it's like this autistic retard that was in the news, he killed his neighbours because he flashed his dick in front of his kids. he said "i was protecting my kids". protecting from what? nudity? protecting how? by killing a man in front of your kids and being arrested? is that how you protect your kids? by going to jail for murder? it wasn't even that kind of flashing, he did it cos he didn't want to fight him, it was kind of like "middle finger" style flashing, as some people show their ass when they don't want to talk.
this fucking nigger wannabe is no better, he starts throwing tantrums and acting out because of his own fucking stupidity and incompetence!
what if there was a truck outside? or stray dog? you can't fucking blame others if you let your kid out of your sight and then something happens.
that woman couldn't have locked him out, if those ape brains would keep their eyes on their child.