Lewis S. Rosenstiel Award for Distinguished Work in Basic Medical Research.” What I am about to relate is an interlocking nexus of Jewish wealth, big pharma, and connections to the academic community. This goes back a long way. Brandeis University “was named for Louis Dembitz Brandeis (1856–1941), the first Jewish justice of the U.S. Supreme Court.” We saw Brandeis in the essay “Jewish Control of U.S. Presidents #1: Woodrow Wilson.” Brandeis was installed as the first Jewish justice of the Supreme Court as part of a deal Wilson made with Samuel Untermeyer, Jewish attorney and Wilson handler through blackmail and bribery. Under “Our Jewish Roots,” Brandeis U states: “At its core, Brandeis is animated by a set of values that are rooted in Jewish history and experience.” It espouses “the Jewish ideal of making the world a better place through one’s actions and talents.” This is reminiscent of the “Science Tikkun” of aggressive Jewish vaccine promoter Peter Hotez. Lewis S. Rosenstiel was a Jewish organized crime boss who made his first fortune bootlegging illegal liquor during Prohibition. He went on to run child-raping blackmail operations prior to those of Roy Cohn, Jewish mob attorney in New York, and Jeffrey Epstein’s infamous child-rape operations most recently. Weissman and Kariko also won a Breakthrough Prize in Life Sciences from the Breakthrough Prize Foundation. “In July 2012, Yuri and Julia Milner established the Breakthrough Prize, joined the following year by Sergey Brin, Priscilla Chan, Anne Wojcicki and Mark Zuckerberg.” Apart from Chan who is Chinese, all are Jews including Milner, a “Soviet-born Israeli entrepreneur“ whose investment firm DST Global (“The Quiet Conqueror”) invests in Facebook, and who personally invested in 23andMe, whose CEO is Anne Wojcicki. Wojcicki was married to Brin, co-founder of Google and president of parent company Alphabet. Anne’s sister Susan Wojcicki was CEO of Youtube, and Zuckerberg is of course co-founder of the Facebook internet social media platform. The Perelman Family’s-Funded Medical School—and Much Else While the interrelationships among so many Jews overseeing the most powerful internet and data companies in the world are noteworthy, here our focus is on Jewish interrelationships in the medical industry. For an analysis of the Jewish role in creating today’s modern pharmaceutical-based medical system, see “The Jewish Origins of the For-Profit Medical Industry.” Other high-level Jewish crime lords besides Brandeis and Rosenstiel are also funding medical research and development, as discussed in Covert Covid Culprits (review here): ''Jewish organized crime oligarch and child-raping blackmail ringleader Leslie Wexner [Epstein’s boss] founded and is funding the Wexner School of Medicine. By November 2020, the Wexner School conducted AstraZeneca covid vaccine trials, on up to 500 victims, with follow-up evaluations for two years.[1] Jewish organized crime oligarch and child-raping blackmail ringleader Leslie Wexner [Jeffrey Epstein’s boss] founded and is funding the Wexner School of Medicine. By November 2020, the Wexner School conducted AstraZeneca covid vaccine trials, on up to 500 victims, with follow-up evaluations for two years.[1]'' More relevant to Weissman, Jewish billionaire oligarch and financial schemer Ronald Perelman (“once touted as America’s richest man.”) is the son of the couple who in 2011 provided the immense grant that gives the Perelman School, where Weissman (...)
BaconKing_104 Veteran 12,693 points
i proudly refused and didn't get injected by that vaccine shit Experienced 255 points
Vaccinated COVID Patients Died at Nearly Twice the Rate of Unvaccinated, Study Finds

mRNA COVID-19 Vaccines Caused More Deaths Than Saved: Peer-Reviewed Study

New Autopsy Report Suggests Those Who Died Suddenly Were Likely Killed by the Covid Vaccine

'The Scandal Would Be Enormous': Pfizer Director Worried About Vax-Induced Menstrual Irregularities

FDA Data Shows 97% of Pregnant Women Injected with Pfizer Jab Lost Their Babies

755% Increase In Excess Deaths Among European Children Since EMA Approved COVID Vaccines

600% More Deaths Reported In Last 19 Months Than In Entire 32 Year History of VAERS Database

Australia research: COVID-19 Vaccine Side Effects Mostly Affect White People of European descent

CDC Knowingly Left Serious Adverse Events Off Post-Vaccination Surveys, Documents Show

Covid Vaccines Are “Obviously Dangerous” and Should Be Halted Immediately, Say Senior Swedish Doctors

Media Outlets In Australia Report Surge in Fatal Cardiac Arrests

Japan's Experts Baffled by High 'Covid' Deaths From Heart Problems Despite High Vaccination Rate

WEF Hires Unvaccinated Pilots To Fly Them Into Davos: 'Safety of Our Members Is No. 1 Priority'

Ashkenazi Jews not affected by mass sterilization through covid vaccines - Dr. Lee Merritt Experienced 255 points
@BaconKing_104 They commit suicide not because they suffer unbearably, but because, like all Asians, they are very obedient. Their government locks them up, and they let themselves be locked up. Without a fight. Until they starve.
BaconKing_104 Veteran 12,693 points
yeah that's right but don't believe yucky's titles... they often are bullshit. Not everyone here committed suicide because of covid, i'm pretty sure of this
KMDisciples67 The Boss 36,360 points
Yeah my grandma got COVID and died and she was really healthy and active and I got it and it wasn't even the worst cold I've had and only lasted 2 days so I think the hospital killed her because she was fine before they put her on a Ventilator but ya a lot of these titles are made up
Shiva Natural Addict 7,761 points Even i think the same. I don't think covid was major. I think deaths due to other reasons were labelled as covid.
I would very confidently say that covishield, pfizer and all these mRNA based vaccines did more damage than covid virus itself.
Both companies actually said that their vaccines cause heart attack and stroke. My relative who was very fit and healthy got stroke. Many young people got heart attack and died.
We got to be suspecious of everything unlike libtards who accept everything their govt says.
yousirname Advanced 2,605 points
Tha músic make it boring
0 votes
Jul 27, 2024
chancho The Boss 28,948 points
families get charged by the government for any damages done to buildings and public spaces during suicide
+1 vote
Jul 27, 2024
KMDisciples67 The Boss 36,360 points
For realz?
KMDisciples67 The Boss 36,360 points
People are pussies it wasn't that bad I chilled at home smokin crack drinkin n doin heroin all day had the Hondo bring us some every day we was cold chillin FRFRFR
0 votes
Jul 27, 2024
moneygodce73 0 points
Chinese Communist Party
Blocked any messages
Develop viruses to deal with NATO
but they failed
Don't trust the cunning People's Liberation Army
They are imitating and stealing US military technology
The F117 wreckage was stolen by cunning China 1999/3/27
Massacre the people of Hong Kong
Their plans to dominate Asia are being implemented and they are strengthening their nuclear attack capabilities.

China’s surveillance technology is very advanced

All behavior is strictly controlled

Torture and interrogation

message blocking

The criminal's family members were shot together
Dark2d2 Intermediate 1,102 points
Seeing this I can't help but think that these things are natural defenses of the ecosystem, causing a virus to reduce the alarming number of population that has spread in the world, as well as the increase in incidences of suicides, curiously this (COVIC-19) began in Asia, the place where the population is expanding the fastest.
0 votes
Jul 27, 2024
Cuki 55 points
The chinese are genetically inferior humans, they have smal dicks and are both physically wnd mentally weak, they are better than indians tho them I wouldn't even call humans
0 votes
Jul 28, 2024
ZackRock84 Intermediate 1,166 points
That’s crazy
0 votes
Aug 8, 2024
VladCepes015 Well-Known 816 points
Jebene su to stvari...
0 votes
Oct 27, 2024
MAOSIM_DUM 1 point
What is the name of the song?
0 votes
Oct 29, 2024